《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Bonus moment (4)


Storming through my house, letting the hurt and anger roll off me as I pace up and down. I can't focus because I don't understand, why she would break it off between us.

Ella and me we've been good, falling back into a relationship so easy, we laugh, and we have fun with Remi, we're like we were in the past but better more mature, we grew up and that made this time different for us, it made us and our love different this time around, it made stronger.

I thought our future looked bright together as a family, and then not even one day after our kid's birthday she throws my past in my face, tells me she doesn't love and that it is over between us.

I just can't breathe; I don't know how to fix this.

Letting my anger take over as I grab whatever I can and just throw it, and repeat the same montane with thing after thing, hearing the echoes of the sounds of the glass breaking, just like my heart is.

"SCOTT" I barely hear a voice through the pain, as I throw more shit.

"Scott stop now" I heard the voice again and then someone's hands shake me still, pulls me to a stop.

Breaking out of my trance and looked at my brother, shaking my head and just let it all go.

Falling to my knees and not caring about the tears currently falling from my eyes. I feel Oliver fall down with me and he comforts me, but I just can't.

"Hey.... it's okay brother...just take a breath" I hear him whisper.

I feel like I just lost my whole world again.

Is this the kind of pain I caused Ella years ago.

After taking a few deep breaths, I angrily wipe my tears away and pulled back, moving my back against the wall, but still staying on the floor, Oliver does the same.


"What are you doing here?" I asked him, not sure why he is even here. I wouldn't even be here, normally I'm at Ella's place.

"Ella text told me to come over that you might need your brother" He answered, just as a bitter laugh leaves my lips.

"And she was right, I walked in on you smashing up your house. what the fuck is going on?"

"She ended it Ollie.... apparently, she doesn't love me, doesn't want to be with me" I announced, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

"That's bull, you know that right. Ella loves you; I saw that myself. You guys are the definition of epic love"

Shaking my head and just looked at the wall, getting lost in everything.

"I thought that too, but what if it's not! What if we're just to far gone, to love each other again, what if we just aren't meant to be together." I say, mostly talking to myself,

"Maybe she was right, maybe we just got caught up in the feeling of what a family should be, maybe the whole thing wasn't fucking real after all".

"So you're just going to give up?" Oliver snarls at me.

"What else can I do? She doesn't want me, and I've caused her enough pain in this life, I'm not going to cause her anymore, by not respecting her wishes, by not respecting what she wants" I started say and then cut off as I stood up.

"I love her enough, to leave her be if that's what she needs me to do. We just keep hurting each other....over and over all the fucking time-;" I sighed sadly,

I took a moment to let one more tear fall before I look back at my brother.

"That's not love Ollie...it just misery "

With that I walk away from him towards my room, I need a hot shower, I need peace to process all of this. I need to be alone; I need to not feel anything.

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