《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》Not In A Festive Mood


Author's Note: Hello Hobbit fans! Thank you everyone who read, commented, voted, and followed. It really made me happy to see such a response! Hopefully more will start to read as more chapters get updated. =) Sorry for the late update, I was meaning to submit this earlier, but the first draft just didn't fly well with me and I had to redo things here and there. So hopefully this finished project isn't such a letdown!

Again, thank you everyone who followed, voted and commented the first chapter! I'm happy you guys enjoyed it, even though it was only the first chapter. Any grammar errors or anything that I missed and it got confusing a bit then I'm sorry, I will be sure to look at it and change things when I read it over again once more! =)

Disclaimer: You know the drill! I do not own ANYTHING from The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Anything or any reference you recognize from the movie do not belong to me and all I own is Belle, her kin and the elves that follow her. This chapter is a bit short, but I still hope that you enjoy it! Happy reading!

(Third P.O.V)

The day came and went for the survivors and everyone that was camped in what was left of Dale was busy for the remainder of the day. There was not one person just sitting about doing nothing, the healers were running about rushing to tend to the wounded, and those that weren't wounded were guarding the outskirts of the city making sure that none of the orcs that retreated back would dare attack again. Thorin, Bard, and Thranduil were busy negotiating in the tent that Tirananniel had bought Thorin and his kin in with Gandalf baring witness and making sure an argument wouldn't transpire between the leaders. Bilbo...well Bilbo stayed by Bellethiel's side having not the heart to leave his friend alone.

When night crept up on the survivors, the cold came along with it. Thorin, Thranduil and Bard began to discuss about relocating the survivors into the halls of Erebor to protect their people against the biting cold, or at least protect the race of men from the cold.

With the help of those that were capable of moving the wounded from Dale to Erebor, they were able to assist the injured and the wounded over the makeshift bridge that the dwarves created into the protected walls of the kingdom. The survivors made themselves comfortable and at home...they felt safe and were able to finally relax.

The next day however there was talk of a celebratory feast, a feast to rejoice in reclaiming the mountain and coming out victorious against such terrible foes. And while the talk of a feast began to lift the spirits of the warriors and survivors, it was a completely different story for Thorin and the company. For the first time, they weren't in the mood for song and dance...for how could they celebrate when those that had played an important part in the quest wouldn't be joining them. The absence of their friend affected everyone and their activities.

Dwalin was more irritable than usual, Ori would be found attempting to draw and document the journey, but failing. Fili and Kili weren't even in high spirits like they usually were. Balin would be found alone in the library with a book in front of him, reading the same lines over and over, having a hard time concentrating. Even Bombur who loved to eat and Bofur who loved to sing took no joy in their activity...it was the same for the rest of the company as well.


The only people who knew of the great sacrifice Bellethiel and her kin made for the line of Durin was the company, Dáin, Tirananniel, and quite possibly Thranduil and Bard for whenever they would look at Bellethiel they looked at her with a heavy expression...so sadly, Thorin had no say in the matter of there being a great feast, because those that had to go through such a traumatic ordeal needed something to be happy about.

Thorin had specifically moved Belle into a secluded room, away from the Gallery of the Kings were all the survivors were gathered and resting, it was a room that was special to Thorin for it had belonged to him when he lived in Erebor. He had made sure that the room was cleaned out before they had laid her on the soft bed. And as for Bellethiel's nephews, there was a room that was right across from Bellethiel, whose room it belonged to though he had quite forgotten. The only thing he knew was that when he opened the door he saw two beds that would be good for Bellethiel's nephews.

When everyone had settled down last night Thorin had stayed sitting by Bellethiel's side, falling asleep on a chair beside the bed. The only time he left the room was to make sure that his guests were being well taken care of, they were all huddling together in the Hall of the Kings, sleeping on the gold floor. Thorin could smell the food being prepared as he passed the kitchen area causing Thorin to let out a sigh, thinking on how he could possibly celebrate when Bellethiel wouldn't be by his side to enjoy such a happy occasion.

"Uncle." Fili called out as he opened the door to the room that held Bellethiel, letting his uncle know that it was only him visiting. "The feast is about to start..."

"How's Belle doing?" Kili questioned as he stepped out from behind his brother.

Thorin shook his head as he got up from the chair beside the bed and turned to his nephews.

"Hasn't moved...no changes in her condition..." Thorin stated sadly as he walked past his nephews. "we should go...we shouldn't be late to the feast..."

Fili and Kili took one last look to where Bellethiel lay before turning to follow their uncle out the door.

As they were walking the halls to where the feast would be held they saw Thenidiel walking toward them.

"Thenidiel." Kili greeted. "Will you be attending the feast?"

Thenidiel shook her head, and looked to Thorin sadly.

"I don't think I can celebrate with Nana and my cousins not attending...I think I will stay with them and watch to see if there's any change in their condition..." Thenidiel mumbled.

"Attend the festivities." Another voice said out of the blue causing Thenidiel to turn around to come face to face with Tirananniel.

"But..." Thenidiel said, trying to refuse and come up with a reason as to why she should not attend only to have Tirananniel hold up her hand to silence her.

"The feast is to celebrate your victory, you are part of Thorin's company...you helped reclaim the mountain. Just as it's important for Thorin and his kin to attend, it is just as important that you are there as well." Tirananniel stated. "I will watch over Bellethiel and her nephews."

"You won't be joining?" Thenidiel asked.

"If you ask anyone, they'll tell you that I'm not one for parties." Tirananniel smiled sadly. "If Bellethiel, Beriohtarion, or Balamaethor's state worsens, I will come to retrieve you."


Thenidiel looked down sadly before reluctantly nodding her head. Tirananniel patted Thenidiel's shoulder before walking past her, heading to where Thorin and his nephews had come from, and disappearing through the door that Bellethiel was in.

"I guess that's it then..." Thenidiel said, smiling sadly to Thorin. "Shall we go? We wouldn't want to be late."

Thorin nodded before leading the way, the four walking through the halls in silence, dreading going to the dining hall where the feast was being held...a feast they weren't in the mood for.

There was muffled laughter the moment the four reached the large double doors that led to the dining hall, the smell of food reached their nose. Thorin reached out and placed both his hands on the double doors, pausing for a bit before pushing against the doors. The doors creaked loudly causing the sound of merriment to quiet down. Thorin was the first to enter and all eyes were directed toward the new comers, everyone in the room smiling at the King.

"Let's get this over with..." Fili mumbled as he followed his uncle through the doors, Kili and Thenidiel following right behind.

The dining hall was huge, possibly fitting close to several hundreds. In the middle, stretching from close to the double doors to the far back was a long wooden table. At the far back was a large chair that was reserved for Thorin, three seats close to the large throne-like chair was empty and the company sitting close by. On both sides of the long table were three other long tables, all the seats were already taken by men, dwarves, and elves. The three races mingling, drinking ale, and eating leftover food that was bought by Thranduil to Bard when they were taking shelter in Dale. The three races were enjoying themselves as if there was no ill will anymore toward each other, that everything was now water under the bridge.

The silence was soon broken as everyone erupted into cheers.

"All hail King Thorin! All hail the King under the Mountain!" The room cheered, everyone greeting Thorin as he passed by to get to the very back of the hall toward the large chair.

Thorin sat at his chair with Fili sitting on Thorin's right and Kili sitting on the left. Beside Kili was Bilbo, Dáin, and Bard while next to Fili was Thenidiel, and Thranduil. The company sat on either side after the leaders.

The celebration continued, the people going about their cheery way, but the company sat and observed. All of them filled with concern and sadness, and everyone feeling guilty for being a part of this celebration when they know that there were three important people missing.

"I can't do this..." Thenidiel mumbled sadly, clenching her hands in her lap. "I'm sorry...I need to leave..."

A hand was placed on Thenidiel's shoulder, and when Thenidiel turned to look at who the hand belonged to, she saw that it belonged to Thranduil.

The elf lord was leisurely drinking out of a simple wine cup, but he wasn't looking at Thenidiel. His eyes were set on whatever was in his cup as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, a solemn expression on his face.

"Don't get up, it would be considered rude." Thranduil whispered quietly so only Thenidiel could hear. "As hard as it may seem...you have to endure it. You're here representing Bellethiel and your cousins. If I know Bellethiel, and I know her very well...she wouldn't want you to just get up and leave. Even she would probably say it would be considered rude. They're in good hands, I promise you."

"My Lord..." Thenidiel mumbled a bit in shock, before squeezing her eyes shut, taking in a deep breath to calm her nerves. "you're right..."

The celebration went on, but even with the advice from Thranduil, Thenidiel wasn't able to enjoy the festivities.

"Bellethiel would be so disappointed if she were to see us now." A voice said as someone came to stand beside Thorin, bringing those in the company, Bard, Thranduil, and Dáin's attention to the person beside Thorin.

Thorin blinked, snapping out of his thoughts, before looking to his side to see Mellimeldisiel staring emotionlessly out into the crowd. Her hands were folded in front of her and her head was held high.

"Hm?" Thorin mumbled, looking curiously up to the elf.

"If Bellethiel were here, if she could be here, she would ask us what in the world do we think we're doing, acting this way..." Mellimeldisiel stated, never taking her eyes off the crowd. "she would want us to be happy and celebrating such a success."

"And how exactly could we possibly be happy at a time like this..." Thorin growled out, glaring just a bit up at the elf. "there are three people who played a key role in our survival lying in bed who could possibly die any minute and we're here feasting and drinking."

"We should be happy because she would want us to be happy." Mellimeldisiel stated. "You are upset because you can't be by her side, but like many have already said...she is in good hands. Tirananniel is with her, she was always looking out for Bellethiel when Bellethiel's parents left. I think Tirananniel considers Bellethiel her responsibility, so with her being injured you can be sure Tirananniel is keeping a close eye on the state of Bellethiel."

Thorin sighed, still unable to bring himself to enjoy this party. Mellimeldisiel let out a huff before reaching out and placing a hand on Thorin's shoulder.

"Bellethiel will be fine; she's gone through countless wars...she will pull through this and return to you. But right now, she would want everyone to be merry and celebrating this victory. It's a celebration to honor the lives that were lost, to honor those that fought alongside you, to celebrate the mending of three alliances, and to celebrate reclaiming the mountain." Mellimeldisiel said. "Be cheerful because she would want you to be...be happy for Bellethiel."

"I'd hate to agree with it..." Thranduil stated, taking another sip from his cup. "but Mellimeldisiel is right. We would never hear the end of it if Bellethiel were here, she'd be lecturing us for hours with those cold blue eyes of hers."

"She pull that on you as well?" Mellimeldisiel said with a knowing smile.

"Too many times to count...even if I was the one she answered to, it didn't matter." Thranduil chuckled. "If a lecture was needed she would not hold back, no matter if you out ranked her."

"We saw that in Rivendell when she was talking to Dûrion." Bilbo said with a slight smile. "Quite scary..."

"The lass gave that same look when she left the mountain to head back to Dale with Gandalf and Bard." Dwalin laughed, not wanting to mention the banishment part.

"Hopefully I won't need to experience any of her lectures." Bard said with a smile.

"My cousins said that her stare can be scary." Thenidiel said as she remembered the time when they arrived in Esgaroth, showing a true smile for the first time since Bellethiel fell unconscious.

"I remember that," Bard said, laughing a bit. "she can be scary, and I can only imagine how terrible her lectures would be."

"She would make you feel the absolute worse for what you did until you end up seeing the error of your ways." Mellimeldisiel said with a chuckle. "Best hope that you never get any of her so called 'talks.'"

"I've seen the sprite fight and that was terrifying enough. If her words and eyes can instill that much terror, even to the woodland sprite, then I cannot wait to get to know the lass." Dáin said, letting out a loud, hearty laugh causing Thranduil to glare slightly at the dwarf Lord.

The company all started to talk amongst themselves, now smiling as they remembered the good times they had with Bellethiel and her nephews.

While the company spoke, Thorin thought for a bit with a heavy heart before he reached out to take his goblet into his hand and stood from his chair. Everyone in the room instantly fell silent, with all eyes on Thorin as he cleared his throat and addressed the large crowd.

"Today, we celebrate our victory against a great enemy. Alone, we would have fallen, but together, we came out triumphant. We could not have accomplished this without rallying together with the Men of Esgaroth," Thorin said as he turned to look at Bard. "and the Elves of Greenwood." Thorin then turned to look at Thranduil before looking to the crowd once more. "We've had our...differences in the beginning, but I am thankful that we are able to put it behind us. But I digress, we celebrate our victory, but we can't forget those that we have lost. We've lost loved ones, friends, and comrades...and if you think about it, this should be a time of mourning for all sides. But I think...those that we lost that we held close and dear to our hearts would want us to be happy instead of mourn. They cannot be with us physically, but I think they are here celebrating with us...they're still here even if we cannot see them. We shall not forget them...so, let us be merry and have this celebration in honor of those that we lost, to our victory, and to a new beginning with a mended alliance between our races."

Thorin looked around the room, seeing the faces of people in the crowd fall as he assumed they were remembering the friends that they have lost, before looking back up to Thorin. Everyone took a hold of whatever cup they were using to drink from and held close to them.

"Cheers." Thorin called out, lifting his goblet high.

"Here here!" Everyone in the room erupted in loud cheers, taking a drink from their cup and the merriment continued soon after Thorin sat.

Thorin looked to the company, to Dáin, Thranduil, Bard, Bilbo, and lastly...to Thenidiel as he smiled to the elf before holding his cup to them. A few words that were only meant for those that were around him, words that only needed to be said to them.

"To Bellethiel, Beriohtarion, and Balamaethor." Thorin said quietly with a sad smile.

"To Bellethiel, Beriohtarion, and Balamaethor." Everyone around him called out as everyone took a long swig from their cups.

'We'll have another celebration...' Thorin thought as he smiled at the company who soon began to lighten up just a bit. 'and when that time comes...you will be here by my side...celebrating and smiling with me.'

The speech Thorin made was...a bit hard to do because I wanted it to be heartfelt and I was trying to make it sound good without rambling and it sounding weird...so I hope that it was a good speech. Almost like speeches people would do at weddings or at gatherings and what not. As for the dining hall, imagine it being as big as the Hall of the Kings, sort of that big but maybe a little smaller, at least able to fit all the survivors haha.


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