《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Bonus moment (2)


Following Remi into the house that she lives in with her mom. I love having the afternoons with Remi, I'm also happy that Ella trusts me enough to look after our daughter by myself now.

Since that first day I looked after her alone and since we put the whole miss understanding with Kara behind us, I kind of fell into a dad routine.

I go to football practice. I go to my games, I do the appearances that I have too, and then I spend time with my brother, but in-between all of that Remi and Ella are my priority.

Ella has even let Oliver bring Remi to one of my local games, which she loved, the world knows now that I am father.

And I'm perfectly happy with that, most likely my mother sold the story or Kara but either way, I couldn't care less, my only concern is that I don't want her or Ella to be hurt, by that part of my life.

Which is why I do try and keep them away from it as much as I can, I do what I have to when it comes to football and my agent, and that is it.

At least Bruno isn't like my old agent he understands the impertinences of family, something that I wish I would have known years ago.

After the games and everything else, I'm just Scott. Remi's dad and a man hopeless longing for his girl, who he has not right longing for anymore.

"There's my girl" I pull out of my thoughts as I hear that beautiful voice.

Following the sounds just as I see Ella, pulling Remi in for a hug.

"Did you have fun with your daddy" She asks her, Remi takes a step back but holds onto her mom's hand with a massive smile on her face.


Taking a few steps closer to them, placing Remi's bag down on the floor and then crossed my arms of my chest, as I watched them....my girls. Always.

"Yep.... we played princess afternoon tea, daddy even let me paint his toenails" Remi announced just as Ella lets out a sweet giggle and looks at me.

"Which stays between us three, nobody else needs to know that my toenails are now pink" I gently say to them, there isn't much I wouldn't do for Remi.

So this afternoon, when she pulled out a bottle of nail polish and looked at me with those green eyes, and asked if she could paint my nails, I didn't have the heart to say no, but we did come to an negotiation that she could paint my toes only.

"Sounds like you had so much fun, why don't you go and play with your toys before dinner" Ella said to her, still holding back her smirking regarding my toenails.

Watching as Remi runs off into her little toy room and I take a few steps into the open kitchen, closer to Ella just as she breaks out in a fit of giggles, while looking down at my shoes.

"Do you really find it that funny, that I have pink toes, right now?" I ask her, she takes a few seconds to calm her laughs and wipes the humours tears from her eyes and then looked at me.

"Oh...Scott you have no idea how funny I find it.... come on you can help make dinner, we can even talk out some new colours for you" She joked,

"I see you've got funnier over the years..." I grumbled but with a smile,

"I've always been funny, now get chopping those tomato's".

Walking past her, gently placing my hand on her back as I get pass her.


"If I help make it dinner, do I get to stay for it?" I ask as I start chopping the vegetables, I feel Ella's glaze on me.

"Of course, you know you're always welcome for dinner, just don't burn down my house while helping" she says, meeting her eyes and let out my own chuckle at her remark about me not being able to cook, when Ella is the worst cook out of us both.

"Coming from the woman, who actually did burn down the house once" I whispered in her ear, Ella moves her head to face me but doesn't put any distance between us.

"I did not, I asked you to keep an eye on dinner when I had a bath. You forget and that's how our apartment ended up in smoke" she argued but with a smirk.

I remember that it was the first few months of us in college, living together in our own little apartment, that night we laughed, we teased each other, ended up making love, only for us to come back into the kitchen to find it fill with smoke, where just lucky we didn't start a fire that night or that nobody called the fire services, after that Ella refused to step back into the kitchen and told me to feed myself for the rest of our lives.

I miss those days...I miss the people we once were.

Shaking those old memorise away and looked at her.

"I didn't forget, I just got lost in you..." I admitted, Ella lingers her eyes on me and simply smiles at me, before placing more vegetables in-front of me.

"Less flirting and more chopping" She mumbles a little flustered but tries not to show it, I just smile.

As we make dinner together in perfectly harmony,

and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

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