《Our Little Moon》Chapter 13 - Diana



"Thank you, now let me show you where you'll gonna stay." I said casually and ushered her out of my office. She raise her thin eyebrow at me before she speaks.

"Son, your mother is hungry. Did you even prepare for me some fancy dinner? Is this how you will treat the woman that gave birth to you?" She asked with hint of annoyance.

And now that she signed the paper, I don't care about her tantrums, she can cook or order food whatever she likes, but I am not going to please her.

"We were done with our dinner. You can cook or order food, because our chef and maids are all off for tonight." I reply before we stop in front of a room that would be hers for the next two days.

"Where's my old room? The master's bedroom?" She asked.

"Just so you know, that room belongs to the Capo and that's me. This is the guest room that is only available right now. I'm sorry but we really have no time to arrange this retorted and asked my man to help her with her suitcase.

She looks at me with pure anger because of my rudeness but I really don't care.

I will never treat her like this if only she had shown us love and care when we were all young. But everytime I recall those days, I only feel hatred and disgust for her.

She doesn't deserve the title of a mother.

Soon, her facial expressions change.

"Well, this will do. And thank you son. I just hope that we could forget the past, you know move on. I came here not to fight my son, but to ask for forgiveness." She said with sad eyes and face. I look at her and I can tell that she's really a great actress. If I could have a trophy right now for best actress, I will handed it to her for being one.

"You're welcome. You can sleep now and take a rest. Tomorrow we will talk about this forgiveness and forget the past thingy, alright? Goodnight." I said in even tone and I saw how her eyes beamed with happiness for replying on her.

And as I said with my brothers before her arrival, play it cool. So if Violeta wants to play, let us play then.

There's nothing to lose for me actually being a two-faced bitch with her, but I will know what is her real intention to come here.

"Monitor her. If she left her room, inform me asap, understood?" I order to the guard that stationed outside her room.



After Violeta went to her room, they decided to come straight to Luna's room, to check how is she and Hades.

And their eyes went wide because the two were playing a "tea party" where Hades is wearing a tiara and pretending drinking his tea while his pinky is out. All her dolls and Mr. Choco were sitting with them while Luna was adorably serving them a tea with moving mouth, mimicking the sounds of pouring tea.

They really tried not to laugh but it's truly hard for them specially when Hades seemed to be so engrossed in playing with his sister. He even talk to her with a pout lips that couldn't stop Apollo to burst out laughing.

"POLY!" Luna squealed and wave her hand, inviting them to join.

The rest of the boys come to her and sit down while Luna offered them some tea.

Ares drink his tea like a normal grown up man but Luna look at him and scold him.

"Ari not like that. Your pinky should be out. Wait, Hady can you show him how the pinky should be?" Luna asked in sweet tone to her brother Hady. Hady followed her like a good boy and show Ares how his pinky should be.

The funny thing is, the four of them followed Hades and the only one who cannot do it right was Ares.

Luna let out a sigh and look at Ares pitifully.

"It's okay Bubba, practise makes it perfect." She said before kissing his cheek.

The rest of the boys chuckled at him but stop when he shoots them daggers. And for the rest of the night the only sounds that you could hear inside her room was their genuine laughter that nobody could expect that even the stationed guards outside her room were looking at each other in amazement and astonishment.

Because never that the De Luca brothers will laugh like that and it only happens since Luna came to their life.

F*ck! This is so wrong and It isn't according to my plan!

And I cannot accept that my eldest son treated me like sh*t!

How dare he!

I am still his mother and they shouldn't treat me like that.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I didn't come here just to mend our broken relationship.

I came here to kill that B*tch's child.


Violeta was sitting on her office when her phone rings all of the sudden. The number on the screen was not saved but she automatically answered it.

"Just make sure that it's a good news." She said in harsh tone towards the person on the other line.


"Yes, it's done Madam, she's dead." The man on the other line replied.

"Good, very good Martin." After that Violeta closed the line and a devilish smile appeared on her face as she tapped her fingers on her desk.

"Finally, this Empire will only be mine, and mine alone." She said to her self before she laughs in loud and crazy manner.


Her eyes widened when she found out that Diana Johnson aka Diana Lilibeth Rossi, her adopted sister, has a living child, who she hides from the world.

Violeta crumpled the reports that she just finished reading because she was so furious. According to the reports Diana and her ex-husband didn't had a child and that's the main reason of their divorce. But she was so confused how she got a child?

"So that means her death has no worth to me until I kill that child." She said to herself.

She grabs her phone and called the person who can help her to know what's the name of the child and where she is right now.

A day after, Martin called her again.

"Miss Violeta, according to what I found out, the father of the child was your ex-husband, Zeus De Luca and we will never know that if Ares didn't claim the guardianship. She is living with them right now."

Violeta threw everything on her desk and paced back and forth. After almost 10 years of cutting her relationship with them, now she needs to return just to kill that child.

She never love them and after the divorce she felt so disgusting being with them. The only reason that she stayed with them was because of her ex husband, Zeus.

He's the only reason.

She thought that maybe after giving him 5 son, he will finally learn to love her, but she was wrong. Zeus even asked her for divorce because he finally realized that their marriage will never bloom. He told her that he tried to learn to love her, for the sake of their children, but his heart only belongs to someone else and that's why she cheated on him.

And when Zeus finally caught her, he didn't hesitate to divorce her and looked for the only woman that captured his heart since he was 21 years old.


And now how would I execute my plan, if this place were surrounded by armed men?

I only need a day to kill her or else my father's lawyers will seek to that child and ofcourse Ares will represent on her behalf because she's still a child.

And my son was known as the most successful business man in the country aside from being the Capo of his father's mafia. He's also the eldest Grandson of Carlos Rossi, definitely, all the members of the board will favor him to manage the business and I will never let him!

And all of this was because of her!

That f*cking b*tch Diana.

My life was really been great until my parents decided to adopt her because of her innocent face and kindness. She was 11 and I was 16.

During that time I didn't care about her because I know that my parents will love me more than her, but when I found out that my Dad, Carlos Rossi was not my biological father my whole world crushed all of the sudden.

I was 19 that time and it was too late for me because both my parents were genuinely love her like their own.

They always compliments her actions that made me hate her more.

I loathed her.

So when Carlos arranged my marriage with Zeus, I was so happy and couldn't wait on our wedding day because I love Zeus more than anyone else, eversince my eyes landed on him.

But that wh*re took again something from me when Carlos made his and said that half of the Rossi Empire will goes to Diana.

That wh*re who was an orphan will become a billionaire all of the sudden?

That will never happen!

That's why I hurt her so much.

I abused her until I got married at the age of 20 with Zeus who was 21 that time.

But even I was with Zeus, Diana never got a peaceful and happy life. To the point that I threatened her that I will kill her so-called father, Carlos if she didn't leave the Mansion when she reach 18. And I don't care about Carlos, he's not my real father anyway. Though the old man searched for her and never give up on her. He also didn't change his last will that the half of the empire will still goes to her or to her children.

And that's the reason why I'm here. To kill that f*cking child so that the empire will be all mine and mine alone.

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