《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》Lady Dís


Author's Note:

(I tried to find a good picture of Dís, but this is a cute picture and I liked it, so I hope you like it too)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Any references, places, and characters you notice from The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings (if I end up making references from there) belong to those two men! Any grammar errors that you see I will say that I'm sorry! I hope that even with the grammar errors and mispelled words that this chapter is still easy to read! Any way! Enjoy the chapter ladies and gents!

(Thorin's P.O.V)

I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation, it's been at least a week since the feast was held and from the start I was swamped with such tedious assignments given to me. I won't say that I'm not enjoying this work, it's just that because of all the stuff I had to attend to, it's been keeping me busy and it's also been keeping me away from being by Bellethiel's side.

Bard and I have gone straight to work making plans and preparations on restoring Dale, we decided that Esgaroth would have to wait. When I had asked why we shouldn't try restoring Esgaroth first, Bard replied that he feels that they shouldn't take advantage of my hospitality, that if they were to work on Esgaroth first they would still need to stay in Erebor to work on Dale. I assured him that having him and the survivors in Erebor is no trouble at all, but he wouldn't budge from his decision. So with the help of the gold in this mountain, we started contacting people and with the help of Dáin and Thranduil speaking to a few people, we were able to bring as much resources needed to at least try and rebuild some of the structures in Dale, at least so the buildings are safe and warm to accommodate all the survivors.

Thranduil had decided to head back to the Woodland Realm, stating that there would be patrols going through the forest to assist any dwarves that passed through his realm. He assured that they would safely escort any groups to the mountain to which I was extremely grateful for. With Bellethiel's followers, they stayed in the mountain and helped move debris around and out of the mountain by order of Thenidiel, who surprisingly took the leadership role with counseling from Mellimeldisiel and Tirananniel. Thranduil had stated that their banishment was lifted, but they all decided that as much as they appreciate the offer, their place was by Bellethiel, a decision Thranduil respected.

The elves that stayed behind split into two groups, one staying in Erebor to help us while the other went into Dale to assist Bard every day before the sun rose.

The things that were going on weren't the cause of my problems now, the reason for my troubles was that word has spread and dwarves were beginning to return back to the mountain. Dwarves that had a problem with elves being in the mountain and I had to ensure that no trouble would arise due to unnecessary arguments between the two races. Thankfully, Thenidiel made my job easier as she spoke to all the elves that remained in the mountain to keep out of the way of the arriving dwarves and if they have confrontation to just walk away and go about their work.

And as if being the peacemaker wasn't enough, my grandfather's counselors were the first group of dwarves to arrive in the mountain...they voiced rather bluntly and rudely on their dislike on elves being inside the mountain...that they had no right to stay. Balin made it slightly easier; being part of the counsel he was able to have them see some reason as to why they were here. After we had told them everything, they were a little apprehensive to believe that elves would have returned to the mountain to willingly help dwarves...and at some point during the conversation I had lost my patiences.


I had told them that if they are saying that the story we told about Bellethiel and her kin is a lie then they are also calling me a liar, which shut them up instantly.

I gave them no chance to reply for I simply got up and left, stating that the elves were to stay and that this would be the last conversation they have about it.

"Thorin." Balin called out, following out after me.

"I will not go back in there Balin, if they want to talk about other problems then I will go back and listen and speak with them. If they're going to talk to me about forcing the elves to leave then I will not sit in on this meeting." I stated plainly.

"I will deal with them when it comes to Belle and her kin." Balin stated, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Belle and the rest will not be going anywhere if I have anything to say about it. Go and get some rest, you've been very busy these past several days."

I nodded my head and left to where I wanted to be at the moment, by my elfs side. I went straight to my room and found Belle right where I had left here, she hadn't moved and Bilbo and Ori were there by her side, reading from a book they had gotten from the kingdoms library.

"Thorin." Bilbo greeted, having looked up when I had entered the room.

"Any changes in her condition?" I questioned as I came to sit on the chair that was on the opposite side of the bed.

Ori shook his head and closed the book sadly, placing it on the table beside the bed.

"She hasn't moved, not even a twitch..." Ori said sadly. "We thought...maybe if we read something, talked to her, she would hear us and maybe..."

Ori's voice cut off and looked down a bit bashfully and I smiled a bit.

"I'm sorry, but could you leave us a bit..." I asked as Bilbo and Ori nodded before standing and leaving the room, closing the door behind them.

"Hello...Belle." I spoke as I reached out to take her hand into my own. "I'm sorry I haven't been around these past few days...there have been complications arising now that the dwarves are returning to the mountain. My grandfather's counselors, who were the first to arrive, seem to have a problem with you and your kin being in the mountain. Many of the dwarves that arrived seem to have a problem with elves in the mountain...we're planning on telling them your story. We're trying to restore Erebor and Dale with the help from Thranduil and Dáin...Esgaroth will come later when Dale is safe for the survivors to take shelter in."

I squeezed Belle's hand, wishing...hoping she would react and squeeze back.

"Thenidiel has taken over while you're here...with a little help from Mellimeldisiel and Tirananniel." I said chuckling a bit. "She was born to lead...must have gotten that trait from you."

I let out a sigh as I leaned back in the chair.

"I don't mind the work, the responsibilities...I'm just very frustrated when they keep telling me to force you and your friends out of the kingdom." I chuckled once more. "I wanted to get rid of you from the beginning of this quest...now I'm making sure that you never leave my side."

I placed her hand back to her side, reached out and moved a strand of her hair out of her face before cupping the side of her face and I smiled lovingly down at my elf.


'You look so peaceful...' I thought as I bent forward and placed a light kiss on her forehead, before bringing my own to rest upon hers. "If you can hear me...I'm begging you to wake up."

The creaking of the door opening bought my attention away from Belle and when I turned to look toward the entrance I saw Dwalin standing right in the entrance of the doorway.

"What's going on now...?" I questioned in slight irritation, leaning back in the chair.

"More dwarves have arrived, and someone's here to see you." Dwalin informed, smiling a bit.

"Can't it wait until later...I haven't been able to visit Bellethiel due to all the meetings I had to attend with my grandfather's counselors." I sighed in irritation.

"I'm afraid they're rather adamant about seeing you today." Dwalin stated. "Fili and Kili are already there meeting them. The lass will be fine for a little while longer, I think her niece was going to stop by and check up to see how she's doing."

I sighed as I got up from my chair and began to leave, taking one last look at Bellethiel's form before closing the door behind me.

"They're waiting in the throne room." Dwalin informed as I nodded my head.

"Thank you my friend..." I mumbled as I turned directions and headed toward the throne room.

Up and down stairs, my feet carried me in the direction to the room Dwalin said the visitor awaited. I knew the place by heart that I ended up at the throne room in minutes...an empty throne room.

'I thought Dwalin said they would be here...' I thought in irritation, walking up to the chair. 'there's no one here!'

I walked up the stairs and placed a hand on the chair, waiting a couple of minutes before I sighed in irritation. I pinched the bridge of my nose and decided that I wasn't going to stay here any longer and began to leave.


I froze in my tracks...I knew that voice. I hadn't heard it in a very long time, and it took a lot to make me nervous...but this voice always stopped me in my tracks especially when they used it in such a scolding tone.

"Well, aren't you going to turn around?" The feminine voice questioned in slight annoyance.

I turned around to come face to face with an exact copy of me, except...it was a bit more of a feminine me. She was dressed in a blue corset, off shoulder dress with fur lining the top. She had light sideburns that reached down to bottom and outlined her chin, thick braids on each side of her face and her black hair pulled back. Fili and Kili were behind her smiling my way and when I failed to say anything she crossed her arms across her chest looking impatiently at me.

"Hello dear sister." I greeted as I walked toward her.

Dís smiled toward me and met me half way. Once I was in arms reach she immediately enveloped me into a hug, practically squeezing the life out of me.

"I'm so happy that you are okay." Dís said, her voice quivering just a bit. "I was so worried that something was going to happen to my boys!"

"We're fine Dís..." I said, recovering and wrapping my arms around my sister.

Dís pulled away, taking the sleeve of her dress and wiping stray tears from the corner of her eyes.

"We have our home back..." Dís said with a smile.

"The kingdom is ours once more." I said, sharing a smile.

"Kili has filled me in on everything that's happened up until now." Dís said before glaring at me. "I hope you do intend to give back what they are owed to the people of Esgaroth and, as much as I dislike the elf, to Lord Thranduil."

"I've been having some meetings with the three of us and discussing our next plan of action. Thranduil's heirlooms were already returned to him and Bard is taking the gold slowly whenever he needs it for the restoration of Dale." I said with a smile causing my sister to smile proudly at me.

"That's good to hear, shame on you Thorin for acting the way you did!" Dís scolded. "The war between our races could've easily been avoided."

"At least I've changed my ways now." I defended.

"My boys also told me about Bellethiel and her nephews..." Dís mumbled quietly, looking at me sadly. "would you mind if I were to meet her?"

I sighed before nodding my head and led the way back to where I had come from, reaching the door quickly and opened it for my sister and my nephews before stepping in and closing the door behind me.

Just as Dwalin had said, there was Thenidiel sitting by Bellethiel's side finishing up rewrapping her wounds.

When Thenidiel finished and turned to look at the door, she stood up immediately and looked at us in confusion.

"I'm seeing...two Thorin's?" Thenidiel questioned, rubbing her eyes before blinking at us and placing her hands over her eyes. "I think this is a sign that I should be getting more sleep..."

I glared slightly as I saw Kili leaning on Fili, the two with their heads lowered and their shoulders shaking slightly before shaking my head.

"You're not seeing two of us Thenidiel..." I said with a slight smile and placing a hand on my sisters shoulder. "Thenidiel, this is my sister Dís. Dís this is Thenidiel, Bellethiel's niece."

Thenidiel recovered and stood at attention before bowing at the waist.

"My apologies Lady Dís, I meant no disrespect." Thenidiel said a bit too quickly, before standing tall and blushing a bit in embarrassment.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Thenidiel." Dís said with a smile. "And Dís is fine, a lot of people always confused us for each other when we were younger."

"But still...I am sorry." Thenidiel mumbled, chuckling a bit.

"How are her injuries?" I questioned, going over to sit on the chair by the side of the bed.

"It's healing up well..." Thenidiel said, reaching over to pull the blanket up to Bellethiel's chest. "but...when exactly Nana wakes is for her to decide..."

I nodded my head as I watched Thenidiel begin to gather her things together.

"I'm going to head on out and check on my cousins." Thenidiel said as she was about to head out the door. "If anything changes then you'll know where to find me."

When the door closed, Dís came to sit on the chair opposite of me with Fili and Kili pulling up chairs beside their mother.

"Thank you." My sister said causing me to look to her curiously, but she wasn't talking to me, she was looking down at Bellethiel. "I wish I could've told you this in person, face to face. When Fili and Kili told me about what you've done for my people, and how you protected my family. I was thrilled to meet you and your nephews. Until...they told me what your friend had said to them...about how my boys were supposed to be dead...how they should be dead. But because of your families sacrifice, they were able to live and get a second chance, and for that I cannot express how extremely grateful I am to you...I am in your debt. I don't know what I would've done without my boys and without my brother. I hope you and your nephews wake up so I can tell this to you three. Be able to speak with you, exchange stories, gossip, and tell embarrassing stories about my brother."

"I don't think Belle is the gossiping type." Fili smiled to his mother.

"Nonsense! All girls gossip, no matter what the age." Dís said laughed.

I watched as Dís smiled down to Bellethiel before turning her attention to me, her eyes set in a slight glare. She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the bed, laced her fingers together and placed her chin on top her hands.

"So, are you planning to court her?" My sister questioned catching me completely off guard.

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"You heard what I said dear brother." Dís said before repeating herself once more. "Are you, planning to court her?"

"I don't think I want to have this conversation with you." I mumbled.

"Uncle braided her hair and gave her one of his beads before we entered the mountain." Kili piped in before he looked away the moment I turned my glare to him.

"Oh did he now?" Dís said smiling cheekily at me, causing me to look away from her stare.

"Again, I will not discuss this with you." I mumbled quietly causing the three across from me to laugh.

"Fine, I can take a hint, but at least tell me this." Dís said as I took a side glance back to my sister. "Do you love her?"

I looked back down to Bellethiel before cracking a slight smile.

"Of course I do." I spoke out without missing a beat.

"Then that's it then, I approve." Dís said, her smiling growing wider as she leaned back in her chair.

"I didn't ask for your approval." I growled out, still with a smile on my face.

"The family of the courter has to approve the one they're courting." Dís said with a cheeky smile. "Fili and Kili may already approve, and so does the rest of the company I'm assuming, but I'm your sister and my approval counts the most."

The four of us shared a laugh before we settled in a peaceful silence, none of us speaking a word.

"You look happy, even when we lived in the mountain you didn't look this happy. I can only assume it's her doing." Dís commented, as she looked down toward Bellethiel. "I love her already and can't wait to meet her. Don't worry yourself to death Thorin, from the stories I've heard of her heroic deeds and her personality, she'll be fine."

"Everyone seems to be saying the same thing to me." I stated sadly.

"Then you better start believing it." Dís scolded in a slight threatening manner. "Not to mention...she has people waiting for her, and someone special to come back to. She'll wake up soon."

"Hmph." I scoffed, looking to my sister. "Since when did you become so mature?"

"I've always been mature, there's just no fun being mature all the time." Dís commented causing Fili and Kili to laugh.

(Third P.O.V)

The family talked happily together, catching up on the past two years and making up for lost time. Dís spoke about what she's been doing in the Blue Mountains in their absence and then Fili, Kili and Thorin spoke about their quest. Everything from the moment they stepped foot in Bag End, the friendships they've made with Bilbo, Bellethiel and her kin, up until the end of the battle and the fall of Azog.

When they finished retelling their story, Thorin and Dís began to reminisce about their childhood and their time in the mountain. Sharing the good and the bad times and just getting lost in the past with Fili and Kili listening intently.

But something happened that went unnoticed to the four sitting around the bed. The family was so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't see Bellethiel's fingers twitch slightly at her side.

A twitch! There's a response! Bellethiel responded! But when is she going to wake up? Already there's complications going on between the returning dwarves and the elves! Everyone from the company is doing their best to keep the peace and to make sure the elves go no where! How things have changed. We are now introduced to Thorin's sister Dís and I made her that way because Fili and Kili had to have gotten their personality from somewhere lol. When will Bellethiel wake up? What will happen once she does? We'll have to find out in the future chapters!

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