《Nowhere Boys (Felix)》Chapter 9
Jake: "You used goth-ed up magic to get us here?"
Sam: "And you didn't even tell us."
Phoebe: "I knew it, you're a true witch."
Felix: "I cast a spell to make Oscar walk again. I didn't think it would actually work."
Andy: "But you lied to us. All this time."
Sam: "We slept in sheds and our mothers almost died."
Jake: "And there's a demon trying to kill us."
Sam: "We are your so called friends. We risked our lives for you."
Felix: "I'm sorry."
Sam: "Is that all you can say?"
Sam walks out and Andy tries to go after him, but Jake holds him back and says, "Just let him cool off."
Phoebe sits next to Felix and says, "What spell did you cast?"
Felix: "An unmaking spell, to undo Oscar's accident. I didn't know that it would unmake all of us as well."
Jake: "Shouldn't you have thought of that before?"
Andy: "At least this explains why the demon targets you. You're the magical disturbance. But why us? Of all of the kids in school, why did you choose Jake, Sam, Ember, and me."
Felix: "Because you have potential."
Andy: "I knew it. See I have potential."
Jake: "Potential for what?"
Felix: "Magic."
Andy: "Awesome, this is not an indication of forgiveness by the way."
Jake: "No way."
Felix looks away and I hug him.
Ember: "I don't care that this happened. It was an accident and I completely understand why you did it, Felix. It also allowed me to meet my brother and gave me the chance to make actual friends. So thank you."
I kiss his cheek and he looks at me.
Felix: "Thanks Ember."
Jake: "So what now?"
Andy: "Now that we know how we got here, we should be able to work out how to make our way home."
Felix: "Well I thought I could find the answer in Alice's book of shadows."
Phoebe: "An unmaking spell. That's the spell that Alice cast."
Felix: "Yeah, except her spell went even more wrong, so that's no help."
Phoebe: "I'm beginning to understand why everyone hates you Felix."
Felix: "Thanks."
Andy: "So what can help us?"
Felix: "The talisman."
Jake: "Except it's broken."
Felix: "I think the talisman can do more than just protect us. I think we can use it to get home."
Jake: "Like I said, if it worked."
Felix: "We have to reactivate the talisman by repeating the spell."
Andy: "It needs the 5 of us."
Andy leaves to get Sam. When the 2 come back in, Phoebe lights a candle.
Andy: "I'm the water element right?"
Phoebe nods and Andy puts water in a dish.
Phoebe: "You're earth."
Jake puts dirt in the dish.
Phoebe: "Blow airhead."
Sam blows into the dish.
Sam: "I still hate you."
Felix: "I know."
Phoebe: "Fire"
Felix puts the talisman of the candle.
Phoebe: "Ember is our Aether"
Then we hold hands. I hold Felix and Jake's hands.
Felix: "Divinity of the elements, I summon thee, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Aether, within this stone, I invoke ye place your greatest strength, your kindest grace, the more this stone remains at hand, though shall be safe throughout this land."
We all look at the talisman.
Andy: "Is it working?"
Felix: "It use to glow when all of us were around."
Andy: "Maybe it's broken for good."
Phoebe: "Talisman is a vessel for magical energies. You should be able to repair it, theoretically."
Felix: "Something's missing."
Phoebe: "Okay, what's different between now and when you got it to work the first time?"
Felix: "Bees, a bed,"
Jake: "Sam farted."
Sam laughs sarcastically.
Phoebe: "I don't think that's the answer."
Felix: "Another element. The sixth element."
Phoebe: "Of course."
Andy: "What's the sixth element?"
Phoebe: "According to pagan law there are 4 worldly elements. Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. And then a fifth and sixth element, Aether and Spirit. It helps us connect to our higher power."
Felix: "My brother."
Jake: "What about him?"
Felix: "Oscar is the 6th element."
Andy: "I thought the elements had to come from our world."
Phoebe: "Oscar is the reason the spell was cast. He's the connection between our world and your world."
Then Sargent Riles comes in.
Jake's Dad: "Right then, you five need to come with me."
Phoebe: "Why?"
Officer: "Because we say so."
Phoebe: "So we live in a police state now."
Jake's Dad: "Oh come on Phoebe, we've wanted to talk to these boys for a while."
All of a sudden, Mr Bates appears on the other side of the room. I hold Felix's hand.
Jake: "You can't just take us away from our legal guardian."
Jake's Dad: "Watch me."
The 2 cops grab and shove the 5 of us out the door.
Phoebe: "How about I send them to bed without any dinner, will that do?"
Jake's Dad: "No, it won't do."
Felix and I can't go in the cop car, because it isn't legal, so we get to ride with Phoebe.
Demon Bates is trying to take Felix though.
Felix: "Something's wrong."
Ember: "Let go of him!"
Phoebe steps on his foot, I kick his shin, and the 3 of us run back inside. We go to the back room.
Felix: "What now? Demon Bates is mega scary."
Phoebe: "Find Oscar and activate the talisman with the spirit."
Felix: "Will it work without the others?"
Phoebe: "I don't know, but we don't have a choice now go out the ba-"
Then we see Demon Bates at the back door. Felix and I back up while Phoebe tries to push him away.
Felix: "What about you?"
Phoebe: "He's not after me."
Ember: "We're not gonna leave you alone."
Phoebe: "I'm fine, go."
Felix grabs my hand and we run out the back door. We keep running and then hide under a car. Demon Bates gets a call and walks away from our hiding spot, so we make a run for it while he is distracted. We hide behind a corner and Felix peeks around it to see if he is gone.
Felix: "I found Oscar."
Ember: "Great."
He waves to Oscar and then Oscar comes over to us.
Felix: "I need you."
Oscar: "I'm on my way to work. My parents make me earn my valtearian mothership."
Felix: "Forget that, you need to help us with a spell."
Oscar: "Me?"
Felix: "Yes, you. Can you see Bates?"
Oscar looks.
Felix: "With a bit of subtlety."
Oscar: "It's too late, he's coming this way."
Felix grabs his hand and we start running again, while Felix is saying 'run.' As we are running, Felix talks to Oscar.
Felix: "You can do magic."
Oscar: "Since when?"
Felix: "Because you and I are related."
Oscar: "I knew it, I'm an alien too, so cool."
Felix: "Not so cool and not so loud."
Oscar: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Felix: "It wasn't as urgent as it is right now."
Felix pulls him and I to a stop.
Oscar: "Urgent?"
Felix: "Yes, we are under attack. Bates is possessed by a demon."
Oscar: "And he's right behind you."
Felix: "You go that way."
Oscar: "I want to stay with you."
Felix: "No, he's after me."
Ember: "Don't worry Oscar, I'll stay with him."
Felix: "No Ember, I need you to stay with Oscar."
Ember: "But what about you?"
Felix: "I'll be fine."
He kisses my lips.
Felix: "Now go!"
Oscar and I run away.
Oscar: "Are you dating him now?"
Ember: "Yeah. I'm going to protect you now Oscar."
Oscar: "Cool."
We stop and I'm trying to urge him to run. Then Felix appears and we run with him.
Felix: "What are you doing, I told you to run."
Oscar: "You said you needed my help."
Felix: "Yes, but not now."
Oscar: "You're sending me loose messages. Demon chase, so cool."
Felix: "Not cool, Oscar, lethal. This is not a game. We gotta find the others."
Ember: "Police station. Bates can't kill us there."
Oscar: "Kill us?"
Felix: "Yes, kill us."
We run into an empty police station.
Felix: "They've gone. Let's go to Phoebe's."
We run out and Demon Bates grabs Oscar.
Felix: "Don't hurt him."
Demon Bates: "You know the price, Felix."
Felix: "Alright, but let him go first."
Demon Bates let's go of Oscar and Felix grabs his arm and we run off again. We stop when we think we have lost him.
Oscar: "What's happening?"
Felix: "I need your spirit to make this talisman work."
Oscar: "But why me?"
Felix: "Because in another world, you're my brother."
Oscar: "Woah, I've always wanted a brother."
Felix: "Hold this. Ember, put your hands under his."
I do as Felix says.
Felix: "Divinity of the elements, I summon thee, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Aether, within this stone I invoke ye place your greatest strength, your kindest grace, and while this stone remains at hand though shall be safe throughout this land."
It glows, Felix grabs the talisman and we start running again. We run into a gate and Bates gets out of the car.
Felix: "Leave them. Just take me."
Ember: "Felix, no!"
Demon Bates: "I'll take all of you."
Oscar's body spazzes and then the two look at each other and say, "Order must be restored."
Oscar hit me over the head with a metal pipe and I fall to the ground, completely dizzy. I try to get up, to help Felix, but then Oscar puts a burlap sack over me and puts me in the car with Felix. We hear Mia and Ellen and I honestly feel so out of it, thanks to the metal pipe, that all I can do is groan, while Felix shouts for help.
The music in the car is so loud that we almost didn't hear the police sirens. By this time, my head is finally clear and Felix and I are both shouting for Demon Bates and Demon Oscar to let us out, as well as trying to call for help from anyone right now.
All of a sudden, the car stops. There's a knock on the window.
Jake's dad: "Why didn't you stop?"
Demon Bates & Oscar: "I didn't feel like it."
Jake's dad: "Bates, have you been drinking?"
Felix: "Help!"
Jake's dad: "Who's that?"
Demon B&O: "Just arrogant flesh."
Ember: "Let us out, please!"
Jake's dad: "Alright out of the car. Come on, move it."
Felix: "Watch out Sargent Riles!"
All of a sudden, the door is opened and Felix and I are pulled out of the car. Someone helps me off the ground and then the burlap sack is pulled off of me by Felix. He pulls me with him into the woods. We try to put as much distance between the demon and us. As we walk he asks, "Ember, are you okay?"
Ember: "Yeah, my head just hurts."
We see Roland's camp and hide behind a tree.
Felix: "Roland? Roland?"
A hand lands on each of our shoulders, scaring us, and making us look to see Roland.
Ember: "Oh thank god."
Felix: "You really know how to freak someone out, man."
Roland: "Come on."
Roland leads us into his campsite where we can finally take a breather.
Felix: "It's all my fault. I was trying to help Oscar, but I just ruined everything for everyone. I should let the demon do it's job."
Ember: "Felix-"
He stands up and walks into the open.
Felix: "Here I am! Come get me! I'm not afraid of you anymore!"
It's really scaring me and Roland grabs him by the shoulders and makes him squat down.
Roland: "Listen, there is weird, like me, and there is plain stupid, like you are being now."
Felix: "I deserve to die."
Roland: "Oh stop with the theatrics. Now that place in the forest, this isn't the first time something like this has happened there. The big question is, can you fix it?"
Felix takes out the talisman.
Felix: "If I can make this work, I think I can use it to get us home. I think I fixed it."
Roland: "That sounds like a plan and I'll help ya."
Felix: "Yes, but it won't disspell the demon without the others around."
Roland: "Well that's part 2 of the plan isn't it."
They get up and then the demon arrives, now possessing Sargent Riles as well. Felix tells Roland to go get the others while he and I hold it off. Felix backs up to me. They close in on us and then take us to a tree and tie us up there. They put the talisman on the spiral as Felix and I struggle to get loose.
Ember: "Felix, I'm scared."
Felix: "We're going to get out of this. I won't let them kill you, Ember."
Ember: "In case I don't make it, I want you to know that, I love you and you are the best boyfriend I've ever had even though we didn't have much time together."
Felix: "Ember, I love you too. You are my first girlfriend. Don't worry, we will live through this."
A twister starts to form and I close my eyes cause I'm too scared to look.
Felix: "Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Aether, elements that we all share."
I grab Felix's coat and then I feel his hand grab mine and I grip it.
Demon: "Soon the disturbance will be gone, the troubles will be over."
Felix: "Will my friends return home?"
Demon: "All troubles will be gone."
Felix: "They've got nothing to do with this."
Demon: "You think this is just you."
Felix: "It is just me, I swear it. I'm the one with the magic."
Demon: "It was never just you."
The twister sounds a lot louder.
Demon: "Soon order will be restored."
Felix: "The talisman, the others are here, Phoebe!"
I open my eyes and see the others and Oscar is crouched over.
Oscar: "What's happening?"
Felix: "Oscar, untie us."
Oscar falls over.
Ember & Felix: "Oscar!"
Jake: "Great, it just swapped Oscar for Roland. Are you ready?"
Felix: "Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Aether, elements that we all share."
Felix repeats his spell and the 3 possessed by the demon are crouching over.
Felix: "The spell is working. They are weakening."
Andy frees us.
Felix: "Andy, find my phone. The original spell is on it. Everyone else, keep the demons away from Andy."
Andy finds the phone and plays the song. We all join in and start singing it to make it stronger.
F,S,J,A,E,&O: "Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Aether, elements that we all share. Walk among this earth again."
We keep repeating it and all of a sudden, the demons disappear along with the twister. I slowly get up to a bright day with Felix, Sam, Jake, and Andy. We look around.
Sam: "What happened? Where's Phoebe?"
Felix: "Where's Oscar?"
Andy: "Where are we?"
Jake spots Bates.
Jake: "There they are."
Sam: "Let's attack."
Andy: "Seriously."
We take off running toward Bates and the others, but Jake stops us.
Jake: "Wait, Wait. It's loser dad."
He says happily. I'm holding onto Felix's hand tightly.
Sam: "Are you sure?"
Jake: "Yes, we're home."
I hug Felix and then they take off toward the men. I know my dad won't be there so I'm not running and I just walk over, until I see Jared. I run to him and give him a hug as I cry tears of joy.
Ember: "Jared, is it really you, or am I dreaming?"
Jared: "It's alright Ember. You are safe now. I really hope I'm not dreaming either."
We both laugh as we separate a little. Felix comes over to me and brings me over to his dad.
Felix: "Dad, this is my girlfriend, Ember. She disappeared with us and helped us get back here."
Mr Ferne: "It's great to meet you, Ember. Thank you for helping my son."
Mr Ferne pulls me into a hug and I hug him back, and Felix joins the hug. Then Jared clears his throat. I smile sheepishly.
Ember: "Jared, this is my boyfriend, Felix. Felix, this is Jared."
Felix shakes Jared's hand.
Felix: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jared. Ember told me about you."
Jared: "A pleasure to meet you as well, Felix. Just don't hurt her."
Felix: "I promise I won't."
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