《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 22: They Know I'm Human
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The file began to tear at the edges where I was gripping it too tightly with my fingers. My mind was completely blank. I couldn't fathom the idea of my mother knowing about vampires, but now I have actual evidence.
You might be asking how a piece of paper could be proof that she knows of their existence?
Well, as I stare at the bolded and all-capital font, I come to the conclusion that Wintercrest Enterprises is really the mysterious company everyone's told me about.
And if my mother has such a file with that name, it's obvious I can assume that she knows something about the company. How much? I don't know.
A surge of adrenaline pumped through my veins and I shot up from my sitting position on the ground. My thoughts were scattered and I couldn't focus on just one thing anymore.
My numb fingers quickly pushed through all the files in the box, trying to search for some sort of answer. I had no idea what I was looking for. Some part of me still hoped it was all one big coincidence and there was some explanation as to why she had this box full of stuff.
And the other part of me hopelessly believed the facts. If I look back, I can see all the subtle hints that she dropped. She was trying to keep it a secret.
"Saige! What's taking so long?" Theo's cheerful voice came closer to the entrance of the bedroom.
I froze, my hands beginning to shake with energy and fear for some reason. His footsteps neared closer and I began to choke on my words.
My mouth opened and closed numerous times, but my throat seemed so dry. I could only listen to the rhythm and pace of his steps until they stopped at the frame of the door.
Slowly, I turned toward the door, unsure of how I was going to react. My eyes widened as I took in Theo's rigid body. He stared at me and for the first time, I saw his bright green eyes turn red.
A strangled noise escaped my lips as I timidly took a step back, afraid he would come at me. Why would his eyes turn red all of sudden?
"Theo?" My voice came out as hoarse whispers as I dropped the paper the bed.
Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Oscar shift on the bed. He let out a deep growl and I saw him stand defensively. Theo turned his head and looked at my dog and that was enough to send Oscar hopping off the bed and sprinting out the door without a second glance.
I silently cursed my lab for abandoning me with a provoked vampire.
"What's this sweet smell?" Theo's facial expression turned dark and it almost looked like he was being controlled. "Is it you?"
I stepped back even further, realizing why his eyes had turned a crimson shade. Fear settled in the pit of my stomach while I tried to figure out why it was just now triggered.
Then I remembered my dreadful mistake. I had forgotten that I wasn't wearing the necklace and unknowingly let the two of them inside my house.
I can't believe I forgot to wear the one thing that protected me. Carson knows my secret and it must have slipped my foolish mind. He's been here the past few hours so whatever vampires smell like must have rubbed onto my previous clothes.
I glanced down at the shirt I was wearing. My mother, on the other hand, was human and here I was inside her bedroom wearing one of the shirts that smelled like her.
That must have triggered Theo's vampire senses. Carson was once again trying to protect my secret, but of course, I would screw everything up.
"Theo, it's me." I quietly said, my back slammed against something solid.
With widened eyes, I saw that I had been cornered up against the wall. Theo kept his fists by his side, only giving me a dead look.
My palms pressed up against the wall and I was afraid my knees were going to give out from underneath me. I bit my lip, surprised I wasn't in tears yet.
"Saige, you smell like a human. Are you a human?" Theo's usual bright smile was morphed into a dark frown.
I watched as he daringly took a step forward. It looked like he was going to slowly approach me, but that wasn't the case at all. In a flash, he appeared inches within my face.
I let out a loud gasp, this was the closest I've been to Theo and I've never really noticed how large his eyes were. If I wasn't about to piss myself, I would say he was very attractive.
"Theo..." I let out, not entirely sure how what he was going to do.
Theo surprised me by smirking, a hungry look in his eyes. "I wonder what humans taste like."
His dark bangs fell out from underneath his beanie and rested against his pale forehead. His lips pulled even more upward, turning into a full grin where I could see his elongated fangs.
My heart was pounding and by the devilish look on his face, I could tell he heard it. He had his eyes locked onto my exposed neck and tilted his head to begin his descent upon me.
My knees buckled from underneath me, but in a swift movement, Theo's large hands grasped my arms, holding me up. My hands laid limply by my side, too numb to push Theo off me.
Though, I bet it wouldn't do any good since he's almost twice my size. Sweat was forming in my hairline and I could feel some drops start to trickle down my temples.
The voice in the back of my mind wanted to give up and scream, this is it. Today was the day I was going to die.
"Please, don't." I pathetically begged, squirming slightly under his tight hold.
Theo gave me a glance and my heart dropped as I looked into his eyes. This wasn't the comical dark-haired boy I had come to know. "Just one little bite."
With that, he quickly leaned in. His pink tongue gently raked across the skin on my neck that was under my jaw, leaving behind a wet trail. I flinched at the unknown feeling and closed my eyes tightly.
My panic level was beginning to skyrocket and I wasn't sure there was a way to get out this alive. There has to be something I can do to make him turn back to normal.
Peeking open one of my eyes, I saw that he had left the bedroom door ajar when he came in.
One option left, I thought.
"Carson!" I screamed as loud as I could with being squished underneath Theo's muscular body.
The moment the word left my mouth, Theo slapped his hand over my lips, muffling the rest of my shouting. He glared at me fiercely and I felt that surge of adrenaline return.
At least that distracted him from sinking his teeth into my neck, but now he looked very angry and provoked.
I put my hands on his chest and pushed as hard as I could. Theo was about to snarl at me, but he was suddenly pulled away.
"You bastard! What the hell's wrong with you?" Carson's voice roared, startling me.
It had happened so quickly that I barely caught the blur of colors. I was suddenly being pressed against a familiar chest, with strong arms wrapped around me protectively.
I tilted my chin upward, Carson's eyes had darkened significantly. He had his eyes narrowed and a deep scowl on his face. I was in too much shock to notice Theo beginning to stand up from where he had been thrown.
"What's wrong with me?" Theo snarled defensively, glancing between Carson and I. "Oh, I see. You knew she was human and was keeping her to yourself. You've probably already had a taste of her."
My eyes widened at Theo's statement. The heat began to reach my cheeks at the thought of earlier this morning when Carson had played that stupid joke on me.
It was terrifying and I was scared, but at the back of mind, I felt somewhat comfortable with his touch. As weird as it sounds, maybe I did want him to bite me. No! Don't think like that!
There's no possible way I like Carson.
"I haven't you dumbass." Carson hissed and then lightly pushed me out of his arms. He came down to my eye level and looked at my neck worriedly.
His fingertips gently grazed over where Theo had licked me and he sighed in relief. "Are you alright?"
But you do like him, my subconscious admitted.
"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, glancing away to try to make the burning sensation in my cheeks disappear. "I guess the secret is out."
Carson stifled a small laugh at my attempt at a joke. "They were going to find out sooner or later."
I nodded my head slowly, turning my attention to the furious looking Theo. I've never seen him like this. He's usually the carefree and comical-relief guy, whereas Carson is the short-tempered and just plain rude one.
It's almost like when their vampire instincts take over, they become a completely different person. Sneaking a glance at Carson's face, I thought about when he found out I was human. How did he maintain control?
"Well, if you aren't going to take a bite, give me a chance." Theo gleamed at me mischievously.
I shrunk back behind Carson and saw him clench his fists tightly. The both of them stood defensively, prepared to lunge at each other. It reminded me of when Carson and Reece fought in the cafeteria.
The nerves were beginning to unwind and my adrenaline was slowing down rapidly. Carson leaned down next to me and his lips tickled my ear.
"When I say run, you sprint past Theo and get out of here," Carson whispered in my ear.
I stared at him with a confused expression. What was he going to do? Distract Theo? My eyes wandered to Theo who looked like an angry bull waiting to be released.
I gulped and gave an unsure expression. Then the puzzle pieces began to piece together. He wanted me to run and grab the necklace. Unfortunately, it was all the way upstairs and Sebastian was still in the house somewhere.
This was a terrible plan.
"Okay," I said, a mix of determination and fear evident in my voice.
Carson's muscles rippled underneath his shirt and I watched the movement with awe. Then mentally slapped myself for ogling his muscular arms.
The voice at the back of mind echoing what it said earlier. Did I like him? Did I have feelings for him? I frowned in thought as I observed his messy blonde hair and sharp features.
"Run!" Carson suddenly shouted, sprinting at an enraged Theo.
My legs shot forward and as I headed straight for the open door. Then time seemed to slow down with every step I took toward the only exit. In a heartbeat, Carson and Theo were locked in a tough battle.
The box of files on the bed flew in midair, the papers falling down like snow. I stumbled a bit but reached for the doorframe as Carson punched Theo in the face.
Panic drove me forward as I tightly gripped the chipped frame. I launched forward, only glancing back to see Theo reaching for my collar.
He fingers barely brushed the fabric of the shirt, but I was just out of reach. Carson pulled him back and they continued to fight one another. I took in a large breath, making it into the hallway.
I began to run down the hallway, passing by the kitchen archway. Inside, I caught sight of Sebastian sitting at one of the stools.
He briefly glanced up at me and his eyes darkened at the messy sight. I was breathing heavily as Sebastian abruptly stood up. His flashed a familiar color and I took that as my cue to hurry the hell up.
"Saige?" Sebastian called out with a dark edge much similar to Theo's.
Oh shit. He must have caught a whiff of whatever the hell I smell like as I ran past. His light footsteps chased after me and I let out a cry of desperation.
I reached the end of the hall and whipped around the corner, Sebastian right on my tail. I hopped up the stairs as fast as I could without slipping.
Reaching the top, I turned and headed straight toward my bedroom door. I basically threw myself inside my room and hurriedly glanced around the small space.
I could hear Sebastian as he neared my bedroom. I frantically searched the top of my dresser, grabbing the tangled necklace. Shit!
A dark figure stood at my door frame and I felt my heart explode with panic. I hugged the necklace to my chest and stumbled backward.
I closed my eyes and held one hand out in an attempt to protect myself. My heart beat rapidly like an out of control drum as I waited for Sebastian to attack me. I flinched when a cold hand touched my cheek.
Fluttering my eyes open, I found myself staring into Sebastian's dark brown eyes. I exhaled and relaxed when I realized that he was no longer functioning on vampire instincts.
"Sebastian? Are you okay?" I asked quietly, trying to make sure it wasn't a ruse.
Sebastian pulled his hand away from my cheek and gave me his famous grin. "I'm fine. Are you—"
A loud crashing sound from downstairs echoed throughout the house. Sebastian and I glanced at each other before exiting my bedroom in a hurry.
We thundered down the stairs and I slipped slightly on the last step, but luckily Sebastian's strong hands caught me before I broke my face. I gave him a thankful smile as we rounded the corner.
I sped walked toward my mother's bedroom and was about the bust inside but a hand pulled me back. I glanced behind me to see Sebastian with his hand planted on my shoulder.
I turned toward the almost destroyed bedroom and gasped in horror. Both Carson and Theo had crimson red eyes and currently had locked each other in an immobile position.
"Both of you! Stop it!" I yelled, clutching the necklace against my collarbone.
Immediately, the two of them let go of one another and turned toward me. Their eyes returned to their normal colors and they were both breathing heavily.
I sighed in relief, hoping that this disaster of the morning was over. Theo gave me a horrified expression and ran his hand through his dark hair.
"Saige! I'm so sorry! I couldn't control it at all." Theo pleaded with me, a worried look in his eyes.
I stared at him and remembered the time he saved me while wearing a banana costume. "I forgive you."
Theo suddenly walked toward me and surprisingly I didn't cower away. He enveloped his arms around me and I returned the warm gesture. He stepped away and gave me his usual cheeky smile.
I grinned back at him and glanced down at the tangled necklace in my hand. I began to unravel the chains one by one until I finally returned the necklace to normal.
I was about to undo the clip, but Carson took it out of my hands. "Let me."
I blushed hardcore as he went behind me and smoothly moved my dark hair away from my neck. He put the necklace on me and clipped it shut.
I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a grateful smile. Then I remembered my mother's trashed bedroom and felt disappointment make its way inside my body.
The box of files was scattered everywhere and the king size bed was thrown all over the place. Pillows were laying on the floor and I noticed one of the closet doors was torn from its hinges.
I bit my lip, trying to keep my anger from rising. A hand patted me on the head and I turned to see Theo by my side.
"Don't worry, we'll all clean it up." Theo ruffled my hair and I swatted away his hand glad that he was back to normal.
I guess this was me learning a lesson about vampires. Even the most cheerful and kind ones can go berserk under their powerful instincts.
"All? You're joking right. You two asses destroyed the room, not me." Sebastian stated as he backed out of the bedroom, but not before Theo pulled him back inside.
"Yes, all of us." Theo gave me a very noticeable wink and I giggled.
I stood by the doorframe and watched the three of them grudgingly clean up my mother's destroyed room. Theo would occasionally throw pillows on Sebastian's cleaning side and he would give the green-eyed boy a death glare.
Carson swiftly cleaned up his side and retreated to me. He stood right next to me and I felt my heart loudly knocking on my ribs.
"Stop it, you ass!" Sebastian lost his cool and screamed out of frustration.
Theo only laughed and threw another pillow at his side. Sebastian glanced the floor looking for something throw and momentarily froze.
I watched with curiosity as he picked up a familiar looking file. He narrowed his eyes in confusion and even ignored the next pillow Theo threw at him. A lump began to form in my throat.
"What's that?" Theo dropped the empty box he had prepared to throw and slowly made his way over to Sebastian.
I watched as he read it over Sebastian's shoulder and I glanced away out of shame. I felt Carson's intense gaze on me as he motioned for his friends to bring him the file.
The three of them read the file and then proceeded to give me confusion expressions. It was only after about a minute when I decided to look up and face the three of them.
"Saige, why do you have this?" Theo asked and held up the file to show me what he meant.
I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "I know nothing about it. It's my mother's."
"Your mother's? Why would she have information on the company?" Sebastian asked, ripping the file from Theo's hands.
Theo glared at Sebastian. I wish I knew the reason behind her having information on this mysterious vampire company and whatever they do. I shifted my feet, feeling the immense pressure from all three of their stares.
I folded my arms across my chest and looked them dead in the eyes. Could they tell me anything about Wintercrest Enterprises?
"Saige, you're a human right?" Theo asked and I stiffened slightly at the question but nodded my head anyway. "Then that means your mother is a human."
"If her mother is a human, then why would she have this?" Sebastian lifted the paper in the air.
"I don't know man, I'm just as confused as you are!" Theo yelled at Sebastian and I could feel the tense atmosphere beginning to fill the air.
We're all confused. I could see it in their eyes. In this mess of a bedroom, the four of us stood with arms crossed and wheels turning in our brains.
My mother was hiding something, that I was sure of. What? I really didn't want that answer to be this Wintercrest Enterprises. It almost sounds as creepy as my school name.
"Do you think she's a hunter?" Sebastian suggested, breaking the silence.
My eyes widened and Theo seemed to catch it as he responded. "That's highly unlikely. No hunter would be stupid enough to move into a town full of vampires. Plus, the company would catch them on the first day."
"I think the best answer is that she works for the company or is researching the company." Carson finally spoke up.
Everyone turned their attention to him. I studied his blonde hair and the slight stubble growing on his face. I pondered his statement, thinking it over very carefully.
I was trying to imagine my petite and (most of the time) nice mother working for such a deadly sounding place. I shook my head, yet I couldn't imagine her researching the place for no reason.
"Neither seems like her. She would never work for a stupid vampire company who does God knows what!" I shouted, hearing my voice crack at the end.
Carson gave me a look of pity and I wanted to scrap it off of his attractive face. The look in his eyes said it all though, the way they stared into my own.
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