《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 23.


"Mommy.... mommy wake up" I heard a voice say followed by a finger poking me on my cheek, opening my eyes to see Remi by the side of my bed smiling her little head off, bouncing on the spot.

Yes, it's definitely Christmas morning and I have one excited child at that.

"I'm up..." I say to her and sit up before grabbing her gently and pulled her in for a hug with a massive smile on my face.

"Merry Christmas...lady-bug" I added smothering her in Christmas kisses.

This is what Remi has done since she was older enough to walk, on Christmas morning she would run into my room, wake me up, so we can open presents and eat Christmas shaped pancakes together, just like we will be doing again this year, expected this year it's just not the two of us anymore.

"Merry Christmas mommy," Remi says to me, climbing back off my bed eager to get to her presents.

"Should we go and wake up daddy?" I ask her, she jumps and down clapping her hands this time.

"Come on.... let's go" She answers practically dragging me out of my room, and towards the spare room, where Scott is currently sleeping.

Taking hold of Remi's hand as we walk into the room, my eyes instantly lock on Scott, sleeping like a baby, clearly, he can still sleep through a hurricane.

I see some things don't change...I thought with a smile on my face.

Pulling out of my thoughts as we walked to the side of the bed, our daughter looks up at me with a grin on her face, and I know what that little innocent grin means, She's about to jump on the bed to wake- him up, something she has done to me plenty of times. Welcome to parenthood...Scott, I silently giggled to myself.

"Go on then, wake him up" I nudge her with a smirk, just as she lets go of my hand and runs towards the bed, pulls herself up, and begins jumping.

"It's CHRISTMAS! Wake up daddy" She shouts as she jumps up and down, letting out a small laugh, as Scott jumps up from his sleep, his eyes search around the room, a look of sleep but confusion on his pretty features.

"What...what time is it?" I heard Scott mumble still sounding half asleep. Moving closer to the bed and took a seat, next to him with a smirk.

"It's Christmas time" I replied with a mocking tone next to him, he takes a look at Remi jumping up and down on the bed next to him, then he moves his gaze to me as he finally begins to wake up.

Watching as he sits up and his eyes shoot to our daughter, a smile breaks onto his lips, just as he grabs Remi and pulls her into a massive bear hug.

"Merry Christmas Remi," He says to her; Remi looks up at her dad smiles.

Right now I feel so much love and joy, that I haven't felt so much since the day Remi was placed in my arms for the very first time, and I'm so happy that it's scary you know, because what if it all changes?


"Can we open presents now? Please mommy.....please daddy" Remi pleads to us,

Scott looks at me with a half-smile, kind of like he's waiting for my approval first before saying anything, which I feel uneasy about because he's her parent too now.

"Of course, we can" I replied and then stood up from the bed, just as Remi jumps down next to me, then runs off into the direction of the living room.

"Yay presents" Remi sings before disappearing out of our view, shaking my head, letting out a small chuckle, just as my eyes move back to Scott who was also looking towards the direction where Remi went, he too has a smile on his face.

"You weren't kidding about the early morning wake-up call, were you?" He says to me, shaking my head and sighed happily.

"No, I wasn't, welcome to your first Christmas with Remi" I joked, because I swear every year, she wakes up earlier than the year before.

He looks at me and opens his mouth to respond, but only to be cut off by Remi's little voice.

"Mommy, daddy come on" We hear her shout from the other room, we both let out a laugh and smile, just as Scott takes my hand, and we head off into the direction towards our daughter on Christmas morning, together as a family.

Today has been crazy.... a long day I might say but an amazing day. I mean Remi loved all of her Christmas presents from Santa, but I think she was happier with the fact that Scott was here with us this year. The look of true happiness on my child's face this year came because her dad was here, with her to celebrate it.

And my heart today has just filled with so much happiness and love that it is confusing and overwhelming, I'm not sure what it all means, but I know that today with Scott and Remi has been perfect, a day that I will always remember.

Pulling out of my own thoughts as I take a seat on the sofa next to Scott, with a Christmas box in my hands. It's a present for him, I made it but it's mostly from Remi to her dad.

"This is for you, it was kind of Remi's idea," I say to him with a smile,

Scott looks at the box and then looks up at me, with a look of surprise but also love, that kind of look reminds me of the five Christmases that we spent together years ago.

Shaking those thoughts away, because I can't go back down that road to the past, moving my gaze back to him.

Scott smiles and then opens the lid of the gift box that I'm holding before lifting out the scrapbook into his hands.

"Is this a scrapbook?" He asks me, as he opens the first page. Nodding my head and smiled.

"Yeah it is, I had all the pictures I had of Remi's life copied, and placed them in order from the moment she was born up till the little moments we've had these last few weeks, even her ultrasound pictures are in there too-;" I break off and watch as Scott flicks through the pile of images of our daughter's whole life.


Remi wanted to get her a dad a present but she didn't know what, then she found all of my photos and said that daddy should have some too, which is how we came up with the scrapbook idea, I guess it's also more fitting because Scott missed most of these moments.

And I know it's not the same as actually being there to experience them himself, but at least in some way, he's seeing them now.

After a few moments, he pulls his eyes from the book in his hands, then he locks his gaze on me, and I swear I can see tears in his blue eyes.

"Thank you so much, Ella... " He says to me to with a soft voice, nodding my head with a true smile, I'm only glad he likes it and I could do this for him.

"Your welcome" I replied, Scott, wipes his eyes a little and gently places the book down next to him, then bends down and grabs something from under the sofa.

"I also have something for you, which was Remi's idea too," He said to me, and hands me a medium-size gift box, looking at him with a raised eyebrow but take the box from him.

Taking a second to open the lid, just as my eyes land on a glass picture frame with the words

Our Family......written at the bottom in silver glitter letters. And then my eyes move to the photo in the frame, it's of me, Scott, and Remi. It was taken in the last few weeks on one of our family picnics at the park.

My gaze lingers on the picture of us, we're all smiling, looking at the camera, the sun is shining behind us, a perfect family photo of our family.

Feeling tears in my own eyes as I look back up at Scott.

"Remi mentioned that you don't have any photos of all three of us and that I should get you one for Christmas" He explains, shaking my still smiling.

"It's perfect, thank you" I whispered to him, still trying not to cry but they are happy tears because I'm happy which is making me emotional a little.

"That little girl of ours is very clever, isn't she?" He says to me,

"Of course she is, she gets it from her mother" I shot back at him with a smirk, breaking through all of those confusing emotions between us right now.

Scott looks at me with a raised eyebrow and smirks back.

"Really because I think she gets it from me" He argued, shaking my head, and laughed.

"This is coming from someone who almost didn't pass high-school science"

"Yeah well to my defense, you were a beautiful distraction to me in high school-;" He broke off for a moment before adding "Still are"

Locking our eyes together, and before I can even say anything, he looks at me and says,

"Merry Christmas Ella" throwing my eyes back to his.

"Merry Christmas Scott" I echoed, just as our eyes continue to stare at one another and the whole house is silent.

And before I even had a moment to realize what was happening Scott moved closer to me, and gently pulls my lips to his. Taking a second to regain control of my emotions, I shouldn't really kiss Scott? Should I?

Ignoring my own crazy thoughts just for a second, as I feel his lips touch mine for the first time in years.

After a moment, the kiss between us deepens, Scott grabs my waist to gently pull me into his lap, so I'm straddling him and my arms instantly wrap around his neck to pull him deeper into our kiss, his hands are moving around my back, neither one of us willing to break the kiss.

The world is non-existent to us, like for a split moment it feels like nothing has happened between us, and we're us again like we were years ago.

Causing all these feelings to come rushing back into my heart.

Coming to my senses, my eyes flicker open and I push away from him like he's burnt me, jumping up and stood a few feet apart from him.

"Did that just happen....no I need you to go okay" I mumbled at him, Scott jumps to his feet and looks at me alarmed, his lips so red and wet from the kiss we just shared but shouldn't have, moving my fingers to my own swollen lips.

My head was all messed up and dazed from his touch.

"Ella, I'm sorry-;" He began saying, but I hold up my hands to stop him.

"No, it's okay honestly, I just need to be alone... please Scott" I sighed, tiredly and confusedly. He looks at me sadly for what seemed like forever, before he simply nodded his head, grabbed the scrapbook from the table, and looks back at me one last time.

"Tell Remi I will see her soon, please," He says to me sounding lost, letting my eyes find him again.

"I will, I promise" I replied and then I wait until he walks out of my house, letting the door shut behind him.

Re-taking a seat on the sofa, just as my eyes catch the photo frame of us. Picking it up and sighed, I don't know why that kiss happened? Did it happen because we got caught in the Christmas magic?

Or spending this time as a family? I just don't know, and I don't know how to feel about Scott.

now it's just going to be a mess between us because this has happened and it's confusing for me, and my feelings are all messed up for him.

That kiss as amazing and as familiar as it was, has just changed everything for us.

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