《Our Little Moon》Chapter 15 - is this my karma?



"Hady what's happening?" I asked after hearing a loud noise outside my room. My heart beats so fast because it wasn't an ordinary noise. And when I looked at him, his eyes filled with lots of emotion; fear, worry and anger.

"Don't worry baby, I won't let anyone to hurt you, I promise." He said before kissing my forehead. The noise outside was very disturbing that I didn't realize that I'm having an asthma attack. I only realized it when I felt Hady cupped my face and mumbling comforting words.

"Selene, this is your brother, your Hady. Breathe in, breathe out for me. Please come back to me baby." And after he said those words, my mind started to help my body to relax. Slowly, my breathing became even until I finally breathe normal again.

"Thank you."

"You have nothing to thank me baby, it's my job to take good care of you, you're my Selene." He caressed my cheeks lovingly and said that we can have a nap, but before he could lay my body on my bed, I asked him to get my diary on my bag. With this situation where I know that something isn't right, I want to have something that reminds my mommy.

"This one, baby?" He asked, showing to me the colored sky blue notebook with 'D' initial on it's cover.

"Yes" after that he handed it to me and I hugged it like my life depended on it. I hug also Mr. Choco before Hady's arms wrapped around me and say sweet words to help me feel better.

"Hady is everything will be okay? Why Poly, Rosy and Diony are not here?"

"They are with Ares. Don't worry because they are big boys and they know how to protect themselves." He explained. I am about to tell him that I want them here when Diony open my door and rush towards us.

"DIONY!" I called him out, he immediately snuggled into my neck and told me how much I meant to him and how he loves me so much.

He adds that everything will be fine but I want them all here. I want all my brothers beside me.

I am not going to be okay if any of them isn't here.

"Please tell Ari, Poly and Rosy to come back here. Please Diony." I cried out because I am so worried about them. They are my family, my world and what if they all turn out just like my mommy?

What if they never come back to me?

Just like mommy.

"Sssshhh, baby don't think too much. If you keep doing that and Ari find out, he will be very sad. Do you want him to be sad, baby?" Hady asked.

"No" I replied as he stroked my back and decided to read me a princess story. His calming voice and caring hand that stroked my hair, helps me to relax that after few minutes my eyes couldn't fight back the darkness that started to swallow my world.

"Luna, my baby you have to wake up."

"Mommy? Is that you?" I asked. And I can't believe that I could hear her sweet voice again. It makes my heart jump in excitement!

"Yes my Luna, but listen to me. You have to be brave." I pout.

"I am brave Mommy!" I told her proudly.

"Then you have to wake up baby."

And as I fluttered open my eyes, the first thing that I see was a woman that wearing a mask. I was shocked too because she's trying to hurt my brother Hady.



The woman was hurting him using a needles.

"Go away from him! Bad woman!" I yelled at her. She quickly remove her mask to reveal her smile to me, but her smile was not pleasant or sweet. It's scary.

"Finally, the Bitch's kid will begone forever from the face of the earth." She said while starting to move her legs towards me.

But I will not let her get me!

I need to buy time. Meaning I have to talk more until my brothers come here and save me from her.

"What is Bitch?" I asked. She looked at me before she laughs so loud, like , the not-so-pretty-woman in the little mermaid.

"Bitch, well it means your mother, Diana." And I was stunned for a moment when she mentioned my Mommy's name.

And then all of the sudden, something click on my mind.

Does it mean, that she's the sister that abused my Mommy since she was 14?

"Violeta Rossi." I told her in statement, not a question.

Suddenly her eyes widened in disbelief. Maybe she didn't expect that I know her name.

"You abused my Mommy even she didn't do wrong to you!" I shout at her face, if she thought that my mommy tell no one how she abused her, she was so wrong because all she did to my mommy was written on her diary and I will give it to Ares because she was bad and Ares knows what to do to a meany like her.

"And how the f*ck did you know that?" She snapped back at me. I flinched as her eyes become more scary than before or more like a witch.

"Just I know and what you did to my Mommy was very mean. You're so bad you know that! Just like the step-mom of Cinderella and Snow White. All you want was to hurt her, give her pain even she was so kind to you! Her sadness, her cries and tears was your happiness! You are a BAD woman!" I yelled again. But I was caught off guard when she jumped at me and trying to get my Mommy's diary.

But I won't let her have it!

"No! Get off your meany hands on it!" I shout and bite her hand, so strong that she cried in pain. She let go the diary to see her bitten hand. She called me wh*re and b*tch again because it might be so painful.

I hugged the diary towards my chest that I didn't notice that she's approaching me, and when I look up, her left hand was already up in the air and I'm so confuse what she will trying to do until I feel an excruciating pain on my right cheeks. That I feel my whole world spinning around.

I don't know what's happening to me that I couldn't stop my body to fall on the floor that after my head touched it, so many stars appeared and dancing, until all I can see is Black.


After kissing her forehead, my eyes suddenly fell to the diary that was on the top of the side table.

I grabbed it and decided to keep it with me as I saw how she hugged it protectively.

I have to protect it too.

"Dionysus, call our IT, tell them to do everything they can to retrieve the footage before and after the attack. And try to check up on Apollo, I need him to hack Violeta's phone. I got the feeling that she has something to do with all of this. And my only question is why Dionysus? After 10 years, why just now? If she wants to destroy us why not before? She knows I'm Mafia's Boss! So why Dionysus, why?" I asked him with so much anger and frustration.


"It's because of Luna, I'm sure about it. That's why I'm against with her to come to our house. But it's done already, we cannot change the past, Ares. I will go now but please don't ever leave her. I'm begging you!" He said with tears on his eyes and I couldn't control myself and give him a hug because I felt what he's feeling right now.

"I am so sorry Dion, I should've listened to you. But I promise you, I will never leave her side."

Dionysus kissed her forehead before he left. I stared again to my sister and try to check her face. My eyebrows pulled together when I noticed that it looks like a handprint of a woman. Compared to mine, it was small and definitely hand of a woman.

I imagined that she is left-handed because the handprint was on Artemis' right cheek and the only woman that I know who is left-handed is VIOLETA.

And it all make sense to me now....

The secret passage that she knew well that she give away to the attackers.

And the handprint on Artemis' face.

And if I am correct, her fingerprints might be on this diary too if she tried to get it from her. Because why my sister will hugged it, like no one could have it?

"Dionysus send someone that know how to trace fingerprints. I need it now. Send him to Luna's room." After that, I look again at the Diary and saw the initials. It's letter ''.

Is it stand for Artemis' mother, Diana?

And that's why she was so overprotective over it. It was hers.

And what if something written on this diary might answer all my question?


And I was cut off abruptly from my thoughts when someone knocks on the door.

I sighed before decided to open it, revealing the very last woman that I want to see.


"What do you need?" I asked coldly. If she thinks that I will accept her as mother just because she saved my brother's life, well she must be mistaken because I will never.

Even it is the end of the world.

"Ares, I just came here to check on Selene." She said with her famous fake smile.

And I am so damn confused right now because I don't remember that anyone knew except Dion and our driver, that my sister was here.

Secondly, how did she know about her? I have never introduce them!

But I play my part and act inconspicuously that I still have no idea, that I even ask her to come inside the room.

But what I find so suspicious, was her surreptitious gazed over the diary in my hand.

"How are you?" I asked making her snapped out of her trance. She looked at me for a moment before she speaks.

"I am good, son." She said before touching her shoulder that was shot and my eyes flash in instant when I saw her hand with with a bite mark.

And it looks like from a child. She noticed my gaze on her hand and quickly covered it with her other hand.

"Where did you get that bite marks?" I asked her because I'm sure there's no child that will bite her in the mansion but Artemis.

"Oh, this? w-well s-someone's k-kid f-from t-the hospital." She lied and my eyes darkened because she's checkmate already. I grabbed her left hand and see the marks again.

It's definitely from Artemis!

Because Artemis just lose two baby-teeth.

?" I growled as she tried to get away from my grip. Her lips tremble in fear because of my sudden outburst and she is so dead!

"I have no idea what you're talking about, my Son." And I cringed when she called me son, because I have no mother as wicked, evil and vile as her!

"Then explain to me how did you get the bite marks! And why did you know that she's in hospital, because no one knows!" She cowered in fear and start to cry. But I'm so furious right now that I'm about to pull out my gun when Dion appeared all of the sudden at the door and stop me from what I am intending to do.

"ARES! Don't! If you do that now, we will face problem with the autorities." I was fuming. I could feel all my blood on my face and I really desire to strike her face with my gun but I considered not to because I never hurt women. I know I'm manwh*re and an as*hole to all the women that I met and f*cked, but I never hurt them physically.

And I just give them what they wanted, and you know what I mean.

"Dionysus take her away and ask our men to put her on one of our cell and guard it." I said coldly.

"YOU WILL NEVER DO THAT TO ME! I am your mother Ares eand I can put you all in jail if you hurt me!" She retorted and all my anger rise up again but before I could speak, Dionysus beat me as he lunged on her and started to choke her.

"HOW DARE YOU TO GIVE US SOME BULLSH*T THREAT? YOU'RE NOT OUR MOTHER BECAUSE A MOTHER WILL NEVER HURT THEIR CHILDREN, A MOTHER WILL NEVER LEAVE THEM! YOU'RE JUST A PIECE OF SHIT OF A WOMAN THAT BIRTHED US! and we're not the one who will be in jail... it's YOU!" Dionysus told her from being so aggressive to being so cold that if I am someone else, I could definitely felt the shivers.

"LET GO OF ME F*CKERS! I CAN SUE ALL YOU! You have no evidence against me! And I will make all of you pay for this!" She yelled at my men that trying to contain her to bring to our warehouse. There, even she shouts and cursed, no one will care. And if all of this was done by her, she is dead! Definitely dead that I will share the killing with my brothers.

After they left Dion came back with a man beside him.

"Ares this is Tyler, he's the one that you're asking." Oh, the man that can trace the fingerprints. After our introduction, I ask him to have a seat and show him the diary.

"I want you to trace and indentify all the fingerprints that you'll find on this diary. Can you do that?"

"Ofcourse, it's my job Sir." I smile at his answer and asked him that he can start now.

He grabs some plastic gloves from his bag and all the items that he needs for this job. Me and Dion just look at him and after few minutes, Tyler was done and I told him that I need the result as soon as possible.

Once he left, someone came unexpectedly with worried faces and sadness.




The three didn't look at me and Dion for long period of time because their gazes turned to their only sister who still in coma.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what happen and when I found out what happened to you, I can't look at my own eyes. I am so sorry, please wake up," Hades mumbled to her while holding her hands. Tears rolling down from his cheeks and I cannot stand to watch this without being so heartbroken and told them that I will go out, with the diary on my hand.

I settled to sit down on a bench just outside her room and have a mental debate if I will read this diary or check first with my sister.

I sighed and closed my eyes and think about what went wrong? And I've never expected that in the end, it's my baby sister who will suffer the most. I made a promise to her that I will protect her. That I will keep her safe, but what happen to that promise?

Is this my karma for being such a manwhore?

But she doesn't deserve any of this!

So it should be me not her to get the punishment!

I am the one who should be lying on that bed and not her!

Suddenly, I felt some wetness on my cheeks and realized that I shed some tears. I wiped it away and try to calm down.

And trying to calm down means, thinking about her contagious and soft giggles that I am so inlove with.

If our father was still alive he's definitely all over to her because of her cuteness. And I smile to myself thinking her giving father some orders.

I have never met any smart kid than her and she's the only one that make me so keen to listen to every single word that she's gonna say.

Everything about my sister is perfect and I only want one thing, and that is for her to wake up.

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