《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Bonus moment (3)


I haven't spoken to my mother or my father since I told them about Remi. And honestly, I really don't care, I mean if they loved me and wanted to support me. Then they have to understand that I won't walk away from my child or her mother.

For years I dared to imagine what my life would look like again if I were ever lucky enough to have Ella back in it. And my stupid ass does have her back and not only I'm lucky enough to have her back in my life, but also with a little human that is half-me and half of the woman who I've only ever loved.

So if my so-called parents can't accept that, then I would gladly walk away from them if I have too.

My mother shown some true colours at Thanksgiving and I'm not sure what else she is capable off, but knowing Valerie Vaughan she's got plenty more tricks up her sleeve. My gut just knows that.

Snapping out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ringing, glancing at the screen and a shiver runs down my spine as I see my mother's name.

I swear how does she do that? She calls at the exact same moment you're thinking about her, it's like some spooky villain sort of shit.

"Hello mother" I answered as soon as I swiped the answer button.

"You haven't called Scott...I was starting to get worried" she said calmly.

"I would have, but I was waiting for your apology call first" I replied,

"I have nothing to apology for, don't be ludicrous" Mom argued with me.

"You are kidding right mom? You investigated Ella when I told you to drop it, then you have the nerve not only to call her a slut and trash but imply that my daughter was mistake.....I think you need to look in the mirror about who is being ludicrous here"

Taking a deep breath and rubbed my temples.


"Well can you blame me? I am just looking out for you, it's what a mother does for her children-;" Mom started to say, then inhaled a breath and exhaled before continuing to speak.

"Fine if you insist that this child is yours.... then I recommend a DNA test as soon as possible and then if we need to, we'll speak to the family lawyers".

"That's not happening mom, Remi is my daughter. Ella has no reason to lie, especially when she's dealing with someone like you-;"

I've never once question Remi's paternity or if Ella was lying. Because I know that Remi is mine, the kid is the spitting image of me.

And after what I did to Ella, leaving her the way that I did, spending the five years hoping from one woman's bed to another, while she gave birth and raised our daughter.

If I didn't need to be in her life, I probably wouldn't be, not after everything that I did to her, but I am because of our daughter, and I am not going to insult her by asking for a test to prove that I am the father of her child.

Ella, she doesn't deserve that. And she doesn't deserve the shit that my mom pulls on her either and I'm sick of it.

"I'm done with this mom if you can't accept Ella or Remi. Then that is your selfish issue, not ours. My family comes first now, and that family is them...not you...if you want to be in my life then you have to be in theirs.... goodbye"

Hanging-up the phone and threw it down on the coffee table.

At the same time there's a loud banging on my front-door, shooting my eyes to the direction of the door and looked at it warily.

I'm fairly certain that could be my mother all geared up for round two.

Shaking my head and got ready to face whatever was on the other side of that door.


Opening it just as my eyes landed on a person, I never expected to see at my door. Gail Snow...Ella's mom.

"Huh...Gail.... hello" I stuttered a little, unsure on what is happening right now.

Gail hates me and she has made that noticeably clear since we came face to face again.

"Is this a bad time?" She asks me, shaking my head still unable to find my words.

"Come in" I called out eventually, once Gail is in the house, I close the door and turn around to face her wrath.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase, what are your intentions with my daughter and granddaughter" She snarled, holding my ground and kept my eyes on her.

"Excuse me-;" I started to say but she holds up her hand for me to stop talking and I do.

"Look I know I don't have any right to come at you like this, but Ella and Remi they are my family, and you fight for family, show up for family and you've already broken my daughter's heart once, I just need to know if you plan on doing it again" She adds, shaking my head and sighed.

"I get why you're asking; I get that I don't deserve Ella and I sure as hell don't deserve Remi, but I pray to god every day for them, that I'm lucky enough to have them in life again" I took a breath and looked at her with honestly.

"You only see the boy that broke your daughter's heart, and I will be the first to admit that mistakes were made, by myself mostly and then I spent more years making more bad mistakes, to cover up the pain of the first one that I made, I own that, and I own the hurt and the pain that I once caused Ella-;"

"I can't change that Gail, I can't change the pain that I caused but you have my word that I won't mess it up again, that I won't take this second chance and screw it up, because they mean too much to me" I added sadly.

Gail stays silent as she listens to me and my words, then simply shakes her head.

"Have you told her, that you still love her?" She asks me, catching my off guard.

It's no secret that Ella stills holds my heart, but I haven't said anything to her, because we're still finding our feet with our new normal, and also because it doesn't seem fair to tell her.

Our love has changed, her love for me has now changed.

"No I'm not going to, at least not yet. I need to earn Ella's trust back first, and I don't think I fully have yet" I confessed.

Gail looks at me and nods her head,

"Wise man"

then she just walks out of my house, leaving me stood there confused as hell but I think we might have reached an understanding.

I do love Ella, I wanna tell her that, I wanna tell her just how much I long to have her in arms again, to kiss her, to touch her, to be the man that she deserves.

But it's not fair to tell her all of that right now, not when she's still adjusting to the less few months.

Ella has always had a hard time trusting people, allowing herself to love people.

When I first met her in high school, she had this wall of amour up around her, she couldn't trust, she couldn't be loved and it took her a-while to allow herself to trust me and let me in, and she was worth the fight, and she still is now.

Only this time, I'm the one who broke her trust again and that's going to take a lot more fight and lot more time to repair, but I'm not going anywhere this time.

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