《Our Little Moon》Chapter 20 - please believe me


"Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.." — Les Miserables. Pub. 1862,


It's been a week since Samantha starts living at the mansion and since then, I've decided to live at my penthhouse.

I'm actually not planning to do that, but Samantha tried to seduce me where I've made up my mind that I will cut all connections we have, except when it comes to the baby.

After we enjoyed our family swimming that I promise to Artemis, that night, me and my brothers decided to drink a little, you know just to clear my mind and I got drunk. Samantha then went to my room and said that she just wanted to help me to get comfortable but when she undress me and herself, I throw her out and said that we're done and there's no reason to continue whatever we had in the past.

I know it's an absurd decision but what I didn't realize soon was the pain that I've caused to my only sister. Artemis ask for me every hour of the day because she have sensed that I have a problem eversince Samantha came to our house.

Artemis knew that I'm stressed but she never asked what's the problem when we're talking over the phone. She respected me a lot—- hence I hurt her by staying in this f*cking penth house! Alone!

And all my brothers hated me for hurting her.

On my second day here, Artemis visited me with swollen eyes and she said that she missed me so much and I fucking hate myself. That I want to punch myself because I'm the f*cking as*hole who did that to her.

I said sorry to her non-stop and to have her forgiveness, I told her that we will go to her mother's grave to offer her some prayers and flowers.

She's so happy about it but sad at the same time, but in the end her smile on her face never falter.

But that was not enough to all the pain that I caused her. So I decided that she will stay with me and asked my brothers

to come and get her to meet Mrs. Hidalgo.

They've got angry at me because they will miss her but what can they do? I am the eldest and the Capo —- and that's my decision.

I know , I shouldn't use specially to my brothers, but I have no choice, I am not ready yet to tell them the reason why I am doing this and why I am here.

First, it is because I'm afraid of what they are going to think of me once they learned that I will not marry Samantha even she's carrying my unborn child.

Second, I have lot already on my plate and if someone knew about the child, it will be another target to get through us.

🌘🌕 🌙🌘

Elsewhere, a human shadow came out of a warehouse and hoping that luck will be on her side. It was 4am in the morning and she knew that no one is awake, yet.

She's wearing a big black man's hoodie and a cap to hide her face and her long hair. She keeps looking from left to right to make sure that no one saw her or follow her. On her pocket was just a small amount of money that she took from one his Master's gang member and a picture.

She just hope that her mission would be fruitful because if she failed there is one man that will forever be lonely or die.




"P-please s-stop M-Master, It's h-hurting so much."

"That's what a slut like you will get for disobeying me, again!" Jack yelled as I curled up my body like a ball to secure my head from his powerful kick and punches. I have bruises already from yesterday and now this and I think my ribs just broke again.

"I-I am so s-sorry M-Master." I told him and I hope that he could feel some pity to me and spare to hurt me more even for just a second.

"The bitch like you didn't deserve for forgiveness. How many times did I tell you to stop seeing him huh! Did you like his d*ck that much?" He mocked and I cringed at his words.

His words is like a knife that cut my heart into tiny pieces.

"I am s-sorry." The only words that I can mastered because saying more will put his anger on edge and if that happens, he may probably ask one of his men to rape me. And I am in so much pain right now that I feel like my body wouldn't survive for another day.

So right after giving me one last kick, he finally left me alone and I wait for my body to relax a little before I started to treat my wounds and take some medicine for the pain.

My tears are running down slowly at my face and I couldn't control it. How I wish that my mother just aborted me or kill me when I was a baby than to live like this, in this hellhole.

After I fixed myself, my legs started to go to my room which is the basement but my eyes caught something.

It's a magazine, and since Zuzu taught me how to read, I was able to read the magazine. And it's not about women in bikinis or naked, it's about Ares De Luca.

The eldest son of Zuzu, and it says that he became the CEO of the ROSSI EMPIRE ENTERPRISE!

I looked at the date and it's just new edition so it means they are alive!

It means, Zuzu still has a family.

But there is one uttermost problem about it.

He cannot walk, because of his left leg.

And the only thing that he could leave this place is, if someone knew that he was here.

And how it will happen?


After she arrived at the bus station, she quickly paid for a ticket and get inside the bus. It was her first time to ride and she's utterly skittish but after observing people, she'd finally made it.

She doesn't have much money that's why she choose to ride by bus. While sitting, she's wishing that when this bus stop, someone will be nice to her and help her.

Because the information that she just gathered was just from that magazine and she's not sure if the address that was written on it was true.

Her face soon lift up when the bus driver informed her that she arrived on her destination.

Her legs tried to move faster to get out even her body is in great pain.

Once she's out, she knew that she needs to take a taxi to bring her to his house and that is what she did.

The good thing is, the driver was nice to her after she told him the address, she found out that it will takes 30-45 minutes so she decided to close her eyes to get some nap.

Soon, the driver woke her up and said that they're here. After paying and thanking him, she slowly get out of the taxi and look at the tall gate.


She tried to relax her mind because if she gets stutter again, it will be hard for him to believe her.

"Hi, I-I need to speak w-with Ares De Luca." She told to the guard.

"Miss, My boss is not here so you can come back tomorrow." The guards simply said.

Delilah's eyes widened because she cannot come back.

It should be today and today only!

There would be no tomorrow!

"No.. Kind M-Mister, please, I need to t-tell s-something to him, please I am begging you." She cried out. And when she looked at the guard and noticed that he just stood there, she couldn't control herself anymore and dropped on her knees.

"Please Kind Mister——I c-cannot c-come b-back tomorrow—- P-Please tell him it's v-very important. P-please." She begged on her knees. Her shoulders was trembling. The sounds of her sobbing was so heartbroken that the guards suddenly feel pity on her and helped her to get up from the ground and told her that he will call Ares.

She thanks him a lot while she wiped her own tears away.

'Zuzu just hold on, help will come to you I promise.' She told herself mentally.

"Boss I am sorry, but someone is here, — a woman actually and she wanted to speak with you."

"I am so busy right now so tell her to come back." Ares replied.

"But boss she said, It's very important." The guard reason out because he cannot bear the disappointment on her eyes.

"The f*ck! Fine, I will come and talk to her, but take her to the basement."

"Okay boss." The guard said and close the line.

After that, he looked at Delilah and asked her to follow him. The guard walk so fast and Delilah couldn't keep up because of her aching body and legs but she won't give up, that even she's limping she didn't slow down her pace, because she doesn't want the guard to hate her.

"I am sorry for disturbing you. I just really need to talk to him."

"It's okay Miss but he told me to bring you here while you wait for him. I am sorry but I'm just following order." He said after they've reached the basement and let her come inside and told her to sit on the chair that is in the middle of the basement.

She immediately feels the coldness and shivered when she saw the knives and other torture tools that was on the table at the corner of the room.

Her arms wrapped her own cold-tiny-body because she felt like her blood leaves her body because of fear.

While she's sitting on the chair, tears started to roll down again but this is for Zuzu. She needs to fight her own fears. She needs to be brave not for herself but for him.

Time passed and she doesn't know how many minutes, or hours she's been waiting. But she doesn't care for as long as he will come.

Soon, the door swung open and revealed an angry Ares that has darkened eyes. He's on edge and can't control it because of stress.

"Who are you? And why you're here? Are you one of the woman that I fucked and now you're here to tell me that you're pregnant too?" Delilah's eyes widened in disbelief because this is the first time she saw him and she's definitely not pregnant because her Master was injecting her some birth control to avoid her from being pregnant, so that even his friends and member used her body, she won't get pregnant.

"I-I am uhm— D-Delilah, and I a-am not pregnant, and this is the first time that I saw you, Ares." She replied in stuttering manner but able to deliver what's on her mind.

"So tell me then why you're here?" He said in cold tone, that his eyes were fixed on her face, specially on her green eyes.

His glaring causing her to tremble in fear but 'she needs to be brave.' —- she said to herself.

"I am here because your f-father is alive." Delilah told him, that made him speechless for a second before he let out a loud chuckle.

Like what she just said was some kind of nice joke.

"Sorry, but this past few days some crazy stuff happened, like I found out that I will be a father and now you're telling me that my father is alive. Is this some kind of a joke? Because I can tell you that I had enough already." He said in cold tone.

Delilah tried to calm herself because he looked like a predator, that's ready to pounce on its prey.

"I am telling the truth." She said bravely before pulling out the picture on her pocket and show it to him.

Ares eyes widened in disbelief but still not enough!

"Where did you get this picture huh? TELL ME?" He yelled that caused her to cry in fear and she couldn't take it anymore.

"P-Please S-Sir, you have to believe me. You h-have to save him. Since he woke up I was the one who h-help him, giving him food and to talk to him. He's starting to give up when M-Master told him that all of y-you —- his sons, died already. P-Please save him from that place. Y-you can kill me now if that w-will convince you, anyway I have n-nothing to l-live for. I just want Zuzu to be happy with his family. So please I am begging you...." her hands were on her face as tears running down on her cheeks and it doesn't stop even she tried.

If Ares was like her master, she's dead already for crying mess like this.

"Nobody k-knows that I am h-here. I just saw a m-magazine—- saying that you're now the one that managing the Rossi Empire and that is where I got your address. Your father can't walk because of his left leg, that's why we cannot escape that place. P-Please don't think that this is trap. You have to save him—- if I am wrong, you can end my life. My life is in your hand."

'Anyway I am useless slut' — she mumbled to herself.

"What did you just say?" Ares asked while staring at her face. She shook her head and just lower her gaze.

Ares looked at the picture again. It was them. The five of them. And at the back was his father's handwritings, where he wrote all their names.

'He probably wanted to give this to his daughter, Artemis.' —- Ares said to himself.

And once again his eyes fixed on her face and then to her body. He checked her out and he realized that she's so tiny even her clothes are so big for her because it's belong to a man.

And what he cannot understand is why he wants to remove her jacket and see her body. But he quickly kicked that thoughts to the very far corner of his mind.

"Okay I believe you. But if this is some kind of trap there is extreme consequences." Ares stated while looking at her eyes.

"You can kill me—- but you have to save him now, because if they found that I wasn't there, they might hurt him, but it's just my opinion." She said and once Ares realized that, his long legs crossed the door and slammed it once again to get out, leaving Delilah alone.

She sighed and just hugged herself when suddenly Ares came back, to her.

"Why are you still sitting there? Do you want me to carry you?" He asked sarcastically.

Delilah quickly stand up from her chair but grimaced in pain because of her bruises and painful ribs. Ares have noticed it, and decided to carry her in bridal style.

"I cannot save my father if you will move like sloth." He commented while staring at her awestruck eyes.

"I-I am s-sorry, I d-didn't mean to." and their gazes fixed on each other.

Delilah was in trance because of his nice smell cologne and handsome face but she knew that he's unreachable. She slapped her face mentally when she realized that he once said that he's going to be a father. So It means that he's marrying someone. And for that she lower her gaze and look to anywhere other than him.

And to his disappointment.

Because while staring at her green eyes, he can't fathom while his heart is beating so fast. And why he feels so angry and ecstatic at the same time while he's carrying her.

But before he can figure it out, Delilah speak.

"I can walk from here. You can put me down." She said in soft tone that when she looked up she saw some sadness in his eyes.

But why?

Stop thinking too much Delilah, you will just get hurt.

She scolded herself and walk fast to keep up with him. And relief came to her when they finally reach the mansion.

"Stay here." Ares told her after they enter their office. She nods her head and stand in the corner because Ares didn't offer her to sit. And Ares noticed it again.

"Have a seat, Delilah." He rolled out her name that made her feel something that she cannot understand.

While Ares on the other hand is looking at her reaction. And when he saw her face, he surreptitiously smirk and call his brothers through their intercom that connected to their rooms.

While he's busy on the intercom, Delilah glanced at his desk and smile when she saw the picture of Luna in toothy grin with her five brothers.

"Why are you smiling?" Ares asked all of the sudden that caused her to flinch.

"I am sorry, please don't hurt me." She mumbled while trying to cover her face. Ares was stunned because he doesn't want her to be afraid of him. And he will never lay a hand on her.

"I am not going to hurt you. I am just asking while you are smiling." He explain in soft tone.

"Okay. I'm just smiling because Luna looked so happy on that picture while you—- looked exactly like him, Zuzu." Ares try to hide his smile but at the same time shocked, because Delilah knew Artemis' nickname,

and Zuzu means Zues and it was his father's nickname that only his sons knew.

And It only mean that his father is really alive and finally, their family will be whole again.


Please dont forget to write your opinion about this chapter.....

Love you all🥰

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