《The Darkest Souls》30


"Life is great!" Luke sighed when he sat next to me

"Yeah great to me too" I gave him the fakest smile ever

"I mean we agreed on you coming but not bring your friend which is my ex like fuck no"

"And why in the first place did that asshole agree on being his ex girlfriend that is clearly still in love with him" I crossed my arm and sent daggers to their way

"it's all because of that asshole, he should've have accepted on Sienna coming! Then Andrea wouldn't have came!" Luke shook his head

"Andrea? Really?" I turned to look at him


"Did you really date that chick?, she looks like a bitch"

Luke shrugged "didn't seem like one when we dated but she then did cheat"

A body stood in-front of us stopping us from looking at Sienna and Andrea

"Move!" Lucas said trying to push him

"Are you guys done gossiping about them" Marcus crossed his arms and rose a brow at us

"Not yet just move" i said

"nah I won't! We came on this trip to enjoy our time not for you both to talk about girls you hate!"

"Yeah clearly you're saying that because the one you like is with you on the trip" Lucas said

"Shut up, yes Isabelles here, it was a last minute thing but the goal from the start is enjoying this trip!" Marcus said

"Just move out of our way Marcus, you don't understand" I said as me and Lucas pushed him out of the way

"god I wish I could just rip out that fake hair" I said staring at Sienna's hair

"stop stop we are taking this way too far, let's just think about something else" Lucas said

"her face?"


"Think about axel"

"Are you crushing on axel?" I said with a smirk

"He's hot for sure but NO! he's my brother but imagine staring at that dick's face" Lucas said making me laugh

"when i stare at that jerk! All I think is ripping his heart out, you know how Klaus does it, clench their heart that ripping it out" I said explaining

"You've taken this far" he laughed

"Maybe I should think about Klaus or maybe Damon" I said

"Stefan And Daniel are hotter" Lucas said

"They all are hot! Like damn imagine a rippah Stefan" I said

"are you both done fangirling?" Isabelle asked

"Not done yet, leave us alone, we are sad and we feel like dying and we literally need ice cream a soon as possible right now" Lucas said

"2 large ice-creams please!" I said

"Does it look like I'm taking orders from you! You both are acting like drama queens!" Marcus said smacking our heads

"Ouch that hurt" I said

"What is happening here?" Axel asked

"Oh so now you're asking?" I raised a brow

"Yeah are you?" Lucas said sticking with me

"Are you both drunk or something?" He asked


"we're not you" I said

"you think I'm drunk?" He asked

"he is...right?" I looked at Lucas as he nodded

"Look" he took a seat in front of me then took my head into his making my heart beat faster "we came here to enjoy, and I know that the fact that they are here is bothering both of you but just ignore it and let's enjoy our time" he said as I pulled my hand away

"yeah we ignore it but you're totally enjoying it! If you didn't then you wouldn't have invited them!" I crossed my arm and glared at him

the bus we booked to stopped by the resort

"I'm excited!" Sienna squealed

"I should've just went with Theo and Savannah" I sighed

"shut up both of you, wear your jackets and let's go down!" Isabelle scolded

"Okay mother" Lucas said

"Wait why did I come here in the first place! I should've stayed with my family!" Marcus said

"Because you love us? And you don't want to share a room with Sav and Theo?" I grinned as he sent me a glare

we wore our jackets before getting out from the bus

The cold breeze hit our bodies making me shiver

"it might start snowing tonight" Andrea said "I'm excited I can take some insta worthy pictures!"

who cares?

axel got the keys before returning to us "they'll sent the bags to the villa but we have to walk now"

"I'm supposed to walk till up there?" Sienna asked

"You shouldn't have came if you won't, or are you waiting for axel to pick you up?" Isabelle asked

"I wouldn't mind that" she said as she flipped her hair making me roll my eyes

I saw Axel looking at me so I gave him a middle finger making him frown

"you both broke up, don't wait for something that won't gonna happen" Isabelle said

you go sis!!

"we'll see about that" Sienna said sending a death glare to Isabelle

axel walked beside me quietly as he held a beanie in his hands "put this on, you're shivering"

"why don't you give that to Sienna, she needs it" I crossed my arms and avoided looking at him

"Mel" he sighed "I'm sorry for inviting her okay? But please don't do this"

"Do what? I'm not doing anything" I said with a shrug

"whatever" he said before pulling my hand to stop me. He took the beanie and placed it on the top of my head, covering my ears which warmed me

he then placed a soft kiss to my cheek making me don't know how to breath

damn axel

fucking damn axel

"thank you" I said politely trying to hide the smile from him

"cuties as fuck" Isabelle said

"we'll be cuter when he asks me out" I said making her gasp

"Didn't know you've got this side in you!" Marcus said as they laughed

"what can I say? I'm tired of this all" I said making Lucas pat my back



"hell no I'm not sharing a room with you!" I objected

he frowned almost immediately

"Mel!" Lucas sighed

"It's alright Axel, you can share with me and Andrea can sleep with Lucas" Sienna said

"I'm not sharing it with her! Id rather sleep in the cold" Lucas said

"Why?" I asked looking at Sienna "he can share it with anyone else"

"my room is empty" Sienna said

"Nope Andrea is sharing it with you" I said

"But he can stay with Me"

"Why would he stay with you when he can stay with Lucas?" I asked

"Why would he even choose to sleep with you?!" Sienna scolded as she crossed her arms

"you know what? Axel you can stay with me" I crossed my arm sending daggers to Sienna

"you didn't want him so he can stay with me now!" Sienna said

"Can you both stop arguing!" Axel scolded with an amused look on his face

"They're arguing for you love" Marcus said while laughed

"That was disgusting, you sound like klaus mikealson"

"Excuse me!" I gasped "did he just insult klaus????"

"I didn't say anything mel, don't start again"

"shut up, we're not friends anymore" I glared at him before pulling my bag and walking to the room way "and Lucas babe! You can stay with us too"

"you're more than that babe!" Isabelle said sending me a wink

I entered the room and slammed the door shut before it was opened again

"is someone here jealous?"

I groaned when I heard his voice

"I take back what I said you can stay with Sienna" I said

"oh really?" He crossed his arms and looked over to me amused

"yes, you heard me"

"okay then, I'll call Lucas and I can stay with Sienna" he said but I ignored him

"I'm walking out now" he said

"I can see that" I said rolling my eyes

"I'm opening the door and going to Sienna" he said as he opened the door


he laughed "jealous much?"

"shut up with the jealousy thing! I'm not jealous Axel" I said "plus you insulted klaus"

"So you don't mind me sleeping with Sienna, on the same bed, all together and cuddled up?" he asked raising a brow "and I'm sorry for insulting the klaus mikealson"

he was right

all I felt was my blood boiling and jealousy running through my veins

"I do mind just shut up" I said and I saw him put on a victory smile

The door opened and Lucas stood there "just to let you know, I'm taking theo's room tonight so Sienna can't but I'll be taking the couch tomorrow"

"thanks" I grinned "and if that bitch messes with you, just text me and you have me"

"don't worry, I'll just ignore her" Lucas said "and you asshole, stop this and whatever you're doing! Stop being a stubborn and doing things just to prove to Amelia that she's not right"

"I didn't do anything!" Axel said

"Yeah totally" I said sarcastically

"Have a good night both of you!" Lucas said before he walked out of the room

silence filled the room as we opened the luggage's and unpacked it

I took out my pajamas and headed to the bathroom to change my clothes, it was freezing although the heaters were on

but it'll be fun, with all of the snow

Hello Amelia,

my mind reminded me

oh fuck you .. mind

"okay she's sweet but did you seriously date her?" I said as soon I got out of the bathroom and saw axel who was laying on the bed with his phone in his hands

"excuse me?" he looked up to me before placing his phone beside him

"nothing" I said with a shrug

"She was different than what she is now" he answered

he heard me then

"Oh, I guess she broke up with you then" I asked

he nodded

"It wasn't meant to be" he said

"Did you love her?" I asked curiosity kicking in

"I won't say I didn't, I loved her to what I knew love was. But I learned from everything, it was just a lesson to learn from"


"Do you sti-" I stopped not wanting to get into his business anymore "never mind"

"do I what? Do I still lover her? No" he answered making comfort run through my body "she's in the past mel"

"The past? I don't think so, you're still around her" I said "she's here on a trip we're supposed to enjoy in"

he rolled his eyes "should I act like a dick towards her then?"

"oh of course you won't... you both are still not over each other" I said trying to act unbothered


"never mind I need to sleep now, I'm tired" I said

"Mel stop doing this, you don't even give me a chance to explain!"

"Because there isn't anything to explain" I said

"Okay act like that I'm not saying anything else" he said

"It's not like we're dating!"

"Yeah, you're right" he said before closing the lamp and laying under the sheets

"Axel" I sighed

"good night" he said as he closed his eyes

I climbed on top of him before poking him continuously "I'm sorry"

"Mel leave me alone! What the hell are you doing" he said trying to push me down


"Is that how you apologize?" He asked holding me back, I nodded making him sigh before throwing me to the other side

"Axxxxxel I'm sorry, I'm a bitch and a stubborn"

"Nice of you to know that" he said

"I'm sorry"

"Okay, just sleep now"


"Amelia Moore, I know you are just fucking sleep now because we have the longest day tomorrow" he said making me smile, that's his way of forgiving someone without saying it

"good night" I kissed his cheek

"good night Mel" he said with a smile

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