《Our Little Moon》Chapter 14 - the breached


"When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers." -

In the morning, Luna have tried to get off from Eros' arms as she needs to go at her washroom but the younger brother of her don't want to let her go.

"Rosy, I need to pee!" She whined but he just ignored her and snuggled to her neck.

"Please Rosy." She pleaded before kissing his cheek and to his amusement.

"Okay Princess, you can go."

"Finally!" She says before jumping out of her bed. Eros shook his head while looking at his sister in adoration. Rubbing his eyes, he remember suddenly that his birthed mother was here, and because of that he decided that him and Luna will eat their breakfast outside.

"Princess can changed your clothes now? Me and you will going to eat breakfast outside, sounds good?" He asked while staring at her blue-green eyes.

"Yes Rosy." She replied before running to her closet and do what he told. Soon, the little girl was all dress in cute blue sundress and white sneakers.

"Can you help me with my hair Rosy?" Luna asked sweetly.

"Ofcourse, come here."

Once he's done doing her hair in pigtails, both of them went to his room so that Eros could do his business and get dress as well.

After 15 minutes he's ready.

Meanwhile, Violeta presumed that her sons will have their breakfast so she woke up early to prepare it.

Well it's just for show, she will pretend that she cared so that she could have their trust.

While she's cooking, the chef, helper and all the maids were looking at her in disbelief because few of them knew that she never cooks before even for ex-husband and children.

The man that supposed to monitor Violeta, reported this to his Capo immediately, that caused Ares to inform his brothers through their group chat that Violeta was preparing breakfast for them.

When the twins find out, they groaned and whined. Informing them that they will not going to come down and eat breakfast. Diony said the same. But when Ares got a message from Eros that he will going out with Luna to eat breakfast, Ares immediately forwarded it to the group chat.

And once they knew it, all their asses quickly get out of their bed and went straight to their bathroom and change their clothes. It's like their asses were on fire because they couldn't miss the chance to eat outside together and with their baby sister.

"Why you didn't inform me about this huh!" Hades whispered at Eros with hint of annoyance. He can't shout to him because he's carrying Luna and they are all avoiding to shout at each other eversince her asthma attack.

Soon all of them gathered at their garage with smirk on their faces.

"It's a spontaneous plan Hades, so calm your ti——." Eros retorted but he was cut off abruptly by Ares.

"Try to finish that word and let me see who will be taken their phone away today." Ares informed him in deep voice. Eros quickly averted his eyes from his eldest brother but not before elbowing Hades' ribs as part of his revenge.

The guy that monitoring Violeta, informed Ares that the breakfast was ready but he ordered him to not inform her that they were all out. He warned them also to not eat the food that she prepared as she might put some poison on it.

Soon, all of them get inside their cars and drove off to the famous breakfast cafe that is few minutes away only from their house.


At the mansion, Violeta wait for her children to come down but to her disappointment they never show up and all the food went cold. She sobs silently because she was really hurt but what she would expect?

"If she thought that by cooking some food will erase all her sins to us, she's definitely wrong. She's crazy, indeed." Dionysus states when they arrived the cafè and started to order their food.

Luna just look at them in confusion. She was curious who is this crazy that Diony referring to. But she cannot butt in because it is disrespectful.

"Selene, what do you like to eat?" Hades asked while looking at his sister.

"Can I have pancakes with strawberry and chocolate syrup please?" She replied politely, causing all her brothers to look at her in amusement.

After few minutes, their food came and all of them enjoy their breakfast while Violeta went straight to her room and dial Martin's number.

"I want you to do something for me." And you could hear the anger in her voice. Her eyes were glaring and she's about to smash anything on her room right now, but she stops herself because that would be a suicide mission. She needs to calm down or else everything that she worked out for will go in vain.

"Ready to go home Artemis?" Ares asked his sister while the latter has something on her mind.

"Can we buy those muffins?" Pointing her small finger at the blueberry muffins that looks scrumptious. Ares raised his brow but nods his head eventually as her request.

'She gets what she wants.' Ares mentally said.

"How many sweety?" The old lady asked.

"12 pieces, please." She replied politely. The old lady smiled but all her brother were shocked.

"Why so many baby?" Hades asked out curiousity but Luna just told him that she likes muffin.

Once her order are ready, they proceed to come back to the mansion and hope that the witch was not on their way.

And it seems like, luck is on their side because she's not on the living room so they all sighed in relief and went straight to their room while Luna was accompanied by Ares who's holding her 12 muffins.

When Luna saw the 3 guards that were standing outside her room, she quickly asked Ares to give her the muffins.

"Hi, good morning, this is for you, and hope you like it." She said to the 1st guard before giving the blueberry muffins. She did the same to the other two and to Ares astonishment. He was stunned but so proud of her because even at her young age, she's very kind and generous to other.

"Thank you Miss Luna." The three guards said in unison that was returned by Luna with smile and giggles.

Ares ushered Luna to come inside her room. Once they are inside, Ares placed her on his lap and kissed the top of her head.

"You know Bambina, I am so proud of you?" Ares told her, making Luna scrunched up her nose.

"Because of what you did outside."

"Oh, it's because I have noticed that they were standing outside my room since yesterday. I gave them muffins because I'm thankful for them for keeping me safe." Ares look at her in adoration because of what she just said. She's indeed an angel that God sent them from above.

"I love you, please don't grow so fast Bambina." Ares muttered. Luna looked at him but before she can speaks, Ares phone rings.



"Boss we have breached." His man said on the other line. Ares cursed in low voice and called Hades to come on her room.

"Why?" Hades asked in confusion, Ares informed him what's happening and his eyes filled with worries and looked at his baby sister.

"Keep her safe Hades." Ares told him before kissing Luna's forehead.

"Bambina, I need to go but don't ever leave Hades' side, understood?"

"Yes Ari." She answered, and Ares immediately left her room to check with his men what's the problem.

Suddenly he heard loud explosion followed by gun shooting and it's coming from the first floor of the mansion. Wasting no time, he run quickly towards the living room where his brothers might be while his heart was beating so fast thinking that they were hurt.

He's having difficulty in breathing and all were hazy because of the white smoke that was everywhere.

He tried to call Apollo but his phone was off.

"Damn it Apollo." He cursed and tried Eros's number but it was out of reach.

Suddenly a worried-face Dionysus emerged in front of him and asks about Luna. He's holding a gun while looking everywhere for possible threat.

"She's with Hades. Did you see Apollo and Eros?" Ares asks back.

"No. I was in my room when I heard the explosion. We have to get back to Luna, Ares. What if she's in danger?" Ares get fazed with his statement and look at him intently.

"Dionysus listen to me, go to Hades and Luna now. I need to find first Apollo and Eros. Once I got them, I will call you. Now go." Ares told him in stern voice before he run to the room that his brothers might stay.

When he opened the living room, he was greeted by smoke that made him cough and hard to breathe but he will never giving up for his brothers.

"! !" He shouts from the top of his lungs, but there was no answer, and thought that maybe they were at the game room.

When he was about to turn, Violeta came forward holding a barely unconscious Eros whose arm was over her shoulder. Ares saw blood stains at Violeta's dress and suddenly anger quickly rise up.

"What did you do to him?" He asked angrily.

"S-Son, I didn't d-do anything. I w-was s-shot. A-Apollo, he's s-still i-inside the g-game r-room." Violeta stuttered but still manage to tell him where Apollo is.

Ares immediately went there and found his brother lying on the floor, completely unconscious. He has blood and wound on his forehead and when he checked it, he was relieved that it wasn't fatal.

In a matter of seconds, Ares carried his brother carefully and get out of the room in rush. He saw Eros lying on floor but his head was resting on Violeta's lap who has bullet wound on her shoulder. When you take a closer look, you can tell that it's not fatal but she might lose lots of blood.

"What happened?" Ares asked calmly, he needs to know what really happened and how she get shot.

"A-Ares a m-man came o-out of n-nowhere, t-the boys were p-playing before I c-came inside. I b-brought drinks for them but before I c-could put d-down the tray, t-there w-was an e-explosion. T-The m-man p-point the g-gun to E-Eros but I p-pushed h-him hard, b-better that it was me t-than my s-son." She said through heavy breathing. He stared at her for a moment trying to see the sincerity before he nods his head. He told her to save her power until the medic's arrival.

Ares then get his phone and dial Dion's number.

"Dion, I found them. How's everything? How's Artemis?" He's blabbering but you can't blame him though after this chaos wouldn't be?

"Good, she's fine but shaken up and she's looking for you, I mean she wants all her brothers beside her, right now." Dion stated.

Ares on the other hand was not happy that she was upset. If only the situation wasn't like this, he would run there like a cheetah and calm her down but his brothers were not alright and they need him.

"Tell her that I will come there. Apollo and Eros were still unconscious and Violeta got hurt by taking the bullet that should be for Eros." Ares could feel Dion's worry, so he assured him that they are going to be fine.

"Okay Ares. We will wait for you here."

After the attack that took an hour, medics came and Ares asked them to take care of his brothers and also Violeta out of gratitude for saving Eros. He then proceed to Luna's room to check her but the little one was already sleeping with Hades' arms wrapped around her body. On her side, Mr. Choco and a diary?

Ares's eyes fixed on that diary, he wants to know who owns it but decided to ignore it for now because it'a not the right time. They have important matter to discuss after this chaos.

"How did this happen?" Dionysus asked in the most calm and polite way. He doesn't want to add more stress to Ares because he has already on his plate.

Ares asked him to come to his office to check all the cameras. But they cursed and fumed in anger when they found out that all security cameras were destroyed.

"Someone had breached our security Brother, but that is impossible. No one can get through because of our tight security they went to the secret passage that only knew by father, us and Violeta."

After Ares spoke those words, he suddenly looked straight to Dion's eyes like he realized something at that very moment.

"ARTEMIS." He said before he rushed to his door and run as fast as he can towards Luna's room.

When his hand twist the doorknob and open her door, his eyes widened in horror when he saw her on the floor with blood on her head. Her arms were wrapped at the diary protectively but he throw his curiousity at the back of his head and focus on his sister.

Diony checked her pulse and get paled when it was beating so slow. Ares carried his sister carefully while Dionysus checked Hades' condition as to why he's not responding.

"He was drugged Ares but he's fine." They nod to each other before Dionysus call their driver to bring them at the hospital. Once they got outside their house, Black SUV abruptly stop in front of them and they carefully put the little girl on the back seat and slammed the door shut.

After 20 minutes Ares started to shout like a madman to all the doctors and nurses.

"Ares, control yourself. The doctors won't able to save her if you will shout at them!"He chastised Ares for his outburst. He's furious too but it won't make any difference to their sister's situation. They have to calm down for her sake.

Tears rolling down from Ares' eyes because of her sister.

Why not him? Why her?

"SHE'S JUST A CHILD!" He yelled and punch the wall, not caring if anyone sees him.




"Stop Ares, we can go through this. Don't hurt yourself because Luna won't like it." Dionysus told him. Ares stop abruptly and realize that he's right, his Artemis will not like it if she sees his bloody hands.

At the operating room, the doctors do everything beyond their knowledge so that they could save Luna.....

And yes they did save her but she's in coma because of mild concussion. She got bruise on her right cheek like someone had laid a hand on her face so strong that probably the reason how she got her head injury from falling on the floor.

"How is she?" Ares asked.

"She's out of danger Mr. De Luca, but she's in coma. She got mild concussion but if you didn't bring her here on time, we might lose her." Dion and Ares felt horrified on what he just said but thankful that they did it on time. He also told them that the bruised was caused by strong slap on her right cheek.

"So when she will wake up?" It was Diony who asked this time. His eyes filled with worries for her sister, his innocent sister who didn't deserve this kind of cruelty.

"I am not sure Sir because as long as her body is weak, her mind won't wake up. But don't worry she's out of danger and I know that she will wake up, it's just a matter of time." The Doctor said, they are not satisfied with his answer but the news that she's out of danger was enough for them to feel relax even just a little.

"Can we see her?" Ares asked. The doctor nodded and leave them.

"Fuck! We shouldn't leave her!" Ares cried out after he saw his sister's face.

"Stop blaming yourself. We didn't know that. Hades was with her and someone drugged him. What we need to do is to find who's behind this attack and who hurt her." Diony explained

Ares nods his head and turned again his gaze to his sister who has gauze dressings around her head and bruised cheek and once again, he feels like his heart was shattered into tiny pieces.

Ares carefully placed her hand on his lips and kiss it with so much love and mumbled that whoever behind this, will pay in high price.

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