《The lonely wolf [bxb]》Meeting everyone



I was given a room at the alpha's quarters which was Lilliana's idea. She didn't want me to have anything less than what she deemed fit for a prince. I found out from her that she was an alpha queen which was cool as hell. Now I knew why she wore the crown I saw earlier. After a long shower, one that I missed dearly. I brushed my teeth and made sure my hair was washed thoroughly because I didn't have any of that luxury before like I did now. After I was done, I got dressed after searching for the bag forest told me about. The clothes there were too big, but it was ok for now. There was a knock on the door and I opened it to a smiling Raina who looked super excited to see me.

" hi. There's a big feast going on that I thought you might want to be a part of. Lilliana said it might be too overwhelming for you and wanted someone to take something up for you to eat, but I told her that what she said was bullshit so let's go and prove her wrong." She was about to pull me along with her, but I escaped her hold and shook my head while pointing at my clothes. She didn't understand at first, so she decided to tap into my head so she could communicate with me. She only nodded her head after I explained it to her and snapped her fingers.

I jumped from the surprise of finding new, fitting clothes on my body that looked and felt expensive. The Fuck? Oh yeah. I forgot that she was a witch and she could do some dark magic shit. She took my hand in hers and started pulling me along with her. I had to watch where I was going because she was nothing but a big clumsy Idiot who was trying to get me to trip on each step I take.


Once we got to the backyard, I noticed that there were a lot of people who were already there. As if noticing my presence, everyone stopped and started staring at me. I felt my entire body freezing, this always happens when people stare at me. No wonder I wasn't cut out to be an alpha. Right as my knees were about to give out, Lilliana walked up to me and hugged me. Her comforting presence was enough to ease my mind and take me out of my panicked state.

' it's ok little wolf, they are just curious.' I nodded my head against her as I took comfort in her hug, something that I missed and also wish I had gotten from my parents.

" ok everyone this is Elias, I have already welcomed him into my pack so none of you will be able to go against me. Those who fight against this or disagree with my decision can pack up and leave. I'm sure there are other packs out there that are willing to take in rogues." No one said anything, which was probably better for them. I could tell that most of them got scared at the thought of being out there all alone searching for a home, they haven't experienced hardship in life not as I have.

" and he's also my son." Everyone started cheering after her declaration. It seems as if they were genuinely happy for her which had me breathing a sigh of relief.

" he's mute, not by choice but because of something that happened to him. I'm not going to tell you what it is, it's up to him if he wants to say anything to you all about it through mind link." Next came the pity, which I didn't want. I didn't want to be seen as a charity case, someone who couldn't take care of themself. But I was fighting for love, it outweighs everything else and left me wanting more. So I'll take the pity, at least for now.


" let's all give him a warm welcome and please help him in whatever way you can. If you so much as say anything bad about my son, I will personally see to it that you are not only banished but executed as well." I looked at Lilliana who had a serious look on her face. Was this how it felt to be protected by someone else apart from forest? Is this what I've been missing out on all this time? I guess I wasn't born lucky. After talking for a few more minutes, I was finally able to relax since everyone went back to doing what they were doing before. That's why I hated public speaking, having all eyes on me only made my anxiety spike because I couldn't help but feel like they were judging me, at least that's how I saw it. Two young men walked up to me with smiles on their faces. They have similar features so I'm assuming they are brothers.

" Hi I'm Brendan and this is Bryan. I was the one who found your wolf when he was trapped before." Trapped? Forest didn't tell me anything about that so I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

" I know you can't talk so we wanted to know if it was ok for our mother to teach you sign language. I know that you can communicate with us through mind link, but what if you're talking to someone outside of our pack?" Brendan stated as he looks at me with genuine concern. I guess I could try, so I nodded my head.

" Good! Now I'll let her know when you'll like to start so take all the time you need. In the meantime would you like us to show you what we have on the menu?" I looked over at Lilliana who gave me the ok to go with them. I soon spotted the one thing that had my heart skipping a beat from the excitement I was feeling. Passing all of the other food that was on display, I made my way over to the sandwich area. I pointed at the peanut butter and jelly sandwich with excitement that had the person who was handing out the food laughing. He handed me a plate with some orange juice which I greedily accepted and made my way over to an empty table with Brendan and Bryan chatting away like we knew each other for years. I didn't mind though because I liked their company. At least now I can safely say I found a home and thanks to them, I was finally living once again.

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