《My Angel》#3


Hayden's POV -

Just my luck to go to the one bloody school with other vampires. And then one of them had to go and be my mate. And she hates me. I walk into my Economics class and hand in my slip. Great, I can smell another vampire. Not Rosalie, but definitely something like her. They smell kind of off, the teacher smiles and tells me to sit next to Emmett, the dark haired guy at the back. Not only is that vampire in my class, I sit next to him. He holds out his hand, "Emmett Cullen."

"Hayden Taylor."

"I've heard."

"Class, settle down. I know you've just come from lunch, but we have work to do."

The class quietens and looks at the board, where the teacher is writing something. Emmett reaches into his bag and gets out glasses. I look at him, confused. He just smirks and puts them on.

After class is finished, I start packing up my stuff, when Emmett tells me, "My clan leader would like to invite you to a meeting."


"Just to talk."

"Tell him I'll be there."

"Meet at the cliff face."

"Forks, I assume."



"He gets off work at six, so 6.15."

"I'll see you there."

I pick up my backpack and go to my next lesson. 'How many of them are there?' I wonder, 'What are they planning? What is this meeting really about?'

Some dude who has been bothering me all day about the student paper tries his luck again. I glare at him, and he backs off.

I walk to the cliffs at 6.10, the first one there, as planned. I sit with my feet over the edge. I wait for the Cullens to arrive patiently, the only part of my body moving was my legs swininging. I hear the footsteps of multiple people approach.


"You must be Hayden Taylor," an adult male voice says behind me.

"And you must be the clan leader."

"Dr Carlisle Cullen."

"Well doc, I would quite like to know why I'm here."

"I want to talk."

I turn around to face him.

"When people say that, they generally don't want to just talk."

"You're in our territory. We take up a permanent residence here."


"You're putting us in danger," Rosalie says.

"How am I any more dangerous than you?"

"You feed on humans," Carlisle replies.

"You don't?"

"We feed on animals."

"That explains the eyes. And the scent."

"We request that you feed on them too."



"I won't stop feeding."

"I understand that..."

"I'll feed in Seattle. And other larger cities. I'll even feed on hunters and injured hikers. But not animals. Your clan should be fine."

He nods.

"Thank you."

"Is that all?"

"Out of interest, where are you staying?"

I gesture to the forest.

"You aren't staying in a house or hotel or anything?"

"Why would I need to?"

"There's a storm tonight. Join us for a game of baseball."

"Fine. But I'm not joining your clan. I'm better off alone."

"I'm not asking you to."


"We'll see you at the clearing in an hour."


They run off, leaving no evidence of their being here except their scent.

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