《Love Changes (Love series: book 1) ✓》Chapter 7.


Walking down the hallway towards Scott's private hospital room. Trying to calm my breathing, I mean I wasn't even this nervous when I went into labor. But just being here is a risk and honestly, I'm starting to think it was a stupid idea.

But after I talked to Amanda this morning, she was telling me how upset this has made Oliver, I felt like I had to come for him you know? I mean I've known Oliver since I was fourteen years old, he was a friend and he was the big brother I never had, he was always nice to me and now he's keeping the secret of my daughter for me, and he doesn't have to do that.

But chose to for me.

Most people who find out that their brother has a secret daughter, they would have gone and told them ASAP because of their family.

Oliver didn't do that he understood why I didn't want Scott or his family knowing about Remi, and he respected that, which most people wouldn't have.

So for that, I am blessed because I don't have to worry about him telling my secret, but Amanda this morning was saying that Scott hasn't woken up yet and that Oliver blames himself because last night they had a disagreement or something, and she didn't say much other then I was the topic of that said disagreement, which lend to Scott driving away in his car.

So, I guess that's another reason why I am here, even though I don't know what was said, I do know that it was about me. And that makes me feel responsible in a way because Oliver knows this massive secret and he's just trying to play the peacemaker I suppose like he always had and that's why I'm here at my Ex-boyfriend's bedside.


Snapping out of my thoughts and slowly poked my head through the door, hoping that Scott is still asleep, and Valerie hasn't been raised from hell yet.

Letting my eyes scan the room, just as they land on Oliver sitting in a chair by the window. And then my eyes go straight to Scott, just lying there bruised and broken with the cuts to his face and the black eye.

He looks like the Scott the I use to know, taking a small step inside the room, just as I feel Oliver's eyes move to me, but my eyes are still on Scott.

I can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing him in person in almost five years.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at him like that?" I heard Oliver asks me, realizing that I've probably been staring at Scott for a while, turning my stare away from Scott to Oliver.

"I was waiting for the urge to smother him with a pillow to come, but weirdly enough.....it didn't" I joked trying to get my thoughts of walking over to Scott and taking hold of his hand, because I feel like I should, but I don't know why I feel that way because Scott's basically a stranger to me now.

"Maybe it means you're ready to let him into your life again," Oliver says to me, shaking my head at him before replying,

"I doubt it-;" then I looked back over to Scott for a split moment before turning back to him,

"How is he?" I added.

"The news is that he's going to be okay, he got lucky other than his shattered ankle and leg" He answers, nodding my head, and sighed because I know why Oliver looks so worried.

Ever since I've known Scott, he's only ever loved one thing and that was football and being with a rising football player for five years, you learn a few things, like it only takes one injury that could ruin your whole career just like that.


"What about football? Is he still going to be able to play once he's healed?" Oliver looks at his brother and then looks back to me and shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know Ella; nobody knows at this point"

Moving my gaze back to Scott and sighed sadly. Even though he chose football over me, I don't want to see him lose that because Scott loves it, it's who he is, and it has been for a really long time.

"I should go, but I just wanted to check in... you know" I announced and then made my way back to the exit.

"Thank you for coming, it means a lot" I heard Oliver say to me, nodding my head and threw him a small smile, before taking one more look at Scott, and then I walked away from him this time.

Opening my eyes to a slight light shining into my eyes, I hear beeping too. where the hell I am? Trying to get up just as I hear someone's voice,

"No! Scott don't get up" moving my eyes to the sound of the voice, just as I see my brother standing at the edge of a hospital bed.

I am in the hospital? What happened? The last thing I remember was talking to Oliver about Ella, then driving away in my car.

And the weirdest thing about this, is I'm sure I was hearing Ella's voice in my sleep.

"Where I am?" I ask Ollie, he looks over at me tiredly.

"You're in the hospital, you were in a car accident" I heard my brother echo.

A car accident, I don't remember I mean I remember getting in my car after he brought up Ella last night, but I don't remember the accident.

"How bad is it?" I asked again, worried as I feel something heavy on my left leg and foot.

"Other than a few cuts and bruises you will be fine, but your leg and ankle are shattered though, they had to do surgery last night" Oliver answered, looking over to my leg seeing it raised high, and all cast up. what does this mean for football?

"Will I still be able to play?" Keeping my gaze on him, afraid of his response.

"Honestly at this point, I don't know, the doctors should be able to tell you more soon" He replied truthy to me, shaking my head and sighed.

I can't lose football, I have given up too much to get this far. And loving football lost me Ella if I can't play anymore it was for nothing, I don't even know who I am without it.

"Was anyone else here this morning?" I ask him all of a sudden, remembering hearing another voice.... her voice because I'm sure it was her. I would know Ella's voice anywhere.

"No why?" Oliver answered a little too quickly, and from the look on his face, he's hiding something and I'm going to find it out because Oliver doesn't keep secrets, he never has.

"Nothing I just thought I heard someone else voice, that's all," I say and then let my eyes fall back on my broken leg.

I can't lose football because it's all I have in my life.

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