《Love You Lots! Vento Aureo x reader》8- Pompeii
"The city of Pompeii was known to the Romans as a peaceful, prosperous health resort." Fugo informed the three of you as he was driving, "It was then abruptly destroyed by the lapilli and lava that came from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD. Later, archaeologists discovered that all the houses, streets, wine bottles, and even carriage tracks left behind, were preserved as they were when the volcano erupted 1800 years ago."
You sat in the back with Abbacchio, intently listening in on Fugo's history lesson, since you had never been to Pompeii yourself. As you listened, Abbacchio was leaning against the window and watching the scenery pass by, Giorno was sitting in the passenger seat and looking at a road map of the city.
"The dog mosaic we're looking for is located near the entrance of the house of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii." Fugo finished his history lesson and continued driving in silence.
"Oh, Fugo," Giorno spoke up after a couple seconds, "You were supposed to turn right at that corner, not left."
'You're supposed to tell people these things before they turn Giorno.' You mentally sighed.
Fugo then slammed on the brakes, causing you to slam your forehead on the back of Giorno's seat. You leaned back and rubbed your aching forehead as Fugo started to talk.
"You should have told me sooner, Giorno." You could hear Fugo tapping his finger on the steering wheel as Abbacchio looked you over to make sure you were ok, "What point is there if you tell me that after I turn?"
"You're absolutely right." Giorno said in his usual neutral tone as he bowed his head slightly, "I apologize. I'll be more careful next time."
"That's not the point here, damn it!" Fugo started yelling angrily before stopping as Abbacchio kicked the back of his chair.
"Hey, Fugo." Abbacchio said with his arms crossed and his foot still on Fugo's seat, "we're in a hurry, so don't lose it now." Abbacchio put his foot back down and looked away as he finished talking.
"I know that!" Fugo said a bit more calmly, then aggressively reversed and turned around, tires screeching.
'I hope I don't get a bump on my head from this.' You though as leaned back you rubbed your forehead.
"Damn it..." Fugo muttered.
It was silent as Abbacchio sat with his arms crossed, you didn't know what he was thinking. He was almost as hard to read as Giorno. You watched as Abbacchio stared at Giorno in silence. Everything was too quiet for your tastes, so you decided to speak up.
"Hey, Fugo. Thanks for telling us about Pompeii earlier, it was really interesting!" You smiled brightly at the blond who looked away, a little embarrassed by your praise.
"Oh, thanks..." He mumbled, your compliment seemed to have calmed him down a bit from his previous outburst.
The four of you had arrived at Pompeii and had just exited the van. You were stretching as Abbacchio started talking.
"Pompeii, huh?" Abbacchio said, "I haven't been here since I visited on a field trip as a kid."
"I've never been here personally, but I've seen pictures." You said with a smile as you looked around. Abbacchio glanced at you, maybe one of the newbies wasn't so bad.
Fugo pulled up his sleeve to look at his watch before speaking.
"Abbacchio, Giorno, Y/N," Fugo said getting the three of you's attention, "lets hurry."
The four of you started walking with Abbacchio in front, you slightly behind him, and Giorno and Fugo walking next to each other.
"The place we're looking for is about 100 meters ahead." Fugo said as you stared at a centaur statue that had no arms. Fugo had moved into the lead with you walking next to Abbacchio, and Giorno following behind.
"It should take us about thirty minutes to get what we need," Fugo continued as the four of you approached a broken mirror, "and get back to the others."
Fugo stopped in front of the mirror, you stood next to him wondering what he was doing.
"Abbacchio, Giorno, Y/N, be on your guard." Fugo warned softly before continuing in an even softer tone, "To think we'd be found so soon..."
"How many are there?" Abbacchio asked.
"One...for now." Fugo responded, "He's peaking around that stone pillar behind us."
"Pillar? Which one would that be?" Giorno asked as he looked behind him.
"Wake up, Giorno." Fugo said staring directly into the mirror, "There's only one pillar. Can't you see it?"
"Fugo, there definitely is a single pillar, but I don't see anyone there either." Abbacchio started to sweat.
"I see him." You spoke up quietly, you had moved to get a better look at the mirror earlier, but now you were staring directly at the man in the mirror (hehe).
"Quit messing around! He's heading right towards us!" Fugo yelled as the two of you watched the man fully come out from behind the pillar.
"You guys can't see him?!" You said in mild panic, "He's right there!"
Abbacchio turned around even more, looking for whoever you two were talking about, before quickly turning back to the two of you in confusion.
"Fugo?" Abbacchio started before the two of you turned around.
"There! the guy walking over here!" Fugo pointed to where he saw the man and Giorno and Abbacchio turned, but there was no man there. You quickly turned back around to face the mirror with wide eyes as you saw that the man was still there.
Giorno and Abbacchio turned to Fugo in confusion, wondering what the two of you were talking about.
"A guy came out from behind that pillar!" Fugo yelled pointing at the pillar.
"Fugo!" You yelled, gaining the three's attention, "You have to look at this!" You said pointing at the mirror. Fugo gasped as he saw what you were pointing at, the man was walking towards you now.
"Wh-What?" Fugo stuttered.
"He somehow is only visible in this mirror!" You said, finally getting over your initial shock.
"There! He's right there! He's coming out!" Fugo yelled pointing at the r̶a̶t man who was walking towards the two of you. Fugo turned around still pointing, only to be pointing at nothing once again.
"H-He's inside the mirror?" You and Fugo whispered at the same time, both you you had shocked expressions on your faces.
The two of you watched as the mysterious r̶a̶t man summoned his stand. You both took a step back at the sight.
"He's summoned his stand! Who's going to fight him?!" Fugo yelled.
Giorno and Abbacchio stared at the mirror, confused on what was going on.
"Hold on, Fugo. I have no idea what you're talking about." Abbacchio said, trying to stay calm.
"Is something wrong with the mirror?" Giorno asked.
"You're telling me you can't see him?!" You turned to Giorno while pointing at the man, panic written all over your face as Giorno shook his head.
"This isn't good! He's going to attack!" You turned your attention back to the mirror as Fugo yelled. Sure enough, you saw the man's stand about to attack the group.
"Get away from the mirror!" The both of you yelled as Fugo pushed Abbacchio and You pushed Giorno. Giorno and Abbacchio seemed to crumble under your hands as your eyes widened at the sight.
"What?" Fugo said confused as the two seemingly crumbled.
"Giorno! Abbacchio!" The two of you yelled as Fugo jumped forwards, trying to grab them. You stood frozen in your spot with wide eyes as your friends crumbled away. Fugo fell on the ground as he barely missed the two. You quickly knelt down beside him as he pushed himself up.
"Wh-Where are you, Giorno? Abbacchio?" Fugo called out as he looked around.
"Where did you go?!" You called out with your hands cupped around your mouth.
Fugo then turned around to look at the mirror with you mimicking his actions.
"The guy who was in the mirror is gone." You commented in a hushed tone.
"What did he do?" Fugo pondered.
"It's kinda weird to have a mirror just hanging here in the first place don't you think?" You asked as you pointed at the mirror now that you were both standing up.
"It is quite strange." Fugo responded as he turned around. You turned around too, not wanting to have your back turned to the enemy.
'What the hell is his ability?!' You yelled in your head.
You and Fugo were looking around, something was really off about your surroundings.
"I'm right here." A voice said from the left of you. You both turned to see the mysterious man's stand about to punch Fugo.
It was too late to react as the stand punched Fugo in the face, knocking him into you. You both went flying, your back hit the trashcan which hurt. It didn't help that Fugo slammed into you milliseconds later. Well, at least you could somewhat break his fall.
"Pannacotta Fugo." You watched as he took out a piece of paper and unfolded it. Fugo had rolled off of you, and was on his knees next to you. He shakily pushed himself up as you clutched your stomach.
"Pannacotta Fugo. Highly intelligent, with an IQ of 152,and entered university at the age of thirteen. But he went berserk on a professor there and beat him senseless with a four-kilogram encyclopedia. From there he spiraled down to where he is now. The ones who accompanied him are former cop Leon Abbacchio and... No documents on the other two. They must be new." He talked as if you and Fugo didn't exist. He then looked up at the two of you, Fugo was crouching and so were you, despite the pain in your chest.
"I think I heard you two call him Giorno." He said.
"What did you do to them?" Fugo growled at the man, shakily standing up, "Y-You bastard..." Fugo pointed at the man. You simply spat out the blood that was in your mouth and glared at the man.
"Where the hell did you hide them?!" Fugo yelled.
The man smirked before making a 'hmf' noise and putting the paper back in his shirt.
Fugo gasped softly and looked at his watch, though you weren't quite sure why since you were quite focused on the pain in your chest.
'I think I might have broken a few ribs...' You thought
"Also, I was wearing it on my left wrist, but now it's on my right?" You heard Fugo mutter then gap as he looked around, "D-Don't tell me this place is... Your ability is-" Fugo was cut off by the strange man.
"I guess you're pretty quick on the uptake." He said as he raised his pointer finger then lowered it, "One at a time, Fugo... It didn't really matter who was first, but we'll start with you two since you were the first ones to look at the mirror." He pointed at the two of you.
Fugo was silent, but then spoke.
"I-It wasn't Abbacchio and Giorno that dissapeared..." Fugo stated, "W-We're inside the mirror!"
You tried to stand up, but only fell back down on your knees with a pained hiss, which caused the two men to turn to you. One of your arms clutched your side as you clenched your teeth.
"Girlie over there doesn't look too good, maybe she broke a few ribs from the impact huh?" He smirked at you.
'Stinky-ass rat man, if I could stand right now I'd punch you in the face.' You though to yourself as you glared at the brown-haired man.
"Y/N! Are you alright?!" Fugo yelled in your direction.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'll be up in a moment." True to your word, you grit your teeth and used the wall to support you as you stood up.
Fugo had bumped into the trashcan as he backed up, that was when you realized it wasn't Abbacchio and Giorno that disappeared...
"Fugo! Y/N!" Abbacchio yelled as Giorno placed his hand on a trashcan, "Where did you go Fugo! Y/N!" Abbacchio then turned his head to the young blond standing next to him.
"Hey, Giorno!" Abbacchio yelled, "Didn't you see anything?!"
"I'm not sure." Giorno responded, "it looked as though they suddenly disappeared to me, as well." Abbacchio 'tch'-ed in response before he started yelling again.
"Fugo! Y/N! Where did you two go!" He yelled.
Gionor stared at the mirror before walking up to it and placing a hand on it.
"Is there something... about this mirror?" Abbacchio heard Giorno ponder quietly.
"The question is..." The brown haired man started, "Where did you hide the boss' daughter? That's the most important question... But I'm pretty sure I also need to know why you four came to Pompeii, the city of death. I figure you're here to look for something... And if that's the case, you came here to get something that'll help you protect the girl, isn't that right?"
You and Fugo were both standing now, you didn't respond, only keeping a steady glare at the man.
"If you just turn up the way, it'll lead to the famous dog mosaic." The man said as he pointed tauntingly towards the two of you, "Is there something there? well?"
Both you and Fugo looked shocked that the man was able to figure it out so quickly.
"I'll be taking it!" The man yelled aggressively, "Tell me what you two came here for, Fugo, Y/N!"
"I refuse!" You both yelled at the same time.
"Then die!" The man yelled, pulling out his stand, which looked like it was about to throw another punch at Fugo.
"No..." Fugo Said pointing at the man, "You'll be the one dying when you witness my ability!
"Purple Haze!" Fugo yelled, throwing his fist forward, but nothing happened. Fugo confusedly looked at his hands when he didn't see his stand, "My stand won't appear?"
"I see..." The man spoke, "So your stand is named Purple Haze?" The man chuckled smugly.
"Fugo what's wrong?!" You asked in concern, but he didn't answer, he just stared at his hands.
"You're current location is inside the mirror." The strange rat man's stand pointed at the very confused Fugo, "I'm sure you can figure out exactly why I dragged you two in here alone." The stand spread out its arms, "If I brought you in here along with the others, who can fight, I'd put me in danger! Though your friend doesn't seem to have a stand, or any fighting ability."
'OH he did not just go there.' You narrowed your eyes at him.
"I control the inside of the mirror... That's my ability." The man continued, "All the things in here are objects that have no life. You two and I are the only living beings here. That's because I didn't allow anyone else. I only allowed you two, and you two alone, to come in. Which means... Your stand ability was left outside!"
'Hold up.' You thought, 'I haven't developed a creature like everyone else, does that apply to me?'
You willed yourself to slow time again as the stand moved to punch Fugo. You saw everything slow way down and you quickly ran in front of Fugo, putting your arms up like a boxer would to block a punch. You closed your eyes tight as time resumed, preparing for the force of the punch. You felt it, but you didn't move back at all.
"W-What?" You heard from Fugo behind you, when you looked up you saw what seemed to be a robotic looking creature with what seemed to be a roman gladiator style helmet, blocking the punch.
"You have a stand?!" The rat man yelled.
Stand name:Don't Stop Me Now
Stand user: Y/N L/N
Stand abilities: This stand gives the user the ability to move faster than the eye can see for a minute. To the user, it looks like everything slows down. When activated fully, the user gains wheels on the bottom of their shoes that act like roller skates.
Stand appearance:
Stand stats:
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Ich denke, der Titel verrät schon, worum es hier geht.
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Jurassic Park: The Beginning of the End/Life Of Crusher, Feared T-Rex
This journey will take us throughout the course of the films in the Jurassic Park franchise, leading up to where we are now with the recent installment of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, with the additions of two other Tyrannosaurus Rex into the franchise. I do not own the characters of the series. All rights go to Universal studios. Is somewhat based on the movies and the original script of Jurassic Park 3, not wasting my time doing all the events of each film.As well as bringing in characters from Dino King, or Speckles the Tarbosaurus movie. Also include a bit of Jurassic Fight Club and Prehistoric Park in my interpretation of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. Note that this is my story and I do not own the characters. I get to decide what I choose to do with the characters in the story. Hope you guys enjoy it, and pretty soon, 3 and a half years from now, we will reach the ultimate conclusion to the final arc of this story. And of course, our Dark Knight will potentially make an appearance as well in Fallen Kingdom. It will be a blend of Nolan's Dark Knight and Zack Snyder's Dark Knight, along with a bit of Tim Burton's iteration of the vigilante.Works Cited:"Jurassic_Park_III_Film_Script" on Fandom: "Jurassic Park III Film Main article Jurassic Park III Related articles Jurassic Park III cast..."http://jurassicpark.wikia.com/wiki/Jurassic_Park_III_Film_ScriptJurassic World: An alternate story re-telling by Irf9393https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11400966/1/Jurassic-World-An-Alternate-Re-telling&ved=2ahUKEwiQo_T9x5bfAhUCc60KHf7vCQIQFjAAegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw1i3DqzUlnM2P_El76KDEQ-Prehistoric Park: Returned from Extinction by nphillips0115https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12045762/1/
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One-Shots // Book Compilation
One-Shot's written about any book title I feel like including; yet, know I shouldn't make a one-shot book for strictly that universe. So, since I still want to put the writing out there, I figured this would be a great way to do that! Here is a list of titles/authors that are included:- Carry On // Rainbow Rowell- All For The Game // Nora Sakavic - The Raven Cycle // Maggie Stiefvater - Grishaverse // Leigh Bardugo- Riordanverse // Rick Riordan- Folk of the Air // Holly Black
8 132