《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 14.


Looking around the ballroom, Ella did an amazing job. This party is beyond great and even though I have no right to be, I'm so proud of her.

After I saw her a few weeks ago, I came to realize and understand what she said in that coffee-house. she's right we can't change the past or the choices that we've made, I can't change mine. All I can do now is try to make amends for my actions.

I'm not saying that Ella will ever love me again, or even want to see me again but I'm hoping one day we could get to a place, where we could maybe be friends and be civil to each other.

Because I have missed her over the years and seeing her again has made me realize, I don't want to lose her out of my life again for so long but that has to go two ways, I just don't think Ella wants me in her life ever again.

"Do you want to explain yourself son" I heard someone say oh should I say yell, from the side of me, where I stood by the bar with my beer. Turning around to see my mother, looking at me with fury in her eyes.

"About what mom?" I replied with a raised eyebrow because clearly, I have no clue what she is on about. I love my mother, but sometimes I just don't understand her personality at all.

"How about the fact that Ella Snow of all people, has been planning this party from the start, or the fact that the only reason you took me out for lunch today, was to keep me away from here," She said firmly to me.

I can hear the bitter tone in her voice as she speaks Ella's name like it's the worst thing that could come out of her mouth.


When I was with Ella, my mother was horrible to her, it caused a lot of fights not only between Ella and me but always me and mom.

Because if she said something mean about Ella in front of me, I called her out on it and my mom she didn't like that one bit, but at the time I didn't care because I wasn't going to let her speak like that about the girl who I loved, who was my life.

"Firstly mom, I only found out about Ella a few weeks ago. And secondly yes, I kept you away from the house today, so she could do her job in peace without having to deal with you" I answered, mom looks at me with disgust.

"Just don't let that girl suck you back into her life, believe me, she will try to and why wouldn't she? Your Scott Vaughan .....she's a nobody always will be;" Mom broke off with a smirk and proudness in her voice, looking at my mother with anger in my own eyes.

She has no right to speak about Ella like that, also she's wrong Ella is a much better person than I will ever be. And she's not anybody, she's kind, she's beautiful she's successful, Ella Snow is somebody, she's one in a million.

"Do not talk about her like that, do you understand me, mother. You don't get to bring Ella down anymore" I barked towards her quietly because I don't want to make a scene at Oliver's and Amanda's party, but she doesn't get to say that about Ella not anymore.

"Scott I am your mother; I just want what's best for you. Look around there are plenty of women here, from our world who will make a great wife and mother one day for you. Forget about Ella damn Snow" She whispered with force at me.


Shaking my head and turned away from her, I'm afraid of what I might just say next because she has no idea what the hell she's talking about.

Ella would make not just a great wife, but an extraordinary mother one day. And I honestly thought years ago, that we would have had all that together,

but I messed it up, but I won't let my mom treat her like she's nothing because she's not, she's better than any other woman in this room and always will be, more importantly always has been, too good for the kind of world my mother lives in.

"Mom this is the only warning I am going to give you-;" I began as I turned back around to face her before carrying on talking, keeping my voice low but firm.

"Ella and I are not teenagers anymore. So, stay out of it, my life and hers to... do understand me, because I swear if you go dig into this I will personally walk away from you and our family's name! Is that clear?"

My mother looks at me a little taken back at my tone.

But I don't care, Ella and I are nothing anymore because there's too much history there to ever be just two people in love again or have a second chance.

But I know my mother and she will go looking for every bit of information on her in the last few years, especially the ones we spent apart, she will try and find anything to use to confront her with to stay away.

Ella...she doesn't need that, just because she met up with me, and we had one small conversation, doesn't mean that we're going to be in each other's lives from here on and out, so mom really needs to just stay out of this, because there's nothing to get involved in.

Mom looks at me and nods her head. With that, I walk away from her and past the ballroom full of people, to all the way outside for some fresh air.

Seeing Ella again stirred a lot of things up and a lot of feelings, which are basically forbidden because you can't re-fall in love with the guy who broke your heart in college.

The feelings that I have after seeing her again, are confusing to me now. And the last thing I need is my mother getting involved for everyone's sake I really hope she lets this be.

Pulling out of my thoughts as I hear my phone beep, grabbing it and looked at the screen to see Ella's name appear, swiping to read the message.

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