《The lonely wolf [bxb]》Welcome back



Beep beep beep beep

Where the hell am I?

'Forest, what's going on?' My mind was nothing but fog. I couldn't even think about anything else other than freak out at the fact that I opened my eyes and was suddenly greeted by my human form. I was lying on a bed, hooked to a machine of some sort that was beeping. It reminded me of a hospital but a little different.

' shit! Elias, you're back!' I cringed at how loud he was and nodded my head.

' I-I'm back yes, but back from where?' I asked as I was trying to remember what took place.

' oh shoot. Ok um, you were in a Coma for a month now. Raina had been trying to get you back but it seems as if it had just worked. Believe me, when I tell you this Elias, you should trust them. Do not run, because I'm tired and I need the rest. They will explain everything to you so remain calm and don't forget to call on me when you need anything, anything at all. I'll be there for you Elias, I'll never leave or let anything happen to you. You believe me right?' I chuckled as he was rambling on and on. It happens mostly when he's nervous or afraid.

' ok, but how will I be able to communicate with them? I can't talk remember?' He sighed before replying.

' they want to welcome you to their pack. Once you accept their offer, you will be able to communicate with them through mind link like we are doing right now. When one of them comes in, ask for a bag I brought here with me. Remember not to panic and accept their offer of joining this pack. I love you Elias, welcome back.' With that, he blocked me before I could tell him that I loved him as well. He had been there for me, he saved me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have made it so far and even though that's exactly what I want, I can't think that way again.


I won't disappoint him. I will show him that I will make it and hopefully, he will be proud of me. The door opens and I saw a young woman enter with a tray in her hand. When she saw me the tray fell from her and the contents on it spilled all over the floor.

" you're back! I can't believe I did it! I'm going to go and get Lilliana so hold on a minute!" What a weirdo. Shortly after I saw the door open and another woman ran inside with her. The woman who I assumed was this Raina forest had mentioned earlier, started to check on me to make sure I was alright.

" shit. I can't believe I did it. If only my parents were alive to see this right now they would be so fucking proud of me." The other woman, Lilliana laughed while shaking her head.

" I'll be proud enough for all of us. Thank you so much rain, you don't know how much this means to me. I owe you big time." Lilliana said and Raina nodded her head while smiling at me. I could see how excited she is, she was practically dancing on air.

" as you may have heard before from forest I hope, my name is Lilliana alpha of this pack and this is my friend Raina, she's a witch." I nodded my head and smiled at the way Raina shot her a look as if she was insulted by the introduction.

" Before we go any further, do you maybe want to join us?" Lilliana looked down while fiddling with her fingers, I raised my eyebrow at her because I would never guess that a strong woman like her was that nervous. I nodded my head and started to make hand gestures, in hopes that she understood me. A bright smile came on her face as she nodded her head. It didn't take long for her to fully accept me as a member of her pack.


'I'm so happy to have you here as a member of the shadow stone pack. My name is Lilliana stone and my mate's name is Samuel. I also want to adopt you and take you in as my son. I don't have any children of my own so it would be good if you would like to be a part of my family as well.' She said through mind link and My mouth fell open from shock. No one has ever accepted me and now I've been accepted by strangers. It was too much, I knew that forest said I shouldn't fight it but I'm only left confused. Why would anyone want me? I'm nothing but a disgrace and as far as I can see I'm also incompetent. I won't amount to anything good in life, so what was so special about me that she wanted me to be a part of her family?

' you don't have to agree right now, just think about it first.' She replied after seeing the look of dread on my face. I took a deep breath, hoping that it would be enough to calm me down. Looking back at all of what I've been through, this was close to living once more.

' I accept your offer and would like to be a part of your family.' I replied after a few minutes of silence. She started to celebrate, rushing up to me and pulling me in for an embrace, one that I have missed dearly. After she pulled away she nodded her head while smiling at me.

' I'm so happy to have you as my son. I don't care if you can't talk or if you are not a ranked wolf. I will always protect you and show you what it means to be truly loved.' I nodded my head as she started hugging me once more. Raina had already excused herself because she could tell this was a private moment for us. It seems as if I've made the right decision, I hope that I did because I wouldn't know where to go or what to do if I got turned away again. If that would have happened, the only thing that I would pray for was my death because only then would I be free of this cold and evil world.

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