《The Darkest Souls》23


I felt someone poke me but I ignored it and didn't let that disturb my beauty sleep

"hey Mel wake up" I heard Axel's voice


"Mel wake up"

"Go away" I said hitting the air

"Mel it's important wake up"

"Let me sleep axe!, I still hate you" I groaned

"I know you do but please it's important, I need to talk to you" he said making my eyes flutter open before I sat slowly

I rubbed my eyes "are you okay? did something happen?"

"I am okay Mel" he said with a smile on his face

This feels good, waking up to this beautiful face in the morning

"I'm glad I wake up to my face too" He said making my heart stop


did I just say that out loud?

"You did just say that out loud" he laughed as I took a pillow and covered my face

"Fuck me" I groaned "anyways ignore what I just said, do you need to talk about something?"

"I'm not gonna ignore that and yes, I need to show you something important and I know it'll make you happy. So get dressed and come meet me down by the stairs"

"what happened?"

"It's a surprise" he said

"What surprise?"

"Mel get up"

"You woke me up from the most amazing sleep, saying it's a surprise? Fuck no! It's not even my birthday yet"

"Just get dressed Amelia or I'll have to pick you up now and bring you down"

I sighed loudly before glaring at him

"Okay fine! I still hate you"

"You wouldn't after what you'll be seeing"

"Okay now I'm curious" I crossed my arm

"I don't care just fucking get dressed now mel" he scolded

I nodded before grabbing clothes and entering the bathroom

I got dressed, did my hair and got ready before heading down

axel was standing by the end of the stairs while being on his phone

"you ready?" he asked as I nodded

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked

"No, but we have something out there in the backyard, let's go!" He said as i followed him

"you've been through a lot, and we all planned something together with the help of dad Ofcourse, and this, I mean what you'll be seeing outside is the only way to make you happy. I hope you realize how much you mean to us and to me specifically"

"Are you trying to make me forgive you?" I asked making him groan

"Goddamn Amelia, this is not about me. This is about making you happy and no you can still not forgive me, as long as you're happy" he said making me feel bad

"awh thanks asshole, should I go out now?" I said making him shake his head and laugh

axel opened the door, I stepped out first and looked at the surrounding

wait what is everyone doing here?

my friends were there, Antonio, Renee and Val were there and they were all looking at me with a warm smile

but someone caught my attention

no no no

this is not real

no fucking way

"no.. this can't be real" tears filled my eyes

there stood a much taller, and bigger bryce then the last time I saw him

"Mel!" He yelled running to me

oh god

he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my stomach

"no this can't be real" I said letting the tears fall

"Oh darling, this is real" Renee said wiping the few tears that fell from her eyes


oh my god, he's here

he's hugging me

he remembers me

I kneeled down slowly "hey" my voice cracked

"oh my god" I said as soon as I pulled him into my chest

"you're here"

"I missed you Mel!" He said making me tighten my grip around him

"oh god, you're here. I missed you more baby, I missed you so much. you're here"

"why are you crying?" he asked as he pulled out from the hug and looked at me

"I'm just happy to see you" I said pulling him back to a hug

I just don't want to let him go

I looked up and saw everyone looking at us with a warm smile

Savannah was crying already, Theo stood behind her wrapping his arms around her and staring at us with a big smile

Lucas had this giant happy but sad smile, Marcus had few tears on his cheek

while axel stood on the side staring at us with that smile that melts my heart

his eyes were so bright and happy

Antonio stood with Valerie in his hands, and he was smiling

"Can you let me go? You're suffocating me" Bryce said making everyone around laugh

I chuckled before pulling away from him

"what are you doing here? How?" I asked looking at them

"his idea" Savannah wiped her tears as she pointed to axel

Goddamn axel

"I got the help from dad and everyone else" he said looking at Antonio

"but how?"

"Mom said i could see you anytime" Bryce said


"He's in a foster home" Antonio said as he caught the confusion on my face "we talked to them and they said you have the complete freedom to come see him or take him out anytime"

Oh wow


Antonio nodded

"Axel can I go play now?" Bryce asked

"Yeah sure buddy"

"I'll play with axel okay?" Bryce said poliely as I nodded

"Come on, let's go" axel said, he looked at me with a soft small smile before he and Bryce disappeared inside the house

"Oh god Bryce is here" I said putting my hand on my mouth in shock not believing anything

"He is" Theo said

"I.. I just can't believe it. He's here" I said before Renee walked over to me and hugged me

"I know it's hard to believe but he's here now" she said

"but how did you know about it ?" I asked

"Antonio" she said looking at him

"I-I don't have enough words to thank you Antonio, Thank you guys, I literally don't know what to say. But thank you a lot and I know it's not enough but I hope you know how thankful I am" I said

"Kiddo, you deserve better. and I know this is what my friend would've wanted" Antonio said pulling me into a hug

"and I think you should go thank him" Lucas said

I nodded looking over to them with a smile

"We'll stay with Bryce" Marcus said

I got inside the house and went to Axel's room, I heard their laughs before peeking through the door and seeing them both laughing while Bryce was playing a game on the PlayStation

"Can I play every-time I come over?" Bryce asked Axel "if Amelia wants me over"

"Of course she wants you and How about i get you your own?"

"Really?! You'll get me one?!" Bryce said excitedly

"Yeah buddy, I'll get you one for sure" axel said before Bryce hugged him

My heart warmed when Axel hugged him back

"thank you Axel!" Bryce said before returning to play


This isn't a dream

"Axe" I cleared my throat before speaking

they both looked back to me, Bryce smiled before looking back to the tv


"Can I talk to you?" I asked him as he nodded before following me into my room

he sat on the chair as I paced through the room

I still couldn't believe it

he was here, my brother is here

"can I start crying again?" I asked as he laughed and shook his head

"maybe not"

"I fucking don't know what to say to you, fuck I'm gonna cry, I can't believe it"

"you don't have to say anything"

"Thankyou so much" I said with a pout but trying so bad to hold back the tears

"you deserve this all and more, I just wanted to make you happy" he said

"Fuck Axel, you didn't just make me happy, you don't know what I'm feeling right now! I dont even know! God Axel, I can't thank you enough" I stopped and took a deep breath avoiding any tear that may fall

"that's all I wanted" he said before walking to me and pulling me to his chest and I didn't waste any second to hug him back tightly

"It's amazing you know, it feels amazing. I just thought I'll never see him again and if I did, he wont remember me but he does and I saw him and he's here"

"he's an amazing kid by the way, we talked when I brought him here" axel said

"I don't even know what to say!"

"I swear mel, there's nothing you need to say. I just wanted you to be happy, a lot has been going on and I've been an asshole to you and I knew that this was the only way to make you happy and to see a genuine smile from you so I talked to dad and we managed it out. and he's your brother after all, you both deserve to me with each other. And I just want you to be happy" he said, I didn't have anything to say so the next thing I do is close the distance between us and attach our lips together

he immediately kissed me back with force, his hands wrapped around my body pulling me closer to him if that's possible.

our bodies were touching and my skin was burning for his touch

this time butterflies and Fireworks exploded in my stomach

we pulled back slowly, resting our forehead together, our eyes closed and the sound of us breathing rapidly is the only thing heard

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Axel's face which had a smile on it

"what was that?" he asked putting on a smirk to hide his smile

I blushed "I don't know"

"so this means that you forgive me?" He asked making me chuckle

"asshole of course I do"

"well I'm flattered to be forgiven by this pretty breath taking girl" he said

"shut up"

"you are beautiful"

"no I'm not shh"

"I don't know when you'll realize this but you are" he said before he pinched my cheek

"thanks again axe" I said

"anytime, now why don't you go spend your time with you brother?" I nodded before I turned to exit the room but a pair of hands wrapped around me stopping me


He pulled me close to him, my back was now resting on his chest

"What are you doing?"

"I just want to do this" he said before

he placed a soft kiss my check making my heart jump

I was sure that my is now redder than a tomato, I grinned before me and axel got into his room

"Cheaters!! You cheated!!" Luke yelled

"Nope it's just me and Bryce are good at playing" Theo said "you both are losers, High five buddy" he and Bryce high fived

"hey" I said catching their attention, Savannah saw me, she placed Val on the floor and made her way towards me. Before she pulled me into a hug

"I couldn't hug you before, I'm happy for you babe, literally so happy" she said

"I love you Sav, thank you" I said as we both smiled before I sat on the bed and rested my back on the head stand watching them play

"We won! Losers ha ha losers!" Marcus yelled

"Ow man" Bryce said

"It's okay, next game" Theo told him as he patted his back

"Bryce, why don't you sit with your sister now? Then maybe after lunch we could continue playing" Axel spoke pulling Val to his hands

"Axy!" She said excitedly before she started playing with the toy in her hand

Bryce nodded before standing up and jumped on the bed beside me, I hugged him immediately

"I literally missed you so much" I said in a low voice before kissing the top of his head

"I miss you too mel" he said with a smile

"Now tell me how's your life, how's school?"

"I have many friends! I love Mrs. Marshall she's my English teacher"

"So you're good at English huh?" He nodded

"How about your foster home?" I asked "is it better than the last time?"

"Yeah! I have a mom and dad this time! I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters!!"

"really? That amazing"

"But I miss you" he said making my heart clench

"I miss you too, I missed you so much" I said "tell me now, how do they treat you? Are they good?"

"yeah dad buys me thing when I ask him and mom Always bakes me brownies it's delicious! You should try it once!" He said

I'm glad, I'm glad he's living in a loving family

"Dad would've been happy" I said with a smile that filled tears in my eyes

"are you safe?" He asked me as I nodded

"I am baby, Antonio is dad's best friend. And he was kind enough to provide me everything"

"That's cool! Did he give you axel too?" He asked

The hell?


I heard the room go in silence before they erupted into laughters

"No! Axel is not a toy to be given!" I said and I looked at him, he had this grin of his face but his attention was on Val

I think I'm in love

No no no

Stop over thinking things mind

"Sorry" Bryce said as I messed his hair up

Axel then turned his head Around making our eyes Meet

I was thankful for him and for all of the things he's done

"you haven't had breakfast, do you want me to buy you something?" Axel asked


"simp simp simp" Marcus said

"no thank axe" I smiled as he smiled back

"Damn the things this girl does to him" Lucas said as axel hit making us all laugh

"I'm not listening to you all" axel said

"yeah of course, you're only listening to Mel" Sav said as they laughed

"Okay Sav okay" Axel said

"aw did I make you sad?" She said

"I'm not talking to you"

"stop messing with him" I said

"Yeah stop messing with me" axel said "Val baby tell them"

"No axy mess" she said as we laughed at her

"That's my girl!" Axel said before kissing her cheek

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