《Bonded | Kylo Ren x Reader |》~The Supreme Leader~


You stir as you shift on the cold, hard ground of your quarters. Something had woken you up from your deep and uncomfortable sleep. It was your door sliding open. What time was it? You didn't know nor did you care. Your entire body aches and you couldn't be bothered to move. No. It was as though you had lost the ability to move; like you didn't care. Your eyelids open just enough to give you a blurry sliver of sight. Heavy black boots occupy your vision. The boots move closer but your brain couldn't catch up fast enough. You felt like you had just awoken from heavy surgery and nothing made sense. A strong pair of arms wrap around you, scooping your weak body off of the ground. They carry you to your bed and lay you gently down on the mattress. Your silk blanket is pulled up to your chin. Your lips part at the sight of a black and silver mask.

"K-Kylo?" You whisper hoarsely.

"Shhh," his gloved hand grazes your cheek. "Go to sleep." And you do.

Your eyes snap open a second time. You sit up quickly and hug the blanket closer to your chest. What time was it? And why was it so cold? Kylo liked to sleep in the cold but you needed it a little warmer than this. You rub your eyes and glance at the galactic standard clock; it was nearly noon. That was probably your fault. You had slept on the floor most of the night after all. Then you see it. Him. Kylo Ren sitting in the leather armchair with his masked head leaning over the back and a blanket sprawled over his lap. He was alive and he looked as though nothing had even happened to him.

You press your lips together hesitantly before whispering, "Commander?" He doesn't stir so you whisper again. Louder this time.

Kylo's head lifts and he rises to his feet almost immediately. You were first. Your bare feet press against the cool tile as you cross your arms tightly over your chest. Now that the shock had worn off, the anger was setting in.

"I thought you were dead." You say slowly. "I couldn't do anything until they sent the transmission. Are you hurt?"

"It's nothing." He says flatly.

It's not about to be nothing. Before he could react, you were shoving him back until his back hit the wall. You wanted to slap him desperately, but all you could do was pound your fists against his chest repeatedly. You wanted to hurt him for hurting you. Not physically but emotionally. Kylo only stands there taking the beating until he slowly reaches up and gently captures your wrists in his big hands.

"You're an asshole!" You sob, trying your hardest to pull away. "Fuck you! Fuck you for kidnapping me. Fuck you for sending me back here. And fuck you for not letting me see you! I didn't know what had happened! I was screaming at them because I needed to know you were okay! Why?" You shout hysterically, spewing words until you're not even sure what you're saying anymore. "Why should I even care about you? You're a monster! I hate you!"

You didn't know it, but those words stung for Kylo. They made him shift and swallow as his lips pressed into a thin line. He wanted to rip his mask off and kiss you. To show you what was really going on. To show you what you meant to him. You. His little Butterfly.


Kylo's fists tense at his sides. "I'm... I'm not the monster you think I am."

"You are!" Tears pour down your face as you stop fighting against his grip. "That scavenger was right. Y-You're just a creature in a mask."

His hands tighten around your wrists and the leather of his gloves rub against your skin, burning and twisting it as you wince. Kylo grits his teeth and releases you from his powerful grasp. "Are you finished?"

You wipe your tears from your face and look down at the ground. "Yes."

"Get yourself cleaned up and get dressed." He orders. His tone was a little gentler than when he used to give orders before. "The Supreme Leader wants to see us both."

As Kylo leaves your room, you storm into the bathroom and splash water onto your face, rubbing furiously at your tear-stained skin. He was probably mocking your sorrow from behind that stupid mask. How could one man be so vile? You had noticed him recoil at your hatred and your angry words, but that didn't bother you. You wanted him to suffer in any way possible. Just like he had made you suffer.

From what you had heard, Snoke was a terrible person. For now he couldn't even compare to what Kylo Ren had done to you. He had ruined your entire life. How could he not expect your hatred? Despite your acceptance of the situation, there would always be resentment towards him deep within you. You held onto that every day when you woke up, when you ate, even now as you were changing into your black robes. You glance in the mirror as you run a brush through your hair. Look at me, you think miserably, I used to wear gowns and gamble my life away. Now I'm getting trained to be a killer by a ruthless master.

You swallow the lump in your throat and turn on your heel, arms crossed over your chest as you leave behind your quarters. Kylo was waiting for you in the main hangar beside another command shuttle. Upon seeing you, he turns and disappears in the ship. Your jaw clenches as you follow him inside and take a seat as far away from him as humanly possible.

The entire flight was bathed in cold, desolate silence. The only noise came from the steady hum of the engines and the occasional clicking of the control panel in the cockpit. Fortunately the flight was only around an hour or so. The ship rumbles as it makes the final jump from Hyperspace. You turn your head and glance out of the small port window, only to feel your jaw dropping at the sight of the massive Supremacy. It was so large you could have fit in at least a dozen Finalizers. It was the most impressive ship you had ever seen.

Now you were beginning to get nervous. There was no doubt in your mind your master could sense your nerves. A shadow crosses over the command shuttle as it approaches the Supremacy. Its tractor beams pull the tiny ship in toward one of the hangars. With a low rumble and a jolt, the shuttle touches down and the hatch springs open with a hiss and a cloud of steam. Kylo removes his restraints quickly and rises out of his seat. He doesn't bother waiting for you and you could tell he was tense. You follow him from the ship, gazing around your new settings as you step into an elevator at his side.


"Don't speak until you're spoken to. When we arrive in the throne room, get on your knees and bow. You will not rise, understand me?" Kylo says stiffly.

"Whatever." You mutter.

"This isn't a joke!" He suddenly shouts, causing you to flinch. He sighs. "This... isn't a joke. He's a dangerous man. You need to be cautious."

You nod stiffly as the elevator comes to a halt. The white lights in the black crisscrossed metal walls dim as the doors peel apart. The sight before you proceeds to knock the air right out of your lungs. As you and Kylo walk forward, you crane your neck to see the endlessness of the throne room. The floors were sleek and shiny much like the rest of the Supremacy. They reflected the deep blood-orange color wrapping around the entire room. It was so deep that it made it look like an illusion that stretched on forever. Even the space beneath the narrow catwalk leading up to the throne room was that exact color. Your eyes fall upon the terrifying black throne perched in the center of the room. The man upon it was even more terrifying.

It was one thing seeing Snoke as a hologram. It was another thing seeing him in person. His pale, shriveled face was caving in and twisted. His pale blue eyes were wide-set and a little lopsided. Wisps of patchy gray were all that was left of his hair and his crooked teeth were horribly yellow. The Supreme Leader wore a strange gold robe with a high collar and had fingers so long, they seemed unreal. It was hard to believe he even was real. It isn't until Kylo drops to his knees beside you that you realize you were staring. Quickly, you drop beside him, your fear-filled eyes glued to the ground.

When Snoke speaks, his voice was deep and raspy, but cold nonetheless. "My faithful apprentice... How's your wound?"

Again came the same answer Kylo had given you. "It's nothing." This time it was much lower than usual. You sensed his fear, but you also sensed his desperation. Like he was pleading for something.

Snoke directs his attention to you. "And you. Child. You were not present during the time of the explosion?"

"No, Supreme Leader." You reply in a hushed voice, lifting your eyes. "My master had sent me back to the Finalizer a week before the incident."

Snoke rises to his feet and slowly makes his way down from the throne. "Hm. The mighty Kylo Ren. When I found you, I saw what all masters live to see. Raw, untamed power. And beyond that... something truly special. The potential of your bloodline. A new Vader." You furrow your brow at these words. What? That didn't make any sense. Snoke glares down at his apprentice. "Now I fear I was mistaken."

Kylo slowly looks up. "I've given everything I have to you. To the Dark Side."

"Look at you. The deed you've done split your spirit to the bone. You're unbalanced! Bested by a girl who had never held a lightsaber before! You failed!" Snoke roars.

Kylo grits his teeth and flies to his feet, his cloak flying off. You flinch as Snoke extends his hand and sends a static bolt of Force-lightning barreling into your master. Kylo flies off his feet and slides across the ground. The men garbed in red armor spring forward, their weapons crackling with red energy. You let out an involuntary whimper.

"Skywalker lives!" Snoke yells, his voice echoing through the massive room. "The seed of the Jedi Order lives. As long as it does, hope lives in the galaxy. I thought you would be the one to snuff it out. Unless you're no Vader... you're just a child... in a mask." He glances at you as Kylo rises to his feet slowly. "And you. I sense untamed strength within you. Strength that will only be unlocked when your master successfully snuffs out that light. That hope. Tell me, girl, have you constructed a lightsaber yet?"

You rise to your feet and wet your dry lips. "N-Not yet, Supreme Leader."

He narrows his eyes at you and chuckles darkly. "Let me tell you something, child. Kylo Ren fears you. He fears getting replaced by you. That is why my apprentice is so hesitant to help you complete your training. He hides his face to hide the truth." Snoke hisses coldly.

"I'm not hiding anything." Kylo snaps.

"You're pretending to be something you're not. Take that ridiculous thing off." The Supreme Leader orders, leaning in as a cold smile spreads across his face.

"S-Supreme Leader." Kylo glances at you and back to him. "I can't."

"Take. It. Off." Snoke slams his fist against the armrest of his throne. "Or I will take in your apprentice as my own and replace you."

Kylo's heart beats wildly. His fingers twitch as he slowly lifts his hands to the sides of his mask. His thumbs slip beneath it and the airlock squeaks as he pulls it up over his head. Kylo sets the mask down at his feet with a dull thunk. Your heart leaps. This was it. The first thing you see is a head of messy black hair and how tense he suddenly seemed. His shoulders were heaving and his fists were curling at his sides.

"Face her. Show her what you are!" Snoke yells victoriously.

Kylo Ren slowly turns around, his eyes lifting from the floor to meet yours. He watches your expression change. He watches your face fall and your eyes fill with sadness, confusion, and anger all at once. You take in his facial features. His painfully familiar features. From his full pink lips to his honey eyes and the new scar trailing down the right side of his face. Was this real? Was he real? With a heart-wrenching sob, you fall to your knees. Your legs had given out beneath you. This had to be a dream. You were shaking, hurt, and confused as you take in his face. You wanted to shout and scream. You wanted to hit him or just run away. But you couldn't move; it was as though someone had glued you to the floor. Your galaxy was crumbling and crashing down all over again. Your master had a hurt look on his face. He knew what he had done. A faint whisper was all you could muster.

The only thing that could leave your lips was, "Ben?"

"I'm sorry." He extends his hand toward your temple. The last thing you hear before you crumple to the ground is Snoke's cold laugh.

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