《Our Little Moon》Chapter 21- 25 years ago


"Be very careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some people can't wait for the opportunity to use them against you." —- unknown


(A day before Delilah went to Ares House)

"How many times do I have to tell you, that you have to stop coming here." I told her in soft tone. Her eyes immediately stare at me in shocked before she speaks. In here —- meaning in my own hellhole, a cell that was located in which floor—— I have no idea because I can't walk or even leave this cell without my crutches.

"And then what? So that you will not eat your food?" She replied before pushing the tray of food in front of me. A Bread and a piece of fried egg. It's actually the best food that they could give me once a day.

"It's not the food, it's you. I'm so worried about you—- what if they found out that you still coming here? They will going to hurt you again." I explained.

Eversince I woke up from car crashed, she's the only one that helped me and take good care of me even she doesn't know me yet.

And as time goes by, I saw her as my other daughter aside from my Luna.

🌙 . —- 2 years ago🌙

"Who are you?" I asked to this girl who looked 17-18 in age with long brown hair.

I just woke up and my body was really in deep pain. When I looked at myself, I'm still wearing the same shirt and pants before the car crash but now, the shirt was covered in blood.

"Hi, I- I am s-slut." She stuttered and I don't know if I hear it correctly or my ears are just cheating on me.

"I think it's not a for a girl like you." I told her, her eyes flash under the light like something click on her mind but then she choose to ignore it and lower her gaze.

"That's w-what they c-call me since I can remember. B-Bitch, w-whore and s-slut, you can c-choose." and being baffled for what she said is really understatement, like what the f*ck!

Like do her parents have no manners to atleast give her a proper name?

But by looking at her eyes, all I could see is agony.

She doesn't look good, like her body is like a stick but despite that, she was blessed with a beautiful face and beautiful eyes. It's color green like a Rose leaf, that it's edges will cut you through because of the pain and sorrow that it holds.

What did an angel like her do to deserve this kind of pain?

"Even a dog and a cat has a name, and I am sure you have one." I told her and I saw how she tilt her head towards me and look at me with hint of shyness.

"I d-don't k-know, my m-mother s-sold me to my m-master for m-money, m-master said to t-tend for h-her d-drug a-addiction. I t-think I h-have a n-name — but m-master l-like to call m-me that s-slut— e-eversince I l-learn to t-talk." And tears rolled down to her cheeks like a river. I really want to comfort her but I am still weak. Looking at my left leg, I don't know if I can walk again. My left leg is numb that I can't even move it.

Soon, I remember something and I hope that it was still there. I touched the secret pocket on my pants and I felt so relieved and pull out the small picture of my sons that I supposed to show to my daughter.


But that never happen because some Gang group ambushed me while going to their house.

"Just so you know young lady, all human has a name and I definitely can't call you name. So, if I will ask you now, what name do you want me to call you?" Her eyes glint with happiness once she heard what I just said, and she looks like a angel and once again I miss my daughter, and my fiancè, . And I am wondering what they are doing right now.

Looking at her speechless with frown face, I think she didn't know any nice name for that I decided to help her.

"Okay, I'm gonna help you. There is which means 'Delicate' and because your eyes are green, there is or and also is a nice choice too and it means 'beautiful'." Her eyes widened in amazement and I couldn't control myself not to chuckle.

"C-Can you c-choose f-for me too?" She asked with smile on her face. And even I like to disagree with her, I choose to grant her wish.

"What about ?" I told her with a smile. Her mouth ajar and was speechless for a while before her eyes beamed with delight.

"I-I am a d-delicate g-green?" She asks and my eyes grew bigger because I didn't expect that.

"Yes, you are and you're very smart Delilah Jade." I praised her and her smile that reached upto her eyes brings some happiness to my heart.

"T-thank y-you." She told me before she gave me a clean shirt and pants and then after that, she helped me clean and treat my wounds.

🌙 🌙

"As if they will stop abusing me even I stop visiting you. Zuzu, please you have to eat. Are you trying to kill yourself?" She asked in shaky voice. And I couldn't stop myself to feel guilty. She looked so hurt. Like I put another mass of pain to her already heavy heart.

"I'm sorry Lilah, after they told me that my sons, daughter and fiancè are all dead, I feels like my world stop spinning around and all I could think about —— is to be with them, because what else does someone like me has to live for?" I told her, that I think was too much for her because I didn't expect her reaction.

"W-What about m-me? Am I n-not worthy to live for? You're the only person that treat me like a human when no one else did. You care for me and taught me lot of things and I'm very grateful to you. You're the father that I never had and it hurts so much that you think that it's better to be dead and be with them." She said while tears falling on her cheeks.

And I immediately wrapped my arms around her body and told her 'I am sorry'.

"I shouldn't say that, Lilah, and I am so sorry. Sometimes we cannot control ourselves to say things that we really didn't mean to."

"It's alright, but what if he was lying. I mean what if your family was not dead?" She said but after Jack have showed me the picture of my house with white smoke everywhere and dead bodies, all I think about was to mourn and I never thought the possibility, that maybe they are still alive.

What if, Delilah was correct?

What if they are still alive?

"Sometimes, bad people used other's weaknesses to destroy them. Mas— I mean Jack, knew how much you love your family, that's why he used that to get through you." I'm really got stunned about what she said.


She really have changed, from scaredy cat and shy little thing into confident and bright young lady. She's 20 now and I am so proud of her. She improved a lot specially on her stuttering and her confidence, that's why that Jack hurt her so much and his gang members for being a smart kid.

When they found out that I am teaching her, they despised her more and said that she's not deserving to learn because she's a daughter of a drug addict and no one will love her.

But I always say that it was not true. And I am so happy that she believes me more than them.

"Even they are alive Delilah, I don't know how I can come out here alive— see my leg? I cannot walk." I whined and look at her again.

"Thank you Lilah, I will eat this food—- for you, I promise. You can go now and be careful okay." She smile at me and rush out from my cell and I hope that nobody will hurt her again.

Now that I am alone and looking at my ceiling, I imagine that nothing bad ever came to them.

My sons —- are they all alright and away from trouble? My twins, Hades and Apollo— they supposed to be in college now and I hope that they stop being such a troublemaker.

Eros my youngest and favorite but I never admit that in front of the boys because I am the one who taught them that favoritism is not good in the family, but what I can do? Eros is my baby boy and this time he shoud be in junior and I hope that he's Captain now of football.

While my eldest son, Ares—- my backbone and bestfriend, should atleast got a serious relationship now and stop himself from being a playboy. And I hope he will forgive me for not telling him about Luna and Diana.

And last my Dionysus—- my future Doctor and I know that even he didn't tell me, I know that he's gay but I will never stop loving him because he is my son. I just hope that his boyfriend will not hurt him.

And then my sweet Luna, my daughter. Her angelic and sweet voice that drives me crazy. And I think she's already in school by now and I cannot wait to see her again.

and finally my Diana—— the one and only woman that I love.


(25 years ago)

While I am walking at the garden, I saw a girl sitting while her back was pressed against an oak tree. I want to walk towards her but she's crying and I am not sure if it is okay to approach her on that moment. But I can't understand myself and walk towards her instead.

"Hi, why are you crying?" And my eyes widened because she looks so young, like 15 if I am correct.

"Stranger Danger Mister." She replied and I let out a chuckle because I forget about that.

"Okay, well I am Zeus." And her face lift up with happiness upon hearing my name. Like is it a good thing?

"Zeus as in the Greek God of the Sky and Olympus?" I nod my head at her because I am wondering why she's so happy about it.

"I am so fascinated about stories about greek gods and goddesses, that if ever I will have children I will name them like Ares, Artemis and Apollo or even Eros and Dionysus, Athena or even Hades- the god of the underworld." She explain that I couldn't stop myself to look at her face and eyes. I am stupid if I say that she pretty because she's not, she's absolutely breathataking beautiful. But she's only 15 and I am 21.

"Wow, I didn't know actually any of that. I know my name referred to some God but with all the name that you mentioned, I actually have nnnnnooo Idea." I said and all of the sudden she let out a soft giggles that I am sure will never stop myself to listen to.

"Silly, you never heard them even in school?" She asks with a raised brow.

"Well yes but I am lazy to read." I told her and she looked at me like I've grown two heads. Then shook her head while smiling. And have to admit but I think cupid just shot my heart.


And that was the first time I met her, Diana.

I was at Rossi Mansion that time to meet Carlos Rossi and his daughter, Violeta and I didn't expect that I will met someone like her on that place.

And my eyes went wide because I found out that she's the youngest daughter of Carlos.

Since then, we're seeing each other at that oak tree and everytime we're together, my feelings for her started to develop but I have to stop it because she's fucking 15 only.

And I wish that time that I could run away with Diana and avoid the marriage between me and Violeta but I can't.

Until at finally I found out that she runaway when she was 18.

When I heard that news, I don't know what to do because I love her. It never stops even I have a wife that time.

And to remind me of her, I named all my boys to all greek gods even I don't have any idea of their meaning.

Violeta love me so much but I cannot love her back as my heart already belongs to Diana but she stays on our marriage until I asked her for divorce because it was unfair for her and for us to stay in this kind of relationship.

She refused and told me that she will take all my kids with her and I will never see them again which stop me for pursuing the divorce.

But when I caught her naked and with other man, my blood boils not because of her cheating but for blackmailing me and using our children.

And since then everything change. I became more close to my children until I heard a news about Diana.

And the reason why I cannot found her when she left the Rossi, was because she used an alias and paid someone to delete her file on the system. I didn't know her reason for doing that and I never ask her, as at that moment, seeing her again and be with her was enough for me.

That after we had Luna, I asked her for marriage which she said yes and I cannot expressed how happy I was because finally the only woman that Cupid paired with me, was finally will be mine—- forever.

Author's Note

Luv you all😍

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