《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》Sacrifice


Author's Note: Hello you lovely readers! So, I'm pretty sad because I found out like at the beginning of this month that the theater near me was playing the extended version of ALL THREE Hobbit movies! Now, I didn't mind missing the Unexpected Journey and Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition since I own it and I've watched it hundred of times to a point I can quote the movies lol. But the reason I'm sad is because Battle of the Five Armies Extended Edition will be showing for the first time EVER in theaters on October 13 and I can't watch it because that's my bf's birthday Y^Y the sad thing of not having a Tolkien/Hobbit fan bf xD lmfao sure I can buy the dvd, but watching it in theaters is like THE BEST experience ever! He was reluctant to watch all three movies when they were going to show the premier for BoTFA, so sad. So if anyone has the extended edition playing at a theater near them and they're going tell me what they added =) lmfao.

Thank you everyone for the views, votes, comments, and follows! They really made me happy! I was so happy to see how many people read the last chapter ^w^ Thank you everyone! And this story on here has made 1k! How awesome is that! And it's all thanks to you guys!!! Lots of love being sent your way!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Anything you recognize that I quote from the movie/book or the scenes do not belong to me! They belong to those two wonderful men who bought The Hobbit and Middle Earth to life! Sorry for any grammar errors that you see that I have overlooked and I hope that it's still easy to read and sorry for anything else I've failed to address! Anyway! Enjoy this chapter you lovely readers!

I never understood love.

For thousands of years I always questioned why people did such crazy and ridiculous things in the name of love, to justify that what they were doing was because they were in love.

I always asked my siblings what being in love was like, to explain what love was. Sadly, they would always end up laughing or giggling at me before attempting to explain to me what the concept of love was. I will be honest...I never understood a single word they said when they tried to explain it to me. They would tell me that the love for a sibling is different when loving someone who wasn't related to us.

When I voiced my confusion, they would just tell me that I would have to experience it to understand. Telling me that one day I would get what they were trying to tell me, and I for a while believed that I would never understand...and after a while I forgot about the foreign concept, thinking that such a fate would never befall me...that I would never have the love like that in my lifetime.

I remember something my siblings would always tell me though, and it never triggered in my mind until I had heard it spoken in the city of Men.

It was a phrase that many have said, and there is so many different ways to say this phrase...but it always meant the same thing. Again, it was something I never understood fully, if anything it made me think that love sounded like a ridiculous concept to grasp.

"Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far, the truest type of love."


For thousands and thousands of years I never understood what any of them meant by that. I understood the basic concept and based my choices around making sacrifices for others...for my siblings, but my siblings would always tell me that it was much deeper than that. And sometimes they would say that it could be the worse type of pain anyone could ever experience. It was much worse than a stab wound my brother would comment.

And oh how right he was, the pain was unbearable. I finally understood the deeper meaning they always sprouted about, and I wish that I didn't.


I stood in front of Thorin Oakenshield...the dwarf I have come to love over the past couple of years, doing what my sister once explained as 'breaking a person's heart.'

The two of us stood still, the silence was suffocating and as cowardly as it was...I couldn't look Thorin in his eyes. The words I had spoken were settling in and I could feel my heart tightening, I could feel heat collecting around my eyes and slight tears collecting at the corner. But I knew I couldn't be acting this way, it was my decision, if I break now...Thorin would never let this thing go through.

I took a deep breath, controlling my emotions and bought my arms back to my side. After a few seconds I opened my eyes and got the courage to lift my head, holding it high and for a second I almost physically flinched back at the sight that was in front of me.

The expression I saw on Thorin's face was something I wished to have never seen again for the last I had seen that expression...was back at the secret door. The very moment he had thought we had lost the last light and missed the opportunity to open the secret door leading into Erebor. It was a heart breaking expression, but I had to keep reminding myself to try and stay strong...I can weep on my own time.

"What is the meaning of this Bellethiel." Thorin spoke up so quietly that if it wasn't for my ears...I probably wouldn't have heard him. I could hear no emotion except what sounded like shock as his voice cracked a bit at the end, his whole body standing eerily still. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I am so sorry Thorin." I said with a shake of my head. "This is no joke..."

"Then why." Thorin mumbled, almost in a pleading manner as he took a hesitant step toward me. "Tell me why Bellethiel."

"I have told you Thorin." I said while holding eye contact with Thorin. "I do not want to be the reason you lose your throne, or the reason that you will always be known as the King that picked an elf over his very own people. That is something you can never change, it will go down in Middle Earth history and no one will forget. I do not wish to hear your name be slandered in such a way."

"Belle..." Thorin said.

"From the beginning of this journey, you were set on reclaiming this mountain. Gandalf had said that Erebor is your birthright. Your grandfather sat on that throne and if the dragon did not get involved, he was expecting your father and you to take the throne once he passed into the halls of his father and grandfathers." I stated. "I risked my life because I believed you and your kin deserved to sit on the throne instead of some distant family member of yours. And it is because of me that you may not get that opportunity to show how great of a King you will be..."


"You said you wouldn't leave my side unless I order you to Belle, why are you saying this now?" Thorin questioned, his voice raising as I could hear slight anger in his voice.

"Thorin, I care so much about you...do not get the wrong idea." I stated with a heavy heart. "But Thorin, at some point I will outlive you, and throughout my immortal life...I will live with the guilt of ruining your life and ruining your name...I will live for thousands of years and hear the tale of how Thorin choose an elf over his people. Hear so many people over the next centuries speak your name in shame. They will mock you and laugh at the mere mention of your name."

"You will not be ruining my life at all!" Thorin growled out, stepping forward and taking my hand in his. "How can being by my side be wrong? Why can't you understand that I don't care about what the kingdom, or anyone, says about me if I choose to be with you Belle!"

"You are conflicted Thorin..." I mumbled as I carefully pulled my hand out of his grasp. "the words you told me today was indeed the truth...I know that, but the look in your eyes told me a different story. You did not like that you had to choose between me and the throne. And do not lie to me right now Thorin, because you and I both know it is the truth. So, I am making the choice easy for you."

Thorin couldn't say anything, because sadly...I was right, though in times like this I wish I wasn't. He was indeed feeling conflicted, I was important to him yes...but so was his throne and his people. He hated that he had to choose and I smiled sadly down at the dwarf King.

"Thorin, I have been alive for thousands of years and I have never felt the way I feel toward you for anyone...and I do not think I ever will as time goes by. But we cannot be together Thorin...I will not stand by and be the reason that you gave up your throne for. If we continue with this, get married...my nephews, my niece, Fili, Kili, and Dís...our family will never have a moment of peace in this kingdom. We will all be miserable..." I sighed sadly. "Maybe in another life, or if my ranking was different, or maybe if I was a dwarf things would be different...it would be a happier and merrier time. But with me being what I am...you will always have large obstacles blocking your way, obstacles that are put there because of me."

I shook my head before reaching out carefully and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze.

"I may not be making much sense, I may be even rambling, and I may possibly be making the biggest mistake I have ever made...but love, I was told, makes sacrifices. You are willing to sacrifice your throne for me, so I am willing to sacrifice my happiness for yours, and you may say that I am the reason for your happiness...but I know you would also wish that you had the throne deep down." Thorin did not say a word so I simply continued on. "I know you are angry with me...but I hope one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

I took a step back and turned toward the door, opening it and prepared to leave.

"I am truly sorry Thorin..." I mumbled before closing the door behind me, leaving Thorin standing in the room alone with his thoughts.

(Third P.O.V)

Days after, Bellethiel had changed; it would appear that Bellethiel had built up walls so none could see what she was going through. She had put on a mask, and for a while no one understood why which caused many to be concerned. She kept to herself, leaving to who knows where at night and returning the next day to assign her kin jobs that needed to be done around the kingdom.

She wouldn't talk to the company, her nephews, her niece or her friends. They would all try and attempt to corner her to get her to talk, but she would simply brush them off with a simple blank stare and leave.

Thorin wasn't taking the break up any easier. He would get angry at random times, lock himself in his room when he wasn't needed and went about his job as a King with a stoic face. This only raised suspicion to everyone who noticed, everyone who knew the two leaders personally wanted to know what was going on and yet none of them would say a thing. Thorin would get angry and Belle would grow eerily silent, instantly causing the person asking to let the subject go.

It wasn't until word got around that Thorin was no longer seeing Bellethiel that caused many to eagerly want to know what in Valar's name happened. What had gone wrong? For not too long ago they looked extremely happy with no problems arising. Their friends and family wanted answers...and they most importantly wanted to know if their friends were alright.

Bellethiel's nephews were growing tired of the way their aunt was acting, they decided that this time when they asked...the two wouldn't back down. After all, they were related to their aunt and being raised by her for so long, the too picked up traits that made Bellethiel into the leader she was today.

"Nana." Beriohtarion called out as soon as his eyes found his aunt walking through the halls alone.

Beriohtarion and Balamaethor quickly attempted to catch up to their aunt while dragging their sister behind them.

Bellethiel stopped in her steps before she slowly turned back to where she had heard the voices calling for her. The three jumped back just a bit at the stare that their Nana had given them before the two twins regained the composure and turned to stare their Nana straight in her eyes.

"Nana, we need to talk." Beriohtarion stated as they closed the distance between them and their aunt, now standing right in front of her.

"What is the problem?" Bellethiel asked, her voice even and steady without a hint of emotions showing through.

"You're the problem Nana." Balamaethor blurted out before flinching just a bit at the stare his Nana had given him, the stare getting harder the more they stood in front of her.

"And what did I do to cause such a problem?" Bellethiel questioned, turning fully to face her family.

"The way you're acting Nana, everyone is worried about you." Thenidiel added. "We're worried, your friends, Fili Kili and Dís are worried. We've heard about what happened to you and Thorin. You're acting funny and keeping to yourself ever since! Please talk to us Nana...it's not healthy to keep everything that you're feeling hidden away..."

"I do not think I am hiding anything away Thenidiel." Bellethiel said, her eyes softening just a bit. "This is how I have always been since I lived back in Greenwood. What happened between Thorin and I...is not for you to know or concern yourself with. You three do not need to worry about me, I am alright."

Bellethiel stepped forward and placed her hand on her nieces shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze before quickly letting go.

"Now, I am pretty sure I gave you three some work to do, I suggest you get to it instead of worrying about such things that do not concern you." Bellethiel mumbled. "I am fine you three, remember...it is my job to worry about you not the other way around."

"But you're our aunt..." Thenidiel defended. "you can't always carry the weight of the world by yourself. Share the load with us...you need to speak to someone about it. We worry about you because we're family...you can't expect us to turn our noses the other way."

"It is exactly what I expect you to do because it does not concern you three." Bellethiel stated plainly. "Thorin and I are over, that is just the way it is."

"But why! You two were happy together? What happened to cause you to suddenly stop?" Thenidiel defended.

"Enough!" Bellethiel ordered, her voice rising just a bit, causing the two of the youngest to flinch at the slight harshness in her voice. "Please...just enough. I do not wish to speak to anyone about it. Now go back to work..."

Bellethiel turned to leave before someone reached out to grab a hold of the sleeve of Bellethiel's tunic. She turned around to face Beriohtarion who looked at his aunt with the most hurt filled eyes.

"Don't do this Nana..." Beriohtarion begged as his grip on the fabric of Bellethiel's tunic tightened. "not again..."

"Do not do what again Beriohtarion?" Bellethiel questioned as she turned back around to her family.

"Don't shut us out from whatever is bothering you in that mind of yours Nana." Beriohtarion said looking down to the ground sadly. "The last time you did this...you disappeared the next day without a word...without a goodbye and we never saw you for years until you returned with a company of dwarves." Two lines of tears streaked down Beriohtarion's face the more he thought about it. "Don't do this again...we can't lose you again..."

Bellethiel looked down, her face shadowed by her hair before she let out a long sigh and placed a hand on her nephews, releasing his hand and placing it as his side.

"Tonight..." Bellethiel said as she turned her back to her family. "spread the word to all our friends, to all the elves in the kingdom. I am calling a meeting in the abandoned library, the one that no one goes to that is deep within the kingdom. Everyone should know where it is; if not...then tell them to go with someone who does know." Bellethiel straightened her back, her eyes holding a bit of sadness in them that quickly disappeared. "Tell them it is urgent and that everyone is to attend. No ifs, ands, or buts...understand?"

"What's this meeting for?" Balamaethor questioned curiously.

"Everyone will know once we are gathered together...and remember." Bellethiel said. "No one, and I mean no one, is to know other than our kin. Understand?"

The three elves looked a bit hesitant before nodding reluctantly.

"Late at night when the kingdom is asleep is when we will meet, do not come in large groups for it would look suspicious, and make sure no one is shadowed." Bellethiel ordered before beginning to walk away. "I shall see you all later tonight."

With that being said, Bellethiel disappeared to who knows where and out of her family's sight...but unknown to her nephews and niece, when she was a fair amount away from them she had ducked into an abandoned room. Her legs had given out on her as she slid down to the floor with her back against the door, and her shoulders began to shake.

And in that room she wept tears of grief. The pain she held in was taking its toll on her, but she didn't want to speak to anyone about it or show it. It was her decision and yet...it hurt so much. To pass by Thorin, to see him in the hallways speaking to any dwarf and not talk to him was the worse. Several times she would catch herself just about to call out to him, reach out for him...and several times she had to stop herself.

'This is for the best...' She would remind herself constantly as she would steady herself and just pass Thorin by, ignoring him. 'it is for the best...'

(Bellethiel's P.O.V)

Night had come faster than I had expected. I was the first to arrive in the library with Tirananniel following close by. The moment she entered into the library, she had given me a stern look mixed with sympathy and sadness...already knowing why I had called this meeting.

Slowly, elves started to pool and pile into the kingdom's library. They were coming in pairs or in small groups, quietly slipping in and the library slowly started to fill up. The elves were either sitting in the chairs, on the tables, on the floor, or standing...all beginning to huddle close together so that others would be able to fit as more came through the large double doors.

Tirananniel and Mellimeldisiel came to stand on my left while Tauriel had come to stand on my right and from where I stood I could see an Bregolien by the door ushering what looked to be the last of our friends into the room for he nodded at me, signaling that there was no one else coming.

I laced my hands behind me as I began to address the crowd situated in front of me.

"Thank you everyone for coming." I called out, drawing everyone's attention to me as silence settled between everyone. "Now, I am sure everyone is wondering why exactly I have called you here at such short notice so late at night...but I found it urgent that I tell you this as soon as possible."

I looked around and saw my nephews and niece situated very close to the front of the large group, staring at me intently as everyone waited patiently for me to continue.

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