《Our Little Moon》Chapter 12 - the diary


Two days had passed and everything seems fine and great. Luna was so happy because Mrs. Hidalgo came back with new lessons that excites her so much. It's was all knew and she loves it as she likes new challenges.

She was also done in reading the diary and once again her eyes couldn't stop to shed some tears for , and one thing that she finally understood about her life after reading it was, she isn't an ordinary child and that her life is in danger if somebody knew who she really is.


"Mommy what is that?" Luna asked while staring at the book that her mother, Diana was holding.

"Oh, this? It is not a book my dear, it's a Diary." My mommy replied.

"A diary? What is that?" I asked again.

"Well baby, it is where you write all the important details of your life. You can write here everyday that happens to you but for me, I choose only to write the special events that make sad, make me happy or should I say those that I don't want to forget that I may cherish in the future." Mommy replied

"Oh, okay. Can I read that diary mommy? Because I want to know about your childhood too." My mom's eyes stared at me and nodded.

"Ofcourse, you can baby."


So how can she inform her brothers about it?

What if because of this, their life would be in danger same what happened to her mommy?

And that cannot be happened to her again. Her mother's death caused her already great sorrow and if one of her brothers get hurt because of her, she will never forgive herself.

🌙 Flashback - few days before her mother's death 🌙

"Luna, listen to me carefully alright?" I nod my head and look at her beautiful eyes.

"I don't know what will happen to me but as your mother I will protect you with all my heart. So if ever something bad happen to Mommy, call this number, it's Ares phone's number and he will protect and love you baby." She said with tears on her eyes.

"Mommy I can't understand what do you mean by that? What will happen to you? Are you going to leave me? Will you? like Daddy?" And after few questions that she didn't answer, my eyes turned to the picture; of me, my Daddy and Mommy and at the back of it where it's written the phone number of Ares that I will call in case bad things happen to mommy.


"Luna, I cannot explain this to you right now because you're still a child. I don't want to taint your innocent mind because of the cruelness of the world, but in the future, if you knew to yourself that you're ready and strong enough, you can read the diary that I will give you. From there you will know everything. Just promise me one thing that you will trust no one except your brothers. Do you understand me baby?"

"Yes mommy."


And now, how can she tell this things to Ares? Since yesterday, she didn't see him in the dining room and Apollo said that he has some important work to finish. And everytime she tried to visit his room, he wasn't there and she's not allowed to come at third floor.

"Selene, come here." Hades called her, which she followed abruptly.


"Come with me and let's go to your room?" Luna frowned because she's bored enough staying at her room and wants to watch some disney movies with one of her brothers in the movie room.

"But Bubba I want to watch movie, can we watch Frozen please?" She pleaded and use her puppy dog eyes. Hades blew up some air while having a mental debate because there is some unexpected situation that's happening now and Ares instructed him to send her to her room.

"I am so sorry baby but our movie room was already occupied with Rosy and some of his friends. We can watch later after they leave, is that okay?" Hades lied because there is no one in the movie room. But it's only the way to convince her to go back to her room.

"Okay Hady, maybe we can play tea party." She says while Hades lifted her body and placed on his hip. He nodded his head as reply while Luna giggles in excitement.

Meanwhile, Ares, Diony, Apollo and Eros cannot contain their rage, but they need to calm down and show to this woman that she's nothing.

"Good evening my Sons. No hugs and kisses for your mother?" Violeta said while opening her arms for them.

Too bad for her no one ever move from their position. They also look at her without any emotion that made her frown her face, but stop in instant because she just had a facial treatment and she doesn't want to ruin it.


"You can have a seat." Ares replied coldly. Violeta raise her brows and started to look at her sons. She's wondering where is Hades.

"Where's Hades? Is he aware that his mother is coming?" Violeta asked, sounds annoyed that her other son ignored her arrival.

"Why do you care? He has some important things to do than wait for your arrival?" Diony replied impassively but deep inside he wants to shout at her and tell her to go f*ck herself, but Ares reminds them to be calmed and don't let her get into their nerves.

In short, they have to play it cool.

But Diony cannot forget all she did and seeing her face makes his blood boils.

"Oh! Is that so? And what would it that be?" She asked innocently and look at her sons for answer but unlucky for her no one has damn interest to exchange words with her.

"Alright, since you are here now after almost ten years, I prepared a paper showing that you will no longer the guardian of Eros but me. Once you have sign it, you can stay here for two days maximum. If you didn't like to sign, we can go to court and let us see if you can handle the scandal that I have in possession; first your cheating with father, your abused towards your children which I have evidence that I gathered and some witness for your violence nature. I can spread these things with just snap of my fingers and I know that you're so overprotective of your social status. Let us see what your amigas and amigos will say about it." Ares said with devilish smirk.

Violeta's eyes widened and couldn't believe what she's hearing from Ares' mouth.

"How dare you to threaten your mother like that? If not for me, you are not here! All of you!" She cried out dramatically that caused all of them to roll their eyes, but no one answer her because they know that it's just a drama.

After few minutes of fake crying, Ares cleared his throat before he speaks again.

"If you're done crying, you can read this paper and sign. If not, you can leave now and wait for the happiest and biggest moment of your life." Ares pushed the paper towards Violeta and look at her with hint of boredom. Diony couldn't wait to get out because the smell of her perfume suffocated him.

While Apollo and Eros are both looking at her in disgust.

'How could she became our mother and how did father marry her?' Eros asked himself in mind.

'But if not for her, we won't be here, right? So thank you father for marrying her.' Apollo said mentally.

After few minutes, her hands grab the pen to sign the documents but stop, drop the pen with a thud and look at Ares intensely.

"First, I want all those files that you have in possession against me." She demanded that Ares couldn't help but cackled and look at her murderously.

"You have no right to demand, Violeta. I'm in-charge here and you cannot tell me what to do. As I said before, you sign or you don't sign it, Eros will be under my custody because I have something that I can use to make the court give me that claims over you. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Do you think I'm stupid,Violeta? You jumped inside the Lion's den and think that you can find your way out so easily? It will be hard for you because my teeth and claws are ready to tear you apart." And once those words came out from Ares, Violeta starts to tremble in fear. She didn't expect this at all. It was way far from her expectation. She thought that because she was their mother, her sons would accept her if she just show some affection towards them. That just a little nice words will make them agree to what she wanted.

But she's wrong.

Definitely so wrong because all her sons grew up and became so hard and strong in body and mind, not like when they were younger.

Her hands grab the pen again to sign the paper that was in front of her and give it back to Ares.

She doesn't care about Eros.

She doesn't care actually to anyone of her sons, but .

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