《The Darkest Souls》31


"Axy boo, I need some help over here" Sienna said making me groan

"Remind me to not ever call you that" I said making him chuckle

"I can help you" Savannah said

"Nah it's alright, Axy can" she said

"You're not even letting me help you" Andrea said

"how did you survive yesterday?" Theo asked

"How did YOU survive being friends with her all of these years?" I said

"She's not that bad but I'm sure it's only because you're jealous"

"I'm not" I rolled my eyes before grabbing Axel's coat which I stole from the room

"We'll be out" Lucas said as we walked out

I put the coat on and his heady smell filled my nostrils, that somewhat between woody and leathery smell that I loved

"smells like him" I whispered to myself but I'm sure they all heard me "don't say a word" I said as they laughed

"oh wow" Isabelle gasped when we saw the, now covered ground,

it must've snowed last night but still it's fucking cold and freezing

"I'd love to wake up to this view everyday" I said

"And I'd love to wake up to your beautiful face" Savannah said sending me a fly kiss

"Awh babes you're the beautiful one" I said

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend" Theo said

"excuse me she flirted first!" I said as we walked

"suits you better" I heard axel say as he caught up with me

"thank you" I grinned making him chuckle

he shook his head while laughing "dont try doing that one me, I know you so much already and I won't forget that it's stealing"

"Hey! I just borrowed it"

"Without asking?" He raised a brow

"um maybe?... do you rather watch me freeze till death?" I crossed my arms

He laughed before wrapping his arms around me "you're dramatic"

"Shhh" I shushed him making him laugh

we walked down the mountain, his hands wrapped around me until we reached the cafe they had down there

and let's not forget about Sienna and Andrea gossiping and glaring at me the whole time

we all gave our orders and started talking together when suddenly axel placed his hands on my thigh making butterflies explode in my stomach and a blush convey on my face

damn axel

he was too focused on talking with Marcus that he didn't even realize what he was doing to me

"you're embarrassing us! we can see that you're so in love with him but act all heavy and stuff, like it's nothing" Isabelle said

"why would she?! he can't even fucking see how in love she is with him or how both of them are! I just want him to fucking realize it and date her so we all can live happily ever after" Savannah said

"why do we always have to talk about us?" I asked

"She confirms that there is a us!" Isabelle smirked as I rolled my eyes

The breakfast was served, we ate while chatting about different stuff, his hand never left my thigh and even if he needed to use his other hand, he's return it back as soon as he finished and it just gave me chills the whole time


"eat up well, we have some walking to do" Theo said

"I'm full already" Andrea said "plus how do you even eat that stuff, it's unhealthy"

A bitter laugh escaped Lucas's mouth "explain un healthy"

"you know what I mean" Andrea said before an argument started between everyone but I ignored it

I looked at axel who was busy looking at the people in-front of him who were fighting

I placed my hand on top of his hand that were on my thigh making him tense before looking over to me in a surprise

he looked at our hands before intertwining them together then looking up to me when a smile appeared on his face

I blushed and immediately looked away trying to avoid his looks or else I know I'd look redder than ever

"Alexa or siri or whatever play little things, zayn's first two lines" he whispered

Huh? The first two lines?

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, But bear this in mind, it was meant to be

I blushed hardly and hid my face between the chair his back and the chair making him laugh

"You're cute" he whispered making me blush even more

"stop" I hit his arm as he laughed

"I think I'll be needing 3 shots of espresso" Marcus said

"looks like 2 people here stayed up all late" Savannah winked at Isabelle and Marcus

"shut up" Isabelle covered her face

"We were just taking!" Marcus explained but no one believed that

after the pleasing lunch we had, the boys had a fight on who'd be paying but lucas ended up paying after promising the guys that he'd let them pay the next times

"If you ever do that again, any one of you, I'll kill you" axel said glaring at the boys as we walked

"come on bro! You always do that!" Marcus said

"he's definitely right" Savannah said

"yeah he always done that when we went out, but it's cute so I don't mind him paying" Sienna spoke

"Lucas should've been like this but he always said that it should be 2 sided" Andrea said as I looked at Lucas before we both rolled our eyes

"I see that Lucas is right, both of them should pay, it shouldn't always be the guy" Isabelle said

"true" Savannah said "on the first dates, it'll be cute if the guy pays but later on the girl should pay too"

"you're getting way deep into this, a guy should pay that's what I think" Andrea said as she rolled her eyes

"But Axel's different, he's my type" Sienna said

yeah okay.....

"no one asked you what your type was Sienna" Theo said making everyone laugh

Axel smiled while shaking his head before he walked slowly making me reach him

what is he doing?

he cleared his throat before intertwining our hands together sending shivers to my spine

"are you cold?" He asked trying to act normal

what normal you asshole???

"Kinda" I said before he stopped me, and took his beanie off

"Axe no, you'll get cold!" I said "axe I won't take it"



"No axe you'll get cold"

"shut up" he said before placing it over my head and covering my ears properly

"you'll catch a cold axel" I sighed

"but you won't" he said before connecting our hands again

we were walking up the hills while talking, and we all saw how Sienna was looking at us but we ignored it completely

"ouch ouch ouch" we suddenly heard Sienna yell

here comes the drama

"Sienna?!" Andrea said before running to her

"ouch my knee! I can't stand" she said

"here we go again" Isabelle sighed

"Axy boo can you help! I need your help! It hurts how I'm supposed to walk?" she said and I knew immediately what she was trying to do

"call an ambulance maybe?" Savannah said with sarcasm

axel sighed as his eyes met mine before he let go of my hands and walked over to her

I already miss the warmth of his hands

"bitch" Savannah whispered as we all looked at axel walked over to her, checking her legs as she faked her pain

"can you pick me up, I can't walk" she said before Axel obeyed her and picked her

"she's trying to get axel" Marcus said shaking his head

"Keep your eyes on her!" Theo said as he patted my back slowly

"but all we know is that he doesn't want her but who knows what is going to happen?" Lucas said

"I don't care"

"look at your face mel, all I'm seeing is jealousy" Marcus said "let's just go" he wrapped his arm around me before pulling me to walk steps in front of them

"I'm not jealous" I said

"Yeah right totally" Lucas said

"you know what I wanna do right now?! I want to pull her down by pulling her hair! She's annoying!" Savannah said

"And that axel! What is he thinking! He should've just let her there' she's faking it!" Isabelle said

We reached our villa, while axel holding Sienna as she flirted with him in every way possible

"is someone getting a bag, I'm not up on taking mine" Isabelle said

"I'm taking mine" Savannah said

"are you all going somewhere?" Andrea asked

"yeah but you'll have to stay with sienna" Lucas said

"I can come" Sienna said

"No you're not coming, your legs are hurt" Theo said

i took off Axel's coat and beanie before throwing it on the couch as he watched with intense looks

"Mel" Lucas shook his head

"Let's go" I said

"You'll get sick" Theo said

"I'm fine, it's not that cold" I said as I opened the door and walked out

"It's fucking snowing!!" Theo said as he followed me

"Amelia" axel said as he reached me, he wrapped around me the jacket

"It's not cold, I don't want it" I said

"Come on Mel" he said

"I don't want it axel" I said removing it from me

"fine act like this!" He said "you're a stubborn"

damn now I'm cold

"Okay Axy boo" I mimicked making everyone laugh

"Guys we came here to enjoy!" Lucas said "not fight"

"we are enjoying" I said

"You are jealous but not enjoying" Isabelle said

"I'm not jealous"

"just admit it amelia, you are jealous of Sienna" axel said

"bro" Theo shook his head

"I'm not, and even if I were axel, is this the way you act if you know someone is jealous?"

"Mel" his face fell "sorry"

"Whatever axel" I said

"I swear if any one of you says another word, we'll be leaving!" Theo said

"Stop acting like kids!" Lucas scolded

"I'll bring Andrea and we'll see how you'll act Luke" Marcus said

"Shut up" Lucas glared at him making us laugh

we reached the chair lifts and stood in line, our turn came soon

"Luke come with me" I said

"no Luke is coming with us!" Marcus said

"Axel is coming with you" Isabelle said

"No I'll go with you guys and Marcus can go with him" I said

Axel sighed before Picking me up

"Axel! Put me down! I don't want to ride with you"

He ignored me then placed me on the chair

"HAVE FUN GUYS!" Savannah yelled

"FUCK YOU ALL" i yelled as they laughed

"Guess we're stuck together" axel said as the chair moved

"stuck together??? YOU stuck us together" I said as he laughed

"arent you cold?" He asked



"I'm not wearing your jacket"

"why is that?"

"I don't want to" I said

"put this on or I'll be throwing you" he said as he glared at me "now"

"I don-" I was stopped when he wrapped it around me then pulled the hood up to cover my head

"you object a lot, you should lessen that" he said "you're a stubborn too"

I gave him my middle finger making him laugh, we looked down to see the white covered ground that looked beautiful

"Mel what's wrong with you, why are you acting like this?" He asked

"It's nothing"

"No it's not nothing, look how you've been acting! Is it because of Sienna?" he asked

"you asked if I was jealous? Yes I'm fucking jealous Axel! Is it going to change something? No it won't so stop asking" I said

"Yes it changes everything Mel"

"Nothing changed, you know that I'm jealous so what?"

"You know that I'm not getting with sienna right?"

"If you're not getting back with her then why do you keep inviting her everywhere then letting her flirt with you!"

"to make you jealous?" he smirked making me smack his chest

"fuck off" I said as we both laughed, his laughter died down and I caught him looking at me before he tucked in a strand of my hair behind my ears

"you're beautiful" he whispered making a faint blush appear

"sssshhh" I covered my face

"KISS HER ALREADY!" We heard Marcus yell from behind

we both laughed before his eyes met mine and his face got closer to mine before he connected our lips together making fireworks explode in my stomach

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