《Attending a Vampire School》Chapter 23: The Rivalry
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I flipped through the packet until I came upon the last page. My mouth hung open as I stared at the rather large number printed at the bottom in bold text. The packet was nearly ten pages long with seventy multiple choice questions.
Looking over at Rowan's table, I saw her trying to rip the study guide in half. This couldn't possibly get any worse.
"And you must work with your lab partners." The teacher that spawned from hell added at the end, earning a chorus of groans and whines. "It is absolutely mandatory. I will be checking."
Of course, the universe would prove me wrong. This definitely can get a whole lot worse.
Sneaking a fearful glance to my right, I watched as the dark-haired boy sent a glare at our teacher. Mr. Jackson grinned at the student's pain as he began to turn his back. I must have stared a little too long at Nolan because he turned his head and narrowed his eyes at me.
The sudden uneasiness clawed it's way inside my body as I hurriedly glanced away. My face burned from embarrassment, yet I felt extremely uncomfortable sitting next to him. His words were still haunting me from Saturday night, repeating over and over in my mind.
I've been a nervous wreck, really wishing I could skip today. I didn't want to see Nolan's stormy grey eyes at all. I'm afraid he's waiting for the right moment ensnare me. After the awkward silence between me and the boys yesterday, they decided to finish cleaning up and leave.
It made me a little sad to not witness their usual sarcastic remarks and hilarious arguing. The boys left my house without another word, while I mulled over Carson's statement about my mother.
The bell rang and Mr. Jackson turned back to the class. "Make sure you complete the partner assignment."
Students quickly grabbed their backpacks and began to chat loudly. I watched for a few seconds before realizing I needed to head to my next class. I neatly folded the ten-page packet and put it inside my binder.
Zipping up my bag, I stood from the uncomfortable lab stool. A sigh escaped my lips as I saw that Rowan had already bolted from this small prison. Walking toward the classroom door, I felt his dark presence walking closely behind me.
There was no need to turn my head to see who it was. I could tell from the way my body reacted, a shiver running down my spine and the hairs on the back of my neck immediately standing up. I bit the inside of my cheek, suddenly feeling his iron grip on my arm.
"Come with me." His warm breath tickled the sensitive skin of my ear.
He directed me into the overcrowded hallway, where students minded their own business and paid no mind to the little things. I was pulled down the opposite way where my classroom was. As we exited, Sebastian suddenly appeared in front of the classroom across the hall.
My eyes widened when he made eye contact with me. Sebastian's eyes narrowed when he saw Nolan dragging me off somewhere. I wanted to cry out to him, but it was too late. Before he could make his way toward us, Nolan had pulled me into the heart of the crowd.
My view of the lean boy disappeared and I wasn't too sure he would be able to catch up. Whatever Nolan wanted, I knew it wasn't something I would like. This reminded me of all the times Nolan has dragged me off to some secluded corner.
He has always threatened me or cruelly played with my fragile emotions. How did he ever come to know my secret? I had no clue whether he truly knew or was bluffing to see my reaction. Though, I had a feeling it was the first one.
"What do you want?" I barely whispered, as he abruptly pulled me into an empty corner.
His grey eyes shone brightly, standing out to me in the dim lighting. Slowly, his cold fingers unraveled and he released the grip on my arm. I unconsciously rubbed the slightly throbbing spot.
Nolan stood about a foot away from me and I could feel him starting to invade my personal bubble.
"I'm not going to hurt you," Nolan stated in a monotone voice when he noticed my step backward.
I let out a strained laugh. "Hurt me? Too late."
"Listen to me, I'm not the bad guy here." Nolan's neutral expression turned into one that was a mix of anger and frustration.
There were so many emotions invading my body. I didn't know what to show him. That I was upset? That I was confused? That I wanted to walk away and never speak to him again? I had too many bad memories and here he was telling me he wasn't the bad guy.
It sure seemed like to me that he was becoming the root of my fears.
"How so? You've threatened me and tried to kill me." I got a sudden boost of confidence, staring him directly in the eyes.
"I never tried to kill you." He scoffed, not glancing away. "Only scare you."
My confidence deflated like a balloon, disappearing instantly. What was this to him? A sick joke? I stared at my black dress shoes, trying to pick out every single speck of dust. I had no motivation to respond to his statement, feeling vulnerable.
The time he pushed me up against the bookshelf and bared his fangs was him scaring me?
"Just tell me what you want. I have to get to class." I mumbled, fidgeting with my nails.
I heard a small sigh leave his lips. "Saige. Look at me."
"No," I said under my breath, futilely hoping he hadn't heard me.
"I said, look at me," Nolan growled as his fingers suddenly grabbed my chin, forcing it upward.
Slightly shocked, I stared into his eyes. My personal bubble had successfully been compromised when he stepped forward. I watched as Nolan studied me intensely and I felt small under his grip. I couldn't stand up for myself, that I knew. Even with the small boosts of confidence, it was inevitably futile.
"Why do you do this?" I said, wanting to see some sort of soft emotion take over his features. Something that would make me start believing he truly wasn't the bad guy.
Instead, all I got was a small frown. At least he was no longer glaring at me.
"I'm trying to help you out here," Nolan said, his chilled fingers still gently holding my chin.
"Help? That's what you call this?" I asked, referring to all the times he's been cruel to me.
Nolan cracked the smallest smile I've ever seen, but it was still the first one I've seen him wear. "I never said I was good at it."
It was weird not seeing a scowl plastered on his face. I had gotten well-acquainted with his glares and frowns. The second he slipped and let his lips tugged upward, I couldn't keep my shock concealed. My heart fluttered at Nolan trying to crack a joke.
He must have seen my shock and immediately his expression turned neutral.
"I can tell." I attempted to joke back and let myself feel at ease. I wanted him to smile again. "Why did you drag me away?"
Then the light mood we had going on vanished into thin air. I watched as Nolan's face turned tense and he looked conflicted. It was when he squeezed my chin that I realized his fingers were still on my face.
With wide eyes, I cautiously stepped backward out of his grip. He watched my movement with intensity and I swear I saw the sliver of a slight frown.
"I'm not going to tell anyone your secret." Nolan sighed and I immediately tensed up. "Not until I know for sure what's going on."
"What do you mean?" I asked, very confused by his statement.
Nolan's eyes darted to mine and I could tell that he hadn't meant to add that last part. "It's nothing."
He quickly glanced away and I've never seen him so relatively close to being flustered. What was up with him? He seemed off his game today. Before I could open my mouth, the obnoxious bell pierced through our silence.
I felt my face fall, I was late to class again. Nolan turned away and I felt infuriated that he was leaving me asking more questions.
Don't get me wrong, I wish he had left me alone from the very beginning. That was before I wanted— no, needed— answers.
"Nolan, wait." I almost shouted at him before he could turn the corner. "Tell me."
Nolan glanced over his shoulder at me and I could see the conflicted expression on his face. He hissed at me before storming toward me. My eyes widened and I took a rushed step backward. Stupid me, I can't go around demanding things from vampires.
I put my hands up and I felt him stop when his chest had run into my palms.
"Remember, I know your weakness. You don't tell me what to do." Nolan didn't try to move closer and I caught the flash of red.
I nodded my head vigorously hoping he would back off. My heart was pounding and I was pleading he wouldn't go all vampire on me. My palms were becoming sweaty and right before he stepped away, I felt a slight thud emit from...his chest?
Nolan was glaring down at me while I only stared at his muscular chest. Did vampires have a heartbeat?
"I know," I whispered, feeling extremely vulnerable. "Please tell me what you meant."
I never seemed to learn, but I was hoping my weak voice would convince him to spill.
"Fine." Nolan only had his eyes narrowed at me. That's a slight improvement. "I don't believe you attending this school was some sort of mistake."
"What?" My eyes became the size of saucers.
"You probably know about the company by now, right?" Nolan asked and I nodded my head. "I think they let you attend this school fully aware you were human."
Every question I've asked seems to point in the direction of this supposed company. Wintercrest Enterprise, my conscience reminded me. The same company my mother possibly worked for or knows about. I felt a shiver pass through my body and I stared at Nolan with a questioning gaze.
This doesn't make any sense.
"Why would they let me attend this school knowing that? I'm human for Christ's sake! I'm in mortal danger every second I spend here!" I wanted to scream and punch something.
"That's what I would like to know. Especially since they're strict about young vampires not drinking human blood." Nolan gave me a mischievous smirk.
"Then why risk it?" I asked, slightly bothered by the way he was looking at me.
The conversation I had with Rowan and Zaylee last week entered my mind. I assumed if nobody found out I was human, then it wouldn't be an issue since my blood wasn't in fact their main food supply.
But that only applied to the younger vampires who hadn't graduated high school for some odd reason. I feel like the situation has changed drastically after all four vampires now know my secret.
"I think the company risked it because they want something out of it. Something more valuable than one human's life." Nolan shrugged and began to walk away, leaving me alone once more.
One human life. Is that all I really was to him? To these vampires? Of course, I was. It was the truth, wasn't it?
"By the way, I'll drive you over to my place after school later this week to finish the study guide, partner," Nolan said before he rounded the corner.
He grinned at me, showing off his white teeth. His stormy eyes sparkled with a hidden motive. Deep in my gut, I knew he wasn't taking me to his place just to finish the study guide. He wanted something else out of it. What? I had no idea and I was already beginning to dread tomorrow.
No way in hell I wanted to go over to a vampire's lair, much less his. Taking a shaky step forward after he had left my sight, I began to walk toward my next class. I was definitely late. Turning the corner, my feet led me down the quiet hallway.
I could hear muffled shouts or loud conversations come from some of the classrooms I passed. What class was I supposed to be in? Oh, that's right, History. My pace began to pick up as I neared the location of Mrs. Neille's class.
I was somewhat expecting her to be bubbly about how the Hallow's Eve Carnival went Saturday night. It was after all her class that set up the whole thing. I wished it had gone a bit better for me, but at the very back of my mind, I knew it wasn't going to be all fun in games.
At least that night hadn't ended on a bad note. The vivid memory of Carson sitting next to me on the couch watching stupid television replayed in my brain. My face heated up at the image of his handsomeness. I can't believe I was blushing over a mere thought of Carson.
Coming to a stop, I lightly knocked on the wooden classroom door. I could hear the room silence down the second my knuckles hit the door. Grasping the cold metal handle, I pushed open the heavy door. All eyes went to me and I had wished my blush wasn't that noticeable.
"Ah, Miss Morris. How nice of you to join us." Mrs. Neille looked at me and I thought for a moment she was going to let my tardiness slide. "Do you have a pass?"
Of course, I shouldn't be expecting to have that much luck.
Harley was leaning against the rusty lockers by the double doors that exited into the parking lot. His blue eyes were glistening when he caught sight of my approaching body. I watched with confusion as he pushed off of the lockers and walked toward me.
I gave Rowan and Zaylee a small wave as they both gave Harley narrowed glares.
"Hey, Harley. What's up?" I awkwardly said when we're only a foot apart.
"I was wondering if I could give you a ride home." Harley rubbed the back of his neck, only making eye contact every few seconds.
He looked extremely handsome in the school uniform. The blazer was tied around his slim waist, exposing the white buttoned down shirt that usually hides. The brown curls atop his head were loose and only the ends were slightly coiled upward.
His blue eyes shifted to me when I gave him a nod. I saw his tense body relax slightly and he gave me a heart-stopping smile. I followed him out the double doors and held one open for me when I stepped through.
A faint thank you escaped my lips when the door closed behind us. The parking lot was only half empty and I immediately spotted his black car. I was wondering why he suddenly offered me a ride home. He had ignored me for two days after the first ride he gave me.
We walked toward his car and I suddenly remembered Carson. Stopping momentarily, I glanced around at the mingling students trying to spot the familiar blonde haired boy.
"What are you looking for?" Harley's sudden question made me jump.
"Nothing." I gave him a small smile.
He nodded his head and continued to walk to his car. When I couldn't spot Carson with one last look, I gave up and followed Harley. I reached his car just as he unlocked it and I heard the small clicking noise. Gently slipping my hand on the passenger handle, I pulled open the door.
I dropped my backpack on the floor and sat down on the passenger seat with a loud sigh. The familiar scent of Harley and Hadlee filled my nose. It most certainly was not a bad smell. My body felt exhausted and I knew the second I got home I would collapse on the couch.
Harley sitting down in the driver's seat caught my attention. I pulled closed the door as he started the engine, the small four-door car roaring to life. Harley shifted the car into reverse and gave me a cheeky grin. I raised my eyebrow as he stared into my eyes.
"Do you remember what street you live on?" He asked me, slightly nudging my arm.
My face turned red when I remembered the incident last time he drove me home. "Yes, it's Lee."
Harley gave a laugh as he backed the car out of the parking spot. I praised myself for finally remembering something important for once in my life. It was a small victory, but one nonetheless. I don't think I could stand any more embarrassment today.
I shifted slightly in my seat, aimlessly staring out the window.
"So..." Harley's voice cut through the radio music that was playing. "Nice weather?"
I turned my body and looked at him. His head was facing forward, but I could see his eyes glancing at me every few seconds. He was acting very anxious and awkward for some reason. It was actually kind of cute and it reminded me of the time we danced at the carnival.
My cheeks began to heat up.
"Is Hadlee sick?" I asked, referring to her absence all day.
"Huh? Oh, yeah she is, but I'm sure she'll be fine tomorrow." Harley's knuckles turned a pasty white as he gripped the steering wheel.
I gulped and nodded, suddenly feeling the urge to look out the window again. That was a bad question to ask, I see that now. Hadlee had been absent during the classes I had with her. Being too curious was definitely going to be my downfall at this school.
I just hoped someone would be able to pick me back up again.
"Saige, I have something to confess." His voice was tense and almost sounded afraid.
"Is it about what happened at the carnival?" I had a feeling that was what he was talking about.
"I'll join you, but only to protect my sister."
"Wonderful choice. I can assure you that your sister's secret is safe."
He gave me a slightly shocked expression before slowly nodding his head. The small curls bouncing with each motion. The school was starting to become a tiny object behind us as Harley drove down the narrow road that led to the only neighborhood in this cursed town.
"I had to do it. I'm sorry." He wore a sad smile and wasn't even bothering to look my way anymore.
"Had to do what? Join Reece? What does that even mean?" I asked, hearing the hurt in my weak voice.
"Join his group," Harley whispered so quietly, I barely heard it.
I scoffed and rested my chin on top of my palm. "What is this? A battle of gangs?"
"Something like that." He admitted and I spun in my seat to face him.
Harley didn't dare to look my way as I stared at his tense jaw. I know he could feel my strong gaze, I basically was shooting lasers at his head. The car turned and I felt my mental clock begin to the countdown, ticking with each heartbeat.
We would be arriving at my house soon. Too soon.
"Do you mean Carson and Reece? Are you shitting me?" My voice laced with venom, I suddenly felt angry. "You can't seriously compare their small groups to gangs."
Harley's sigh was filled with frustration. "The two of them certainly act like they are gang leaders. Both territorial and wanting to hurt one another."
"Why do they want to hurt one another?" My mind replayed their fight in the cafeteria my first day at Wintercrest Academy.
"I don't know for sure. They were like that before my sister and I moved to this town. The rumors were that Carson turned Reece in and he got in serious trouble." Harley's calm voice told me that he wasn't telling me the full truth.
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