《Do you know what I have become (RWBY x Male abused sith Reader)》The Cinders of Fear


In a house near the edge of Vale there is a house, were a mother lives with her two daughters and her step daughter. The man she married die only a few months after they after the wedding, leaving his only daughter with a woman he believed would take care of her. The woman only married him for the fortune he had, and his daughter was forced to do all the work around the house. She was mistreated for ever little that went wrong, even if it wasn't her falt.

I was thrown out of the house by my stepmother for not cleaning the house Fast enough. "You worthless little brat. I don't want to see you in this house till the morning when you need to make breakfast." My stepmother said as she walked back in the house. I rub her bruised cheek for were her stepmom hit her. A few tears fell down her eyes as she began to think about her father.

I just up and walked to a tree and sat with my back against the trunk. I silently cursed my stepmother and her two daughters. "Why are they like this? They were nice before my father past way. I whis I wasn't in that house anymore.' I thought to myself, then it just hit me. 'Why don't I just go? I'm already out here, I could just go.' I thought as I looked behind the tree to see the forest there.

I got up shaking as I slowly went to the forest edge. As I got to the edge I looked back to the house one last time, when I looked back I heard growing and saw a group of red glowing eyes looking towards my direction. I fell backwards onto my but and moved back as fast as I could, but backup into the tree. I screamed out for help as three deathstalker quickly moved to kill me. I closed my waiting for the killing blow, but it never came.


I opened my to see the three almost full grown deathstalker shaking in fear, like I was moments ago. Then two of the deathstalker were pull back into the forest, as something with a red glow begins cutting them in pieces with almost no effort. Then what ever was cutting those deathstalker down came flying out, and cut the last ones tail off. Then the red glow was gone as something fell onto my lap. The deathstalker turned around to look at the forest and slowly backed away.

I looked to the forest and saw a figure coming out, it was a little taller then me and wearing a cloak with a hood on. The deathstalker tried to runaway, but the figure stretched his arm toward it and the deathstalker froze in place. The figure then walked towards me. In fear I closed my eyes, but I felt it hand brush some of my hair away. "You do not need to be afraid of me." He said to me. I open my eyes as he took off his hood. He was about the same age as me, he had (s/c), with (h/l) (h/c), but his eye are really drew my attention. They were a firy yellow with some red at then edge of his pupils.

He then stood up and took off his cloak and wrapped it around me. He then stood up and looked at the deathstalker. He then raised his arm toward it each finger pointing at the deathstalker. Then (f/c) lighting shot out towards the it. The deathstalker screech in pain, and it seemed to full the lighting even more. Then the grimm began to disintegrate.

The boy looked at me and offer me his hand. I took it and he help me stand, as that happened the thing that was on my lap fell to the ground. I was about pick it up but it flew into the boys open hand and he clipped it onto his belt. He then looked at then down to his hand which I was till holding. A small blush formed in my cheeks as I let go. "Uh... thank you for helping me. My name is Cinder fall." The boy kept looking at me, till he gave me his name. "I am Darth Thorn, but only when it's the two of us, ypu may call me (Y/N). Now let's go inside and reat for the night." He siad heading to the house.


That name it sounded familiar, then I remember were I heard it from. "Your that boy that ran away two years ago. Your family miss you." He stop and I could feel a cold present radiating off the boy. He then turn to me, his eyes which drew my attention now show power coming from them. "The only thing they miss is the little boy, that use to be there slave that they could beat." He said with vemon in each of his words. I let out a small sad chuckle. "Well at least we have on thing in common."

I then felt myself being pick up and floating towards (Y/N). He then put me down and looked at me cheek. (Y/N) then asked me a question that would shape my future. "Do you want to be afraid, or do you want to be feared?" I didn't even to think about it. "I'm tired of being afraid, but I don't know were to start." I said looking down. (Y/N) then put his hand on my cheek and making me look at him. "You start by taking your fear and kill it." He then handed me a dagger, he then walked began to walked back to the forest but stop. "We will meet again one day Cinder, and when we do you will be feared." (Y/N) then disappeared into the forest, while I had to to go and kill what my fear.

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