《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》There's A Plan!


Author's Note: Hello everyone! I want to thank everyone who has left a comment, voted, follow, and viewed! Your guys review really made me happy and I'm happy that you guys really liked the last chapter.


So I really wanted to watch The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies Extended Edition in theaters. Out of curiosity I went to youtube to see if anyone recorded it (I know I'm terrible but I REALLY wanted to know!). So I went to youtube and looked up Battle of the Five Armies Extended Edition Scenes and this account MaxeBaumannFilms2013 had I think all the scenes were recorded (maybe there's more, I'm not sure). But the first one I watched was titled "Funeral of Durin's Sons." And Oh. My. God. I cried like a little baby! I think if they added that into the movie when it first was in theaters, everyone would've died. There was too much feels and EVERYTHING! I just...it was not nice how they would've played with our emotions...especially at the end of that scene. There was like...some cool and one funny...and a scene I regret not doing and I'm like ashamed that I never thought of doing some sort of rendition of it, but I should've done it and I regret it. But yeah, if anyone is curious then go to youtube and check it out...can't wait for the Extended Trilogy set releases.

So, the video above is the extended scene I watched (it was depressingly sad and I got punched in the feels), and if you're curious about the other scenes then go to the guys youtube page.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson! Anything you notice from The Hobbit movie/book: places, quotes, people...I do not own and they belong to the two wonderful people who bought such a beautiful place to life. I only own Bellethiel and her kin! Any grammar errors that you see I would like to apologize in advance! Enjoy this chapter guys!

(Dís P.O.V)

"Thorin." I called out to my brother who I had found lounging about in the balcony area that we used to go to as kids. He looked to be brooding and spacing out for when I opened my mouth to speak he had jumped just a bit in surprise. "Thorin, we need to talk."

"I'm busy sister, can't this wait till later." His voice rumbled lowly and I knew what he was thinking going by the tone of his voice.

You see...when my brother got upset or angry, the tremble in his voice was more prominent and his voice always went an octave lower the usual.

"No, Thorin." I growled out in defiance. "Something like this cannot be held off until later."

"I don't...have time for this Dís." My brother growled out, his body tensing and I could feel my patience running thin.

"Dammit Thorin then make time!" I growled out, closing the gap between us as I stood beside my brother, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look at me.

When his eyes met mine I could see the anger behind his eyes, and I could tell I may have overstepped some sort of boundary...but this was something of grave importance and at the moment I didn't care. He needed to hear this and dammit he was going to listen.


"What is it Dís!" Thorin yelled out, his voice echoing around the empty hall we were in. "I just want to be left alone!" Thorin then suddenly slunk back, his shoulders slumping and his gaze averted to the ground as his eyes were shadowed...and at this moment for the first time weeks I saw something other than anger coursing through his body.

I saw a broken king.

"I just want to be left alone..." Thorin mumbled in defeat, the hurt evident in his voice. I took my hand off his shoulder and placed it under his chin, gently forcing him to raise his head.

"This is something you must hear..." I begged Thorin sadly. "I know you are hurting brother...no matter how angry you get and no matter how much you tell me you are alright...I know you better than most and I know that you aren't alright. You are in pain and that you miss Belle..."

At the mention of our friends name I saw my brother flinch and his eyes immediately looked away from me. My brother was in more pain then he let on, but I was hoping that this news would lighten his mood just a bit...but I knew if I didn't say it soon then it would be too late if I waited.

"You must hear what I have to say..." I said. "you must hear what I heard the night before."

"What do you mean Dís?" My brother questioned with a bit of curiosity.

"I don't know what happened between you and Belle...but I can assume that it has something to do with the throne." I said causing my brother to look up at me in a bit of shock. Guess not everyone knew of this. "Last night...I was walking with Fili and Kili when we started to notice something was going on in the kingdom..."

(The Night Before)(Third P.O.V)

"It's such a beautiful night out." Dís commented as she walked down the hallway, her two sons following close behind.

For you see, Dís began to notice that her sons were a little down in the weather. What happened between Thorin and Bellethiel seemed to have affected everyone. Her two boys have been attempting to speak to Bellethiel, but she seemed to have been keeping her distance from everyone. They had tried to ask her nephews and niece what was going on, but they even said that their mother wasn't speaking to them much either. The only time they ever spoke was when Bellethiel was assigning them certain jobs to do around the kingdom.

Her sons were worried about their friend who they started to consider family, they worried about their uncle and sometimes their worry would keep them awake at night. So their mother thought it would be nice to take a walk through the kingdom late at night, to stare at the stars outside of the kingdom, or just relax without worrying about judging eyes and the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

"Doesn't something seem kind of...off?" Kili questioned, glancing around the halls.

"What do you mean Ki?" Fili asked his brother.

They have been walking around for quite some time and it occurred to Kili that something was off...that something was missing. And for a while, Kili could not figure out what it was until now.

"Aren't there usually elves walking through the halls at night?" Kili questioned. "They don't usually sleep, so most of the time you would see them walking around the kingdom doing more work that was assigned to them."


"Actually Kili..." Dís said now looking around as they began to walk around the corridors and came to face empty halls. "now that you mention it...where are our friends?"

The three kept on walking, the absence of their friends becoming more and more noticeable. They began to search the halls in the kingdom high and low, in the library's close to them and in the rooms that they had given to the elves to sleep in...all were empty with no signs of life.

"Hey look." Kili said quietly as he motioned toward the very end of the hall. The family looked in the direction that Kili had pointed to to see two elves whispering to each other and quickly dart to the left, disappearing around the corner. "Let's follow them shall we?"

"Kili, wait!" Dís whispered as she tried to reach out to grab a hold of her son who was a bit too fast and slipped past his mother's hands. "Dammit Kili, come on Fili...let's follow your brother."

The two quickly followed after Kili, making sure to be extremely quiet. When they finally caught up with Kili, they made sure to stay far away from the elves to remain undetected, but close enough to follow.

"We have to be quiet." Dís said to her sons as the crept along, making sure to hold their bodies close to the walls, and sticking to the shadows. "We need to find out what's going on."

They watched as the elves they were following slipped into one of the libraries that Dís knew no one went to and they became suspicious.

"Why would they go in there..." Dís whispered to herself and once the double doors closed, they silently made their way toward the door and saw that the door was slightly a jarred. When Dís took a glance inside through the crack in the door she saw a bunch of elves crowded inside with Bellethiel standing at the very front.

Dís turned back to her sons and held a finger to her lips, pointed to her ears and then to the door. This caused the two to nod their heads and the family listened quietly to what was being said inside the room.

"Thank you everyone for coming." Bellethiel called out, drawing everyone's attention to the front as the elves all around became silent. "Now, I am sure everyone is wondering why exactly I have called you here at such short notice so late at night...but I found it urgent that I tell you this as soon as possible."

Dís watched Bellethiel look around, everyone waiting patiently for their leader to continue.

"I am sad to inform you that after this kingdom is restored to the best of our abilities, and our assistance in Dale is no longer needed...we will be leaving this kingdom for good." Bellethiel stated causing the group to glance around to each other, talking amongst themselves. Fili and Kili began to shuffle a bit and Dís eagerly motioned for the two to quiet down, though she too was surprised at the sudden announcement. "Settle down everyone please!" Bellethiel called out causing everyone in the room to settle down and cease their talking.

"Why do you say that Captain?" An elf called out curiously.

"I am sure you have already learned, but if you have not then my relationship with the King is no longer in...good standing I suppose you could say." Bellethiel informed. "And I am sure you all can see that our presence here has bought about chaos and discord. With us being here...balance and order has been tipped. I was advised that if we are to leave then things would begin to settle and the order of this kingdom will begin to settle."

'Advised?' Dís thought as she listened intently to what Bellethiel was saying. 'Is that why she broke things off with my brother? Was Belle threatened?'

"Who advised you Nana...?" One of Bellethiel's nephews questioned causing Bellethiel to let out a sigh.

"Gamil, a council member of Thorin's, had spoken to me several months ago. He had bought to my attention these problems and more, and advised me that our presence here is causing problems amongst his people." Bellethiel informed. "It was worse than any of us could have imagined."

"He had informed me...that if I were to continue my relationship with Thorin and if we all were to stay here...then Thorin would lose his throne." Bellethiel spoke out after several minutes of silence and that caused a large uproar throughout the elves in the library.

'Gamil...how dare you.' Dís thought as she let out a silent growl. From her side she could feel her youngest son begin to thrash about, but when she turned to tell Kili to be quiet, she saw that Fili was already holding his younger brother in place with a hand held right over his mouth.

'Bellethiel...' Dís thought, looking sadly to where Bellethiel was standing.

"It was I that chose to separate myself from Thorin, my reason is not for you to understand...but it was my choice to make." Bellethiel stated plainly. "One part is done, and all that is left is for us to leave. To which...through this decision...I am hoping that order in this kingdom will ensure soon after."

"But why must we be threatened by a simple dwarf!" An elf yelled out.

"We all know how a kingdom is supposed to run...how a kingdom properly runs..." Bellethiel sighed sadly. "the reason it is like this now is because we are here. Even if we believe we belong here...would we really be so selfish as to stay here and risk more problems for Thorin and our friends who have stuck by us?"

An eerie silence settled around the group before Bellethiel spoke up once more.

"Our friends...the dwarves who we fought with and accepted us have been kind to us. Allowing us to stay here for so long and even they are undergoing fire for defending us." Bellethiel said. "We can repay their kindness by leaving...giving them the peace they rightfully deserve."

"But...where would we go...?"

"After the battle at the gates of Erebor, in Dale I had spoken to Thranduil." Bellethiel answered the saddened elf who asked the question. "He apologized for his actions all those years ago and had lifted our banishment. For those that wish to return back to our home then I am sure Lord Thranduil will welcome any with open arms. And as for those who do not wish to return, Lord Elrond back in Imladris still has a home for all of you as well. Everyone will still have a place to call home when we leave Erebor."

'Bellethiel...' Dís thought saddened. 'we don't want you to leave...'

"When do we leave...?" An elf questioned.

"Once everything is settled here...we will leave in the cover of night. Without a sound, without a trace...it will be like we were never here in the first place. I will personally thank Thorin and his people for allowing us to stay here for so long once restorations are finished. After, we will take our leave back home." Bellethiel stated. "Everyone will know when the time to leave is."

'Oh dear Bellethiel...I know why you're doing this...' Dís thought as she watched her friend and the one that her youngest son was smitten with talk with each other. 'but you could've come to us...maybe we could've done something about that troublesome dwarf...even if it looked like a lost cause.'

A shadow walked past the crack and the three dwarves stilled, holding their breath and hoped beyond hope that they weren't caught. Dís saw Bellethiel standing in front of the shadowed and she saw that the shadow was not letting Bellethiel pass.

"What is it now Tirananniel...?" Bellethiel questioned in defeat.

"Where will you go Bellethiel...?" The shadow, Tirananniel questioned.

"Wherever my niece and nephews decide to go." She stated causing Tirananniel to tense in her spot.

"I have the gift of foresight my friend." Tirananniel stated in an even tone. "I cannot see where you are headed; you are neither in Greenwood or Imladris."

"I..." Bellethiel was about to speak before she let out a saddened sigh. "I wish I could truthfully say that I wish to be where my niece and nephews would go..."

"But it's not truly where you wish to be." Tirananniel answered causing Bellethiel to nod her head.

"I love my...children." Bellethiel stated a bit awkwardly. "I have watched over Beriohtarion and Balamaethor ever since my sister sailed to Valinor...but I think without me they will be fine. They are at an age where they can look after themselves now..."

"What will you do Bellethiel?" Tirananniel questioned.

"I will do as I have always done...travel around trying to find a place to settle." Bellethiel stated honestly.

"And what of Thorin?" Tirananniel questioned.

"I cannot stay here Tirananniel, I am sure you have already seen what would come about the longer all of us...the longer I stay here. Even if I wish I could stay here I cannot, and even if I settle in either Imladris or Greenwood...it would not be home." Bellethiel stated plainly.

"You wish to stay here." Tirananniel stated.

"I do indeed wish it, for it is where my heart lays." Bellethiel said as a small smile made its way to her face. Her face, Dís noticed, did not have the cold look she always held ever since she broke things off with her brother...it was a look she recognized. A look of longing and love over someone they still missed...a look that her brother had when he thought no one was around to see it. It was only later when Bellethiel began to chuckle sarcastically did her expression crack. "But not everyone gets what they wish for...do they Tirananniel."

Bellethiel reached around Tirananniel toward the door and the three dwarves on the other side of the door began to panic. The three quickly raced back the way they came from and they heard the double door being forced open the moment they rounded the corner, successfully remaining out of sight.

The three didn't stick around to be caught and they quickly disappeared into Dís's room. All of them a bit shocked at what they had just found out.

(Back with Thorin and Dís)(Dís P.O.V)

"Gamil..." Thorin growled out in irritation as he placed both his hand on the ledge of the balcony and leaned forward, his jaw tensing in anger. "that wretched dwarf, I will have his head the next time I see him!"

"Thorin, you must relax." I urged as I placed a hand over his.

"How can I relax sister, this problem is his fault. He spoke to Bellethiel when it was none of his concern. He went behind my back, if anything the reason why order is tipping can be put on his shoulders. It's his fault that Belle and I..." Thorin's hand tightened underneath my own. "why does she always have to be so noble..."

"Because that's how she is..." I said with a slight smile. "she always feels the need to protect us...always thinking of others instead of herself..."

Thorin only smiled slightly, nodding in agreement before he sighed sadly.

"Thorin...Erebor is close to being restored. Dale only needs a few more adjustments to being made into a livable condition for the survivors...they are planning to leave Thorin..." I said sadly. "we will wake up one day and find them gone. We know where her kin are going to be...but I feel like once Bellethiel is gone there will be no way of knowing where she will be. Once she's gone...I fear that she would be gone forever..."

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