《Stuck With Him: Kai Parker》15


My head was spinning as I woke up. I was in a strange room, it wasn't in Damon and Stefan's house.

"Kai?" I called, sitting up and held my spinning head. I brought my eyebrows together. "Where is he? Better question, where am I?"

I stood up and walked around, staring at the old fashioned furniture. I thought.

Even though he was acting so different, and I hated it; Kai was still my friend. I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

The door opened and I span around, seeing a blonde woman appear. She smiled. "Oh, I've missed you." She said, rushing over and bringing me into a bear hug.

I thought.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked, when she finally stopped hugging me. She looked hurt and annoyed.

"Great the bloody memory loss." She muttered. "My names Rebekah and we are best friends."

I nodded. "Riley." I introduced. "But what am I doing here? And where's Kai?" I wondered, more confused than ever. Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"You're back in your old home." She smiled, tucking a strand behind my ear. "Damon brought you here, you were out cold. And who the bloody hell is Kai?"

"He's my..." I paused. "Kai is my friend."

"Well I don't know or care for this Kai, so it doesn't matter."

I frowned. "But-"

"And you need to get ready."

I pulled a confused look. "Ready? For what?"

"Well the welcoming party, of course." She chuckled, as if I was suppose to know. "My brother, Niklaus is throwing a small family gathering for our brother, Kol."

My eyes doubled in size. "Kol? He's going to be there?"

"Well of course." Rebekah beamed. "It's not everyday the love of his life comes back for the dead."

"Love of his life." I repeated to myself but she heard me.

"I'm not sure if know this but you and my brother were very close." Rebekah said. "He would've done anything to you and it broken my heart to see him after you were gone."

"Somebody told me that."

"Well do you remember?"


Rebekah huffed. "Bloody hell, I guess you'll just have to fall in love with him all over again."

I thought.

But I said to Rebekah. "Okay."

"Well, we need to make you look beautiful then."

"But I am already beautiful."

Rebekah laughed. "You haven't changed a bit."


"And done." Rebekah smiled when she finished my makeup. I was finally washed, dressed and dolled up.

I didn't make a complaint while she did my hair and makeup because she seemed too happy to see me.

I didn't want to ruin anything. So I had stayed quiet, nodding and smiling at times. Not to mention, I had the feeling she would have killed me if I stepped out of line.

"What do you think?" Rebekah asked, her hands on my shoulders while I looked at myself in the mirror.

"I look like a doll." I blurted out, I turned around in the mirror to see myself better.

"Well you are a beautiful doll." She told me. "You'll definitely make an entrance."

"Let's hope I don't fall over." I said, referring to my heels.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and Rebekah linked her arm with mine. "Come on, Raquel." She smiled, guiding me out of the bedroom.

"Please stop calling me that." I said to her as nice as possible. "My name is Riley."


Rebekah scoffed. "No, Riley is an ugly name."

"So is Rebekah." I murmured.


I shook my head. "Nothing."

She smiled, raising a brow. "That's what I thought."

I couldn't help but laugh slightly as we went downstairs. That's when I realised what I was doing and tensed.

I gulped, slowing down in my pace. I changed my mind. I wanted to go back with Kai, wearing my own clothes. My shoulder was healed somehow. But I was glad, because that pain was unbearable.

Before we went into a dining room, Rebekah stopped me. Telling me to wait, until she called me. I just nodded. My eyes wondered around for an escape route, just incase something were to happen.

"Ahh, Rebekah glad you could join us." A male voice spoke, when Rebekah entered. She was also dressed up, in a dark blue strapless dress with sparkles. It was full length and her hair was down in curls.

"Yes, do tell me Rebekah where is our guest?" Another voice asked. I gulped and rubbed my sweaty palms on my dress.

"Is that her outside?" The first voice spoke with a hint of amusement. "I can hear her heartbeat."

"She is right here, brother." Rebekah appeared and held my arm. She led me into the room. It was a very old fashioned room, with two men there, both of them sat at a wide dining table.

One with black hair, held a drink in his hand. As the other, had brown hair and a stubble, and cut into a piece of meat on his plate. They both wore suits and stared at me.

"Well, if it isn't Raquel Angela Collins?" The brunette greeted with a smirk. The other one just stared, studying me.

I wondered.

"Are you sure this isn't an imposter? Trying to be seen as our dear brother's dead fiancé." The dark headed one questioned.

"I assure you, Elijah this is our Raquel." Rebekah assured him, her hand on his shoulder. "But mother has taken her memories. So she doesn't remember us."

"Isn't that just a bit of a coincidence?" The brunette asked, tilting his head to the left slightly. I gulped, playing with my hands to calm my nervous.

"Niklaus, watch." Elijah said, pointing at me. "See the way she plays with her finger? That is what our dear Raquel did whenever she was nervous."

"Raquel, have a seat." Niklaus said to me. I listened and sat down opposite him and Elijah. His eyes stared into my soul, observing me.

I broke off eye contact and stared down at the wooden table. "Raquel, look up. It's rude to not make eye contact." Nicklaus said.

I glanced up. "Why are you staring at me?"

Niklaus brought his finger to his lips with a smile. "I'm just admiring the beauty my dear."

I bit my lip, blushing slightly. "Raquel hold out your left arm for me." Niklaus told me.

"Why?" I raised a brow confused. "What do you want with my arm?"

"Just curiosity." He replied. I held out my arm, hesitating and Niklaus reached over and took it.

He held my left arm and lifted up the sleeve on my dress, to examine my skin. I had a small scar on my upper left arm. I didn't remember why but I did. "Brother, Rebekah speaks the truth. This is our Raquel." Nicklaus stated. "The mark on her arm, Esther gave it to her one night."


I wondered. Elijah leaned over and looked. He glanced from my arm to my face, staring for a second.

"I guess I was wrong, it is her." Elijah spoke.

Rebekah smiled. "See, Elijah I told you." She said. I brought my arm back from Niklaus and shifted in my seat. "Now, we wait until Kol gets here."

"But I already am." A voice said, making me jump in my seat.

My eyes widened. That was the voice, the voice I had heard in my flashbacks.

I looked over at Rebekah, who stood along with Niklaus and Elijah. Elijah stepped in front of me so I didn't see who it is.

"Ahh, Kol. Welcome brother." Niklaus smiled.

I wondered, my eyes widening.

"Klaus always a pleasure." Kol, my apparent lover, spoke. He had a nice voice. "Who's that you've got there behind you, Elijah? I can smell blood and their heartbeat is loud."

I gulped, growing more nervous, especially when Elijah moved from in front of me. I gulped.

I awkwardly waved. "Hello."

"If this is some trick, I swear to God. I will make you all pay." Kol growled and narrowed his eyes at his siblings. I inhaled a breath.

"No, brother. She's real but she doesn't remember." Rebekah told him then began to explain the rest to him.

Kol glanced at me, he was truly good looking however I still liked Kai. His face fell slightly. "Doesn't remember?"

"It seems our dear old mother, must have swiped her memories." Klaus said.

"So she remembers nothing?" Hurt was clear in Kol's voice and I felt bad for him.

"Damon, told me that she does understand what has happened to her." Rebekah reassured, with a small smile.

Kol nodded. "Raquel." I paused then realised and looked at him, my eyes meeting his brown ones. He was really, really hot.

"Leave us." Kol told everyone. They listened and left, Elijah whispered something into his ear before going. As soon as they were gone, Kol grabbed me and held me tight.

I gasped in shock and he pulled me into his chest. My face squashed against his chest and he held me for a few moments, his hand stroking my hair. "Is it really you?" Kol lifted up my head and looked down at me with a smile. "My love."

"Love." I repeated. "You were in my visions."

Kol looked confused. "Visions?"

I nodded. "It's a long story."

"Well I'd love to hear all about it, my dear." Kol told me. I smiled and he took a step back to look at me. "You look as beautiful as always."

I fought a blush. "Thank you."

"My beautiful kitten." Kol took ahold of my right and planted a soft kiss on it with a smile.

"Can you.." I paused and he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Can you not call me kitten, please."

"But you use to love that name." He said with sad eyes.

I gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry."

Kol cupped my face, running his thumb down my cheek. He left a long kiss on my forehead then looked at me. "What do you want me to kiss you then?"

"My name."

"Alright, my name."

I rolled my eyes but chuckled.

"Shut up." I playfully said. "Call me Riley."

"Okay Riley." Kol leaned in and kissed me softly. It was a soft and tender kiss, I kissed him back and rested my hand on his chest. "I've missed you." Kol told me, when the kiss ended. I felt my cheeks warmth and he smiled at me. "My little angel."

I smiled back. "Tell me, my dear, everything that's happened to you." He said and we sat back at the table. Kol rested his hand over mine.


He nodded, leaning in closer. "Yes, I want to know everything my love."

So I did. I told Kol everything, well leaving out some parts with Kai and I To avoid awkwardness. "And here we are." I finished with a small shrug. Kol nodded, pouring himself a glass of bourbon.

He offered me one but I declined. "That's quite a tale, dear." He took a sip of drink and looked at me, putting his glass down. "So what happened to this friend of yours, Kai?"

"I don't know, but he's alive."

"How can you be so sure? He could be buried in a ditch for all you know."

"Because whatever happens to him, happens to me." I blurted out. My eyes widened once I realised what I said, and Kol paused in his actions.

"What?" His eyebrows rose and he shook his head. "Well don't you worry, I'll have that removed soon my dear."

"Okay." I didn't know what else to say to him.

Kol ran his thumb over my hand. "You don't need to worry anymore." I was confused by his words. "That Kai will not be a problem anymore."

"Kai isn't that bad." I told Kol, no wanting Kai to get hurt. "He's my friend." I shrugged.

"Friend?" He spat, I nodded. "The man, murdered his own family and has harmed you, my dear." Kol stated, refilling his drink.

"It's a weird friendship." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Whatever, we'll be back in New Orleans soon." Kol said as the others came back into the room. Klaus sat at the table whilst did Rebekah while Elijah stood.

"What?" I questioned. I didn't want to leave, I liked Mystic Falls. "I don't want to leave Mystic Falls."

"Well sorry love, but you don't have a choice." Klaus said, sipping his drink. I frowned.

"I'm not going." I stood up. "I'm leaving."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Raquel." Elijah warned, as I went past him. I shrugged.

I thought, putting my hand on the door handle.

Arms grabbed me before I got the chance to open the door and I let out a gasp. "I'm not letting you go that easy." Kol whispered in my ear.

My heart raced and I screeched when Kol threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down. Kol, put me down!" I said, kicking and struggled while he walked upstairs.

"Kol, be careful with her. Don't hurt her." Rebekah called.

"Never, Rebekah." He replied, continuing to go upstairs. Kol took me into a bedroom, throwing me on the bed.

I slapped him around the face. "No means no." I told him and he shook his head.

"Calm down, I'm not like that." He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I let out a deep breath with relief. "I'll just leave you to calm down."

"I'm not going with you. I want to go back."

Kol rolled his eyes and ran his hand down my cheek. "My love." I looked at him and he kissed me softly before his said. "Sleep."

Then everything went black.


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