《Do you know what I have become (RWBY x Male abused sith Reader)》Prologue



I lay on the ground surrounded by darkness. Pain runs throw my body from my family bonding. All I could feel was the pain, everytime I try to move and even breathing was hurting me. This had been going on for four years now. I had hope that they would stop, but that hope had die a long time ago. Now I just wanted to die. "Please I just want to die. To be rid of the pain, to be at peace." I say still looking into the darkness, speaking to no one, but everyone at the same time.

Then out of the darkness came two voices speaking in sync with each other. "Peace is a lie." Both voices said. The voice sounded different from each other, but from there tone I felt power and wisdom through their words.

I tried to looked for the source of the voice, but pain once again shot through my body. "Who said that, where are you." I say, as I try and search for them. For what felt like minutes of waiting the voices spoke against.

There was a moment of silence of the voices spoke again. I try to pick myself up off the ground, put the pain is to much as I collapsed back on the ground. "I can't. The pain hurt to much. It ture what they said I am wake." I felt some treats forming at the edge of my eyes. I thought the voices would mock or laugh at me, but what happened next was unexpected.

I didn't fully understand what they were asking me to do, but I did understand the pain. The pain that still ran through my body even now. I remember how it all happened. My so called sisters broke a picture frame and blame it on me. Our 'parents' began to beat on me as the drunk and his sister sat on the couch and laughed at me. Then my 'sister' join in. I began to cough up blood, they then throw me into 'my room' which is just a closet under the stairs.


Remembering it all I felt the angry and hated fill my body, as the pain slowly slipping away. I felt the anger and hate fill me and give me strength. I began to push myself up off the ground. Once I was on my feet, I look to see two figures surrounded my red mist. I can't see or make out any distinct features, but I feel a coldness Radiate off them, in waves of power. I darkness around me changed to the mouth of a cave surrounded by a forest. I felt the coldness began to disappear. But before it was gone the voices side one last thing. As they disappeared I began to wake up.

I woke up to a banging on my door. "Hey wake up you weak peace of shit." I hear my 'father' Taiyang yell. I began to thing it was all just a dream, till I no longer feel any pain left. I stand and open the door, too see him looking down at me. "About time you open up, go make breakfast." He pull me out of the closet and into the kitchen. I fell to the ground, and I felt the hatred build up inside of me.

After I made their food I brought it to them. I gave the place to Ruby, Yang, Qrow, Raven, and Summer. I had Tai's plate in my hands as I walked towards him. Then I felt something off, unintentionally I took a step to the side. I look back to see Yang had tried to trip me. After giving Taiyang his plate I walk back to put the dishes away, but as I walked past Yang's chair she push it back and fell on the ground.

She looked back to me a gave the most fake of cries. "(Y/N) why would you do that." And with in no time the four adults were standing up. Qrow pick me up and slammed me against the wall. "Why you little piece of shit." He then removed one of his hands and punched me in the gut. I felt the pain of it, and I heard the voices again whispering to me. Qrow then drop me to the floor and kick me. Summer came up to me and stomped on my leg. Raven then pick me off the fool and knead me in the gut. I then heard Yang and Ruby laughing at me and the pain I was being put through. I felt the same coldness building up inside me. I looked to see Taiyang walking towards me.


As Tai stopped in. "(Y/N) Rose you useless piece of garbage, why did we ever take you in." Tai raises his arm to punch (Y/N), but he stop as he felt something choking him, Tai feel to his knees choking. "Your wrong." (Y/N) side everyone looked at him, they let out a gasp as as the say his (e/c) changed to a yellow. They all felt cold as they saw (Y/N) arm extended toward, his looked as if it was squeezing something. Qrow was the first one to put it together. "Wow (Y/N) clam down." (Y/N) quick look to Qrow. "You don't get to tell me what to do!" (Y/N) shouted, what ever hold (Y/N) had on Tai throat was not gone. Tai's body fell to the ground. (Y/N) swung his hand to Qrow. First a moment everyone was confused, till (Y/N) pushed Qrow all the way to the back of the kitchen with out touching him.

After I used what ever this power was to push Qrow away and knock him out. I turned to look at Summer and Raven. I could sense fear in them, and their fear made me stronger. I took a step towards them. Summer and Raven back up against the wall. I was about to take an step, but I got that feeling again. It was a warning. I shot my left hand up freezing who ever it was in place. I look to see Yang frozen in place, she was got to try and punch me.

A small smile formed on my face, I was thinking of the way I could hurt her. She then began to scream out in pain. This caused my smile to grow. I then hear Summer yell at me. "(Y/N) stop this, this isn't you." I looked to Summer, my smile gone and my eyes fill with even more hate for this stupid family. "Your right this isn't me. (Y/N) Rose was weak so I killed him." I say with venom dipping from each of my words. Yang scream became louder, I then drop her onto the floor unconscious.

I began to walk towards the door and leave this house, that these sacks of meat call a home. I got near it, the door flew off the henges. As I walked out I never once looked back. I only thought 'Let the grimm have them.' As I walked into the forest.

alright this is a chapter done for my new book. And though of you who war reading my other one, don't worry I will get back to it, I just couldn't think of any else for it right now but this story came to mind so I thought why not write down the bio and the prologue. But thank you all for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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