《Our Little Moon》Chapter 19 - i am pregnant


"All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes." —- winston churchill


"What are you doing here Samantha?"

"Why can't I ? And is that how you greet your Girlfried, Ari?" Saying the last word with awkward intonation.

And how dare she to call me that only my Artemis is allowed to do so?

"First, don't ever call me that again, second I don't have a girlfriend and as far as I remember, we agreed to No String attach kind of relationship. So what happen with that agreement?" I asked coldly while turning my gaze on the company's report in front of me. I am currently sitting in my office at our house when my guards told me that there's a woman that wanted to see me.

It's been a week since me and Artemis went to ROSSI Empire and now all the reports pertaining to the company is completely unbearable, that's why I talked to the twins to step up and be matured so that they can help me in runnig the Mafia and our other business.

I sighed and then look at her again, she's actually the only woman that I hooked up with since Artemis started to live with us. And I really trying to change for my baby sister, but still I am a man with needs and because of our constant hooking up, she assumes that I am into her. And I definitely not planning to make her my girlfriend.

Yes she's gorgeous, have a nice body and so good in bed but she's not the one. She's not the woman that could make me forget myself or make me crazy. And the only thing that doing that to me is my baby sister. She's my everything and my light.

"I think we have to stop this—- I mean this things between us. I am sorry for leading you on but I am not ready for a serious type relationship." I said and I cannot believe that I will ever say sorry to a girl. And it's because of my sister. She makes me feel human with compassion and I am willing to keep that way.


When I stare at her, I saw how her face changed. And I don't know what's running on her mind. I mean she's smart, rich kid and a man could wish to be with but she's not for me and I am sure of it.

Because I try and I failed.

"You cannot do that ARES!" She yelled with wide eyes. And if I am same like before; cold bastard cruel asshole, I think, I already growl at her and ask my guards to teach her lesson by dumping her to one of our cell.

"And why can't I?" Asking her the same question that she used before.

"Because there is something that you should know." She said in low voice. And It feels like the room became so quiet, that you could hear a pindrop.

"I'm pregnant." She muttered but enough for me to hear but I imagine that she's just bluffing.

"How? I mean I am not stupid not to wear condom when we were doing that. And you said you're on pills? So how?" I seriously said but deep inside I'm freaking out.

I mean I like kids especially if it's mine. But the problem is I am not ready, yet.

"I forget to take the pills and I think we knew that we had one incident where the condom broke." I looked at her face and see how serious she is. She's looking at me like I am the one that she needed right now. I try to relax and feel myself.

Right now, I am happy hearing that I'm having a child, but being with her?

I am about to say something when a knock interrupted me.

"Come in Bambina." And a redmop of hair came in view with smile that immediately remove all my tension because of the news that I just heard.

News that will completely change everything.

"Ari! I missed you, did you know that today is Mrs. Hidalgo's birthday?" She said and my focus fixed on her even I can see Samantha eying her.

"I missed you too Bambina and I really don't know that today is her birthday. Maybe we could buy her some gifts then and give it to her tomorrow?" Her eyes sparkles with happiness and jump up and down while clapping her tiny hands, that brought smile to my face. When I saw Samantha, there is smile on her face and adoration but I know some people could fake it.


"Ari who is she?" My sister asked, and this curious thing will never stop until she's satisfied with answer.

"Uhm— well, she's Samantha, a friend."

"A friend? Like me and Mr. Brown?" She replied and smile in toothy grin. God she's so bubbly and I love her so much.

"Yes Bambina. Anyway I'm finished with my work now, do you want to go now to buy gifts?" She nods her head with smile.

"Okay so why don't you go to Hady's room and ask him to help you get bath and then we will go— I just need to talk to her." I said before looking at Samantha.

"Okay Ari —- but don't be late because I'm have swimming lesson with Rosy in the afternoon." Oh! Yeah, I almost forget about that, Eros started to teach her to swim at our inside swimming pool and she loves it so much. She's a fast learner and can do freestyle now and loves to float.

"Ofcourse darling! How would I ever forget that? We will all going to swim, I promise." And she squealed again and to my amusement and soon my little ray of sunshine rushed outside and I could hear her voice shouting Hades' name. And I just shook my head for her craziness.

Now, it's time to deal with Samantha.

"She's cute baby, you're lucky to have her." She said.

'Yes she's the cutest and my sunshine. And I am so lucky to have her in my life.' I replied mentally to her.

"Yes she is."

"So what is your plan, Ares?" She asked nervously. I look up and see the trembling of her lips like she's about to cry.

"I don't know. I didn't expect this at all, Samantha. But I am willing to take my responsibility to the child."

"What about me Ares?"

"What do you mean? That I will marry you because of my unborn child? Samantha listen to me, you cannot use it to marry you." And I mean it, I had so much enough of Violeta. And I cannot imagine my life being with her just because of a child. The child will only suffered and I cannot let it to happen.

"I will take good care of it but every appointment that needed will be done to the hospital of my choice." I added and I saw lots of emotion on her eyes.

"But I cannot stay alone Ares. My parents will hate amd disowned me if they found out." She cried out and I'm really started to feel pity on her. I mean it's also my mistake and I cannot put more stress on her specially on her condition.

"Fine. You can stay at the guest room but I have rules. First, you will never, I mean tell no one about this pregnancy. It will stay just between us. If you break this, there is consequences. Second, the child will stay with me after she or he born. And then we will go on separate lives. I know it sounds rude but as I told you before I am not ready to serious relationship and I hope you understand that , Samantha."

After I spoke those words, her eyes brimmed with tears again and I just look away.

"You can start to live here whenever you want and if you need help with your things, I will ask someone to help you." She nods her head at me and wiped away her tears. She looks sad ofcourse but what can I do?

"Don't cry, it will stress you out and the child." I told her and offer her some water. She drink the water slowly and then said that she's going now to take her things.

"Just call me when you need help." I said and after that she immediately get out of my office while leaving alone and f*cking stressed out.

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