《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》What Say You?


"Have you heard the good news?"

"No, but I've heard the bad news."

"Well I've heard the good and the bad news."

"What news have you heard?"

"There will be a gathering in the Gallery of the Kings soon; I've heard that there will be a coronation announcement! Our King will take his place as rightful ruler."

I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves, tightening my left hand on the wooden bow that I was holding; I glared at the circular target that was a fair distance away from me. I could feel the intricate carvings engraved in the bow, my right hand reaching to the quiver at my side, hovering over the set of arrows...flexing my fingers. I could see the kingdom slowly settling down...but the talk around the kingdom was louder than ever.

"I've also heard that the King is no longer under the elf's spell."

"Probably got tired of the hairless creature."

"I feel so bad for our King...he deserves so much better."

"You mean they're no longer together?"

"Wait a second; is that good news or bad news?"

"Take it how you will."

I took another deep breath and quickly took an arrow from the quiver, placing the back of the arrow on the bow string and notching it back in one fluid motion. I let my arrow fly...the damn thing hitting on the far end of the target, far from hitting the middle as I intended causing me to growl in irritation. I repeated the motion again and this time my arrow went sailing above the target. I was getting angry by the minute as I fired and more began to miss the mark, only hitting around the middle instead of right in the center.

"You know what I also heard?"

"What have you heard?"

"I've heard that our King is planning something big."

"What could it be I wonder..."

"Maybe he plans to take a Queen?"

I was down to my last bow in my quiver, so many having missed its mark. Some went over the target while some just kept hitting the outskirts of the middle ring. I gritted my teeth, grinding them together just a bit as I bought my last arrow up and notched it back as I glared at the offending target.

"Could it be possible he has someone in mind to court?"

"Highly doubtful, our King doesn't seem to need a Queen."

"He needed a female elf."

"He's no longer with the elf, remember?"

"That's probably the best news of all."

The last arrow hit the very center.

Out of all the arrows I had in my quiver, only one hit the middle ring. I lowered my head, clenched my hands at my side and I could feel my body shake in frustration. Though it wasn't because I missed my mark...it was part of the problem, but it was also because of the ridiculous gossip going about the kingdom. This was all so childish, being possibly the eldest here why did I have to deal with such childish behavior. The way they think, leeches looking for anything to gossip about...especially when it deals with me.

Has it been getting to me? I want to say no...it hasn't, but I would be lying. I spent years having people speak my name in secrecy, calling me a traitor...and it never affected me one bit. So why this...why are these dwarves affecting me so. No, their opinion didn't matter I was just letting it get to me...allowing it to get to me in my most vulnerable state. They weren't the only problem affecting me...it was the longing I was feeling. Longing for someone I couldn't be with...for someone I couldn't have.



I growled out and swiftly took the dagger that I had attached to my lower back and threw it with as much force as I could muster at the target. Putting all my anger, all my frustration, and my feelings behind the throw. The dagger splitting my arrow in half and embedding itself hilt deep into the target.

I couldn't hold it in any longer; I let out a yell in irritation, screaming at the top of my lungs to the sky...and then I stopped. I collapsed to the ground, my breathing uneven as I tried to get myself under control. My heart was in pain and I wish it would just stop.

(Third P.O.V)

Three elves watched the scene on the training field with heavy hearts. They couldn't handle just watching, but they had no other choice. What more could they do? Their Nana wouldn't talk to them...no matter how much they would try; their Nana wouldn't want to burden them with her problems, no matter how much they insisted that they would want to help.

She looked so held together the way she conducted herself, but it was at this moment when their Nana thought she was alone, that they had saw their parental figure at their most vulnerable point...that they saw her break down from all the pressure of holding it in. A bottle that had filled itself to the brim and now broke, unleashing a wave of emotions long kept inside.

Bellethiel let out a scream as she fell to her knees, her body shaking. Thenidiel was about to run to their Nana's side, but Beriohtarion stopped her by reaching around her waist, holding her in a tight grip, keeping his cousin from going any further.

"What are you doing?" Thenidiel questioned as she struggled in her cousins hold.

"It's no use..." Beriohtarion commented sadly, watching as his mother suffered alone. "no matter how much we try...she won't confide in us. If anything, if we go there now...it'll only convince her to hide her pain away where no eyes can see. Because if we can catch her at her weakest when she's tried too hard to hide her pain, who else can catch her as well."

"We did that before..." Balamaethor mumbled. "the days after we arrived in Imladris, when she was upset...she would go to her room or somewhere no one knew about. Silently dealing with whatever was bothering her alone and the next...she was gone. It's the whole; I need to stay strong for my family thing I suppose one could call it."

"She wouldn't want us to see her this way..." Beriohtarion mumbled as he held his cousin close to his body to keep her still. "stop struggling please...you won't be able to break out."

Thenidiel let out a frustrated huff before ceasing her struggles as she just stood in her cousin's grasp and slumped a bit in defeat. Beriohtarion reached up with his free arm and patted his cousin on the head before letting go.

Approaching footsteps caught the elves ears as the three turned in the direction it was coming from to see Lady Dís running their way.

"I heard a scream, did something happen?" Dís questioned with concern as she approached the three elves.

"Nothing dangerous Lady Dís..." Beriohtarion said with a shake of his head. "it's just...well..."

Beriohtarion moved aside to show Dís the scene on the training field.

"No one was in trouble, but our Nana is having a bit of a problem..." Balamaethor mumbled sadly. "sorry to worry you Lady Dís..."


"What's with the formalities?" Dís questioned with some slight humor hoping to lighten up the mood.

"We just thought...with the circumstances between Nana and Thorin...it wouldn't be appropriate to not add honorifics..." Balamaethor said scratching the back of his head.

"Nonsense, don't worry about adding anything to my name...Dís is fine with you three." Dís said with a smile. "How's Belle holding up?"

"Not too good I'm afraid..." Thenidiel sighed sadly. "she says she's fine...she tries to act like she's fine. But behind closed doors and away from everyone else? Well, if how's she's acting on the training field is anything to go by...then I would say she's not doing too well..."

Thenidiel took a step forward, looking out at the training field with concern as she watched her Nana go and retrieve all the arrows she had shot that missed the target.

"I think being in the kingdom and hearing all the new gossip coming about is really getting to Nana..." Thenidiel added in with a shake of her head. "it's ridiculous really..."

"Things will get better..." Dís said in assurance. "I'm promise it will..."

"I really hope so your highness..." Beriohtarion said sadly. Looking a bit bashful when Dís looked up to stare at him after he had addressed her as such. "Sorry...Dís."

(Bellethiel's P.O.V)

Several weeks went by, all of us were doing our part to make sure that we did all that we could to make sure Erebor was safe and secure for everyone to live in. Any furniture and decor would be left to Thorin and the dwarves; it has come to a point where we weren't needed anymore.

I was walking through the halls early in the morning in search of Thorin.

I had found him in the company of Balin, Dwalin and Dís. I was a bit hesitant to approach, I have not spoken to the company, Thorin or his family in weeks after the separation...do I dare approach them? What would I say? It would be too awkward to not use formalities...but for a couple years I've just been calling them by their name. I can't turn around though...I needed to show them our gratitude, if we were to leave without so much as saying how much we appreciate their hospitality we would be considered rude.

Though the closer I got to the group...I could feel myself slowly edging to turn around and leave. I could always come back another time.


Dís, she was the first to notice me as I got closer to the group. Her voice bought the other dwarves attention to me and I could feel myself tense the closer I got.

"I have been looking for you...King Thorin." I said as smoothly as I could, feeling a bit uncomfortable at suddenly using formalities.

"Is everything alright lass?" Dwalin questioned.

I stood tall as I looked down at the group of dwarves and cleared my throat.

"Nothing is wrong Master Dwalin; I am simply here to say that any of the restorations that I have assigned my kin have been carried through. Erebor is now well enough on its way to being back to its former glory. All that is left is the decor, and other minor issues that can be left in your hands...though I am sure you already have everything planned out." I said, mustering as much of a smile as I could.

"Belle...why the niceties. I think we have long since passed that, wouldn't you agree?" Balin questioned sadly.

"I..." I took a deep breath and looked around before looking back to Balin, giving a sad smile. "you never know who is listening around here Master Balin, I have been the talk of the kingdom for a while...I do not want to give them anymore reason to talk about me, or you."


"I have also come to express my sincere gratitude for allowing us to stay so long in your kingdom your highness. You did not have to, but you opened your kingdom to us and allowed us to stay while we helped out around the kingdom...and for that all of us elves are thankful and really appreciate your kindness." I said as if I was reciting from a book. "We are deeply sorry for all the trouble we have caused due to our stay. I do hope you can forgive us."

I saw Dís reach out to Thorin, clutching the sleeve of his coat and I saw what looked to be slight panic in her eyes...though where it came from and what it's for I did not know.

"Thank you...Lady Dís, Master Dwalin, Master Balin, and...King Thorin for your gracious hospitality. I do not know how we can repay you for opening your home to us...but I hope that helping around the kingdom was a good start." I said with a small forced smile as I bowed from the waist to the royal family. "I am sorry to bother you, I shall take my leave."


I froze in place; my back was to the group of dwarves when I heard the one voice that hadn't spoken speak up. I didn't turn to look back; I simply muttered a small response and waited for him to continue...I haven't heard him speak my name in what felt like ages. I didn't even realize how much I longed for him to say my name once more until he opened his mouth to address me...it will be something that will haunt my existence when we take our leave. I am happy to have heard him say my name once more.

"I believe it is considered rude to have your back to the King when he is speaking." Thorin's spoke out slowly.

I bit my bottom lip in slight irritation, I would lose this struggle...I hated being rude when it comes to anything and everything. I slowly turned back around and looked to Thorin. He remained expressionless, stoic, his arms crossed over his chest and his jaw was tense as if he were angry about something...which from what I did it's understandable.

"Yes my King?" I questioned, waiting expectantly for him to reply.

Thorin looked like he wanted to say something, debating about something in his head before he quickly shook his head and raised his hand to dismiss me.

"Never mind, it's not of import." Thorin stated and I quickly nodded my head.

"Have a good day your highness." I said as I took my leave.

(Evening Time)

'Where is everyone?' I thought as I swiftly walked through deserted hallways toward the library where I expected all the elves to be. Though everywhere I went, there were no signs of dwarves anywhere. 'There's not a sign of life anywhere...'

I made my way to the library and slowly pushed open the door. There was a fair amount of elves that were already gathered in the area, all talking amongst themselves...though the moment that I entered all talking stopped and eyes turned in my direction.

I nodded for them to continue as I made my way to where Tirananniel and Mellimeldisiel were standing.

"Hello Belle." Mellimeldisiel greeted with a smile and I only nodded in greeting as I turned to Tirananniel.

"I hope that everyone knows that today is the day." I said with a straight face.

"Everyone is ready to leave." Tirananniel nodded with a smile on her face, though why she was smiling I did not ask. There was other matters to attend to.

"Then we will leave in the cover of night." I said looking down at my feet. "I already spoke to Thorin and thanked him for his hospitality..."

I turned to look at the group and saw Tauriel approaching us.

"Tauriel..." I mumbled, looking to the red head elf sadly. "have you figured out what you plan to do?"

"I have..." Tauriel said with a nod. "I'm going to follow you when you leave tonight."

"Are you sure?" I questioned a bit in shock.

"I'm sure..." Tauriel mumbled. "as hard as it's going to be...we don't belong here. And even if I were to stay here with Kili...there would be no peace for him and his family and I cannot do that to such nice people because I decided to be selfish."

"So, what's the plan?" Mellimeldisiel questioned.

"Once everyone is asleep we will leave the kingdom, sneak around Dale to not get noticed, and head toward Mirkwood." I said as the four of us stood close together in a circle. "Once in Mirkwood we will make our way to Thranduil's realm and stay there until morning, anyone who plans to stay in Mirkwood will stay while we make our way to Imladris. The journey there will be long, so I am hoping that Thranduil will be gracious enough to provide us with supplies for the long journey ahead."

The four of us kept on talking, making plans, jotting a good and safe path for us to take to Mirkwood and Imladris for a good amount of time, lost in our own conversation.

We were all caught by surprise when the double doors to the library slammed open making a loud banging noise. A frazzled looking Kili and Fili barged into our gathering looking around in fear before Kili's eyes caught my own.

"Belle!" Kili called out in a panic as him and his brother pushed their way through the elves to make their way to me.

"What is the matter Fili and Kili?" I questioned as soon as they were standing in front of me.

"Belle..." Kili gasped, bending over and placing his hands on his legs, taking in deep breathes.

"Breath Kili, and then tell me what is wrong." I said with concern as I stepped toward them.

"It's bad Belle." Fili said being the first to catch his breath.

"What's wrong?" Tauriel questioned, coming to stand by my side.

"The kingdom..." Kili said through gasps. "the kingdom is under attack!"

"Under attack?" Tauriel questioned suspiciously. "I never heard such a thing...no word going about the kingdom?"

"Neither did I..." I mumbled, looking down at the two dwarves suspiciously, crossing my arms across my chest.

"There was a group of people that snuck into the kingdom; we don't know who they are..." Kili said in a panic. "we got word that they were planning to assassinate uncle!"

"Kill the King?" I questioned in alert. "That would've been the talk of the kingdom if there were people who snuck in with the intent to kill the King."

"Dwalin had ushered uncle to somewhere safe, and everyone else has been escorted into the Gallery of the Kings." Fili answered. "There are guards stationed around the openings and I think uncle is about to address everyone to cease their panicking...we're trying to figure out who the intruders are."

"We need your help Belle." Kili mumbled in fear. "Someone may try and kill uncle...and they may be among the people in the Gallery..."

When I didn't say anything Kili stepped forward and took a firm hold on the sleeve of my tunic, tugging it hard in the direction of the double doors.

"Uncle maybe in trouble! We have to hurry!" Kili yelled out in a panic.

I gritted my teeth, a bit suspicious...but I had no other choice. If it was indeed true and someone was threatening the life of Thorin then I will not take any chances. We may not be together, but I will not stand by as someone plans to kill Thorin. So long as I'm around the King will be safe.

"Follow me." I called out urgently to everyone in the room, making a run to the door and in the direction of the Gallery with everyone else following close behind.

"Tauriel." I said as she came to a stop beside me. "There is another way to the Gallery; if there is indeed a group who poses a threat to the King on the loose then we will block both sides. If they do intend to escape then we will have the major exits blocked off. Take a group and head in the other direction; we will meet up in the Gallery."

"Yes Captain." Tauriel said, motioning toward half of the group that was following behind us as she took out her sword. "Aphado nin (Follow me)!"

"Tolo (Come)!" I called out to those that were left as I unsheathed my sword and took off in the direction of the Gallery.

The double doors on my side were closed the moment we got there, I couldn't hear anything on the other side and I began to worry.

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