《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》Thank You Everyone!


Suilad mellyn nín (Greetings my friends)! Now, I know I did this in The Rebel, but I will continue to do this in all my stories because even though I'm writing this story it's all thanks to you for making this story happen, so I always will do this to show and express how thankful I am. With the wonderful response that I got from The Rebel it encouraged me to keep going and I do hope that I did Middle Earth justice and didn't disappoint J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson by ruining their creation by writing this fanfic. Again I can't write everyone's names who have reviewed, followed and favorited my story to show my appreciation because there was a lot of you.

Le hannon (Thank you) everyone for making this story as successful as The Rebel! I hope that even though this was a side story that you enjoyed the wonderful adventure that we took together as we looked into the lives that Thorin and Bellethiel shared.

When I first made this story I didn't expect such a great response once I updated the first chapter. All of you seemed excited to read it and that made me really happy. I take joy half in making this story, but knowing that you (the wonderful readers) enjoyed this creation that I made...though I hope that you enjoyed it. I will admit that I was always smiling like a fool whenever I updated and wrote every chapter (though the last two chapters I will admit I cried...yes I'm a big baby when it comes to stuff like this because I love feeling those heartstring pulling feels that I hope I created when I wrote the last chapter).

Thank you to Liz, QueenOfNerds277, a wonderful friend I met through The Rebel, that has given such wonderful and helpful input whenever I was in a bind when writing new chapters. It is a friendship I hope will last for a long time.


Another thank you to supergirlz45 who made such excellent cover photos for my story. I am blessed and honored to have had someone ask to make a cover photo for my story and it came out beautifully.

Thank you again everyone who made this story so successful, I didn't think I would get such positive responses to begin with...but I'm happy with how far this story has come. Thank you for everyone who took their time and left me such beautiful comments. Thank you for those who followed and voted for my story as well! And to those who took their free time and gave my story a chance! I hope that it was enjoyable even with the grammatical errors you saw.

If you haven't yet then follow or vote for Once a Rebel, Always a Rebel so you get an update when I decide to update the story. It won't get updated right away because I'm going to update the chapters all at once, I'm estimating three long one-shot chapters if that makes sense.

I hope I didn't forget anything, and if I did then I'm sorry. I'm just so grateful and full of thanks that my head is just a jumble mess that I'd tend to mumble on and on. It's such a sad feeling when you have to say goodbye to a story you've come to love and cherish. But it's time I say a very fond farewell to this story as well. I love you all and thank you again for reading!!!

Le hannon mellyn nín (Thank you my friends). Garo aur (Have a good day). Navaer (Farewell).

Much love,


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