《The Darkest Souls》22
"I'm sorry"
"What should we watch Val?" i asked her
"Elsa!" She said excitedly
"I'm sorry"
"okay baby, let me bring you some biscuits and I'll come back" I said going to the kitchen and saw him following me
"hey Amelia, can you feed Valerie, I made her some dinner" Renee said as soon as she saw me "I just have some work and I need to go"
"Yeah sure, I just came here to get her biscuits" i said taking Valeries lunch
"I'm sorry Amelia"
Renne laughed "he haven't stopped?"
"no he's acting like a child"
"I'm not! I just want you to forgive me!" Axel said
"does it really matter that much to you if I forgive you or not?" I asked
"It does" he said
"That's not my son" Renee said surprised "he don't even say sorry and I've been hearing him saying it thousands of times"
"Okay madrè" he rolled his eye "I'm sorry Amelia"
"Okay" I said taking a spoon for Val
"I'll head out now and don't forgive him" Renee said
"Enjoy your time and of course I won't!" I said as she laughed with axel frowned
"Amelia I'm sorry" axel said as he followed to the living room
"we'll be watching a movie so please stop acting like a child"
"But forgive me"
"axel shut up"
"Axy shut up" Val said as I face palmed my self
"No Val, that's not a good thing to say!" I said "don't say that"
"sowwy axy" she apologized
"I forgive you baby" axel said kissing her cheek "you should start to be forgiving like me"
I rolled my eyes as he grinned
"ELSA!!!!" Valerie screamed
"Yes baby, it's Elsa" I smiled "now open your mouth so you could eat your yummy food"
I fed her as she watched frozen for the 100th time, I don't blame her tho
the music track is stuck in my head
"Bryce would've been lucky to have a sister like you"
I don't know if my heart stopped beating or I just froze but his words made me feel something, a mixture of sadness and happiness
"but I don't even think he'll remember me, by the next time I see him" I said
"he will, how can he forget such a beautiful face?" Axel said as I hit his arm while grinning
"I hate you and I still don't forgive you" I said
"I don't think you ever will" axel said
"Shhh Elsa" Valerie said shushing is then pointing at the movie making me and axel laugh
"I'll be heading to lucas's in few, you coming?"
"I'll ask someone else to pick me up" I joked
"Mel we're going from the same house"
"I was joking, I'll come, I'll just wait for her babysitter to come"
"okay" axel said
"You forgive him?" Lucas asked as soon as we entered his house
"No she didn't" axel said
"good thing kid" Lucas said patting my back
"Lucas fucking Turner, shut up" he said before he opened his wii
"awh you sad because she doesn't? My poor boy. Who thought a girl would make you like this?" Lucas said making me laugh
"shut up Lucas, I'm serious"
"Well I'm serious too"
"Lucas if you don't shut up now, you kno-" axel was stopped when Marcus barged in
"That's disgusting!" He yelled as he turned back to Theo and Savannah
"Hello to you too" Axel said With sarcasm
"What happened?" I asked
"We didn't" Theo said as I raised a brow and looked at Savannah
"IM NOT CRAZY! I literally saw you!!!"
"I knew it" Lucas said
"I'm guessing it true, since Amelia didn't say a word means that it's true" axel said as I took a pillow and threw it on him
"Oh fuck no it's true isn't it? Sav tell Me" Marcus said
"You told her?" Theo asked
"I'm done with this conversation! You guys are disgusting!" Marcus said
"My Boyyy!" Lucas said doing a handshake with Theo
"Okay this is awkward" Savannah said
"Marcus! Shouldn't you be happy for us? I mean I'm your cousin and she's your best friend??" Theo said
"That's the main point why I'm mad! Can someone please imagine the things I might see! Guys imagine me going into the room seeing them on top of each other kissing or whatever! Ew no" he scrunched his nose
"you'll get used to it" Lucas said
"Marcus, you've always wanted me to find someone who'll make me happy and I think he's the one" Savannah spoke
"Marcus come on dont do this" I said
"I don't approve of this at all" Marcus said making me gape before he turned to leave the room
"Marcus" we called out but he already left
"I'll go talk to him" Axel said standing up and following him
"it's okay, it's gonna be okay" I said to Sav putting my hand on her back as she tried holding back her tears
Axel entered while laughing making us all confused
"what happened?" Theo asked worriedly
"THAT WAS A PRANK" Marcus entered behind Axel laughing
"Fuck you!" Theo yelled
"I fucking hate you" Savannah said letting out a deep breath as Marcus, Lucas and I laughed
"I got both of you!" Marcus stuck his tongue out
Theo gave him a middle finger
"If you guys are happy then I'm happy, come here bro" Marcus hugged Theo
"Literally fuck you bro" Theo said
"You scared the shit out of me Marcus" Savannah said before she was hugged by Marcus
"That's exactly what I wanted to do, I'm happy for you. I swear Theo, try hurting my bestfriend and I wouldn't mind hurting you thousands of times"
"I'm your brother!" Theo said
"But she's my bestfriend"
"Damn bro, he chooses her over you" Lucas said while shaking his head
"Marcus won't be the only one to hurt you" I said
"Damn she build up a gang against me" Theo said as we laughed
"I love you both" Savannah said "and thanks Marcus for understanding"
"you're welcome buds" he told her
"Wait wait wait" Savannah said
"I'm literally so disappointed in you right now" she pointed at me
"Me?! What the hell did I do?" I asked
"You forgave him already??!"
"Wait you forgave him?" Marcus asked
"Didn't expect that to happen that fast" Theo said
"Why are you all against me?!" Axel said
"I didn't, don't worry" I said
"That's my girl" Savannah said as we laughed
"I'm unfriending you all right now" Axel said
"we were never friends" Savannah said stinging her tongue out
"Theo get a hold of your girlfriend please"
"I'll sure do" Theo said wrapping an arm around her
"That's weird" Marcus said pointing between Theo and Savannah
"You're weird" Savannah said
""who's playing against me?" Marcus said as he held the controller
"Definitely me" Theo said
"do you want to sit by the fire later? I can go light up the wood" Lucas asked
"I'll help" Axel said before following him outside
"He's sad" Marcus said while playing
"He deserves it" Savannah said
"No he doesn't"
"Then forgive my brother" Theo said turning to look at me
"GOAL!!" Marcus yelled
"No one told you to look at her"
"YOU CHEATED NO!" Theo yelled
"Blah blah blah" Marcus said as me and Savannah laughed at them
"GIRLS COME OUTSIDE!" Luke yelled from outside
"What do you want?!" I yelled
"That bitch" Marcus said as he threw the controller on the sofa before running outside and Theo following him
"NO PLEASE NO!" I heard Lucas yelled from outside before me and Sav laughed
"Who would've known that we'll be friends with them?" Savannah said
"I don't know but I'm glad I am" I said as she pinched my cheek before we joined the boys
we were sitting in silence, the weather was cold but the fire was warming us
"it's getting really cold" I said as I pulled my sweater down
"wa-.. wait can you pull your sleeve up?" Lucas said as I tensed and I caught the look axel sent to my way
"w-why?" I said nervously
"I think I saw something" Lucas said
"Saw what?" Theo said looking between us
"It's probably a shadow," Axel said trying to help
"no I saw something" Lucas said
"There is nothing" I said
"Mel is there something that you're hiding?" Savannah asked
"What did you see?" Marcus asked Lucas
"It's nothing guys!" Axel said and I knew that he trying to hold his anger back instead of exploding on them
By now, I don't know if I was shaking because of how nervous I was or how cold the weather was
"It's nothing" I said raising my voice a bit making them all close their mouths and stay quiet
should I tell them?
I mean I trust them but I don't know if I can
I don't know how many minutes we sat in silence but no word were spoken
I took my phone out and opened messages
Axel's phone snoozed before he grabbed it, he read the message before his eyes met mine with a confused expression
Do you think I should tell them
If you want to
I want to but I don't think I can tell them
about mom, dad, Bryce and everything else
"Hey Mel, can I talk to you for a second" Axel spoke gaining everyone's attention
I nodded before following him inside
"I want to tell them but it's hard" I said after we sat
"Mel," Axel said before taking my hands making my heart race. "you're the strongest girl I know, you've been through hell and look at you now. you're amazing and strong and I know that it's hard for you and it'll bring back bad memories but you can do it,"
his words made me feel like I'm on cloud 9, how sweet he was to me and caring
"you'll make me cry now" i said with a pout
"C'mere" he said pulling me to his chest "I believe in you, you're strong"
"Thank you so much axel" I said
"No worries, I'm here if you need anything" he said as I nodded before we both got out and returned to the same seats
"we know that something is definitely going on" Marcus said "whatever is happening, you know that you can trust us right?"
"I know... I- I just don't know where to start" I said as I looked to Axel
he gave me a small smile before moving to sit next to me "I'm here, you can do it" he took my hands into his sending the feeling of comfort
If you could just know how much I appreciate your presence now Axel
and then I just told them everything, told them about dad, how loving and caring he was
I told them about mom, how caring she was before dad died but then she changed, started being abusive
I told them about the bruises
I told them about the orphanage and the foster homes
I told them about Bryce
and I cried, I cried and I cried till I felt okay
making the people around me shed a few tears
we all spilled our secrets to each other, we were vulnerable in front of each other
we cried for each other
axel fucking let a few tears slip his eyes infront of us as he spoke of his sister
for once, I felt okay
I wasn't any different, we were all going through something and I knew that things will be okay, everything will
I realized that there was something worth to be living for
these people around me, cared about me and supported me
and I was glad to be one of them
"fuck I've never cried this much in a day" Marcus said wiping his eyes making us all laugh
"I never cry and look at me" Theo said
"I love you all, I seriously do" Savannah said with a pout as I wrapped an arm around her and pulling her to me
"wow you finally love me?" Axel asked
"I just love you because you've been always there for my bestfriend, no other reason" she said
"but she still doesn't forgive me" axel said pouting as we laughed
"bro I don't even know if what I'm seeing is real" Lucas said to Theo and Axel
"what?" Theo asked confused
"Who would've thought we would act like this towards anyone?" Lucas said as axel rolled his eyes
"I'm serious! Almost everyone is scared of us and look at us now"
"he is right, and turns out that axel truly has a heart" Theo said before Axel hit him
"Aww Axe, you have a heart?" I said teasing him as he frowned
"yeah okay thank you guys" axel said "this is just a lesson to learn that I should never get anyone close to me because this is what I get in return"
"deep" Marcus said
"I was joking" I said "I'm sorry"
"I won't forgive you until you forgive me" axel said putting on a smirk
"He's clever" Theo said while laughing
Aha I got what he was trying to do
"you asshole!" I said as I smacked his arm while laughing
"just forgive him already" Marcus said
"Yeah please hear out your bestfriend and forgive me please?"
"no, how about you just go to Sienna?"
"what brought up Sienna now?" Axel asked
"I don't know, just go to her i don't know why you want me to forgive you that much when you have her"
"is she jealous?" Lucas asked looking at the the people around
"I'm not! Why would I be?"
"I don't know" Lucas shrugged
"this a has nothing to do with Sienna" axel said
"So you're defending her now?" I crossed my arms
"what the fuck i didn't say anything" axel said
"babe you're making a fool of yourself in front of the boys, just shh" Savannah whispered to me
I pouted before crossing my arms and resting my body of the back of the chair
"so now you're texting her?" Savannah asked when she saw axel using his phone
I hid a laugh, she just said that I was making a fool of myself and now she's speaking
"Goddamn, mom is texting me, look!" He showed us his phone
He was texting his mom but suddenly a message popped up on the top and it was from Sienna
"Yeah mom" I rolled my eyes as I looked to Savannah
"What?" Axel asked
"someone just texted you" Savannah said
He looked at his phone "she just texted, I was talking to mom. I don't know what wrong with you guys today"
"yeah whatever what did she say? Let's meet up? Or babe my parents are away come let's fuck" I said in a mimick making the guys laugh
"Stop attacking my brother, you'll have to go girls against boys then" Theo said
"That's not fair!" Me and Sav yelled
"You're four and we're only two!!" I said
"You both should get girlfriends as soon as possible" Savannah pointed at Marcus and Lucas
"No I enjoy being single" Lucas said
"But it's unfair" I said
"So it's fair that you've been attacking me?" Axel asked
"Shut up, don't talk to me, I still don't forgive you"
"I know that, stop reminding me every second"
"I will"
"if I'm not allowed to speak to you then don't speak to me" axel said
"Stop fighting, you literally look like kids!" Marcus yelled
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