《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》9-Well... Shit.
Last time...
"Well no matter, Man in The Mirror!" The brown haired man yelled as his stand punched yours, who was still blocking. Your stand and you rolled back a bit because of the wheels you had no idea where on your shoes until now.
All of a sudden, your stand started to crumble like you saw Abbacchio and Giorno do earlier.
"Well shit." You muttered, though you did notice the wheels on your shoes hadn't disappeared.
"You really didn't think i could take your stand out of the mirror? How foolish are you?" The man chuckled smugly. You glared at the man, but didn't say anything.
'Shit I didn't think this far ahead!' You panicked in your head.
While you were lost in your thoughts, the stand had thrown another punch, but with the use of the rollerblade-like wheels on your shoes you managed to dodge it. Unfortunately, Fugo, who was still behind you, didn't have magic roller skates therefore wasn't able to dodge.
"Fugo!" You yelled and turned to him as he bounced off the ground.
You were about to rush over to him, but the man had used his stand to punch you while your back was turned. You felt the pain course through your body and already broken ribs and you landed on the ground near Fugo before coughing up a bit of blood.
The man once again laughed smugly as he watched the two of you lay on the ground in pain, struggling to get back up.
Soon after Purple Haze had shown up and Abbacchio had explained what it was, another stand that Giorno had never seen before, tumbled out of the mirror.
"Is that Y/N's stand?" Abbacchio asked as the stand stood up and brushed itself off before looking at us. It seemed to be robotic, bright yellow with a big smiley face on the front, and what seemed to be a roman gladiator helmet.
"Are you Y/N's stand?" Giorno asked it.
"Giorno, it's a stand, it's not going to res-" Abbacchio was cut off as the stand made whirring and clicking noises as it nodded excitedly. Purple Haze started to stand up, which made the other stand turn to it.
"Get back, Giorno!" Abbacchio yelled, "Get back even further! Fugo rarely lets this guy out. He only does it when he's in serious trouble."
Y/N's stand just looked at Purple Haze in fascination, making several soft mechanical whirs.
"Which means that Fugo's trying to fight somewhere! Get further back, Giorno!" Abbacchio said as he grabbed Giorno's shoulder.
'He seems to be more worried about that stand than where Fugo and Y/N are.' Giorno thought as he looked back at Abbacchio, 'He acts like he feels threatened.'
Giorno's thoughts were halted as Purple Haze made some more feral noises and punched aggressively at nothing. Y/N's stand didn't really seem fazed by Purple Haze whatsoever.
"What the? It just started attacking out of nowhere!" Giorno pointed out.
"This isn't good. We shouldn't stay here." Abbacchio stated with his hand still on Giorno's shoulder, "We're getting out of here! Come on!" Abbacchio pulled on Giorno's shirt, to which Giorno promptly knocked his hand away as he spun around to face him.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Giorno yelled and turned around to point at the mirror, "There's something in that mirror! We need to find where Fugo and Y/N are! That's far more important right no-" Giorno was cut off by Abbacchio's yelling.
"Stop talking back to me, you little shit!" Abbacchio said as he grabbed Giorno by his shoulders, "I don't care what happens to you, but I'm trying to be nice and warn you, since you don't know what's going on!"
As Abbacchio was lecturing Giorno, Purple Haze yelled and randomly punched a wall, breaking a capsule and releasing the gas inside. Luckily, Y/N's stand was far enough away not to be infected.
"It punched it! Run Giorno!" Abbacchio said as he pushed Giorno away from himself and started to run. Giorno just stared at the man.
"I see." The brown haired man said as a wall exploded behind him, "So you activated your stand outside the mirror. But that doesn't mean a thing!" The man's stand punched some rocks that were created from the exploding wall.
Instead of Fugo getting hit, you had skated in front of him to take the hit for him. Getting hit with those rocked did cause you to bleed, but you stood your ground.
"You can't keep taking hits for me Y/N!" Fugo yelled angrily.
"I can and will. Think about it Fugo, you know how to use your stand better than I can use mine. Let me buy you and everyone else some time!" You responded, keeping your eyes on the man in front of you.
The man laughed at you.
"It doesn't matter what his stand or your stand tries to do with their abilities. It will never be able to hit me." He said confidently, "But I can can hit you as many times as I like, It doesn't matter if you stand in the way, I'll still finish you off!" The man was about to use his stand to punch you, but a dead crow fell out of nowhere.
"Huh?" The man said in confusion, "A crow? Why did a crow fall?"
Giorno and Abbacchio both turned to stare at Purple Haze.
"A crow just suddenly..." Giorno started.
"Stay back." Abbacchio warned, "When Purple Haze uses it's fists, no one can stay nearby." Another Crow, that had gotten in the Range of Purple Haze, fell from the sky while spurting disgusting liquids.
The man turned to the crow corpse that had just appeared out of nowhere.
"What the hell is with these corpses." You heard him say over your ragged breath.
Despite telling Fugo you were fine, you most certainly weren't fine. You were barely standing, and you didn't know how many more hits you could take.
"It's a killer virus." Abbacchio explained as the crow corpse melted, "That's Fugo's stand, Purple Haze's ability."
"A virus?" Giorno asked.
"Look at his hand." Abbacchio said, "When it hits something with it's fist, that capsule breaks open, and the virus comes spilling out! The virus disperses into the air, then into your body through inhalation or skin contact. It then it multiplies rapidly. It infects the host within 30 seconds, then kills them instantly. And once the virus spreads, it doesn't matter who's nearby, be they friend or foe. Just like those crows, all of your metabolic functions will shut down, and you'll die as you rot from the inside out. That includes your stand, too."
Abbacchio looked over at Y/N's stand who was still standing just out of Purple Haze's range while staring curiously at Purple Haze.
"What's its range?" Giorno asked.
"Five meters." Abbacchio answered, "Right now, Fugo should be controlling his stand somewhere withing five meters of his opponent."
"That's definitely important, but what's the range on the virus?" Giorno asked as he turned his head to Abbacchio, "How close do you have to be to be infected by the virus?"
"At this distance, we should be safe, though I can't say the same about Y/N's stand. The virus that comes from that capsule dies within a few dozen seconds of exposure to an average indoor level of light." Abbacchio explained, "So those crow corpses will soon be disinfected by the sunlight."
Savage!" Abbacchio said as Purple Haze continued to growl in a feral manner while drool dripped from its mouth, "It attacks like an explosion, and then disappears like a storm. It's a stand that personifies Fugo's violent nature."
As Abbacchio finished talking, drool from Purple Haze's moth dripped onto it's thigh. The stand made a shocked noise as it noticed, and promptly wiped it off with it's wrist.
"What's it doing?" Giorno asked.
"It's trying to wipe off the drool on it's leg." Abbacchio explained, "It always looks pissed off, but it's apparently really high-strung, and really cares about being clean. I guess you could say it's the stand's idiosyncrasy."
Purple Haze huffed happily as it saw it's now clean thigh. Though, it didn't last long as it freaked out over seeing that it's wrist was now dirty. Purple haze then tried wiping his wrist with his other wrist. Well now they were both dirty, and Purple Haze was the least bit happy about it. Purple Haze yelled in confusion as now both his wrists were dirty, it then squatted down and started licking it's wrist.
This is when Y/N's stand slowly glided over to it, crouching down in front of Purple Haze. Purple Haze looked up at the stand with an almost pouting look until it took out a handkerchief out of- Actually Abbacchio didn't know where- and gently took Purple Haze's wrists and started wiping them.
"What's Y/N's stand doing?" Giorno asked.
"It seems to be cleaning up Purple Haze's wrists, though I don't know why." Abbacchio said in mild confusion.
When Y/N's stand pulled away the handkerchief to reveal Purple Haze's now clean wrists it made happy mechanical whirring noises. Purple Haze looked at it's wrist with a wide smile and happy noises, though Abbacchio nearly had a heart attack when it picked up Y/N's stand in a hug and moved it out of it's range.
"It doesn't look like the stand itself is very intelligent..." Giorno commented.
"It's just a reflection of his violent side. Though, it seems to have a soft spot for Y/N's stand. But this also means Fugo isn't able to see Purple Haze. He's not controlling it properly at all. If he was, he wouldn't let it do that." Abbacchio explained as the two of them looked over at Purple Haze, who seemed to be having a conversation with Y/N's stand.
"These corpses..." The man started, "This crow... Is it sick? Was it infected by some virus or bacteria?
After it's conversation with Y/N's stand, Purple Haze yelled again and smashed the mirror. Y/N's stand seemingly nodded in agreement with it's actions at a safe distance.
The mirror on your side of the mirror suddenly shattered, which grabbed the man's attention. Fugo glared at the man from behind your bloody form.
The virus burst out from Purple Haze's fist as it slammed it into the mirror.
"I knew it... Fugo's unable to control it." Abbacchio concluded, "It just attacked some random spot again.
'Wait, is it actually random? Y/N's stand seems to be agreeing on whatever Purple Haze is doing. There has to be something in that mirror!' Giorno thought.
"Now the mirror got attacked from the outside..." The rat man said, "But it's no use, Fugo! That's just a normal mirror, the kind you can find anywhere."
Fugo was kneeling on the ground as Y/N was still standing, barely.
"No matter what your stands do out there..." The brown haired man said, "No matter what ability they may use..."
The man stomped on the dead crow as he continued and brought his stand out.
"Not even viruses can enter Man in the Mirror's world!" Rat man yelled as he pointed at Fugo and Y/N.
'Abbacchio, Giorno, please get my message...' Fugo thought, 'Please make sure you don't get dragged into the mirror!'
Abbacchio POV
"We need to hurry Giorno." Abbacchio said as he turned away from Purple Haze and Y/N's stand.
Abbacchio started to walk away, but Giorno didn't follow. After a few steps, Abbacchio turned back around, wondering what the hell this blond idiot was sticking around for.
"Hey, Giorno!" Abbacchio yelled to get Giorno's attention, "Don't just stand there! Lets go!"
"Let me ask you this... Where are we going?" Giorno asked calmly, "To get the key? You're willing to abandon both Fugo and Y/N, who are in danger right now?"
Abbacchio glared at the blond boy fiercely before roughly poking his titty.
"Watch your mouth, you bastard." Abbacchio growled at Giorno, "Listen up. Our mission is to get the key and get that girl safely to the boss! I wan't to save Fugo and Y/N as much as you do, but getting that key is paramount right now!" Giorno seemed unfazed by Abbacchio's lecture, even when Abbacchio lowered himself to be eye level with him.
"Even if I was the one currently being attacked instead of those two, I would want you guys to abandon me." Abbacchio said coldly.
"I beg your pardon..." Giorno interrupted, "but I don't believe that's true! Fugo and Y/N are indeed in danger, but they haven't lost! We should risk our lives and save them! And making any movements when we don't know the enemy's ability is dangerous to us, as well."
"No! All four of us being taken out is the worst possible outcome!" Abbacchio yelled, "I'll say it again! We're moving on! Come on!"
"I humbly decline!" Giorno interjected, "We're going to solve this mystery, save Fugo and Y/N, and defeat the enemy! That's the best way to ensure we're all safe!"
Abbacchio angrily grabbed the front of Giorno's shirt and brought his face close to his.
"I have seniority here, so in this situation, what I say goes!" Abbacchio countered, "Are you still going to decline?"
Giorno stared defiantly into Abbacchio's eyes, giving him the answer he asked for.
"You better be prepared!" Abbacchio yelled as he shoved Giorno away from himself then pointed at him, "That is, if you manage to survive!"
Abbacchio then turned away from Giorno, running to go find where the key was. Giorno just stared at Abbacchio like he normally does.
"I'll ask you one more time, Fugo, Y/N." The man said, still pointing at the two with his stand behind him, "What are you looking for here?"
'I have no intention of telling you, and I'm sure Y/N doesn't either.' Fugo thought.
"I see." The man said as he lowered his hand then shrugged, "Very well. There are still two others. I just need the last one standing to tell me."
"You're finished. Take this!" The man yelled as his stand went to punch Y/N, who seemed to just barely able to stand. She closed her eyes, awaiting impact.
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