《The lonely wolf [bxb]》Change



" pride. That's the only thing that's keeping you from your mate. You're afraid that you won't be able to control yourself. I can't believe you would stoop so low Ryker, I don't even know you anymore." My father said as he shook his head.

" Did you come here to judge me? Is that it? If so you can kindly get the fuck out and don't come back. I only told you about my mate because you are my family, but make sure you don't ever disrespect me again!" I didn't have a choice but to come clean after my brother ratted me out. I would have killed him but I only remembered he was my twin and I didn't want to harm him.

" you know what!? Enough with your attitude. It's bad enough that I have to deal with one matless son let alone two. You will find your mate and bring him back here and treat him like your equal or I'm taking back the alpha title." I couldn't believe he had just said that. Did he expect me to go after someone I don't want? I believe that rejecting your mate is proven to be a myth. All the pain and the madness that comes from it was far from what I was feeling. I wasn't having any of those side effects and I was very much ok with it. Max, well max on the other hand wasn't talking to me. I understand why but he needed to move on and stop acting stupid.

" dad you can't be serious. I'm not going after him, I got rid of him for that reason so he wouldn't be in my life. I'm not fucking gay and I don't need a mate. What part of that don't you understand?" He scoffed and stood up, holding his hand out to my mom who took it with a smile.


" the moon goddess must have sensed something in you, deep down to pair you with a male. Maybe you are in denial who knows? Or maybe you are afraid of coming out of the closet because you don't know how people would react. Remember we have male mates here so there's nothing to be ashamed of. Find him and bring him back here, let's just hope that he forgives you for your sake. A pack is not a pack without being completed. If you so much as try to claim another, I will see to it that you are stripped of your title." With that, he walked away leaving me there as I felt my temper rising.

Who does he think he is giving me such orders? I won't let anyone control me, if I chose to live without a mate I can. The only thing I would want is for him to accept my rejection, maybe that's why I wasn't feeling the pain that came with it. I sighed as I walked out of my office after everyone had left. My brother tried to talk to me but I couldn't face him, not after the dilemma he has put me through. Was I going to hunt someone down that I didn't want? I don't know.

But my title meant a lot to me and dad was powerful. So powerful I was afraid to go against his orders. I know it's ridiculous right? Big bad me afraid of my father. It's just that I've seen him in action, he may be fifty-two but he was still as strong as ever. Only my mom could tame him and his pups. But once we messed up he's going to let us know. Did I mess up though? I don't know and I don't care.


I just know that I liked being who I am, I liked fucking around with different women and I liked being free. Having this constant fear that surrounded your mate was something that I never wished to experience. This constant worry, not just about yourself but them as well. I would have to give up my freedom and focus on him alone and that's something I don't think I can ever let happen. I won't let my father's words get to me. I won't go after someone I threw away like the piece of trash he is.

I will find a chosen mate on my own, someone who would be more suitable for the position. I will show him that I wasn't scared, that his words meant nothing to me. I will show him that I wasn't a pushover. With that on my mind, I decided to put them out of my head, no more thinking about them. Dad's words meant nothing to me and I will show him that. I am the alpha of this pack, he lost that title the moment he stepped down and handed it to me. My brother didn't want it, he chose to continue his education over what was more important and my parents were stupid enough to support him.

He may be the good twin but I was the evil one. I'm going to show them the real me. I just pray to the goddess that they can escape my wrath because they had just released the beast that I kept locked away. I wasn't so bad before, but now I'm worse. I might hate rogues, I kill them for sports or my own fucked up pleasure. I'm going to hunt every one of those fuckers down and make sure to wipe them out of existence. My father, mother and brother had just made a mistake trying to tame me. But how can they when I'm already so fucked up in the head? Maybe the goddess was saving my mate from me. Has no one ever thought of that? Maybe Selene saw that I wasn't cut out for a mate, that it would just destroy us. I was a monster and that's the title I will keep for as long as I'm alive. This is it, let the games begin.

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