《Metanoia》Chapter 16
You had sat up from the bench seat and watched Narancia and Mista bicker over a box of chocolate, smiling at their immaturity as you did so.
"Don't think you can just keep all the chocolates to yourself!"
"I bought them, give them back! I'm not keeping them to myself I was going to share!"
"There are only three left though!"
You laughed a bit at Fugo's exasperated sigh.
"I swear Narancia."
Abbacchio looked at Narancia with crossed arms, he and Fugo in the back of the boat near you.
I wonder if Abbacchio is capable of not having his arms crossed. Does he just want to look cool? Maybe he's just always annoyed.
You looked at Giorno who was sitting on the steps. Smiling seeing his golden hair that was flawless.
But what could have made him so annoyed though?
"What a greedy little shit."
Abbacchio scoffed at Narancia and the two continued to bicker. Mista keeping the box away from Narancia.
"We've been waiting here forever I'm hungry too!"
"Stop I wanted to give Y/n one don't eat them!"
You looked at the two and smiled with a laugh. Their behavior making you feel better about what had happened.
"Aw that's so sweet of you Narancia but you don't have to share with me."
I mean yeah, I would like chocolate but I need actual food first.
Narancia turned to look at you and protest but Fugo cut him off.
"Giorno, could you grab me a bottle of water? I'm thirsty. Also, you should be careful we're supposed to wait on the boat for orders. Not be on the island."
Giorno nodded and stood up. You were starting to get a bit bored and leaned into Fugo's shoulder. He stiffened a bit and you moved away.
That made him uncomfortable, damn it Y/n why.
"Sorry, Fugo-"
"No, it's fine!"
He interrupted you and his voice startled you seeing as he practically yelled it. He was looking at you and grew flustered, the team members looking at him. Abbacchio was frowning, Narancia had narrowed his eyes, Mista's jaw clenched and Giorno looked away.
"Oh, thanks then."
You smiled and leaned back onto him. You weren't entirely sure what happened, Giorno had stepped on the boat and walked to the bottle of water and you tasted something sweet in your mouth.
"You ate them! You ate them didn't you Mista?!"
You looked over and saw an empty chocolate box.
"Damn it Mista give them back!"
You furrowed your brows and slowly started to chew on whatever was in your mouth.
"You little shit you have them in your mouth right now! When did you even have the chance?!"
You finished the chocolate and swallowed, wiping the corners of your mouth in case there was any residue. Next to you, Fugo was drinking from the water bottle.
"I haven't thanked you yet have I, Giorno? For getting me the water."
Narancia happily chewed on his sweets while Mista stood above him frowning down at him, a bit upset about the chocolate. Giorno froze for a bit and looked at his hand, then seeing tiny kitty paws on his lap. He picked up the laptop and started to walk onto the island
"Hey! You bastard what are you doing?!"
Your attention was drawn to Abbacchio who stood up.
"The boss ordered us not to set foot on the-"
Abbacchio started to walk to Giorno and something happened. Abbacchio was on the island.
You weren't by Fugo's side anymore, rather, in his lap.
"What the?"
You looked over your shoulder at Fugo who was looking at you with wide eyes. You looked down and his hands were planted on your waist.
"Hey what the hell?!"
Narancia pointed at the two of you. You tried to slide off him but he hadn't realized he was still holding your hips which made you fall onto the floor of the boat. You let out a small cry of pain when you landed on your face and Narancia stumbled his way to you.
"Something weird is going on. This isn't good something's wrong!"
Giorno started to run towards the church and you stood up with the help of Narancia, Fugo still trying to process what happened. First Abbacchio showed up on the island, and then you had been in his lap with your back facing him, his hands on your hips. He was in a small state of shock.
"Giorno what are you doing?!"
He kept running and ignored Mista's call, only bringing the phone to his ear and talking to Bucciarati. He ran into the building with the laptop and you followed Mista who got out of the boat. Narancia and Fugo behind you.
"Giorno the boss said not to go onto the island!"
You cupped your mouth to make your voice louder but by the end of your sentence, he was already inside the building.
You now stood next to Narancia and Abbacchio and looked at Bruno and Trish, she was being held in his arms. He had been hurt, she was hurt. Her hand was attached to her wrist by a zipper but there was still blood.
(Just to let you know Bruno didn't die he just got really wounded and was healed in time so he's still alive and ok.)
"Why is Trish still here? What happened?"
Your mouth was dry and you let the others ask the same questions you had. Bruno and Giorno started to run to the exit and you followed. The two men ignoring the questions.
"What the hell is going on Bucciarati?"
Bruno set Trish down in the boat and you stood on the land, looking down in the boat.
"We need an explanation. We deserve one. What the hell are you doing?!"
You were bouncing your foot up and down. Abbacchio was demanding answers while the rest stayed quiet.
What happened to Trish? She should be with her dad and why is she unconscious? Bucciarati was hurt too. Something obviously went wrong.
You bit your lip nervously. Sensing this was more serious than any other situation before, something was wrong and something more was going to happen. Bruno stepped off the boat and walked up the stairs a bit but stopped halfway.
"I can't explain everything because there's no time and danger is nearby."
What is he talking about?
His words were making you worry and the air was thick with tension, your breath went shallow and it felt as if you were being suffocated.
"I brought Trish back because I betrayed the boss just now."
Your next breath caught in your throat, you couldn't breathe for a second but gasped for breath when you could.
Isn't that the one thing you're not supposed to do in a gang?! Betray the boss?! You're supposed to be loyal to him right?!
"I will be leaving you all because if you come with me, you will also become traitors. I won't explain more, it has nothing to do with all of you."
He glanced at you but you were looking at the group ahead of you, trying to regulate your breathing and calm your racing heart as you stood in the back.
The boss. H-he has to know that the boss can kill us right? Why would he do this? W-we're going to die.
"You should explain, some may want to join you. We need people on our side"
You looked at Giorno.
Does he already know what Bucciarati is doing? ...Is he going to betray the boss too?
Abbacchio grabbed Giorno by his collar.
"What the hell is your deal?! First, you go into the church when he had orders not to, now your-"
Bruno put a hand to his head and stumbled a bit, Giorno managed to help steady him. Narancia yelling at him asking if he was ok and you took a step forward.
"I'm fine, the fighting and lack of sleep and food just made me light-headed."
You felt that and moved back so you stood behind and close to Abbacchio. You kept your eyes on Giorno, trying to read him and find out what was going on, what he was doing, and what he was going to do.
You heard Abbacchio's demand for answers and tried to focus your ears to listen to Bucciararti instead of your racing heart and uneven breathing. The situation was pressuring in away. Bruno looked back at Trish for only a moment.
"The boss wanted us to bring her here safely so that he could kill her himself. They share blood and she is a trail to him and something that could reveal his identity, in sum a loose end that needed to be tied up. I found out, and I couldn't forgive him. I couldn't return here and act as if nothing had happened. So I betrayed him!"
You took another step back and looked at Trish curled up and unconscious in the boat. Your lips parted and you took in a sharp breath.
The boss... tried to kill his own daughter, and if he succeeded, I would have believed that she was safe with her dad...
One at a time the team spoke up, yet you stayed quiet. You hadn't been in the gang for even a week, you didn't think voicing your opinion would help and add to anything.
"You know what happens to traitors, the boss never lets anyone getaway are you insane?! For all, we know his elite guard is all over Venice right now!"
Bruno wasn't being soft or sympathetic, both his voice and gaze hard. He wasn't backing down. Abbacchio's words weren't going to change anything.
"You're right, that's why I will need help. If any of you are willing to put your life on the line and help me. Walk down these stairs and step onto the boat."
Your heard was racing, you couldn't believe this was actually happening.
"I am not going to order any of you to come, and I am not going to ask you to come with me. The choice that I made just now was mine and you have the choice to stay or leave with me."
He's not... he's not going to stop.
"I did this because I believe that I'm right, no matter how cocky and arrogant that sounds I believe it and I have no regrets."
He can't do this he's going to die. He's going to die!
You were trying to calm down but every time he opened his mouth to say another thing it just ruined it. You stared at the ground and tuned out Bruno.
You heard your name and looked to who it was. It was Giorno's voice who called you. He standing in the boat with Mista and Abbacchio. Narancia was next to you crying and Fugo had his jaw clenched.
Your heart racing and your breath getting shorter as you looked at all of them in the boat. It felt like a barbed-wire had wrapped itself around your throat.
Narancia's cries not making you feel any better and you looked at him and Fugo.
"What will you do?"
Your breathing got faster and you bit your lip hard when you felt tears start to build up, you didn't want to cry.
"She's staying that's what she's doing! You aren't going to take her and put her life on the line!"
Fugo yelled harshly while pointing at Giorno. You opened your mouth but closed it. You knew if you said one word, you'd start crying.
"Y/n is her own person. It's her decision."
Giorno replied smoothly while he looked back at Fugo hardly. His voice had underlying anger, it was smooth but hard and cold.
I-I said I trusted Giorno. I told him I did a-and I do.
Narancia was crying and Bruno refused to order him onto the boat.
"I-I trust your Giorno."
You choked out a few words and like you thought, the built-up tears dropped down your cheeks. Fugo looked at you shocked.
Your voice was cracked up and you choked back a sob and wiped your eyes as Narancia did the same.
"I trust you. I know I can trust you. B-because it always works out how you say it will."
Your throat hurt bad and you let out an ugly sob, Fugo was looking at you with his lips parted and what looked like a heartbroken face.
"But I don't know Giorno. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do."
You cried out and your words got weaker and weaker, barely audible when they turned to mumbles when your shoulders started to shake. Abbacchio looked away, Bruno looked at Trish and averted his eyes from you, Mista turned his back so you wouldn't see him bite his lip, and Giorno thought back to when he got his pin from Polpo.
Flashback -
The golden pin was flipped through the air and landed on the pad for Giorno to take. But that wasn't enough for him.
Y/n, the sweet girl he saw almost every morning as she walked out of her dorm, the sweet girl who wanted nothing more than to live a normal life, was dragged into this. And he couldn't stand it.
Flashback end -
I dragged her in deeper...
Flashback to before Giorno encountered leaky eyed Luka -
You smiled happily as you walked out of your dorm, locking it behind you and putting the keys into your bag. Giorno had stepped out of his dorm and done the same as you. You didn't pay any mind to his presence and tried to open your door to see if you locked it properly. Your smile growing and you started to happily walk down the hallway to your class.
He saw you walk out of your dorm room with a simple smile. Over time he noticed you always walked out of your dorm with the same smile. Sometimes he'd hear you humming a tune to yourself and sometimes you'd have your hair in a different style or wear something different from what you normally wear. You always looked so carefree.
Flashback end -
"Y/n. I want you to stay here."
He finally spoke and you looked at him. He was just a blur of pink and yellow. No matter how hard you thought about it, neither option was good enough for you to choose. It didn't feel right to stay but you knew so many bad things would happen if you went. If you went, you'd be leaving Narancia and Fugo, but if you stayed, Abbacchio, Bruno, Mista, Giorno. They would all leave.
"I agree with Giorno. I don't want you coming with the possibility of dying and with what we are doing it's almost set in stone that you will get hurt."
Mista still had his back to you. The Sex Pistols came out and flew to you. Number Five was bawling his eyes out and the others were telling you not to cry and kissing your cheeks and trying to wipe your tears away which was hard due to their size. Mista was biting his lip and his heart felt sore.
"You aren't cut out for this just like Narancia."
Bruno couldn't look at you when he spoke and started the engine. They sat down in the boat and you and Narancia both let out a cry. Fugo looking at them.
"You'll be killed. Without a doubt."
Bruno looked away and looked to the people in the boat with him.
"Once the boat takes off you're all officially traitors."
No one stood up from the boat and they left. Fugo yelling after them. He couldn't understand them.
"You're all crazy! All this for a girl you've barely talked to!"
I talked to her... I talked to her the most. If they live. What will Trish think of me?
You had tuned out Fugo's muttering while you thought to yourself until you heard a splash. Your heart catching when you looked at the water and saw Narancia desperately swimming after them.
No... he's going to die too. No all of you just come back.
You cried harder.
"No! All of you just come back, please! I don't want you to die!"
You yelled after them but they couldn't hear you. Bruno had stopped the boat for Narancia to get on and you were crying harshly.
"Just come back... j-just come back..."
You repeated it over and over again, your voice getting quieter and quieter until you were just mouthing the words. You wiped your eyes harshly so you could watch the boat fade away. Your arms dropping to your sides.
"I don't want you to die."
Your voice wasn't loud enough for even Fugo to hear but you still spoke and your voice cracked. You tried to swallow but you just couldn't get it down. Your cries dying down, now it was only a few loose tears rolling down your cheeks. The only noise being your jagged breathing that was calming down.
Something gently brushed against your hand. Fugo slowly moved his hand to hold yours. Gently intertwining your fingers and squeezing your hand softly as a sign of comfort. You couldn't give a verbal response and used your other hand to wipe your tears away, you squeezed his hand back weakly.
"Fugo... I'm hungry..."
You looked at the ground and Fugo slowly started to walk away from, leading you away and started to walk with you. You following his lead.
"Ok. Let's go find some food. Maybe a cafe."
You nodded your head and sniffed harshly so snot wouldn't run down your face. He looked over his shoulder at where the boat once was and shook his head.
They're crazy. They're all going to die.
Fugo swallowed thickly and bit the inside of his cheek. Walking hand in hand with you to try and find a place to eat.
"I heard of a good cafe in Venice. We'd have to use a boat to get there, but I could find a short cut if we get a map."
You looked at Fugo and gave him a weak half-smile.
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