《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》The Council of Strangers


'Imladris...' I thought as I pulled on the reigns of my horse, jumping off as I soothed the magnificent beast beside me. 'Last I was here was when I had escorted Bilbo on his last adventure...'

We had something to accomplish here and I was interested to see the reaction that I would get when I walked through the gates.

I was dressed in my finest garb. My regular black get up...slightly different from when I had arrived at the Shire all those years ago. My black tunic and leggings, black boots and a cape fastened securely around my neck. On my cape I bare the crest of Durin's folk and I held my head high as I passed through the archway leading into Imladris.

I was sent here along with a few many dwarves to represent our Kingdom. Though, mingling along my company were my nephews and my children who insisted they come with in order to visit their dear uncle.

The years that have passed have molded them into fine and honorable elves. Though, as much as a headache I thought my nephews were when taking orders...my children have taken on their stubbornness and it only intensified with the dwarf genes mingling in them. They would not take no for an answer when I had told them that they need to stay in Erebor, protected in the walls of our home. But in time I had to give in, the world outside always called to them...always urging them to go on an adventure. And I have taught them enough fighting skills that my eldest son has outmatched the skills of Fili, Kili and Dwalin put together.

"You three must promise to stay out of trouble." I ordered as I turned to my children. "I have some business to attend to and you three will stay with Mister Bilbo."

"Yes Nana." Frerin said with a nod as he smiled and reached out to give me a long hug.

"You need not worry about us Nana." Antien said. "We have given you no reason to worry. We've been on our best behavior."

"You will tell us everything that happens in this counsel won't you?" Frerin questioned.

"Only if I deem it something worth you three knowing." I mumbled as I brushed them off. "Go now, I think Bilbo will be quite happy and surprised to see you three."

Mu children smiled eagerly at each other before running off into Imladris, but not before Estelwen turned to give me a kiss on the cheek before catching up with her brothers.

I watched them go before they disappeared from my sight and I couldn't help but worry for them the moment I couldn't see them.

"They'll be fine Nana." Beriohtarion commented as he came to my side.

"You can't coddle them their whole lives." Balamaethor said as he came to bump into my shoulder.

"No, but I can try." I said with a slight chuckle before leading us further into the city. "Let us go or we will be late."

"Aren't we always late?" Balamaethor questioned.

"Yes, but this is a gathering that we cannot be late to..." I mumbled.

"Welcome back my Queen!"

I turned to the sound of my name to see Lindir bow in my direction and I smiled as I went over to give the black haired elf a welcoming embrace.

"Lindir!" I called out in surprise. "My has it been a long time. I am here to see Lord Elrond."


"This way my lady." Lindir said as he turned to lead us to where the elf lord would be.

"Now Lindir, I think we have known each other long enough to not have you call me by such formalities." I chuckled as I came to walk beside the elf.

"Well after hearing of you becoming Queen, I thought it was fitting." Lindir commented from beside me. "I heard your children are also visiting."

"Yes, to see dear Bilbo." I said with a smile. "They would not take no for an answer."

"Yes well...when both parents are as stubborn as an ox children do tend to take on such a trait." Lindir commented. "Here we are."

Lindir had led me to one of the look outs and when I lifted my head I saw Gandalf already speaking to Lord Elrond and I could only smile.

"My Lord Elrond, Gandalf!" I called out as I began walking toward them.

"Ah, my dear!" Gandalf called out as he met me half way and enveloped me in an embrace.

"Lady Bellethiel." Lord Elrond called to me as he came to give me an embrace as well. "It has been far too long."

"Yes, I am sorry I could not stay longer when I had visited with Bilbo." I apologized as I turned to my nephews and dismissed them to find my children and wait with them. "I had to take my leave back to Erebor, there were duties that still needed attending and my family missed me dearly."

"That's understandable." Lord Elrond said as he began to walk back before stopping to look over one of the balcony.

I followed his gaze and saw that they were watching Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee talking in the courtyard below.

"I did not know Frodo will be here as well." I commented in surprise.

"Yes, well...there is a reason why we are here." Gandalf commented. "The Ring...has returned I'm afraid. The ring wraiths chased Frodo all the way to Rivendell... is searching for that ring and it is calling to him."

I tensed in my spot as I watched the two hobbits down below.

"After all this time..." I sighed with a shake of my head. "I am a bit surprised at his resilience to the ring and the evil it holds. So...what happens now?"

"The enemy is moving." Lord Elrond commented turning to address Gandalf and myself. "Sauron's forces are massing in the East. His Eye is fixed on Rivendell. And Saruman, you tell me, has betrayed us."

'Betrayed us?' I thought in surprise as I turned to Gandalf.

"Our list of allies grows thin." Elrond said.

"His treachery runs deeper than you know." Gandalf said gravely. "Saruman has crossed Orcs with Goblin-men. He's breeding an army in the caverns of Isengard, an army that can move in sunlight and cover great distance at speed. Saruman is coming for the Ring."

"This evil cannot be concealed by the power of Elves." Lord Elrond said. "We do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and Isengard."

"You have the backing of Erebor if that is the help you need." I proclaimed as I stepped forward. "Our defenses are high...I think he fears sending an army our way. He has already failed once...his attention will be more on these lands then ours. We can surprise him with our forces lending assistance and adding to the numbers."


"I will not ask your family to put their lives in danger once more. You need your warriors to protect your land...you and I know that Bellethiel." Lord Elrond said with a shake of his head. "The Ring cannot stay here. We cannot conceal its power...its Master is calling to it and they will find it here...it's dangerous to keep it here."

"We have to figure out what to do with it then..." I mumbled as I sighed sadly. "another war will rise out of this...and I hate to think how many lives this will consume as well."

"This peril belongs to all Middle-Earth. They must decide now how to end it. The time of the Elves is over. My people are leaving these shores. Who will you look to when we've gone? The Dwarves? They hide in their mountains, seeking riches. They care nothing for the troubles of others." Elrond commented as he took a glance to me. "No offense Bellethiel."

"None taken, though as someone who rules over a kingdom of dwarves I will have to say that not all dwarves are like that Lord Elrond." I commented a bit defensively, causing Lord Elrond to back down a bit. "The dwarves of Erebor will answer your call should you need us I assure you Gandalf."

Suddenly, I remembered why I was here to begin with.

"You can continue your conversation without me but there is something urgent that I must ask that my friends in the mountain urgently need answers to. Do you happen to know...what happened to our friends in Moria?" I questioned. "We have not heard from them in ages...and many of us fear the worse."

Gandalf did not look at me as I asked the question, nor did he answer...but he did not need to for I already had my answer just by the look in his eyes.

"They will not be returning back to the kingdom..." I mumbled sadly. "Balin, Ori, and Oin..."

I quickly walked passed them to leave with a heavy heart, my mind jumbled in a mass at having to deliver such bad news to the families back at the kingdom.

"Bellethiel." Gandalf called out as I stopped in my tracks. "Many are coming to Imladris at the request of Lord Elrond...I hope you stay for this gathering to hear what we have to say."

"I will not leave until I know everything I need to know about this oncoming danger before returning to Erebor..." I commented before leaving. "Just send someone to retrieve me and I will sit in on this gathering."

I walked through Imladris, mindlessly wondering in any direction mu feet would take me before I found exactly what I was looking for, or...more like they found me.


During one of the rooms I had passed an frail, shakey voice called out to me and when I retraced my steps back I saw my children sitting around the only bed in the room, my nephews and niece relaxing in the chairs beside it. And sitting on the bed was Bilbo, though age has caught up to him in the past several months he still had that jovial smile I always remembered he had.

"Hello Bilbo." I said with a smile as I came into the room to stand before Bilbo. "I hope my children have been on their best behavior while I was away."

"They were angels." Bilbo commented with a wink. "Every time I see them they seem to grow more and more into fine young adult elves. Frerin and Antien are starting to look more like Thorin every time I see them while Estelwen is starting to look just as beautiful as you."

"Such flattery." I said with a chuckle. "How have you been Bilbo? I do hope your stay here in Imladris has been pleasant."

"It has been very peaceful. Though I had wished to go back, wonder the powers of Mirkwood, visit Lake-town...see the Lonely Mountain once more. But age, it seems, has finally caught up with me." Bilbo mumbled a bit sadly as he looked to all of us seated in the room. "But, living here isn't so bad I suppose, nothing like the rooms in Erebor." Bilbo smirked, giving me a wink before his eyes widened in realization. "Oh!"

Bilbo reached behind him and bought out a large red leather book and quickly reached out to place it in my hands.

"I finally finished it." Bilbo beamed proudly as I carefully took the book into my hands. "I think it turned out quite nicely."

"There and Back Again...A Hobbit's Tale by Bilbo Baggins." I read the first page of the book as I went over to sit beside Bilbo, flipping through the pages as I saw many wonders that he had drawn. Maps redrawn and weapons that were recreated in his book. There was some writing in Khuzdul that I had recognized and I smiled as Bilbo retold his adventures with an elf and a company of thirteen on a epic quest to reclaim a homeland. "It is amazing Bilbo."

"I thought you would like it." Bilbo said as I placed the book back into his hands. "There are some drawings that I have included that Ori had drawn of all of us. And it was a wonderful project to pass the time."

"What will you do now Bilbo?" Estelwen questioned.

"To live out the rest of my life here I suppose." Bilbo mumbled after he pondered the question for a few seconds with a serene smile on his face. "I do not plan to return to the Shire..."

My children began to speak to Bilbo, telling him of the adventures they had gone on...their adventure to visit Thranduil's realm and I think Bilbo was quite glad to hear of their tales. And every so often he would tell them of his own experience traveling with Thorin and myself.

Even though the children had heard of the stories of their parents adventures many times, it was a classic bed time story for when they were little...they listened intently as Bilbo retold his experience. Hanging on to every word he spoke as he listened intently.

"Lady Bellethiel."

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to where the voice had come from to see Lindir standing at the entrance way.

"Lord Elrond wishes for your presence...there are many people gathering already for the meeting that's about to take place." Lindir mumbled with a smile.

I nodded my head as I looked back to Bilbo and my family.

"I shall return once this is over, do not cause Bilbo any stress while I am away." I ordered as I turned back to Lindir. "Lead the way."

Lindir led me to an open area where many chairs were situated and it was there that I saw someone I had not seen in ages.

"Legolas?" I questioned as the blonde elf turned in my direction, a smile lighting up his face.

"Bellethiel, is that you?" Legolas questioned as he ran toward me, bringing me in for a tight embrace. "I have not seen you in a very long time!"

"I could say the same for you!" I laughed out loud as I returned the hug. "You disappeared after the battle and no one could tell me where you went off to. Other than your father who said you went searching for a Dúnadan ranger."

Legolas's expression fell as he looked down a bit sadly.

"My father..." Legolas mumbled a bit sadly. "how does he fair?"

"The same as always, stubborn and regal...nothing much has changed." I said with a smile. "He misses you dearly though. I am sure he would be pleased when I report that I have seen you and that you are well. Though there are many things that you have missed in your absence."

"Why do you bear the mark of Durin?" A rough voice questioned.

I turned around to see a group of dwarves had arrived; some paid me no mind while the others looked at me like I had offended them somehow.

"I represent the kingdom of Erebor Master Dwarf." I stated plainly as I could feel a slight tension between the elves I was speaking to and the dwarves that had arrived.

"An elf representing our greatest Kingdom?" Another dwarf questioned before scoffing. "They must be out of their minds."

"You hold your tongue when you speak to Lady Bellethiel." Another dwarf spoke out, stepping forward to stand in front of me.

"Hello Gimli." I greeted as the said dwarf turned to smile back up at me.

"My Queen." Gimli said with a bow before turning back to the dwarves. "You are speaking to the Queen of Erebor, I suggest you show a little more respect."

"Queen?" Legolas questioned as I smiled a bit bashfully at the sudden attention from the elves and the dwarves present.

"Yes, well...I did say you missed a few things in your absence." I said as I smiled to Legolas. "You missed my marriage, my coronation and the birth of my children."

"My goodness a lot has changed in 60 years." Legolas commented before he smiled at me. "I'm happy that everything has been going well for you and congratulations on becoming a Queen and a mother."

"I shall introduce you to my children once this is over." I assured before I noticed more people pouring into the meeting place. "I should go and take a seat where I belong, but we shall talk more once this is over."

As more people filed into the little courtyard area, chatter began to escalate, all wondering why we were gathered here today as I took my place beside Gimli and when Lord Elrond entered into the clearing all the chatter ceased as all attention was averted to the elf Lord who had begun to speak.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor." Lord Elrond spoke out slowly. "Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom."

I looked around the room and saw the places that each stranger represented, though one struck me as a familiar. A man with dark hair dressed in all black with eyes that looked familiar to me, though I could only speculate at this point but...it was no doubt in my mind who I thought it was.

"Bring forth the Ring, Frodo." Lord Elrond commanded as I saw the hobbit beside Gandalf get up from his chair and reach into his pocket, slowly making his way to the pedestal as he placed the Ring in the center of the pedestal.

"So it is true." A man with light brown hair breathed out as I stared at the evil thing before me. The tension in the air thick as silence settled amongst us, none dared to breathe as everyone began to whisper to themselves and to the people beside them.

The same man stood up as he began to speak to everyone present.

"In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark, but in the West, a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand. Isildur's Bane is found.' Isildur's Bane."

I watched a craving in his eye as he slowly stepped close to the pedestal and began to reach for the ring and I glared as I watched a cloud drift in front of his eyes, eyes that were entranced by the Ring.

"Boromir!" Lord Elrond called out as Gandalf began to speak, the ground beneath us began to tremble as his speech grew in volume.

" (One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them)." HIs voice had changed so drastically it was as if something else had taken over him. It was menacing, powerful, and harsh as stone. As the words were recited a shadow seemed to pass over the high sun and the area around us grew dark. Everyone present began to tremble, and I had stopped my ears from listening.

Once the black speech had subsided, the rumbling began to subside as Elrond looked on in irritation.

"Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris." Lord Elrond stated in anger as Gandalf took a step back in exhaustion.

"I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil." Gandalf spoke out to all of us.

"It is a gift, a gift to the foes of Mordor." Boromir spoke out as he stood up and walked around. "Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people, are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him."

"You cannot wield such a thing!" I spoke out in irritation as I saw the glimmer in his eyes sparkle. "I understand the lives you have lost, but if you were to hold such a thing you will fall just as Isildur had. It will corrupt your soul and you will be forever lost."

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