《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》A Very Fond Farewell


Author's Note: Hello Everyone! So I want to say: Thank you for such wonderful comments, follows and votes. It filled me with determination to want to make a really good chapter which resulted in this update. I shall keep this author's note short, again forgive my grammar error's that I have overlooked and I hope that this chapter is easy to read and full of emotions that I hope I conveyed well.

You can watch this video now or at the end of this chapter, I thought it was very fitting for this chapter and if you can't see the link or if it comes out just letters then you can go to youtube and search Middle Earth - The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd and the youtube uploader is The VooJooze:


Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit, and when you read The Lord of the Rings. All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. I only own Belle and her family. Anything else from the movie or any quotes and scenes I take no ownership in. Thank you and enjoy this chapter.

It was a beautiful day today; the birds were singing and the sun high in the sun...the light reflecting off the water before me as the water rippled calmly on such a peaceful day. I could smell the salty sea breeze drift on by every so often when the wind would pick up and I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace before our friends came to join us.

I stood on one of the boards close to the water as I stared down at my reflection, the years had not aged me one bit and though most in my race would be contempt about that I sometimes would envy those that led a mortal life. To be able to age with your friends, to age with the one you love instead of living to a point where you have outlived everyone that you know.

I suppose in the years that past, I would sometimes think of such depressing subjects such as that...but there is always someone who will interrupt where my thoughts would take me.


Frerin's reflection came to stand beside me as I looked as his reflection in the water.

"Yes Frerin?" I questioned as I turned to my son who smiled happily at me.

"They're here." Frerin said as he motioned with his head toward the entrance way.

I followed his gaze to see Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn and Lord Elrond making their way toward us. Instantly, my children came to my side and the seven of us bowed in respect and greeting to them.

When Lady Galadriel came to stand in front of us she nodded her head to us with a beautiful smile gracing her face.

"So these are your children." Lady Galadriel said as she looked to both Frerin and Antien. "Your sons are beginning to look so much like their father." Lady Galadriel then looked to my daughter Estelwen. "And your daughter's beauty blooms every day."

"Thank you Lady Galadriel." My three children voiced out in unison as they smiled happily to each other.

"They have such strength within them, you and Thorin have done well raising them this far" Lady Galadriel commented as she came to stand in front of me.

"Thank you my Lady." I said with another bow.

"It has been a very long time since the last I had seen you Bellethiel." Lady Galadriel said.

"Too long." I mumbled with a sad smile. "It is a shame that after so long, we meet at last only to say a final farewell."


"So you will not be joining us." Lady Galadriel said, though it was not a question but a statement as she smiled at me...clearly already knowing my answer.

"No, I will not be leaving with you." I stated glancing to my children with a happy smile. "My children, my husband and my family need me...and I have people who depend on me. I cannot leave...and even if I could leave I would choose to stay. I feel as if I am still not in very good standing with the Valar."

"Then, my dear Bellethiel, I wish you all the happiness this world has to offer in the times to come." Lady Galadriel said with a smile as Lord Celeborn came to stand beside his wife.


I turned to Lord Elrond who smiled sadly at me as he came to give me a tight and warm embrace.

"I'm sad to hear that you will not be joining us." Lord Elrond said after he had pulled away, his hands still on both of my shoulders. "Have your friends decided to stay as well?"

I shook my head as I looked back to the elf Lord with the same expression that was on his face.

"They had said that they would not leave unless I did, but I knew from their eyes that the seas called to them. If they were to stay here they would be unhappy, and with everything they have done for me I could not ask for them to stay." I mumbled with a heavy heart. "I had ordered everyone to travel West to the boats. Tirananniel, Mellimeldisiel...they all had set sail to the West."

"And yet," Lord Elrond mumbled, looking past me to my children. "I see your niece and nephews are still here."

"Yes well..." I chuckled a bit as I looked over my shoulder to my family. "they insisted that they would not leave no matter how hard I insisted that they should. I even went so far as to pushing them out of the Kingdom. But...they would not leave."

"The sea does not call to them as it does to many of us." Lady Galadriel said. "To them...this is home."

"I have a favor to ask Belle." Lord Elrond commented, bringing my attention back to my old friend. "My daughter, Arwen...is not sailing with us. She has decided to stay here in Middle-Earth. She is staying with King Aragorn in Gondor...she has chosen a mortal life. So, I ask that when Aragorn passes on to the next life...that you watch over her so that she is not alone in her time of grief."

"I will send her a message when I hear of the passing of the King of Gondor." I assured with a smile. "Do not worry Lord Elrond; she will be taken care of when the time comes. For all that you have done for me and my kin...this is the least I can do. But even by doing this...it still does not compare to what you have done for me. It still does not amount to your kindness you have shown to us."

Lord Elrond laughed and I could see the tears in the corner of his eyes...he will miss his daughter dearly, but he cannot stay here.

"Novaer (Farewell) Bellethiel." Lord Elrond said.

"Novaer...my Lord Elrond." I said with a bow as he too bowed down to me.


"Nana," Estelwen called out. "there are people approaching."

Lord Elrond went to stand beside Lord Celeborn as I went back to standing with my children as a group of people came toward us. There were five hobbits, two had been leading an elderly one toward us and trailing behind was an old man dressed all in white. And though the appearance of the man had changed, he still had that same warm smile I had grown accustomed to.

When the old hobbit looked up, he looked quite surprised, and a spark lit up in his eyes as he looked upon our group.

"Oh!" The old hobbit mumbled, his voice cracking just a bit. "Well, here's a sight I have never seen before."

"Hello Bilbo." I called out with a fond smile as I watched him bow toward Lord Elrond who in return bowed back.

"The power of the Three Rings is ended." Lady Galadriel called out. "The time has come...for the dominion of Men."

"I Aear cân ven na mar (The sea calls us home)." Lord Elrond spoke out as Bilbo smiled in our direction as he began to nod.

"I think...I'm quite ready for another adventure." Bilbo mumbled in excitement as he began to make his way toward us, wobbling just a bit.

I quickly walked forward, meeting the hobbit half way as I stopped in front of him.

"Belle..." Bilbo mumbled as I kneeled in front of him.

"Hello Bilbo, my old friend." I greeted. "The children are here to see their favorite uncle."

"Your children?" Bilbo mumbled as my family came to stand around the hobbit. "It's been so long I hardly recognized them."

"Hello uncle." Estelwen said as she knelt beside me, reaching out to place a hand on Bilbo's. "Are you excited to go on another adventure?"

"Very." Bilbo said as he smiled, the corner of his eyes crinkled as the sparkle in his eyes grew. "Will you three be joining me this time with your mother?"

"I'm afraid we can't Bilbo..." Antien mumbled sadly. "Where you're going...we cannot follow."

"Oh..." Bilbo mumbled a bit dejectedly. "that's too bad...I was quite hoping for another adventure with you Belle."

"I know Bilbo." I mumbled as I reached out and bought the hobbit close to me into my arms. "I am going to miss you my dear friend."

I felt Bilbo, with shaky arms reach up and encircle his arms around my neck as he held on tightly and I could feel his body shake. I heard a few sniffles before I carefully let go, where my arms once were was replaced by my children who began to sniffle as they said their farewells to their favorite uncle.

Once they had let go, Bilbo lifted his sleeve to wipe the remaining stray tears from his eyes as he looked back up to me.

"Will Thorin be coming?" Bilbo questioned.

I smiled knowingly before winking, reaching into my coat pocket to hand Bilbo an envelope with the mark of Durin sealing the letter shut. Bilbo could only smile a sad smile, nodding as he took the envelope gingerly into his hands and made his way passed me...before stopping.

"I will miss you Belle..." Bilbo mumbled a bit sadly. "The adventure that started it all...gave me friendships that have lasted all my life...I have cherished every minute of it...thank you Belle. Farewell."

"Farewell...Master Burglar." I said down to the hobbit who only laughed as he walked up to Lord Elrond, the two of them making their way onto the boat together, followed by Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn.

"Hello my dear." Another elderly voice called out and when I turned, that same smile was what greeted me and I could feel my heart clench at such a sight.

"Hello...Gandalf the Grey." I said before smirking just a bit, quirking one of my brows as I looked over his attire. I bowed ever so slightly with a small smirk. "I mean...Gandalf the White."

Gandalf had opened his arms and I quickly closed the gap between us, holding the white wizard tightly as he laughed out loud while patting my back.

"You take care of yourself my dear..." I heard Gandalf mutter as he pulled away. "take care of your children, your family, and...take care of Thorin."

"I am always taking care of my dwarf." I chuckled as I reached up and wiped a single tear that began to fall. "I will miss you dearly my old friend."

"And I will miss you as well." Gandalf mumbled.

"So this is the end of our journey..." I mumbled sadly which only caused Gandalf to laugh.

"The end? No my dear...I think that we will see each other again. Maybe not in this life...but this is not good bye. Just simply a farewell...a word that holds promise that we will meet again." Gandalf smiled with a wink.

"Then farewell...Gandalf." I mumbled as I watched Gandalf walk away, my children saying their goodbyes to the wizard before Gandalf turned and looked behind me.

"It is time Frodo." Gandalf called as I turned back to the group of hobbits that held tears in their eyes as they looked in confusion back and forth between Gandalf and Frodo.

"What does he mean?" Sam questioned.

"We set out to save the Shire, Sam." Frodo stated. "And it has been saved...but not for me."

"You don't mean that." Sam said in a pleading tone, his voice cracking just a bit as I could hear the sadness in his voice. "You can't leave."

I watched as Frodo bought out a thick red book, the same book I had seen Bilbo writing in when we were in Rivendell as he handed it to Sam.

"The last pages are for you, Sam." Frodo stated quietly as he went over to say his goodbyes to his friends as more tears fell from their eyes.

From behind me I could hear my niece and my daughter crying as well, being moved by such a sad scene and I followed Frodo as he made his way to me, stopping right in front of me.

"Good bye...Aunt Belle." Frodo said, his blue eyes now a dull color...one full of sadness as I reached out and patted his head. A gesture I had done once before to Bilbo and many times when I had seen him at such a young age.

"You have grown so much since the last I had seen you Frodo Baggins. You are not the same hobbit who left Rivendell all those years ago." I said with a smile. "Farewell...Frodo."

Frodo smiled up at me, reaching out and wrapping his arms around my waist. I slung one of my arms around him and gave the hobbit a tight squeeze before letting go. As Frodo walked past me to my children, I turned to follow his movements with my eyes as my children took him in to a group hug before letting him go. All of us present watched as he walked up to Gandalf, taking his hand as they boarded the last ship to leave Middle-Earth. And for the last time, Frodo turned to us with a big smile on his face...the last we would see of them.

I watched as the ship left the docks, setting sail through the only opening in this river and toward the sun...disappearing forever to the land beyond.

"Come you three." I mumbled once the ship was out of sight, lifting my sleeve up to wipe away the tears that had fallen due to having said goodbye to friends I would never see again. I turned to the three hobbits behind me and smiled the best that I could. "We shall escort you back home."

(Bilbo's P.O.V)

I could feel the boat start to move and I smiled, looking back toward the docks to see Belle watching the boat leave. It could've been a trick of my eyes, the sun playing tricks on me...or in my old age I've become delirious, but I could've sworn I saw people standing around Belle and her children.

It was the company.

They were all smiling at me while some where waving at the boat. Thorin was standing beside Belle as I saw him staring right at me, bowing ever so slightly with a smile on his face to which I returned very fondly. My friends were able to make it.

I snapped out of my thoughts and rubbed my eyes and in that instant the images of my friends disappeared leaving only Belle and her children standing at the dock alone. It was just a figment of my imagination, but I knew my friends were there to see me off.

'Farewell everyone.' I thought as I relaxed in my seat, closing my eyes as I fell asleep. Listening to the sounds of the waves gently hitting the sides of the boat.

(Bellethiel's P.O.V)

The walk back was silent; none would dare talk for they still felt the pain of losing a dear friend...even my children dared not to speak for they too did not know what to say.

When had dropped off Merry and Pippin to their respected homes, after exchanging goodbye and welcomed hugs...only then did my children decide to talk when we were standing in front of the hobbit hole that belonged to Sam and his family.

"We'll get our horses ready Nana..." Frerin said quietly as he walked past me. "We'll meet you at the Green Dragon Inn."

"Of course." I said with a nod. "Be careful all of you."

My children mustered up a small smile before bidding Sam goodbye as they took off in the direction of the Inn.

"Miss Bellethiel?" Sam questioned as he looked up at me. "What happens now?"

"What happens now?" I repeated curiously.

"What will you do now?" Sam questioned.

"I will...go back to the mountain." I mumbled with a small smile. "Life...will go on."

"Will you...be coming back to the Shire?" Sam questioned a bit nervously.

"I think...I think this will be the last we return to the Shire..." I said a bit honestly. "There is not much else here for me...the past years I came to visit every time for Bilbo's birthday but now..."

I looked down to Sam who looked a bit sad...which is understandable. During the times I had come to visit Frodo and Bilbo; Sam, Merry, and Pippin would sometimes join us for supper during the times of our visit. We had not only gotten to know Frodo but we had gotten to know his friends as well.

"But...if I do come to visit I will be sure to inform you...though our visits will not be as frequent as before." I said causing Sam to brighten up in hope just a bit.

"I understand Miss Bellethiel." Sam stated before reaching up and taking my hand. "I want to show you something Miss."

Sam began to lead me toward Bag End, and once at the familiar green door Sam had opened it and led me inside.

"Frodo had made Bag End my responsibility now...and I figured that due to the stories Mister Bilbo had told us when we were little that you may want this." Sam said as he raced off to a different part of Bag End. I heard the rustling of fabric and the clanking of something opening and closing before he raced back to where I was standing.

In his arms he held a small sword and a framed map...the sword that Bilbo and Frodo held during their adventure and the map of Erebor.

"I have no use for these...and if it's just left here it'll just collect dust." Sam mumbled as he held the items out to me. "I mean...it may collect dust in the kingdom, but I think this would be well taken care of there then if it were to stay in this house."

"Thank you Sam..." I said with a smile as I reached out and carefully took the items into my arms.

"And..." Sam said as he reached into his coat and took out the leather red book that Frodo had given him. "I would want you to have this."

"No Sam..." I said as I lifted my hand up to push the book back to him. "I cannot have this; Frodo had given it to you so you could write in the last few pages of the book. It is yours to fill up."

"I think Bilbo would've wanted you to have it Miss Bellethiel." Sam said as he took my hand and placed the book in it. "I was just their gardener. I don't feel it is right for me to have it. Frodo finally finished it...you can tell everyone of the bravery of bravery of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins of the Shire."

I opened the book carefully to the first page and saw the neat handwriting of both Frodo and Bilbo.

"There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale by Bilbo Baggins." I read as I looked to the title below it. "& The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins."

And inside the book, after the first page was a white handkerchief that was neatly folded...the same handkerchief that I had given Bilbo when we first set out on our adventure together with a company of 13 dwarves and a wizard.

I looked down to Sam and reached out to pat his head...it seems to be a gesture I save for only the hobbits I considered close. Sam smiled up to me happily which only caused me to smile back.

"I can tell everyone of the bravery of hobbits; of Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Bilbo...and of Samwise the Brave." I mumbled. "Come, let us get you home."

I ushered Sam out of the door and I took one final glance inside Bag End...memories playing out before me.

"Gandalf." Bellethiel greeted plainly. "Two holes I went to and they were not a Baggins. If a Baggins had not answered the door I would have left." Bellethiel said motioning to her surroundings. "I have been stuck in the rain for some time...would be nice to be inside somewhere warm and dry. If you do not mind me tracking in some mud and water."

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