《The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)》It's Not Fair


Author's Note: Hello Everyone! This is the "sister" story to The Rebel (which is complete). If you have not read The Rebel then I suggest you go ahead and read that first so you will understand what's going on. If you already have then this story will take place right after Belle had passed out! This story will tell what happened in those 10 years before the company, Belle, and her family went back to Bag End. I hope you enjoy this side story that will be the adventures of Belle and Thorin and what they had to go through to reach their happily ever after! I hope that you all enjoy!

The title is very...tedious to me and I couldn't figure out what would be a good title...so forgive me if it's not a very good title. I had a great title in mind but...it was still just complicated. So if anyone has a better idea then review. If not then this is the title of the story, with help from a good friend of mine QueenOfNerds277.

Disclaimer:I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. At this point anything that you recognize that I quote from the book or movie and the characters belong to those two wonderful men! I only own Bellethiel and her family and all the made up elves that follows Belle. Any grammar errors that you see forgive me, I will be sure to correct after some sleep. And I may possibly rewrite some stuff if it's a bit confusing, just depends on the situation. Anyway! Enjoy!

(Thorin's P.O.V)

"Once everything settles down...you will get what you are owed..." I said as I spoke to Bard.

The bowman looked a bit taken back by what I had just said and looked at me in the oddest way.

"What?" I questioned in irritation after the two of us stood facing each other in silence for several minutes.

"Nothing." Bard answered quickly, shaking his head with a smile. "I'm just surprised that you bought it up and agreed without me so much as asking first. I thought I would have to persuade you still that we only want what you promised."

"Would you rather have had me say nothing?" I asked glaring up at the man.

"No, no." Bard said, holding his hands up in defense. "I'm curious though...what made you change your mind? After all, at the beginning, you decided you would rather go to war with us then give my people what was owed."

I took a quick glance to where Bellethiel was standing, leaning against the far wall and speaking with that elf lord and I couldn't help but smile in her direction. It was only when Bard started laughing a bit did I turn my attention back to the bowman.

"Something funny?" I questioned finding nothing about this situation amusing.

"No," Bard said with a smile. "I just figured out the reason for your change of heart."

"Hmph..." I grumbled, crossing my arms across my chest. "we should get their attention, there's something in the mountain that belongs to Thranduil as well. It's about time it should be returned..."

The two of us looked toward where Thranduil and Bellethiel were standing and Bellethiel said something to Thranduil as she motioned with her head toward us. Thranduil turned his head in our direction before pushing himself off the wall. The elf Lord made his way to where Bard and I were standing and came to a stop by Bard's side, his arms folded across his chest looking a bit impatient.


"White gems of Lasgalen, that's what you desire...it will be returned to you..." I said causing Thranduil's eyes to widen in shock. "I hope that you will accept this as a...apology for the trouble I have caused due to the sickness in that mountain, and a show of peace between our races."

"Quite a surprise...I was expecting more of a fight when returning at least what belongs to me." Thranduil said peering down at me.

"You two have the exact same reaction." I grumbled, glaring at bit up at the two. "Shall I just not give it back then?"

"I didn't mean it in an offensive way," Thranduil stated, shaking his head. "I just assumed with the tension between our races that you wouldn't be so kind as to simply agree and return my family heirloom."

"Things have changed..." I stated plainly. "we can discuss this more once everything is resolved, you will have what belongs to you, you have my word."

Bard smiled before holding his hand out to me and I gratefully took it and the two of us shook hands before I tentatively reached a hand out to Thranduil.

Thranduil glanced down at my hand before reaching out and taking my hand in his own, the two of us shook though it was a bit tense for my liking and I quickly retracted my hand the moment we let go.

"I will say this Thorin." Thranduil stated as he placed his hand back at his side. "You are very lucky to have Bellethiel at your side, she has served my family well...and I hope you take very good care of her. At one point in time we were good friends, and I am...happy to know that she will be in good hands."

I was a bit taken back by what the elf had said before I nodded my head nonetheless.

"What happens now?" Bard questioned, looking around the courtyard in front of the Great Hall.

"The dwarves who called Erebor their home will return...and I hope to restore Erebor to its former glory once more." I stated.

"Any dwarf that comes through my realm will be escorted safely through the forest." Thranduil offered. "I'm sure you and Bellethiel would appreciate that."

I nodded my head in thanks before asking Bard the same question.

"With the gold you give us, we'll be restoring Esgaroth and hopefully Dale." Bard said. "Though, we'll have to find a place as a temporarily resting place while the restorations are being carried out."

"Any of the survivors can take shelter in the halls of Erebor for as long as they want while their home is being restored." I offered as Bard smiled in relief.

"Thank you." Bard said. "The people of Esgaroth will be extremely grateful."

"We need a healer here!" I heard the frantic, panicked voice of Bilbo call out. "Quick!"

I looked to where Bilbo's voice had come from and I saw a large crowd gathering around the area. Gandalf began pushing his way through the crowd with Bellethiel's niece Thenidiel following close behind.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"No idea..." Thranduil said, the three of us beginning to rush toward the scene.

"They found them! The Eagles! They found Beriohtarion and Balamaethor!" I heard Thenidiel call out, her voice starting to get drowned out by the crowd.

"What's going on?" I called out trying to push my way through the people that was crowded around the area. "Make a path!"


"Those who do not belong here, disperse!" Thranduil ordered causing more people to quickly move out of the way.

When everyone finally made a path for the three of us, I saw Bilbo standing nervously to the side as Gandalf and Thenidiel were crouched next to a fallen body...and when I recognized who that body belonged to my blood ran cold.

"Oh no..." Bard breathed out quietly.

"Bellethiel..." I whispered in shock. "Belle!"

I rushed forward, passing Bilbo and skidded to a stop, kneeling down close to Bellethiel.

"Thorin, you must stay back." Gandalf advised, but I chose to ignore the wizard.

"What happened?" I commanded.

"Thorin, please stand back!" Gandalf growled out.

"Nana!" I heard Thenidiel yell out. "Stay with me, Nana!"

"Take him away!" Gandalf ordered to someone behind me when I didn't move.

I felt two pairs of arms grab at me from both sides and began to pull me away causing me to struggle profusely against my captors.

"Uncle!" Fili's voice called out.

"You must calm down!" Kili's voice called from my other side. "I know you want to stay by Belle, but you can't!"

"You'd just be in the way!" Fili said. "Let the healers do their job!"

I ceased my struggling and their grip on me loosened, in that moment I forcefully pulled out of their grasp and watched as more healers started to crowd around Bellethiel.

The three of us watched from the side as I heard Thenidiel call out orders for more supplies.

"How did this happen..." Kili's voice was pained as we watched more people arrive to hand supplies to Thenidiel and the healers that have joined to help.

"I don't know..." I stated as I watched the scene sadly, my chest tightening when I knew I could do nothing but watch.

From the archway I saw more people running into the courtyard area and I saw Beriohtarion and Balamaethor being carried into the Great Hall.

"What happened?" A female's voice called out from behind us.

I looked behind to see a distraught Melda, covered in splotches of black and red blood.

"They found Belle's nephews..." Kili said. "and Belle...she's..."

"We don't know what happened to Belle..." Fili said sadly. "there's a bunch of healers looking at her right now..."

"I'll go and get some information for you three." Melda said after having possibly seen the look of distress on my face.

"Thank you..." I mumbled, grateful for her help.

Melda quickly ran to the group and started talking to a bunch of the healers that weren't busy and I could see her expression getting agitated the more she talked to the people around.

She suddenly started running back to where we were and I already knew the news was bad.

"She's sustained a very fatal injury..." Melda informed me. "she's lost a lot of blood...and they're worried that because she waited too long to get to a healer...that she may not make it."

"I can't lose her..." I mumbled, as I kept my gaze on where the group was gathered.

"They're trying their best to stop the bleeding...Gandalf is doing everything in his powers as well..." Melda said, trying her best to put our worries at ease.

"What about her nephews?" Fili questioned.

"Balamaethor is unconscious and has a large gash on his head while Beriohtarion sustained heavy injuries all over his body..." Melda said sadly. "The healers in the Great Hall are tending to them as we speak...but they don't know if they can do anything that could help them other than wait and see what happens."

"Cousin!" Dáin called as he came running to my side. "What's happenin'? I heard screams?"

I could not speak...just kept on staring forward.

Dáin followed my gaze and looked on in question.

"What's goin' on there?" Dáin questioned.

"Belle..." Fili said his voice choking and unable to finish his sentence.

"What happened to the lass?" Dáin asked with urgency.

"Lady Bellethiel is fighting for her life Lord Dáin..." Melda answered, using honorifics.

"Is the lass dying?" Dáin asked, causing Melda to shake her head.

"No, they're trying their best to save her...but if things don't go as planned..." Melda cut herself off, shaking her head furiously; not wanting to say that there was even a possibility they could fail.

I sunk to my knees, not being able to hold myself up any longer due to the shock.

"Uncle!" I heard my nephews call out in alarm, coming to kneel beside me.

'Why...why wouldn't she go to a healer the moment she knew...' I thought in irritation. "Why did this happen..."

"She's there because she wanted to save you..."

I turned to see that seer, Tirananniel, walking up to us.

"If you want me to explain...then please let's speak somewhere private." Tirananniel said, motioning for me to follow. "There's a tent we can go to...your kin should come along as well."

I looked back to where I knew Bellethiel was and got back up on my feet, deciding to follow the elf to the tent.

When we arrived, Tirananniel opened the flap to the tent for us and I walked inside followed closely by my nephews and my cousin.

The tent was empty, there were no chairs or anything to sit on and I heard the flaps of the tent flutter close behind us. I heard Tirananniel sigh as she made her way around us before coming to a stop straight in front of me.

"Please explain..." I pleaded to the seer. "why did this happen?"

"Bellethiel and her nephews are fighting for their lives because of what Bellethiel decided to do." Tirananniel stated.

"What she decided to do? What did Belle do?" Kili questioned.

"The Valar are very twisted one could say...one life for the other I suppose..." Tirananniel whispered quietly to herself. "Do you truly want to know Thorin II Oakenshield why Bellethiel and her kin are in the state that they're in?"

"Yes," I stated firmly. "what do you mean by one life for the other?"

Tirananniel stared at us with a hard stare before she opened her mouth and spoke rather bluntly without missing a beat.

"You and your nephews weren't meant to be alive." Tirananniel stated.

"What did you say?" Dáin growled out angrily.

Tirananniel held up her hand to silence my cousin before she continued to speak.

"Let me finish before any of you interrupt. I tell you this now because we now have a different future, the path that was supposed to be taken no longer matters thus will have no consequences if I tell you this." Tirananniel said firmly. "In Imladris, I had shown Bellethiel what was to happen at the end of this quest you had set foot on. What she had seen was your death. I showed it to her because I was trying to protect her for I knew she was already developing feelings toward you...I could see it in her eyes even if she didn't realize it herself what she was feeling. I was hoping...she'd stay away, but it had quite the opposite effect."

"Our deaths." I breathed out. "What do you mean?"

Tirananniel sighed before she shook her head.

"She made it her mission to try and stop your deaths; she thought that through all the hardships you had gone through that you deserved to sit on the throne of Erebor. So, after she came to that decision, when you had banished Bellethiel from the mountain, the future had changed slightly...but your deaths were inevitable...it urged her to further attempt to stop your deaths. She tried everything in her power to go against destiny...and this is the price she is paying." Tirananniel spoke sadly. "When your nephew Fili was dangling over the edge in Azog's grasp he was supposed to die by execution. Kili was supposed to die when he attempted to save Tauriel from Bolg...and you Thorin, you were supposed to die on that lake when you faced up against Azog by yourself. Bellethiel prevented your deaths...thus she is paying the price with her own life and her nephews were caught in the middle. The moment she wanted to intervene, the future had changed. I don't think she took into account that her nephews would be involved."

"We should be dead..." Fili said as I saw him stumble back a bit.

"You should, but Bellethiel made sure you three survived." Tirananniel said. "You've been given a future, a second chance, you should be grateful...it's not everyday people get a second chance."

"Grateful? Belle is dying! Her nephews are dying!" Kili yelled out. "How can you say that? Belle is your friend isn't she?"

"I say it because I think she knew what could possibly happen to her if she saved you three. She told me she would take whatever consequences come her way; she would've given up her life for yours!" Tirananniel said angrily. "Yes, I am saying you should be grateful! Am I happy that my friend is dying? No! But I'm telling you to not let her sacrifice be in vain!"

"Why didn't she go to a healer?" Dáin asked.

"I'm assuming she was waiting to make sure you didn't fall back to the dragon sickness and that the alliance between Thranduil and the dwarves of Erebor were restored." Tirananniel said sadly.

"What's going to happen?" I questioned, looking to Tirananniel. "Can you see what's going to happen to them?"

Tirananniel, sadly, shook her head.

"No, the future is unclear and hidden from me as of now...and I cannot see what's to happen to her. Ever since her bath became entwined with yours, it has been ever changing." Tirananniel said. "Though, I wish I knew..."

"Belle..." Kili said quietly while all I could do was think over what had been told to me.

'She's there because of me...' I thought sadly.


The flap of the tent was pushed open and in walked Thenidiel, huffing and puffing as she stood up straight and looked at us.

"How's Belle doing?" Fili asked.

"We've stopped the bleeding...but we're not sure for how long." Thenidiel informed, looking down sadly. "They're taking her to the Great Hall as we speak..."

"What about her nephews?" Kili asked. "Are they okay?"

"I don't know...when I head back to the Great Hall I was going to see what happened." Thenidiel mumbled before smiling sadly to Kili. "Tauriel has returned as well, she's inside the Great Hall assisting where she's needed. I will take my leave Thorin..."

Thenidiel bowed before exiting the tent.

"Join us in the Great Hall when you are ready my King..." Tirananniel said, walking past us and heading to the flaps of the tent. "with so many injured...Bellethiel would want everyone doing their part...she would be upset to know I'm doing nothing."

And with that, Tirananniel left the four of us alone in the tent.

"Uncle..." Fili said, coming up to me as I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. "we should go and see how Belle and her family are doing..."

I couldn't say anything, I just nodded my head and walked out of the tent and headed straight for the Great Hall.

Once we got inside, there were healers knelt at the sides of the injured, many were running from one place to the other carrying bandages and jars of what I assumed was ointment in their arms. The four of us carefully maneuvered to the side and edged our way further into the Great Hall, making sure to keep out of the way of the healers.

I already knew where my elf was for in the far back of the Great Hall I saw my company sitting around a makeshift cot. On either side of the company were two other cots that had healers surrounding the beds.

I swiftly made my way to the group and Balin was the first to notice our presence, and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"How is she?" I asked as soon as I came to stand besides Balin.

"She hasn't woken up...hasn't moved..." Balin answered as he stepped to the side for me to get a better look at Bellethiel. "Gandalf said he doesn't know if she will wake up..."

Lying in the cot was my Belle...her eyes were closed and she looked to be peacefully sleeping. Her hands were folded together, placed on top of her stomach and her armor was stripped off, leaving her in just the black tunic that she wore underneath. Her skin was pale, and not the healthy pale like when I had first set my eyes on her back at Bag End. She had a sickly, deathly pale complexion and all I wanted at this moment was for her eyes to open and look at me with those ice blue eyes that I loved so much.

"How could this happen..." Dwalin grumbled from besides his brother. "she should've gone to a healer..."

"Why did this happen..." Ori said as his older brother flung his arm around the young dwarf in a comforting matter. "it just doesn't seem fair..."

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