《Do you know what I have become (RWBY x Male abused sith Reader)》Masters and Apprentice



I've been walking for a day now not really knowing were the cave is, but I have that feeling again. This time not a warning me of something, but leading me were to go. As I was walking following this feeling I felt a coldness growing. I look around and I see it, pass a couple of trees there was the cave I am supposed to go to. I walked towards the cave as the coldness kept on growing. As I got to the mouth of the cave I felt something strange and powerful down there.

I walked into the cave and tried to call out to the two voices. "Hello are you down there." I didn't get a response, but I felt the coldness calling to me. I walked deeper into the cave. The coldness growing I felt it get stronger, I felt the power from it, and I wanted it to be mine.

I've been walking down the cave awhile now. The light completely gone now only inky blackness surrounds me now. I stop I felt something in front of me. I stuck my hand out, and felt something cold and metallic. I ran my hand along it, my hand pressed against something and I hread a hiss and a red flashing light. With the light I saw a ramp lower. I made my way over to the ramp and walked up.

As I mabe into what ever this thing is. I walked around with the flashing light to see my way around. I walked into a room with few boxes, I felt the coldness strongest in here. I went towards the boxes and looked through some of them. Most of the boxes had strange objects with markings on them.

I got to of the boxes that had heavy metal cylinders, but at the there are two red glowing pyramids. I pulled them out and felt the coldness coming from these. I heard the voice whisper in to my head. I did as they sided, I pot them on the ground and stretched my hand out before me towards the two pyramids. I forces on my pain and anger and they began to rise and open. I then saw the image of two man appeared before me.


The one with the mask spoke first. Then the other spoke. Then they both spoke to me.

3rd POV

The Rose family was sitting at the table eating ther food in quite. Nobody had spoken a word scene what happened the previous day. Summer look around the table at everyone. Ruby and Yang were shaken by what happened, Qrow had a bandage wrapped around his head to head, Tai was rubbing his throat while try to swallow some food, and Raven. While (Y/N) didn't do anything to her, Summer could see the fear written all over her face

Summer looked to the back of the kitchen were (Y/N) had left. Summer spoke out to no one in particular. "Were going to have to get a new door." Taiyang nodded his head. "I'll get one when I go into town today." Ruby and Yang finished there food and left the table. That when Raven spoke up. "What are we going to do." Summer looked down as did Qrow. "We don't tell anybody." Tai said flatly. "That not an option, people know we take him in, Ozpin knows we were 'caring' for him." Raven started. "He even told one day he would be the most powerful huntsman there is." Raven said getting a little angry.

"And that when it all started." Summer said. "We never talked about it, but we were upset that this random boy that we found would be better then our daughters. We should have been proud to raise him, but we didn't, we abused him for on reason." Summer says a little guilty. Then the other adults looked down in shame. Summer then got up and grabbed her scroll. "We need to call Ozpin and tell him that (Y/N) ran away." The other gave her a concern look. "It will look worse, if we don't tell him he ran away." She then goes into the other room to make the call.


Darth Raven and Bane finished tell me about the force and the sith. I was consuming the knowledge they were giving me. They also told me about the jedi and they war to see all sith gone. It seems hypocritical to me, they claim to be keepers of peace but will push down anyone who doesn't agree with them.

They aslo told me that this thing I'm in was a starship a furry-class interceptor. But that it doesn't work anymore, unless I fix it. I told I never did anything like this before, there only response was . So I got to work fixing the ship, I found it came easy to my. I got the power got and life support working, but the fuel was empty so weren't going anywhere for now.

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