《Our Little Moon》Chapter 22 - Dad is alive


"Not every "" deserves an "" in return"—— unknown


Looking at her while waiting for my brothers, I have noticed how nervous she is even I'm just sitting on my chair and not moving.

"Uhm, would like something, Delilah?" I asked. She tilted her head to look at me.

"C-can I have some water, please." She replied and my eyes flashed when she answered me verbally. My hands open the small fridge and get a bottled water and handed it to her. She quickly open it and I couldn't stop myself not to look at her, of how she drinks her water while my eyes thrailing from her lips down to her neck.

F*ck! Get your mind out of the gutter, Ares!

"Do you want anything more, like have you eaten?"

"I am g-good, thank you." But I know that she's lying because she cannot look at me straight. She probably just feel shy and don't want to disturb someone.

"How did you know about my little sister?" I asked because I am wondering why she knew her name.

"Zuzu told me and he said that she would be 5 now and have b-blue-green eyes, like him and y-you." and after she said that her lips twitch a little.

"I am just confuse but thank you for answering me, anyway can you tell me now how did you come here?" And the next few minutes of my life have been passed just listening to her soft voice of how she came here. While she's doing that I noticed again how shakily her hand is while writing down the address and the name of the bus station. She even draw the warehouse that she and my father, lives in and where exactly my father was being kept.

When she handed me the piece of paper our finger tips' touched and I felt some sparks run through my body and it's kind of puzzling for me because those sparks send shivers down my spine.

Our eyes gaze at each other without blinking until my door swung open revealing my brother Hades and My beautiful sister, Artemis.

"ARI!" She squealed and all my stress dissipates just by hearing her voice and see her smile.

"Artemis, come here my Bambina." She didn't waste time and jump on my arms.

"Oh, I missed you so much, I love you baby." I told her as she burried her face on my neck. When she looked up I saw tears on her eyes.

"Please baby don't cry, I am here now and I will never go. I promise. I made a bad decision and I regret it too much." I said to her before Hades snapped at me.

"Good because I fudging hate you Ares!

E chi diavolo è lei? Un'altra tua puttana che permetterai di rimanere qui senza la nostra approvazione?" He said while shooting daggers at Delilah who was trembling in fear.

(Trans: And who the hell is she? Another whore of yours that you will allow to stay here without our approval?)

I want to snap back at him not because of the words that he said because he has all the reason to hate me by letting his anger's burst out in front of my little sister.

"Ti avverto Ade di tenere la lingua. Artemide è qui. Ne parleremo più tardi, ma mantieni la calma perché anche la mia rabbia è in vantaggio." I replied while closing Artemis's ears and wishing that she couldn't understand everything. I'm an asshole I know, but the last thing that I want to happen is to let my baby sister see and hear us fighting. But what I didn't expect was her tiny body run so fast towards Delilah who is still shaking.


(I am warning you Hades to hold your tongue. Artemis is here. We will talk about that matter later, but hold your temper because my anger is on edge too.)

"Hi—- please follow me, breathe in, breathe out. It's okay, Hady will never gonna hurt you—- look at me." My little sister said to her while me and Hades just staring at them dumbfoundedly.

Delilah do what she told.

"What's your name? I am Luna and you don't have to feel scared because nobody will hurt you."

"I am Delilah Jade, and I knew your name." Delilah replied but Artemis scrunched up her nose because of her reply but I think the little girl just ignored it because she has some priorities right now.

"You have a beautiful green eyes, Delilah Jade, and can I call you Jade?" Artemis asked with smile on her face while Jade nod her head and say 'yes'. Artemis hold her hands and placed it on her chest while saying to her to feel her heartbeat which Delilah did.

Soon, she looked so relax and smiling at her, while me and Hades couldn't believe on what we just witnessed, like how on earth my babysister had managed to comfort and calm her down.

And I couldn't believe if she's really 5 because for me what she did was completely beyond my imagination.

Soon, the three brothers of mine came in with blank expression and I know why and as I said before they have everyyyyy right to hate me, but not now.

"I am so sorry guys and I know it's not enough for what I did and I willing to explain everything later but not now. There's more important things to discuss and I need you Eros to take Delilah and Artemis on Artemis' room." Eros narrowed his eyes before he speaks.

"Why it's always me? Like why I cannot attend this meeting as well, I am your brothers too." He whined and I know it's sounds so unfair but he cannot do anything because he's just 16 turning 17. I would never desire to put his life in danger and he's the only one that I could trust with my Bambina.

"I know Eros just try to understand me and later I will tell you everything, just for now do what I said."

"Fine, Come on Princess and what's her name again?" He asked and I sigh in relief.



Me and Artemis said in unison, that made Delilah giggles and then glance at me but averted when I caught her.

"DJ— lets go DJ and Princess." Eros said in the end as I raised my brow on him for making up that nickname.

"I have a great news and I know it's unbelievable but Dad's alive." I said while looking at them.

Their eyes were fixed on me, well same like my reaction before so I told them that it's not joke. That the woman who left with Eros and Artemis, Delilah came here who told me that he's alive and showed them the piece of paper of his location.

"I cannot believe, but if it is then we have to do it now, I mean save him!" Hades said with mixed emotions.

"We cannot waste time Ares. It's our father that we're talking about here." Diony responsed in calm voice.

"What we're waiting for Ares? He needs us right now and I can't wait to see him again!" Apollo said and like Hades he's kind of overwhelm and I understand him, well all of them because even now I still cannot believe that my father's alive.



(2 years ago)

"Sir are you the son of Mr. Zeus De Luca?" The police officer ask while my eyes fixed on the burned car that definitely belongs to my father because of its plate number.

And looking at the scene, I want to wail out of pain and sorrow right now.

Why my Dad?

"Yes I am."

"I am sorry Sir for your lost, we just found a body inside the car and its figure matched with your dad." After that, I couldn't comprehend what else he's saying because my ears were blocked, that the only sounds that I could here was the sounds of the firefighter's and Ambulance's siren. And when I saw a burnt body that the officer had been zipped before pushing it inside the ambulance, my world crumbled. That eyes brimmed with tears as my legs started to shake like a leaf.

And after few minutes of being in my own world, I, myself don't know if I would run towards the ambulance to check if it's really him or not.

But my legs have his own mind and walk over there instead.

"Wait, let me see him." I said to the officer.

When it's in front of me, my trembling hands started to unzip the plastic that covering his body. And all of the sudden I feel like my heart have been pierced by thousand knives because it's definitely him, as I saw his Mafia ring still on his finger. Tears rolled down because it's hurting too much. He's not only my father but my bestfriend and I don't know if I could survive the life without him.

What will happen to the five of us?

"Sir, I am sorry but we need to go now." I nod my head and turned my back away from it while holding his ring. It's the only thing that remain and yet it was enough for me to think that he's still here, inside my heart.


Maybe someone had orchestrated his death, but why?

But the only way to find the answer is to capture the leader of all those fuckers that took him.

I want answers but most of all I want my father.

"All of you informed our men and do not take the new recruits." I said, after the attack we've lost lots of members but we're able to recruit new and they still need more time of training and that's why I cannot bring them on this mission.

"But—— you know we are outnumbered without the recruits, right?" Diony responded. I look at him and nod my head to tell him that know that, but I am not alone—- we have allies.

"You forget that we are allied with all the Mafia around the world brother but right now I will call the American —- Derek, as we cannot wait for long and calling others takes time." I said while looking at their satisfied face. I told them to go now which they do without further arguing. Pulling out my phone, I dial Derek's number.

"Hello, how are you Derek?" I greet before telling him the reason why I call him. We talked for few minutes before I cut the line with a great satisfaction displayed on my face.

And I was about to stand when my door swung open again revealing Samantha with worried face.

"Ares! I am so worried about you. Why you were not here this past few days and no one likes to tell me where were you?"

"Samantha, there no reason to worry about me. And as I said before there's nothing between us so stop it. The only reason you're here is because of my unborn child." 'that if I found out that it's not mine, I will make sure that you will pay for fooling me.' I said mentally because if she think that I am fool for believing her without any proof, well she's wrong because after few months I will insist a DNA testing if that child is really mine.

"How could you say that to me? Did you never feel anything for me? Because I love you Ares." She said with teary eyes and after she said that, I felt nothing. There's no fast-beating-heart that I felt when I held Delilah in arms.

"Sorry Samantha but I don't love you, I tried but I can't. I am not the man for you and you're just here for the unborn child. Please try to understand me." I said while looking at her eyes and I hope that she will go now and leave me alone because I have a lot of things to do.

And with tears running down on her cheeks, she rushed out of my office, leaving me alone and I didn't waste a single more minute to go to my sister's room.

When I am near at her room, I halt abruptly because I could hear from the outside her giggles and Eros's voice, kinda guess that he's telling some jokes and that is probably the reason why she's laughing.

Knocking at her door and opening it made them look at my direction. Artemis called my name and I run at her like I never see her in years. Eros seems so annoyed for interrupting him while Delilah was just sitting with a smile while looking at us. I don't understand myself but it's hard for me not to stare at her eyes because it's very beautiful but when she realized that I am staring at her, she quickly lower her gaze and to my dismay.

"Bambina, I'll be gone for few hours because I have very important things to do." She looks so confuse but smile.

"It's alright, just be careful. Me, Jade and Rosy will gonna watch movie later." She said beaming with happiness and I am so happy to hear it. I looked at Eros and told him to take good care of Artemis until we returned. He didn't ask and that's a good thing but once I save our father and bring him home I know that Eros would be the happiest person in the world.

"We are going now. You can stay at one of the guest room and just tell Eros anything you need, until I came back." I said to Delilah, she didn't ask as well and just gave me a soft smile because she knows where we are going and what we are going to do.

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