《Do you know what I have become (RWBY x Male abused sith Reader)》A Darth and A Queen


(Three months before the beginning of volume one)

I have finished my training with Darth Bane and Raven for sometime now. I learned everything they could teach me about the dark side, as well as some of the light to strive off the effects of the dark side of the force. I have also been traveling Remnant and making connections with other to gain a network of information. As my network was growing I kept hearing rumor of a woman how can control the grimm. This has pick my interest, though through out my search no one could give me a location.

As I was thinking of how to find this queen of grimm, then I found the answer easily. I would use her own creatures to find her. For the grimm might be a soulless creature but they are not a mindless one.

I went out into a forest to locat a grimm. I walked out there for a little bit sensing for the cold energy for a grimm, I found one moving fast towards me. I stepped to the side, causing it to nearly hit me. The saw the grimm it was one i have never seen before and then it let to a powerful roar.

A smirk grew across my face as I looked at this beast that was twice my height. Not only would she lead me to her queen, she will take me there. I felt the dark side grow around me, the beast started to shake a little from only a tenth of my power. I took a step towards it, but the beast stepped back and lowered it head into a defensive position. I stretched my hand out and used the force to reach into the beast mind. One of the few light side technics Darth Raven though me. "I will not harm you." I spoke to the beast, as well projected my words into the beast mind.

She gave me a couries look and slow move towards me. I smiled as she got close enough for me to put my hand on her. "That right no harm will come to, but I need a favor from you. I need you to take my to the queen of the grimm." I could scenic it hesitant, but she lowered herself down allowing me to climb on her back. As I got on i asked her a question. "Do you have a name?" The beast shaked her head side to side. "Then I'll call you Kono." Kono let out a small roar of approval.


Kono has been moving for three days now, a good then about a grimm mount is that they don't need to eat or rest, as for me I needed to meditate for a little bit to regain my strength. Or else this would have taken a few more days then what I wanted too. Kono was now going through a path into a mountain. I saw a red light coming from the end of the tunnel. I felt a few present coming from there, and I felt one familiar one and a smile grew on my face. "I feel the heat come from the Cinder."

In the castle of the brother of darkness, now home to Salem and her followers. Salem is sitting at long table with the others discussing how they will make Beacon fall, and how to get the rest of the fall maidens powers so cinder can retrieve the spear of creation. "With the power of the grimm and white fang, should be enough to keep most of the huntsman and huntress busy." Watts said. "Yes but there is still Ozpin, he will defend the fall maiden. And even with my current power it won't be easy. And we still have to find her." Cinder said as she made a small falme in her hand.

Salem gave a small nod. "Yes I agree, Ozma is old and his magic is almost gone. But all those life he had has hone his skills. So we need someone as strong or stronger then Cinder. Dose anyone know of this person or faunus?" Salem asked her followers. Everyone looked down in thought.

Cinder shifted in her chair and felt something press against the small of her back. She uncliped the blad in it scabbard she got from her savor those six years ago. She pulled the blade out and looked at it, wondering when she would see him again. When all of a sudden Salem shot up off of ther throne. Everyone looked at her, most confused, but Cinder saw though her face remained emotionless her eye showed slight worried and scared.

Cinder was about to say something till she felt cold and powerful presents, she remembered it but could tell the he only grown far more stronger in those six years. Cinder shot up from her chair holding the dagger close to her chest. She ran to the door and busted though it, not hearing Salme and the other calling put to her. As she exit out of the front of the castle she saw one of Salem's new grimm walking toward the castle as the other fled away.


Unknown to Cinder that Salem stood shocked to see this. "This shouldn't be possible." Cindy replied without even thinking. "For him everything is possible." Then the girmm the man was riding leaped into the air and landed fifteen feet away from the stairs. As the man got off of his Grimm mount. He walked to the bases of the stairs and look up to Salem. Though it felt it he was looking down at her. He then looked to me and a smile grew across his face. "I told you would be fared."

Cinder ran down the stairs and leaped into the man and held him close. He returned the hug and gently brush the her hair with his hands. They then felt eyes on them as they looked to see Salem and the rest staring at them. "Cinder how is this?" Salem asked. Cinder pull back a little. "He is the answer to all our problems, he is Darth Thron." Salme grew a small smile.

They told me about they plan on destroying Beacon and how they need to find the fall maiden for Cinder to get the rest of her powers. I sat there next to Cinder listening. Once they finished Salem asked me a question. "So do you think you can be of help to us, and join us?" I felt Cinder hand move closer to mine, I took her hand in mine as I kept looking at at Salem. "Yes I can and will." I say to Salem. "And I even know we're there keeping the fall maiden." I say with a sly smile. I could feel hope in Cinder. "But before I can tell you I have some condition of my own."

One of Salem followers shot up and yelled. "You try to make demand to our goddess." I look at the scorpion fsunus and say. "I wasn't talking to you incest." I then wave my other hand towards him and say. "Why don't you go play outside." His face becomes blank and he goes out of the room without another word. Salem looked wide eye and was saying. "We all will listen..." but I cut her off. "No just you and Cinder."

Salem nodded her head and the others left the room. Once the doors closed she motion for me to continue. "First off I don't work for you, it just so happens that our goals aline. Secondly I want non of your people to harm them." I say showing her a photo of my abusers. "They are mine to kill." Salrm nodded her head. "And the last condition, both me and Cinder will join Beacon this year. I'll have so we are a two man team. So we can do more recon on Beacon before the attack, and prove my source information."

"What information?" Both Salem and Cinder ask. "That the fall maiden is under beacon." Salem smiled. "Very well I accept these conditions, you will both depart in two months to join Beacon. In till then you will both stay here and train." We both nodded as we get up to leave, but Salem quickly stops us. "One last thing there are no extra rooms so.." I cut her off again. "It fine I'll share a room with Cinder." Cinder blushes a deep red and Salem only nodes.

Cinder gose out of the war room as I follow close behind. "So were is our room?" I asked. "I.. it's this was, but I only have one bed." Says a little nervous. "That fine, I don't mind sharing. As long as it with you." I see her look around try to find something to say. I gard both of her hands and placed them over my heart. "Cinder I know how you feel about me, and since the first time I meet you my heart has been you." I saw a few tears run down her cheek. I left her hands on my heart and wiped her tears away. I leand forward and kissed her, and she kissed back immediately. We broke the kiss and I asked. "So the room?" She clind to my arm and said. "It's this way, but just so you know. I sleep naked." She said whispering the last part. I simply replied with. "So do I."

Another chapter done. Sorry about the wait, I had a lot on my plate and was working on it here and there. But I made sure it was a bit longer then normal as a way to say thank for you patience.

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