《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 13.


Walking up the massive steps of the Vaughan's family mansion and took a very deep breath before walking inside. I'm so glad that Valerie is safely away from here and away from me.

Oliver text me back this morning informing me that he couldn't district his mother, why I set up the party is because he has made plans with Amanda.

And well you can't argue with him wanting to spend his engagement day with his, beautiful and truly kind fiancée now can you, that said he did say he would sort something out for me, which he did in a way in the form of his brother.....Scott.

Lucky enough for me though, Scott actually came through for me, he called me, told me he would personally keep his mom hostage until I was finished.

It's weirdly sweet in a strange way, for a split moment it kind of reminded me of the Scott I knew years ago.

The one who used to do all these really small but really sweet things for me, made me smile a bit this morning if I'm being honest, which scares me.

Closing the door behind me, taking in my surroundings the house hasn't changed one bit. I've been here a few times in my years of dating Scott, but mostly he knew how uncomfortable being in his house made me, so we would always go to my house, there we didn't have to worry about his mother and her comments.

"Ella... Ella Snow is that you?" I heard someone say to me, pulling out of my thoughts and looked up, just as my eyes land on George Vaughan of all people. Scott's father.

George, he wasn't as bad as Valerie, sometimes we actually had the oddest small conversations with each other, when Valerie wasn't around obviously.

I think half the time he was just as trapped as I was with her, I had to put up with Valerie for years because I loved her son, wanted to be with her son. So, if that meant taking a few nasty comments from her wicked ass, then that's what I did.

And I think Mr. Vaughan was the same way, he stayed for his son's sake, I even remember Scott saying that once to me after he heard his parents fighting about his mom's attitude to people.


"Don't worry I'm not breaking and enter, I'm the event planner" I firmly say to him. I was so focused on not running into Valerie that I forgot about Scott's dad.

"I wasn't thinking that-;" Mr. Vaughan said guilty to me, nodding my head before taking a few steps forward towards the room, where the party will be hosted.

"It should only take me a few hours, to set everything up, sign for things. And then I will be out of your way" I announced and begin walking away from him.

I'm not trying to be rude, I'm really not. But Scott's dad wasn't always the nicest person to me, yeah... he had moments when he was civil and acknowledge me for his son's sake.

But he never treated me like family or even anything.

So I don't really have much to say to him, I just want to get on with the job I was hired to do, then get the hell out of here, see my child before binge-watching Nailed it on Netflix when she goes to bed, that's what I want to do, not talk to Mr. Vaughan like we're old friends.

"Sure, this way. I'm sorry I promised Val I would oversee everything; I hope you don't mind?" He said to me, nudging for me to follow him, taking a breath, and then followed him into a massive ballroom room.

"Not like it would matter if I did mind" I mumbled to myself as I walked behind him, shaking my head. I just want this to be over with already.

Stepping into the room and begin getting to work immediately. Quicker I get this done, the quicker I can make my escape.

After a few minutes of silence as I work, and Mr. Vaughan just wending around the place, he finally broke the awkward silence in the room.

"So, Ella.... how have you been? How's life been treating you?" Mr. Vaughan asked me, trying to make small talk.

Pulling my eyes away from the lighting decorations, that I'm about to hang, and turned my gaze at him.

"Good, I've been good....my life is great actually Mr. Vaughan. Sorry to disappoint you on that" I shot out without thinking, slapping my hand over my mouth, and sighed.

I hate that being around this family, they make me this bitter person, a person that I don't want to be.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that-;" I broke off and went back to the lights.

Scott's dad doesn't deserve me being a bitch to him, I wasn't raised that like, I was raised to treat people kindly, even if they didn't treat you with the same kindness.

"No, you have nothing to apologize for, if anything it's me that should be apologizing to you" He began saying, shaking my head and took a sharp breath.

"Mr. Vaughan-;" I said only for him to cut me off, fidgeting on his feet while looking at me sadly. At this moment, he reminds me so much of Scott.

"Please Ella, allow me to say this-;" He stared, nodding my head, and kept quiet.

"When you were with Scott, I wasn't always the politest person to you. I never treated you fairly, for that I am sorry.-" "And I know Valerie wasn't the nicest woman to you either, I can't apologize for her, but I can for myself and I want to;" He cut off and I just looked at him.

"So, I am sorry for treating you unfairly, even though it's no excuse I mostly acted the way I did to keep the peace with my wife, which was wrong of me. Because years ago, I could see how much you loved my son, how happy you made him. -;" He kept on talking, while I kept on listening to his words.

"I know that he loved you just as much as you did back then, And the way Valerie and I acted then, must have put a strain on your relationship. Which I am terribly sorry for, I hope you can forgive me one day" He added and then took a few steps back, towards the exit.

Taking a moment to let his words sink in, I guess I can understand why he wanted to keep the peace with Valerie, she's not someone you want to be on the wrong side of.

I get that, the fact he's admitting that he wasn't the best in-law to be around I appreciate that and Mr. Vaughan's apology.

"I appreciate that Mr. Vaughan, honestly it's water under the bridge because the past is the past and it's been years. I've moved on, I'm not fixated on things that happened when I was a teenager but thank you.....really" I say to him with a small smile.

Mr. Vaughan smiles at me and nods his head, before leaving me alone in the ballroom, and honestly, I'm glad. There's nothing else that has to be said, I mean I got an apology from at least one of Scott's parents, so that counts for something, I don't want to hold on to all that history anymore.

If the last few months have taught me anything, is that you can't be fixated on things that you can't change and I think in some way that's what every single one of us has been doing, my life is good, my life is perfect even.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, so maybe Scott leaving me and me being a single mom is the path that I had to take alone. Maybe there's a reason why Scott has come back into my life now, after tonight after this event.

I'm going to tell Scott that we have a daughter together because I don't want to hide Remi anymore.

And if Valerie tries anything then I will fight to the ends of hell with her, but I can't let my fear of that keep Scott from his daughter anymore, but more importantly, I can't keep a dad away from Remi any longer, they deserve to know each other.

I won't stand in the way of that anymore, so tomorrow when Remi is at the Zoo with my mom and her friend, I'm going to invite him over and tell him everything, give him the chance to be a father or not, that has to be his own choice now, it can no longer be mine.

If he wants to be mad at me, for lying to him and not telling him about his child, then he can be mad for as long as he likes, because it's not going to be about me or us and our past.

It's only going to be about Remi, and his choice to be a father or not.

There's no going back now, Scott is going to know about his daughter.

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