《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 21: Hidden Secrets Revealed
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Something soft caressed my cheek, forcing my mind to return to my body. I was painfully made aware of how stiff my muscles were. My fingers twitched as I slowly regained a full grasp on reality. A small groan escaped my lips as I turned in the direction of whatever touched my cheek.
My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted by the sight of very large and round chocolate eyes. "Oscar?"
The scruffy lab perked up at the sound of his name. His pink tongue lolled out the side of his mouth and he began to inch closer to my face. I was pleasantly surprised when his tongue gently licked my nose, sending me into a fit of giggles.
I quickly sat up, trying to evade my dog who had absolutely no understanding of personal space. My vision was blurry at first due to raising my head too fast, I recognized the boring walls of a room that surrounded me.
The silky feeling under my fingertips was familiar. I was sitting on top of my bed, which was located in my bedroom. The thick fabric around me was crinkled and I cringed at how messily I had slept. My eyes glanced down at my lab that suspiciously looked very happy.
He wasn't supposed to be inside my room, I always made sure to keep my door shut before I went to bed—
The wooden door was resting wide open, giving me a full view of the dark hallway.
I forced myself to swallow the hard lump that had formed in my throat. Events of last night flashed through my mind like a PowerPoint slide, the final memory I had was falling asleep on Carson's shoulder as we sat on the couch watching television.
Yet somehow, here I was waking up in my bed with my furry pet licking my face. Had Carson stayed to carry my unconscious body upstairs? My face grew extremely warm at the thought of him seeing my sleeping expression.
Pushing myself up, I shivered when my bare feet touched the cold hardwood floors. I patted my nightshirt in an attempt to smooth down all the creases that formed from overnight. As I made my way toward the open door, I ran my hand through my tangled hair.
A small tug on my shorts grabbed my attention and I smiled at a very eager looking Oscar. "Come on, I'll feed you breakfast when I get downstairs."
Right before I exited my bedroom, I glanced at the digital clock that rested on my dresser. Surprisingly, it wasn't as close to noon as I thought it would be. The time read to be about ten-thirty in the morning, much earlier than I suspected I would have woken up after falling asleep after midnight.
Walking down the dim hallway, a thought crossed my mind which had my heart stop beating for a moment. Had Carson stayed the night or had he returned home after putting me in my bed? I'm such a terrible host for falling asleep on her guests, as my mother would scold me for.
My pace seemed to slow as the neared the wooden stairs. Oscar stayed close at my heels, not once giving me any suspicion that someone else was inside the house. He gave me a wolfish grin, making me think that he was in fact rather eager for me to feed him breakfast.
The thunderous pounding of my heart made me stop right at the edge of the first step. For some reason, I felt scared to go venture downstairs just in case Carson was still residing inside my house. Yet, at the same time, I felt very excited and nervous to see him.
A wet nose touched my sweaty hand and then came a subtle whine from my side. "Alright, I'm going."
I rubbed my warm palms together and hesitantly took the first step downstairs. Before I knew it, a loud creak sounded in the silence when I stepped onto the last wooden step.
I froze for some reason while Oscar trotted down the stairs with ease. He turned his large head, almost like he motioning for me to follow. Nervously, I moved a strand of hair behind my ear as I stepped off the stairs.
Oscar began to make his way toward the kitchen and he didn't seem on edge like he had when Carson was here last night. My heart dropped at the thought and I felt extremely disappointed. Did I really believe Carson cared enough to stick around?
Suddenly, I felt like a zombie and all the butterflies flying around inside my stomach dropped dead. The thought of waking up to see his dirty blonde hair and heart melting chocolate eyes had made my heart flutter with excitement and nervousness.
That hoped was crushed like a grape and my exhaustion flooded through to replace the temporary happiness.
"You're awake." A surprised masculine voice stated from behind me.
I spun around, fully aware of who it was. Suddenly, the dead feeling of lost hope was revived within a mere second. A flood of emotions poured through my body, which made it difficult to focus on a single one.
My attention zoomed in on Carson's wet hair and change of clothes. A smirk was evident on his face and I blushed instantly when we caught me staring.
"Did you shower here?" I mumbled out as my eyes darted around the living room in an attempt to not stare at his gorgeous face.
Carson stepped forward and his eyes shine mischief as he spoke. "What happens if I say yes?"
"Nothing! I was just curious." Why was my heart beating so fast?
I fidgeted with my fingernails, afraid that I was going to explode if I looked him in the eyes one more time. I had always thought that he was inhumanly attractive, but now somehow it was different whenever I saw him. Was it his protectiveness I sought comfort in?
Being unable to continue standing in front of him like a squirming pig, I turned on my heel and entered the unsurprisingly messy kitchen. I touched my flaming cheeks, he probably saw my flustered expression.
Shaking my head, I glanced over to the island where Oscar was patiently sitting. I heard Carson's footsteps follow me until they stopped directly behind me. His presence enough was overwhelming and I was surprised I was still standing.
I was about to move forward, but Carson brushed past me. With curiosity, I watched as he stooped down to Oscar's level and stroked the long fur atop his head.
"I think he's warming up to me." Carson glanced at me, a warm smile tugging at his lips.
I stood, a bit shocked. Just last night, Oscar had been wary of him and would growl whenever he saw Carson. Allowing a stranger's hand to pet and be so close to him in such a short amount of time was impressive, to say the least.
My own lips turned upward in a smile and I let out a laugh, feeling less nervous.
"Want some breakfast, boy?" I cooed at Oscar. I walked toward the counter and bent down to grab the large colored bowl that rested on the tile floor.
"Why, yes. I would love some breakfast." Carson said with a teasing grin as I stood up with the bowl in hand.
I scowled at him and playfully smacked his arm, setting the bowl on the island countertop. "Not you."
Sneaking a glance at the boy standing by my side, I saw how he pouted. His eyes were downcast and his bottom lip quivered like an upset child. I could see the goofiness hiding behind his eyes and that made my heart miss a beat.
I quickly looked away and grabbed the large food bag from underneath the counter. Tearing open the bag slightly, I poured the dog food in until the bowl was about three-fourths full. Setting the bag down, I grabbed the bowl and put it on the floor.
Oscar happily trotted over toward it and began to eat the food one big gulp at a time. I watched with content as he filled his stomach, reminding me how hungry I was.
"Saige, can you cook?" Carson's question snapped my attention away from my lab and to him.
I thought for a moment. "Only some of the basic stuff. What would you like?"
Moving around my dog, I stepped toward the pantry. Opening the small wooden cabinet, I glanced at each and every item that was visible. I bit my lip, debating on what I could fix up for breakfast. There were some cereal boxes, pop-tarts, and some breakfast bars—
"I have something in mind." His teasing voice had a bit of dark edge to it, making my whole body freeze.
His presence was instantly behind me and I felt his hot breath tickle the base of my neck. My body shivered and I was afraid that if I turned my face we would nose-to-nose. The intensity in his voice sounded familiar like I had heard someone else speak in the same manner before.
His cold fingers brushed aside my dark hair and I flinched at the contact. My heart was beating rapidly like a drum and I felt sweat begin to form at my hairline. What was he doing? That's when I felt his face near my neck and fear pumped through my veins.
My eyes widened when I saw his pale lips near my exposed skin from my peripheral vision. A heart dropping thought ran through my mind.
I wasn't wearing the necklace.
I vaguely remembered seeing it next to the clock on my dresser. What was he going to do, suck my blood? Nolan's sinister red eyes and sharp fangs entered my mind. Gripping the cabinet door, I felt trapped and I desperately wanted to escape.
My lungs were beginning to expand to the point where I believed a panic attack was coming on.
Carson's lips rose into a smirk and I felt my instincts snap me out my overwhelming fear. "Stop!"
He instantly flinched and I could see the hesitation. His mouth moved away from my neck and he dropped my loose hair. I was breathing heavily, having flashbacks of when Nolan confronted me. I can't believe he would do that me.
My knuckles had turned white from gripping the pantry door tightly.
"I'm sorry, it was just a joke." Carson's voice was calmer and I heard him take a few steps backward. "Are you shaking?"
My eyes flickered to my hands and I saw the slight shaking movement. I hadn't noticed it because I was focused on Carson trying to sink his teeth into my neck. Even if it was a joke to him, it was all too real for me. Being around him sometimes made me forget the most important facts.
I was vulnerable. I was weak. I was fragile. I was human.
Turning, I tried to calm myself down by breathing slow. Although it helped somewhat, there was this image of Carson with red eyes and fangs stuck inside my brain. I knew I wore a horrified expression when I faced him, but I was shocked when I saw he looked normal and a bit startled.
"I'm okay, just don't scare me like that," I whispered, rubbing my arms in an attempt to comfort myself.
My eyes studied the tile floor and I wasn't sure where the playful mood had run off too. The growling in my stomach was evident, but I felt like my appetite ran for the hills along with my smile.
You would think seeing the guys flash their red eyes multiple times would help you get used to it. Well, you'd be wrong. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.
"Hey, hey. I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be so shaken up." Carson put his hands up, but they refrained from touching me. Almost like I would shatter into pieces if they did. "Has someone else tried to hurt you?"
His question threw me off guard. It must have been the widening of my eyes that gave it away. Carson narrowed his eyes and I knew I was in for it. He would kill Nolan if I told him what happened. Revenge would be sweet, but I wasn't looking forward to paying the consequences that would follow Carson's recklessness.
"None of your business," I said quietly, finally gaining some confidence and looking him in the eye.
I was hoping he would drop it, but I knew better than that.
"Hell, no." Carson cursed and his lips formed a frown. "Who was it?"
His eyes bore lasers into my soul. All I could do was stare back, internally battling on what I should say next. I really didn't want to provoke him after what just happened, but I so badly wanted to scream my frustration.
It seems like all we do is go back and forth. One minute we're making jokes and being playful, the next he's mad at me for withholding information.
It's not like he's also keeping secrets.
My mouth opened, I was about to tell him who had hurt me. Then God decided to interrupt me by ringing chimes throughout the halls of the house. Carson and I both glanced toward the direction of the tune. That's when I realized it was the sound of the doorbell ringing.
I sighed in relief and began to walk past Carson. He didn't try to stop me as I brushed his arm. It set my skin on fire when we barely made contact, but I tried to suppress the strong feeling. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Oscar abandoned his empty bowl. That dog, always finding ways to escape the situation.
Turning into the dim hallway, I walked toward the front door. The glass had a jagged texture, making it impossible to see who was standing on the porch. As I neared closer, my footsteps faltered. There were two large figures standing outside the mahogany door.
I stopped just before the door, my hand resting on the door handle. I felt my palms go sweaty as I just stood there like a frozen statue. Who was behind the door? Was it Reece or Nolan? Wait, they don't know where I live. I think. The bell rung again, pulling me back into reality.
"Hello?" I poked my head through the widening crack of the door, pleasantly surprised to see those two idiots standing on my porch.
"We brought breakfast, hope you're hungry." Theo gave me a wide smile, holding up a plastic bag.
I opened the door wider, a grin forming on my face. I stepped back, ushering the two boys to enter the house. Theo stepped inside, wearing a gray beanie with a camouflage jacket and jeans. Sebastian was right behind him, wearing a dark tank-top and sweats in this godforsaken winter weather.
"What brings you two to my lovely abode?" I asked, closing the door with a click once the two had stepped inside completely.
"Carson wasn't home, so we'd figured he'd be right across the street at your place," Sebastian said glancing at me while he ran his hand through his styled hair.
I frowned and narrowed my eyes in confusion. "Across the street?"
Theo's smile faltered a bit. He walked over toward one of the dining room windows and pointed. Stepping toward him, I saw that he was pointing at the bright white house that directly across the street from mine. Nostalgia hit me like a tsunami, it was the same house that I got a weird feeling from my first day.
Carson lived there?
"What are you two dumbasses doing here?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Carson had stepped into the hallway with his arms folded across his chest.
"We came looking for you," Theo said, stepping away from the window. "We brought breakfast."
My stomach suddenly felt alive and I knew that I had regained my appetite. I stared at the plastic bag with much hunger and curiosity. Carson sighed and turned to walk back toward the kitchen. I watched his retreating figure and felt invisible hands tug at my heartstrings.
Theo gave me a glance and I nodded my head, making my way toward the kitchen as well. Sebastian and him followed behind me. When we entered, Carson was sitting on one of the stools by the island.
I cautiously took the seat next to him as Theo gently placed the plastic bag on the counter. Then he quickly pulled out a rectangle shaped box. I blinked as he opened it, showing it's glorious contents.
"Ta-da! Aren't I the best?" Theo grinned smugly at me, his eyes shining with pride.
"There's a donut shop in this town?" I asked, my mouth watering at the sight of the multi-colored baked pastries.
"Yeah, it's the only one though." Sebastian took the remaining stool next to me, giving me a smile.
Theo asked where we kept our plates and I pointed the cabinet behind him. He pulled out the circular green plates and told us to take our pick. I greedily grabbed the chocolate sprinkle donut and placed it on my plate.
Wrapping my fingers around the small pastry, I brought it to my lips and sighed in delight. It was so delicious.
The next few minutes were spent in silence as the four of us almost ate the entire dozen. Of course, the boys took the majority of the donuts. I laughed when Theo and Sebastian were arguing over who got the last chocolate one.
Carson watched with a smile and I began to feel at ease around him again.
"I deserve it because I paid for the box." Theo countered, pulling the box toward.
"I should have it because you've eaten more than the rest of us." Sebastian swiftly grabbed the donut from the open box.
"I've only eaten five." Theo hissed, his argument obviously weaker.
I chuckled, both the boys oblivious to Carson and I watching their argument. Theo lunged for the donut but Sebastian managed to pull it out of his reach. This continued for some time until Theo smacked the pastry out of Sebastian's hands. A bit too forcefully.
In the blink of an eye, the chocolate donut hit my white nightshirt. Everyone stared. My eyes widened as I observed my now chocolate stained shirt. I picked up the circular donut that had slid down onto my lap and threw it at Theo out of spite.
He dodged it at the last second and gave me a wide smirk. I tugged and pulled the ends of my shirt. Damn, I really liked this shirt.
"Thanks, Theo. I really appreciate." I spit out and he instantly began doubling over in laughter.
"I'll be here all week." He stopped laughing momentarily, but his face was tomato red. He gave me a wink and then somehow attractively snorted with laughter.
Carson's chuckled followed and I felt my face beat up in embarrassment. I looked away, feeling intense heat from his gaze. It made me mad when Theo laughed at me, but when Carson chuckled, I just feel self-conscious.
Yet, I felt happy to hear his laugh ringing in my ears. I'm glad he didn't bring up the issue of what happened before the two doofuses arrived.
"I'm going to go change." I decided, standing up from the stool.
Without a second glance, I turned away from the kitchen and headed toward the stairs. A blur of yellow caught my attention and I glanced at an open door down the hallway. It was my mother's bedroom and her door was open for some reason.
My feet moved forward and my brain thought it would be quicker to borrow one of her shirts instead of going all the way upstairs. Pushing slightly on the door, it creaked wide open. The room was completely dark and felt empty.
I swallowed, feeling the wall for the light switch until I finally felt the small bump. Flicking it upward, the room instantly brightened. I scowled at my dog, who gave me a sheepish smile. He was curled up on top of my mother's large bed.
Stepping inside, I headed toward her closet. Oscar's eyes followed my body, watching my movements with curiousity. I reached the white panel doors and pulled them apart. Even with the overhead light on, I could only see the outline of hanging clothes.
Cursing, I moved forward trying to find a switch. Suddenly my balance disappeared and I stumbled forward. A sharp edge jabbed into my stomach and I groaned in pain. Pushing myself away from whatever tried to impale me, I somehow found the light switch.
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