《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》The Family of Thorin and Bellethiel


"Thorin you have to stop pacing." Balin commented as he watched his cousin walk back and forth in front of their bedroom.

"I can't..." Thorin mumbled in slight irritation. "What if something goes wrong? What if..."

"Cousin," Dáin called out, going to stand in Thorin's path, placing a hand on his cousin's shoulder. "everything's going to be okay. Dís is in there along with Nestariel and Thenidiel, along with a midwife. The lass has all the help she could ask for in there...nothing bad will happen."

Dáin's reassurance had calmed the storm in Thorin, though when Thorin attempted to sit down decided to take a seat beside Dwalin he was still a nervous wreck...the cries of pain from Bellethiel wasn't any helping any to Thorin's stress.

What felt like hours, Thorin was then rewarded with a different sound. Soft wails of not one, not two, but three different pitches.

The four dwarves sitting outside all stood still when the cries came from the closed door, three held an expression of happiness while one held one of shock.

Thenidiel came out from the room, a huge smile on her face as she nodded to the four dwarves standing right outside the door.

"Thorin," She called out as she held the door open for him. "congratulations to you and my Nana. You're a father to two boys and a little girl."

Thenidiel motioned for him to come inside along with allowing Dáin, Balin and Dwalin inside while the midwife was exiting out.

Inside, Bellethiel was resting peacefully in the bed, sweat gleaming off her forehead while her hair stuck to her face. Though in her exhaustion Bellethiel was still holding on to one of the boys while Dís was holding the other, Thorin's sister greeting him with a smile the moment he walked through the door.

"Thorin." Thenidiel called out as she held a tiny bundle in her arms, the bundle squirming just a bit in her arms.

She handed the moving bundle carefully into Thorin's arms. Thorin held the little bundle carefully in his arms, his arms shaking just a bit as he looked down into the child in his arms. Beautiful ice blue eyes filled with curiosity greeted him as the little girl reached out for Thorin, grasping his finger in her tiny hand. And in that moment, everyone in that room knew that the little girl in his arms already had him wrapped around her little pinky.

"Thorin..." Bellethiel's weak voice called out to him snapping him out of his trance as he carefully inched his way toward the bed, sitting beside the exhausted elf. Dís came and placed the other boy into Bellethiel's arms as the elf held the two lovingly and smiled up to Thorin.

Thorin leaned forward and placed a kiss to her forehead before nodding to his sister.

"You did wonderful Bellethiel." Thorin whispered. "Get some rest...you deserve it. My sister and I will watch the children and they'll be here when you wake up."

Dís came and took the two boys while Thorin made himself comfortable on the chair beside the bed.

"I love you Thorin..." The dwarf King heard from his elf before slight snores were heard and Thorin could only smile as he looked down at the bundle in his arms.

"Have you two thought of names for the three?" Dís questioned as he tried to shush and shoo away Dáin and Dwalin who were beginning to crowd around the cribs Dís had put them in.

Thorin smiled as he began to rock the little girl in his arms before giving a nod to his sister.


"Yeah..." Thorin said as he got up and made his way to see his two sons. When he saw two pairs of wide blue eyes staring up at him; Thorin was happy and he knew right then and there the perfect names for his three children. Of course, when Bellethiel would wake she would have to agree as well...but Thorin knows Bellethiel would love these names.

"Welcome to the world little Estelwen." Thorin mumbled to the little bundle in his arms before looking at the eldest triplet. "Frerin and Antien. I promise you three that me and your mother will love and protect you to the fullest with everything we've got. So welcome you three, you have a big family still to see...and you guys will always know that you are loved wherever you go."


"Hello you three," Thenidiel said oh so quietly as she gently placed a blanket over Thorin and made sure that Bellethiel was doing alright in the bed. She was holding Frerin in her arms as she was tucking the three children into their crib.

The triplets were still slightly awake as they seemed to be listening to every word Thenidiel was saying, they almost looked like they could understand her.

"You three are so very lucky, I cannot wait to tell you all how amazing your mother and father are." Thenidiel mumbled as she bounced Frerin in her arm to calm him down from his crying to not wake his mother and father. "Your cousins...well I suppose we can be considered your siblings...cannot wait to tell you what your mother and father have done. The battles they've faced and overcame. Your parents are heroes, leaders, and just...an inspiration for everyone."

Thenidiel gently placed the little Frerin into his crib.

"Your mommy and daddy are such brilliant warriors...no words can truly express how amazing they truly are...and you know what? I know you three will be just as fantastic as they are when you grow up." Thenidiel said with a smile. "Welcome to the family Frerin, Antien, and Estelwen. You'll see more of your mommy tomorrow; try not to wake up your mommy from her rest okay?"


Dearest Bilbo,

It seems like it's been forever since the last we had seen each other, but in reality it's only been maybe three or four months since your birthday. The children miss you dearly; they wish you the best and great health. They have grown so much since the last you had seen them; I suppose that is the elf side in them. They've grown taller, passing right above their father...they're sprouting like trees, but they still cower when they get on his bad side...though they still have Thorin wrapped around their fingers when it comes down to it.

We know close to nothing on what they have inherited from either of us when it comes to immortality or a mortal life...and sometimes it is a fear I have in the back of my mind. But I dare not ask Tirananniel what the future holds for them, in time I forget the fear and just enjoy every second I have with them and Thorin.

They got his stubbornness though that much I can tell you. Actually, their stubbornness can rival his own. Sad to say, they also took after Beriohtarion and Balamaethor...or better yet my sister and my brother. I can't tell you how much times I've had to speak to some of the elves or dwarves on the pranks they had pulled with Fili and Kili. If anything they got my looks but inherited their fathers' personality, except for Antien who tries to be the voice of reason...but is always persuaded by Frerin to go along with their antics. I don't mind though...they are still children after all, but who knows how they will be when they're older and more mature.


By the way, this raven that is carrying this letter will be yours to keep. His name is Einar; he will not leave your hobbit hole until he has a message to deliver to the Mountain. You may not be able to understand him, but rest assured he can understand you. If you need someone to speak to he will listen and possibly be able to answer yes or no questions, just tell him how.

Some sad news I'm afraid, Balin had informed us that he wishes to head back to Moria. He wants to reclaim a kingdom that rightfully belongs to dwarves. I had offered a brigade of my elves to assist him, but he had kindly declined...saying that they would be needed here. With a heavy heart we had watched Balin leave in the direction of Moria with an army of dwarves both from the Iron Hills and Erebor following close behind, and sadly...Ori and Oin had requested to accompany them as well. It is sad Bilbo to see friends go, but we could only wish them all the luck in the world and pray to the Valar for their safety.

I have already planned to visit next year on your birthday, though I think I may be the only one to journey there. Thorin will be busy as will everyone else, but if things change then I will be sure to send you a message as soon as possible.

Thorin and the remaining company wish you good health and they hope to see you soon.

Your friend,

Bellethiel of Erebor.



Dearest Bilbo,

Slow messages have been coming every so often from Ori, though they aren't as often as we would like. Their exhibition was a success! They have slaughtered most of the orcs that resided in the mountain and have reclaimed some of the parts of the great Kingdom. And though it is great news to all of us, I can't help but feel restless. There's something unsettling about knowing our friends are in an area where anything could be lurking in the dark. But I pray to the Valar, if they will even listen to me after I had gone against their plan, that they will protect our friends.

Dear Bilbo, I had made a promise to visit every year for your birthday and I intend to keep my promise. Expect me there around tea time, the journey there will be no trouble for I have found a new form of transportation from a good friend. I'm sure you remember Arbellason, he seems to love coming by to visit when he can and when he heard that I started traveling every year to the Shire, he's offered to take me there and back again. Granted he won't drop me off close to the village, but just enough where it wouldn't be such a strain on myself.

Your friend,

Bellethiel of Erebor.



It's sad to report this, but messages have stopped coming in from Ori or anyone else who went on the journey to Moria. Gloin is worried and so is everyone else, we have no clue what has happened. Some say that they are just busy with settling in...while others fear the worse though they do not say.

I will keep you informed if there is any news at all on the wellbeing of our friends.

I do wish there was some good news...but there are none that I can say or think of. I'm sorry to be a bearer of bad news.

Your friend,

Bellethiel of Erebor.



Dearest Bilbo,

The children have been asking to visit you. They always ask to come with me to the Shire, so we...as a family may come and visit you this year for your birthday. Thorin, though he is busy, wishes you good will and hopes to see you soon. I have a very funny story to exchange with you:

"Nana!" Frerin called out happily. "Nana look!"

"I am coming Estelwen, be patient." I called out as I held Antien and Estelwen by their hands as I led them to where their brother who was looking out one of the windows.

They've growing up so fast that soon before Thorin and I know it they will come to an age where they will decide that they can make their own decisions without their mother or father.

"Nana!" Frerin called out impatiently as he came to tug at my pant leg. "Come and look outside!"

"What is so interesting that you so eagerly wish to show me?" I questioned before I complied with my son and rushed to the window. What I saw made me smile. "Oh...I see what got you so excited."

"Nana, what's outside the window?" Estelwen questioned shyly.

Frerin and Antien were standing on their toes smiling from ear to ear as I bent down and lifted Estelwen so she too could look outside the window.

"It's snowing!" Estelwen yelled out excitedly. "Nana it's snowing!"

"Can we go play outside Nana?" Antien questioned.

"Please?" Frerin begged as the three looked up to me with their best puppy dog eyes.

"Of course." I said with a smile.

"Can we go and see if Adad will come play with us as well?" Estelwen questioned in my arms.

"I think your father is busy with Fili and Kili..." I mumbled before feeling a bit upset when I saw the defeated look in my daughters' eyes. "but...I suppose asking would not hurt much...let us go and find adad."

The faces of my children lit up as they started to run in the direction of the throne room with me following close behind, fast walking to keep up with the three as they headed to find their father.

"Adad!" Frerin, Antien, and Estelwen called out once we were in the throne room and when I looked up I saw the three running across the walkway to where their father was, speaking to Fili and Kili. And to my surprise my two nephews were there as well.

Thorin turned around just in time to catch Estelwen who threw herself into his arms as he laughed happily as his two sons began to tug at the bottom of his tunic.

"You three need to be more careful when you run across the walkway." I scolded slightly as I got close to the small group. "What are you all talking about that I was not invited to attend?"

"Nothing, we arrived a few seconds before you arrived." Balamaethor stated with a smile.

"What are you doing here Nana?" Beriohtarion questioned as I came to stand beside them.

"Frerin, Antien and Estelwen wanted to ask their father something." I said with a smile as I watched Thorin kneel on one knee as he tried to listen to our children all talking at once.

"One at a time you three." Thorin advised with a smile as he slowly was able to quiet the three children though they were now bouncing in place, their eyes lit with excitement. "Now, what's gotten into you three that got you all excited."

"It's snowing Adad!" Frerin called out loudly.

"And we were wondering..." Antien said a bit quietly.

"If you would want to come play in the snow with Nana and us!" Estelwen called out bouncing on the soles of her feet before getting a bit embarrassed. "That is...if you're not busy I mean..."

"Well..." Thorin said with a smile still on his face as he took a while to answer the three, causing them to lean forward a bit, waiting eagerly for his answer. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a break."

The three screamed out in joy causing me to only laugh at their antics.

"Well, you three got your fathers answer." I said as I came to stand behind my children. "Let us go outside and wait for your father to join us. Fili, Kili, Beriohtarion and Balamaethor...will you four be joining us?"

"Of course!" Kili called out with the biggest grin on his face. "Won't we brother?"

"A break from our everyday duties? Damn right we will..." I heard Fili mumble causing me to giggle.

"We'll get Thenidiel and meet you outside." Balamaethor said while urgently pushing his brother out of the throne room.

"Come on Nana!" Frerin said as him and his brother took both of my hands and led me in the direction of the entrance to the kingdom, Antien holding Estelwen's hand in his free one.

At the entrance of the kingdom my children stood on the bridge, bouncing in excitement at wanting to be able to play in the snow...barely able to contain themselves.

"Well...what are you waiting for?" I questioned the three who looked up at me curiously. "Your father said he would be here, so let us go and enjoy ourselves and then when Adad arrives we can all have fun together."

The three exchanged a look before nodding and running onto the snow, their laughter loud as I followed them onto the snow.

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