《Stuck With Him: Kai Parker》14


I groaned as I opened my eyes. My head was spinning and I felt nauseous. I carefully sat up and saw the woman that was Damon's with, I forgot her name, tied to a chair.

"Emma." I yelled, catching her attention.

She looked at me, rolling her eyes. "It's Elena."

"Sorry, my memory is horrible." I shrugged. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. "Where are we?" I realised that I wasn't tied to a chair so I stood up.

"How come he didn't tie you?" Elena wondered, I raised a brow.

"Who didn't?"

"Me." My feet literally left the ground in fear, when I felt arms around me and a voice I never thought I would hear again. "Calm down Ri."

"Kai?" I asked, turning around to face him. He grinned and I hugged him. "How are you here?"

"Magic." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I was glad he was back, he was my friend.

"Wait you two are together?" Elena asked, appearing completely bewildered by this.

I shook my head. "No we're just fri-"

"Yep." Kai interrupted me. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. He hummed and kissed my cheek.

"We aren't together." I repeated, stepping out his grasp. "He's my just my friend."

Elena nodded. "Good."

I frowned. "Why is that good?"

She gave me a look. "Riley, he's a psychopath."

"And he's also my friend."

"He's not your friend, Riley." Elena told me. "He's using you for his own-"

Elena didn't get to finish her sentence because her neck snapped. I looked back at Kai, who shrugged. "Her voice was starting to annoy me."

I stared at him. "You're not using me are you?"

Kai sighed and held my shoulders. "Ri, we're friends. We don't use each other, unless to relieve sexual-"

I shoved his shoulder and he laughed. I smiled. "I'm glad you're back." I said. "I have so much to tell you."

"I'm all ears." We both sat down and looked at one another.

I took a deep breath then told Kai, what the Salvatore's had told me. "So yeah, that's me." I finished and waited for his reaction. Kai nodded and ran his hand through his hair.


"Alright, that's it?" I asked. Kai nodded. "But I don't know what to do with this information."

"Well you shouldn't wake him up."

I frowned. "Why not?"

Kai winked. "I don't like competition." I shook my head and shoved his arm. He chuckled. "Can I have some magic?"

"Didn't you just have magic?"


I rolled my eyes. "How did you get that magic?"

Kai chuckled. "Crazy thing, there was so much magic in the ground of Mystic Falls and-"

"You sucked it all up."

He winked. "Of course." He replied. "But I used quiet a bit of it, getting you and Elena here."

"You could've just asked me here."

Kai shrugged. "That would ruined the surprise." I just laughed.

"Can you even siphon magic from me?"

"Only one way to find out."

"Doesn't this hurt?"

"Partly, but you will be fine, Ri."

"I better be." I said, holding out my arms.

Kai chuckled and took ahold of my arms. I watched his hands glow as he absorbed my magic. I felt drained, when he'd finished.

"How come you can do siphon my magic now?" I asked, Kai shrugged.


"No clue, Ri." He said. "Maybe you triggered something and now it's active."

"Possible." I replied. "Malachai, did you attack Liv earlier?" He nodded with no sorrow in his expression. I huffed. "Why?"

"Because......." He trailed off and fused his eyebrows together. "How do you know?"

"Because I was there." I paused. "Well I was getting ice. Then I fell and the bag burst, so I got another after cleaning the first ba-" Kai interrupted my ramble with a kiss, his hand taking ahold of the back of my neck.

"What was that for?" I asked in a small voice when the kiss ended.

Kai smiled. "A way to shut up you." I frowned. "But..." He leaned in and captured my lips in another kiss. "I've wanted to do that in a while." He told me and I smiled.


"I'm so sorry." I told to Elena, even though she couldn't hear me. I accidentally snapped her neck for the tenth time. Kai laughed and I rolled my eyes. I sneezed and flicked my wrist, therefore snapping her neck.

"It was accident, don't laugh." I said seriously yet I chuckled. "I don't think she's going to like me anymore."

Kai rested his head on my shoulder. "Well I like you, Ri."

"And I like me too." I replied, he rolled his eyes. "So, what is it exactly that you're doing with her?"

"Just practising with my magic." He said. "I made her blood turn to acid."

"Cool." I said. "Teach me that, but not on her because I don't want to hurt her."

"Why not, Ri?" Kai wondered. "She's a vampire, she'll heal." I shook my head.

"No, I'm friends with Damon. It took me four weeks to get him to like me, I'm not ruining this for myself." I explained.

"What?" We both looked over at a drowsy Elena, who was waking up. She tried to move from the ropes but they were vervain laced. "Riley, why are you with this psycho?"

"He's not crazy, Elena." I stopped myself. "Well, he's isn't that crazy."

"Hurtful, Ri."

I rolled my eyes. "And he's my friend, I was stuck in a prison world with him for two years."

"He isn't your friend, he's using you to get revenge on his family." Elena hissed, her wrists going red from the vervain.

I raised a brow. "How is he using me?"

"By making you trust him, so he can manipulate you in a way for him to get close to Jo."

"Who is Jo?" I asked, looking between Kai and Elena.

"My twin sister."

"The one who's spleen you took?" I asked. He nodded with no regret in his face. I glanced back at Elena. "Why does he want to get close to her?"

"So he can merge with her and become leader of the Gemini coven." Elena explained.

"And I'm just knowing this now because...." I trailed off, turning back around to Kai. He shrugged.

"Forgot to tell you." I shoved his arm and Kai laughed, kissing my cheek.


"Riley, make him let me go." Elena cried to me while Kai performed a spell on her.

"I tried, he's too stubborn." I looked up from my phone to her. Elena yelled out in pain when a K appeared on her cheek.

Kai smirked, looking proud of his work. "Ta dah."


"Are you ever letting her go?" I asked. Kai nodded.

"When I'm finished with her." He answered, before chanting another spell. Elena cried out in pain, I guessed it was the blood to acid spell.

"My ring, my ring Kai." She exclaimed, watching her ring melt on her finger. I raised my eyebrows and sat up straighter. Elena was panicking.

She suddenly somehow unwrapped herself from the chair and vamp sped away. Kai sighed and rolled his eyes. "That was way too far, Malachai."

"Whatever." He shrugged, standing up. "Now I have to go and find her, she won't get far. It's still bright outside." Kai kissed me quickly before leaving the school hall.

Turned out we were in a high school. I sighed, looking back down at my phone. I developed a love for Instagram. My phone suddenly ran making me jump before I answered.

"Hello?" I spoke, putting the phone to my ear.

"Riley where the hell are you?" Damon questioned, sounding worried and annoyed.

I thought.

"I'm at the library, just doing research about this town."

"So you were at the library the whole night?"

"Must have fell asleep."

"Whatever just be careful, rumour has it Kai's back."

I thought.

But I said. "Okay, don't see why I have to be careful but whatever."

"He's dangerous, Riley."

I argued in my head.

"I'll be more careful, Damon." I said. "I'll see you later."

"Okay, I'll see you later." He hung up. Kai came back with an unconscious Elena in his arms.

"Told you she wouldn't get far." He chuckled, setting her on the floor and tied her to the wall.

I nodded. "Well you need to hurry this up soon. I'm bored."

"Ri, I'm almost done. I just some much magic-"

I raised a brow. "If you have so much magic, then why did you take mine?"

Kai shrugged, biting his lower lip. "Because I wanted more magic."

I rolled my eyes. "Greedy." I said. Kai stuck out his tongue and I laughed. "Well Damon called me." I looked, looking back at my phone. "He was as-"

Kai interrupted me by slamming my body against a wall, he looked mad. "What?" He growled through his teeth.

"First ow." Kai let go a little, loosening his grip on my waist. "And second it was just Damon, what's the big deal?"

"Oh my god, he called you Riley." He ran his hands through his hair. "He's obviously looking for Elena and by you answering you basically gave away where we are."

"It's not like you explained this plan of yours to me anyway."

"I don't need to, it's my plan."

I glared, flicking my wrist to send him flying from me. "Prick." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

Kai sat up and laughed with a big grin. "I've taught you well." He said, standing up and walking over to me.

I thought.

He took a knife from his pocket and sliced his palm and mine. I knew what he was doing; bonding us. "This again?"

"Of course, until death due us part." He winked. I just shook my head. Kai placed his palm on mine, chanting something. My palm was clear from the cut and Kai grinned, kissing my forehead. "There we go." He said, just as Elena awoke.

"That hurts you know." Elena shouted, referring to what, I guessed, was the neck breaking.

"She's so annoying." Kai whispered to me.

"I can hear you."

"I know." Kai said, walking back over to her. I sat back on a table, crossing my leg over another as went on my phone, scrolling through Instagram.

"Is there anything to eat here?" I asked, my stomach was empty. I didn't remember the last time I ate anything. Kai looked at me.

"I saw a few vending machines down the hall." He told me. I nodded and stood up. I waved them a goodbye while I shoved my phone in my pocket and went to a vending machine.

I found one, scanning the selection. My stomach rumbled to me, it needed food. Deciding upon a bottle of water with a bar of chocolate, I checked my pockets.

"Shit." I swore, I didn't have any money. Thinking of ideas, I looked around. A fire extinguisher was there. I raised a brow and shrugged, unhooking it from the wall and held it.

It was quite heavy, but I managed. Lifting it up high as my arms could handle, I threw it against the glass of the machine.

A loud smash filled the deserted building, echoing down the halls. I thought, laughing to myself.

However, I hissed in pain, I pricked my finger. It hurt a lot, putting my injured finger in my mouth it stopped the bleeding before I grabbed my food.

"Why, Ri?" Kai's voice made me jump.

I put my hand over my heart. "Jeez, Kai. Scare me to death." His eyebrows rose at the mess that I made. "About that, I had no money on me."

"Whatever." He said, but amusement coated his face. I grinned, unwrapping the wrapper to take a bite of chocolate.

"Don't you dare." I glared, when he went to take a square. Kai brought me in for a kiss. I kissed back and didn't notice him steal a square. "Oh, that's just rude Malachai."

He laughed, throwing the square in his mouth to eat it. I rolled my eyes and ate my chocolate.

"Did you prick your finger?" He asked me, showing me his injured finger. I nodded, holding up my sore finger.

"So what'd you do to Elena this time?"

"Not much, just practised more spells on her." He told me. "She whines a lot."

"You need to let her go soon Malachai."

"I know, Ri. But later, I've just got so much magic. I need to get it under control."

"Shit." Kai swore, when he noticed that Elena was gone yet again. I rolled my eyes, setting my food on a table next to me.

"Leave her Kai." I told him, he shook his head.

"No." He replied, turning around to walk. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my water and followed him.

"Alright then." I huffed. "Just don't kill her, it may not bother us, but it will bother Damon and Stefan." I said, sipping my water. Kai rolled his eyes, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, yeah." He replied, I rolled my eyes. "Found them." Kai smirked, pointing at Damon, Elena and some other woman.

"Woah. Why is your nose bleeding?" Damon asked the woman, as she fell in his arms.

"I have a guess." Kai said, catching their attention. "Magic is hard isn't it, Jo?"

I took a close look and noticed the faint resemblance between Kai and Jo.

"I'm so sorry." Jo panted, sounding exhausted.

"Don't sweat it, I want him to see it when I kick his ass." Damon replied, I snorted a laugh, quietly and rolled my eyes. Damon's humour, always made me laugh.

"Where's Riley?" Elena asked Kai.

"Riley? As in Riley, Riley?" Damon said, sounding annoyed.

"Present." I awkwardly appeared from the corner. Damon glared at me, he seemed angry that I lied and Elena looked relieved. Jo looked tired.

"At the library huh?" Damon folded his arms over his chest.

I shrugged. "Technically there's a library here and it's not like I came here but choice."

"What?" Damon asked, anger seeping in his voice.

"Well someone put a clocking spell on me and drugged me."

"You little magic sucking weasel, when I get my hands on you." Damon growled at Kai.

"It's alright, Damon." I assured him. "I'm fine and besides Kai's my friend, he won't hurt me. And if he's does, if got magic." I grinned, clicking my fingers as all the lockers flung open. "Ta-dah."

Damon said nothing, as he carefully moved Jo aside and she rested against a wall. Elena went to her and I awkwardly moved away, knowing a fight would happen.

Suddenly Elena and Jo vanished and Damon looked around confused. "Where's Elena?" He asked Kai with a glare.

Kai gasped. "Oh, are we not cloaking people anymore? I thought that what's this was." He grinned. Damon vamp sped towards him.

I backed away and Kai disappear by the time Damon reached. He looked at me and I shrugged. Someone whistled, we both turned to see Kai standing there with a big smile.

He waved at Damon. Damon scowled, breaking a mop in half and throwing it at Kai. I gasped, seeing it sink into his chest.

I thought, I touched my touch and my eyebrows rose.

'Kai' gulped, blood staining his shirt and he began to choke on blood.

"That's gotta hurt." My eyes went to Kai, the real Kai. Damon stood there with confusion on his face. "I'm really getting the hang of this, cloaking spells, illusions. You know it's all the same."

Kai moved his hand and it revealed Elena, who had the wood in her chest. She had blood in her mouth and Damon looked horrified.

I gasped. "No." Damon ran towards her but Kai lifted his hand and Damon clutched his head, dropping to the ground.

Damon screamed in pain and Kai walked away, my eyes widened as I ran after him. "Kai." I said, grabbing his arm. He didn't reply, walking away and I realised he was after Jo.

She was crawling on the ground, Kai went to her forcing her up by her arm. I huffed. I thought.

"Kai." I repeated. He ignored me, walking with Jo. He walked fast and I struggled to catch up. I shook my head, crying out in pain as I felt a sudden pain plunge into my shoulder.

Kai dropped to his knees, there was an arrow in his shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and saw some guy there. His name began with a J, that was all I remembered.

He glanced at me, putting his away his crossbow to help me to my feet. I winced when something pricked my neck. "Ric, what's happening to her?"

That the last thing I heard before darkness appeared.


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