《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》The King and Queen


Author's Note: SO! I was sick, who knew that when I get sick I have no motivation to write and when I do write I ended up having to do A LOT of revision. But, I want to say thank you all so very much for the comments, follows, and votes in the last chapter! They all made me really happy ^^ as for this chapter, it was a bit rushed I suppose you could say...but I did say this was all a filler of the whole 10 years and there will be jumps here and there but I hope I did alright with this chapter.

Disclaimers: I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Anything you recognize from the movie or book that I mention belongs to those two wonderful men that bought such an incredible world to life. Any grammar errors that you see I am terribly sorry, I tried my best to look things over while I'm sick but I tried my best to spot the grammar mistakes, so hopefully it's okay. Also, all the inspiration I'm hoping to post the links to the pictures at the very end so that you could see. If not then you could try and check my wattpad account that will have some of the pictures for the inspiration. Anyways! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Happy reading!

PS: Read the very end for what will come in the future.

"Here you go Belle." Bilbo said as I saw him holding two mugs of what looked like steaming cups of tea.

"Thank you Bilbo." I smiled at the hobbit that handed me one of the cups and sat down in his big red chair that was situated opposite of me.

"I still can't believe that you're a Queen now!" Bilbo exclaimed, still a bit in shock as he took a sip from his cup. "And you're a mother!"

"It has been years since the coronation and our wedding that I still cannot believe it myself." I said as I blew into the cup in an attempt to cool the tea. "I feel like it is all but a dream and that I could wake up at any moment."

"Who would've thought that by setting off on a simple journey to reclaim a mountain, it would lead you here." Bilbo smiled fondly. "We started off as two outsiders traveling with a group of dwarves. Though...being an outsider wasn't so bad. I got to befriend an elf who understood not being wanted at the time being."

Bilbo and I shared a laugh as we remembered the journey to Erebor, how it all started in this little hobbit hole.

"You've come a long way since the beginning of the journey." Bilbo commented.

"Both of us have come a long way dear Bilbo." I said with a small smile. "Let us not forget that it was because of you that the dwarves got their home back. You became a good and cherished friend of the family."

Bilbo smiled, placing his hands in his lap as he relaxed at the silence in the room; well...it was sort of silent for behind us in another part of cozy home we could hear loud laughter and cheering from the rest of the company.

"Oh how I missed this Belle..." Bilbo said with a fond smile. "at the beginning I thought it was such a nuisance...but when I returned everything was just so...quiet."


"Gandalf was right when he said things would not be the same, I can tell you that much. I have seen and experienced so many things my dear friend that I am far from the elleth that I once was." I smiled sadly to Bilbo. "You just have to keep your mind busy sometimes."

"I hope you come and visit when you can." Bilbo said. "I know it can't be often since the journey from Erebor to here is so long...but I don't want this to be the last time I ever see you or anyone in the company."

"I will try and visit any chance I get." I assured Bilbo. "This will not be the last you see of me, my family, or the company. Granted, as the years go by Thorin may be buried in his duties as King...but I was hoping we could come visit around your birthday. That way you would not have to be alone on such a special day." I chuckled before winking. "As Queen, it would be bad to travel alone without any guards, but I am no ordinary Queen. I did not start off as a royal, but a warrior."

Bilbo chuckled before some commotion happened in the room next to ours that caused the two of us to glance in the direction of the noise.

I watched as Thorin was holding both Antien and Frerin apart. My two boys looked to be arguing with each other while Thorin was in the middle, keeping them from getting at each other...though what they were fighting about I did not know. Estelwen was being carried by Tauriel who was making her way toward us.

"What is going on out there?" I chuckled as I reached for Estelwen who looked to be peacefully sleeping. Tauriel carefully placed my youngest child in my arms, my daughters head tucked under my chin as I closed my arms around her protectively, holding her close. My reaction caused Estelwen to cuddle further into me before settling down, light snores emitting from her.

"Frerin felt something being thrown at his head, which was later found out to be food and blamed his brother." Tauriel mumbled as she looked at Estelwen and me. I shook my head and laughed a bit before Tauriel excused herself and possibly went to find Kili.

I watched fondly as Thorin got our two sons under control, knelt down in front of them and began to calmly talk to them. Frerin and Antien looked down sadly before I saw Frerin mumble something to Antien that caused Thorin to smile at our boys. He reached out and patted the two on the head before the two smiled and disappeared into another room, a room that suddenly was filled with laughter from both Fili and Kili.

"Shall we continue our conversation another time?" Bilbo questioned quietly while looking at the tiny bundle in my arms. I shook my head as I bought my little girl closer to me.

"Once Estelwen is out, she will sleep until the next day." I said as I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Loud noises do not bother her; she will wake up when she wants to or sleep the night away. She is really a complete opposite from her brothers."

"Your family is absolutely lovely." Bilbo commented with a smile. "I'm happy for you Belle, truly I am. You deserve it."

"What are you two talking about?"

I looked behind Bilbo to see Thorin standing right behind his chair; the voice had startled poor Bilbo. Thorin chuckled a bit as clasped his hand on Bilbo's shoulder as he walked past him and made his way to my side.


"I was just complimenting your family. They are very lovely." Bilbo said as he smiled to Thorin, causing the dwarf King to nod his head in thanks.

"We were talking about what we have been up to these past ten years." I said as Thorin placed a kiss to the side of my head. "Is everything alright out there? Is there anything I can do?"

"Everything is fine." Thorin assured. "Rest, you do too much as it is."


"Thorin." Balin called out, poking his head into our room. "Either you or Belle is needed."

"Here, I shall talk to them." I offered as I carefully tried to get up from my chair without jostling the little girl in my arms awake.

"Sit Bellethiel." Thorin ordered as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll go see what's wrong, rest please."

I smiled at his protectiveness and obliged to his request, resting back in the chair as I watched the back of Thorin as he walked out of the room.

"You two seem more in love then the last I had seen you." Bilbo commented after a few moments of silence after Thorin left the room.

"Really?" I questioned as I thought back to when Bilbo had last seen Thorin and myself together. "I suppose so..."

"So, aside from becoming Queen and the children, what else has happened?" Bilbo asked.

"My duties have not changed, well...not very much I suppose." I said with a smile. "Along with the duties that come along with being a Queen, my duties are still the same as it was when I was serving under Thranduil."

"What do you mean by that?" Bilbo said with a smile.

"I am still the Captain of the Guards, at least with the elves and Dwalin sometimes would ask me to assist with the training regimen for the dwarves." I chuckled. "And I am part of the royal guard to the King...a bit odd I suppose with me being Queen, but I only trust myself to watch over Thorin."

"Like in the game of chess, the Queen always protects the King." Bilbo laughed a bit. "So, does that mean you and Dwalin together are co-captains?"

"Yes, I guess we are." I said as I nodded my head in thought.

Loud ruckus was heard causing Bilbo and I to look toward where the noise came from to see my two sons running from one side of the entrance to the other followed by Thorin chasing after them.

"I should go check on them..." I mumbled worriedly while attempting to push off the comfy chair only to be stopped by Bilbo holding his hand out to me.

"If Thorin said he can handle it then he can handle it." Bilbo assured as he motioned for me to sit back down. "Sit, I want to hear more about what happened...such as the wedding I wasn't able to attend."

I looked back to the doorway before hesitantly relaxing back into the chair.

"I cannot tell you how sorry we are about that Bilbo." I said looking to Bilbo sadly. "So much had happened and we were unable to write to you...I am sorry about how worried we made you."

"No, stop apologizing Belle...please." Bilbo said, frantically waving his hands side to side. "I just wish I could've been there on my friends' special day."

"I think Ori documented it." I smiled in assurance.

"So, how was your wedding?" Bilbo asked a bit excitedly. "Must've been a grand occasion, a huge celebration!"

"It was beautiful...but it was also hectic, exhausting, and stressful." I mumbled as I lifted my free hand to my head, letting out a sigh. "They decided to have our wedding the day of Thorin's coronation...our coronation. Not to mention there was never a night or day of rest."

~Two Days before the Ceremony~

"I did warn you about my sister." Thorin mumbled with a smile on his face.

"Yes, you did." I chuckled, looking down at Thorin, playing around with strands of his hair.

It's been months since his announcement to the whole kingdom. It was a bit strange how everyone accepted such a reunion so quickly. Granted, when I walked down some of the hallways there was talk amongst the dwarves, but it wasn't as much as before. It was really...shocking to say the least.

The days leading up to the coronation, not to mention our union, were very hectic. It wasn't my idea to have our union on the same day...but I guess Balin and the counselors figured that if we were going to be crowned King and Queen, we may as well have the marriage before then. It was going to be a huge celebration. The chefs were bustling here and there, cooking heaps of food. Maids were out and about before the sun rose to late into the night decorating the kingdom, the hallways, the great hall, the throne room and the dining room. Many would approach me and ask for my opinion on which I would like better when it came to anything and everything that had to deal with my marriage to Thorin, and with the feast.

And then...there was Dís. She had asked to help me get ready for my special day, along with Tirananniel, Mellimeldisiel, my niece Thenidiel and Tauriel. Thorin had warned me how his sister can get a bit out of control, but I didn't think anything of it and agreed. I mean, what harm could it possibly do I thought.

Boy was I wrong.

I knew Tirananniel had an idea, possibly already saw how I would look long before I was asked to be Thorin's Queen while Dís had her own views as well...two of the most stubborn people I've ever met. There were some moments when I would catch my friend and Dís arguing about the style and accessories...the only thing they did agree on was the color: white. Mellimeldisiel, Thenidiel and Tauriel were the ones keeping me sane and calm instead of freaking out when my friend and my sister-in-law would argue.

But, with so much going on...all the possible scares, the jitters, and the nerves, I was finally able to find some peace and quiet. In other words...I had escaped from those that seeked my attention and hid in my room.

Thorin joined me soon after, catching me as I was sitting on our bed peacefully meditating. He snapped me out of my thoughts by kissing the tip of my nose and laying on his back with his head in my lap...hence why I was playing with strands of his hair, running my fingers through his silky mane every so often. This was a nice escape from all the frantic activity going about all over the kingdom.

"They seem too excited to get me into a dress." I commented with a slight chuckle as I leaned my head back against the backboard of the bed. "I will admit that I am not looking forward to wearing a dress."

"I for one think you look lovely in a dress." Thorin said as he let out a huff of air.

"I was never fond of dresses." I mumbled as I carefully ran my fingers through Thorin's hair once more, gently scraping my nails across his scalp.

Thorin moved suddenly in my lap, shuffling before sitting up and facing me, staring straight into my eyes as he cupped my face in both his hands, holding my head still.

"You may not be fond of wearing dresses and that's fine...after the coronation you will only wear a dress when it is absolutely necessary." Thorin smiled a bit as he placed his forehead against mine. "But for now, I am going to enjoy seeing you in a garment that makes you look like the most fairest in all of Middle Earth."

"Fairest?" I chuckled a bit. "I think you are over exaggerating that Thorin."

"No, I'm not." Thorin defended as he caressed the side of my face lovingly. "The fairest of Middle Earth and fairer then all the jewels under this mountain."

"That is if I wear a dress." I chuckled as I reached up and took Thorin's hand off my cheek.

"Dress or not, you will always be the most fairest to me." Thorin said with a content smile on his face before his eyes widened in realization. "I think there's something that's long overdue."

"And what is that?" I asked, watching as he reached toward his braid on the left side of his face.

"I snatched it out of your hair in anger that day..." Thorin mumbled sadly as he unclasped the bead holding his braid. "We've never had a day of rest to do this properly; now that we do...I hope that you will allow me to place it back where it rightfully belongs."

I smiled at Thorin and nodded as he smiled happily, reaching out to the left side of my head and began to braid strands of my hair as I simply watched in wonder as he went about his work, finishing it off with his bead clasped at the end of my braid.

I reached up and traced the intricate carvings on the little bead, admiring the simple gesture that meant so much to the culture of dwarves before I realized something.

"What about your braid?" I questioned curiously.

Thorin chuckled as he reached toward his right braid, unclasping the bead and switching it to his left side before taking something out of his pocket. He opened his hand and showed me the same silver bead that was now in both of our hair.

"I always have a spare in case I lose one." Thorin smiled as he placed the bead at the end of his braid.

After the happy exchange, the two of us settled peacefully in the bed, our backs against the backboard and my head leaning slightly on Thorin's shoulder.

"One more day and we will be joined together for the rest of our lives." I heard Thorin mumble as I closed my eyes, drifting a bit in and out of conscious due to exhaustion.

"Hm..." I mumbled as I snuggled closer to Thorin.

"Today is our day to ourselves, what would you like to do?" Thorin questioned from beside me.

"Sleep..." I mumbled, not even realizing how tired I was.

"I thought elves don't sleep?" Thorin joked as I felt his body jostle slightly from his laughter.

I didn't answer; I was already relaxing into the bed, thankful for the peacefulness after being pulled in so many directions the moment I left my room, and having to deal with so many decisions at once.

Thorin's body shuffled ever so slightly beside me, my body was being tucked into the covers of the bed and a slight pressure was applied to my forehead...it was soft and sweet. I smiled as I finally felt Thorin relax beside me with an arm draped over my waist.

~One Day before the Ceremony~

"Wait, you can't see your dress until tomorrow!" Dís called out in a panic as I began lifting the cloth that was covering the mannequin in the far corner of her room.

"I assume you guys finally came to a compromise about my gown?" I said with a smirk as I went to sit on Dís's bed.

"No, your friend was very adamant about your dress." Dís said with a cunning smile. "I wanted something different, but...then she made the dress and when I saw it I had to agree that it was perfect."

"Always trust someone who can see what the future holds." I commented with a smile.

"So, are you excited?" Dís asked as she came to sit beside me.

"I am...and I am nervous as well." I replied as I stared at the covered mannequin.

"Everyone gets nervous before their big day, Mahal knows I was." Dís laughed out loud. "You'll get over it and the day you are united with my brother will be one of the best days of your life along with seeing your kids for the first time."

"I have already experienced caring for kids." I mumbled.

"Yes, but not bringing about your own kids. Raising your sisters kids is completely different from giving birth to your own and seeing them look at you with so much love." Dís said fondly before shaking her head. "But I think I'm getting far too ahead of myself, let's get you through the wedding and the coronation first."

I nodded before suddenly feeling a slight tug from the side of my head as I heard Dís letting out a hearty laugh.

"Well it's about bloody time!" Dís commented as she looked at the braid on the side of my head. "Ever since the announcement I was waiting to see this in your hair...shame on Thorin that he were to place it in your hair two days before your union.

"We were both busy." I defended as I gently took the braided strand out of Dís's hand and fiddled with it between my thumb and pointer finger.

"Tonight...is the feast between our two houses, everyone is excited." Dís commented as I saw her turn to look at the covered dress. "Tomorrow...my brother will be King, our kingdom will have a Queen, I will have a sister, our houses will be united as one, and the whole kingdom will be celebrating until late into the night."

Dís suddenly grabbed both of my shoulder and forcefully turned me toward her, catching me off guard.

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