《Do you know what I have become (RWBY x Male abused sith Reader)》Stage 1: Beacon here we come



For two months now, Cinder and I have been learning how to fight together. Learning different move combinations, and as well grown closer to each other. We done and with each other, because Cinder doesn't fell ready for that yet, and I respect her wishes.

As the two months have past, we are getting ready to leave for Vale. I help Cinder pack some of her things into bags, she then turns to me and said. "Thanks for helping, but don't you have to pack your own things?" I smiled at her and say. "For the most part I travel light, so I only have the clothes on my back, and my saber." I say and pat the lightsaber clipped onto the side of my belt.

Cinder gave a small chuckle, and then she pull out a box and handed it to me. I looked at her, to which she nodded her head, I opened the box to find a new outfit in there with a mask. I looked back at Cinder and she said. "I made you that, because you currently outfit is a bit worse for wear, and I got help for the mask. What do you think?" She asked with with a bit of nervousness in her voice. I went and pulled her into a hug and gave her a quick kiss. "There amazing, I love them Cinder."

Once we finish packing we meet up with Salem, and as she looks at us she says. "I hope your ready, you both know what to do. Leonheart has already sent fake transcripts to Beacon on our behalf, so all you have to do is pass his little test then your mission begins." We both nodded our head and then Salem makes a portal, then Cinder and I walk in.


When we step through the other side, we are in a back alley near the transport to take us to Beacon. I grab Cinder's hand. "Well let's not wait, let's get our best time started." I say and lead Cinder to the bullhead.

Once on we find a spot for us to both relax, and after a few minutes after we take off, I hear two people talk through the crowd of people around us. I look and I see two people that I hate with all my soul. "What worng." I hear Cinder say, with a bit of worry. I nodded my head of to both Ruby and Yang, and say. "They look like there mother's." I then give her the photo of my former family. Cinder looks at it, I then put it away and put on the mask that Cinder gave me. "I expected Yang to be here, but Ruby brings and unexpected element into this." I say, and Cinder asked. "Anything bad?" I shook my head 'no', then say. "It only brings me on step closer to my goal."

I then reach out with the force to snice there emotions. Yang, wad like always happy, but Ruby while also happy was nervous as well. I then put an image of a young version of myself, beaten and bloody in there minds, but and expect for a little confusion. There was no change in them, which made me a bit upset. I wanted them to feel sadness or regret, because it would be so much more satisfying to let them have hope, only to see the look on there face as it gets ripped away.

The rest of the ride way boring, but once we got to Beacon, even I had to admit the view way breath taking. Cinder placed her hand on the of my mask and said. "Come on, let's get things started." I nodded my head and pick up our luggage that fit into one bag, and followed Cinder. Once we got to the auditorium, were Ozpin would give his speech, and along the way we heard an explosion, we only gave a quick look behind us before we continued on our way.


Once Cinder and me got there, we stood in the back and waited for Ozpin to give his speech. Every once in a while some people would give me a curious look, most likely because I have my mask on, but I did notice some guy starring at Cinder, but a quick look from me made them turn there heads back.

Everyone was talking and making to much noise, but everyone got quite real quick when someone tapped on a microphone. "I'll keep this brief." Ozpin siad and then gave his speech, and as it was going on some of the students were a little confused, while others didn't seem to care. Then a blonde woman walked to the microphone and said. "All students will gather in the ballroom tonight."

With that we all head out towards the ballroom, and while some people went and claimed ther spots, Cinder reached into the bag and pull out some clothes. She handed a pair of Pj pants, while she had a Grey top and black booty shorts. I notice red lettering on the pj's, it read 'Property of Cinder'. I gave Cinder a look, and she showed me her shorts and they read 'Property of Thron'. I gave a chuckle and then we both went to go change, when I got done, I came ballroom into just wearing my pj pants. I went to the spot we me and Cinder set up, and then after a bit Cinder came back and I she was a breath of beauty.

Cinder did a little spin infont of me and asked. "Well what, what do you think?" I gave a smile and then cupped her cheeks with my hands and kissed her. "Your as beautiful as always." I heard a couple of displease grunt and sigh, from the guys and girls around us. We both laided down and on our sleeping bags and held each other. "After tomorrow, our true plan begin." I say in a whispered, she nodded and falls asleep on me.

Then then feel two set of eyes on me. I look and see both Ruby and Yang looking at me. I can tell that they didn't recognize me, but there was and air of familiarization as the look at me. I gave a small smrik as I closed my eye and began to rest.

I know it been a while, but I've been busy with covid, work, and family. But I thank you all for being a bit patient with me, and I hope you all like this new chapter.

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