《Our Little Moon》Chapter 11 - my love cannot be bought


The outside was already dark when little Luna woke up after a long nap. Eros was still asleep and snoring and she has no intention to disturb his peaceful sleep.

After Diony send them away to bring her to her room, Eros and Luna decided to sleep. And since she's so tired, sleep came to her without difficulty.

And now, she felt so good, she thought that maybe it's the time to continue reading the diary.

Her small feet tried to not create any noise and walk to her closet and open her bag where she hides the diary. Her hands hold it carefully as if it the most precious thing in the world. Her small body settled in the couch and start opening the pages where she stops since the last time she read it.

Her blue-green eyes stared at the pages in just a second and flipped it to another pages.

If you think that she isn't reading and understand it, well you're wrong because she could memorize it so easily.

Yes, she has photographic memory that only her parents know.

After hours of reading, her eyes brimmed with tears. She cannot imagined that experienced that kind of pain and life.

Rubbing her eyes, she decided that it's enough for the day and will read it again next time, because if she continue, she might cry so hard and the last thing she ever wanted is to give her brothers worries.

So after she hides securely the diary on her small bag again, her little self walk towards Eros and kiss his cheek.

"I love you Rosy." She mumbled that unbeknownst to her, he was already awake.

"I love you more princess. You're so sweet, you know that,right?" He said and kiss her forehead lovingly.

"And why you didn't wake me up? Anyway it's time for dinner I think. So why don't we go down and eat?"


"I would love that Rosy." She replied happily. Eros went first to her bathroom to do his business and once he's done, he picked her up and then walk downstairs.

When Hades noticed that the sun was setting down, he finally decided that it's time to go back home and be with his family. He didn't realize the time because he went to mall to find something for his Selene. And it wasn't easy because he wants his gift to be special.

And why he's eager to give her one?

Well it's because he's jealous of Apollo.


And now he is so nervous because he's not sure if she will like it.

And the teasing!

All his brothers will totally laugh at him for doing this because he never done this to anyone but for her and he couldn't careless.

After he's done parking his car, his hands grab his gift and walk straight to the dining room because he knows that all of them are there for dinner.

And the thing is he's correct.

His 4 brothers and his Selene are all staring at him in disbelief and surprise.


Because they never expected him to come home and eat with them.

"Good evening." He greeted his brothers before walking straight to Luna and crouched down in front of her.

"Good evening Selene. How are you baby?" He asked softly.

"Good evening Hady. I am so good and I missed you." She said and gave her a warm hug. He's so touched for her action that he cannot wait to give her the gift that he bought.

He is planning to give it after dinner, but at this moment? he cannot wait anymore.

"Baby I have something for you. Please close your eyes and no peaking." Hades said.


Luna smile before she followed his order. She covered her eyes with her tiny hands with a pouted lips that makes all his brothers start laughing at her action.

"She's so fudging cute!" Apollo comments that was agreed by the rest.

"Okay, time to open." Hades said and Luna didn't waste to open her eyes and be surprised to the small box on in front of her. With a smile and glassy eyes, she open it and reveal a diamond bracelet with shape of a moon and heart.

(A/N: just replaced the 'Daughter with Sister or Selene or both, whichever you like.)

"This is for me? Oh! Hady! I love you!" She squealed and jump on his arms with tears on her eyes.

"Thank you, It's so beautiful." She sniffles while saying those words.

"Of course Selene, you deserve everything that is beautiful. And I love you so much." Hades replied.

After few minutes, Hades take his seat beside her and soon, they start their dinner with amuse smile on their faces.

"Hady can I wear it today." She asked innocently.

"Yes you can until forever baby." He said before kissing her nose which earned giggles from her. Ares couldn't stop himself to look at them with adoration and he's so surprised seeing him like this, without bruises or blood on his hands.

"I never thought that Hady would be like this." Apollo said in a mocking tone. He's jealous right now because his gift was so nice adding the way she smile and cry because of this.

"Stop it Apollo." Diony and Eros said in unison while shooting him daggers. Both of them feels jealous too but choose to ignore it because they know that Luna loves them all. Apollo stop himself from talking but not before sending Hades a glare.

Hades on the other hand was grinning at Apollo like a Cheshire cat.

"Lose the grin Hades." Ares scolded him in even tone. He knows that the twin always love to compete, especially for Artemis and it's not a problem at all, it is just showing how much they love her.

And because Luna is a smart kid and sensitive, she knows that there something wrong so she asked Hades to help her getting down from her chair. And one by one she gives all her brothers a killer hug and kiss on their cheek making them smile with amusement. Once she came back to her chair.....

"Don't be sad because my love cannot be bought by materials things. I am not saying that Hady's gift meant nothing, I love it so much and seeing this reminds me of his love for me. But even you didn't give me a gift my love for you all would never go, it will always stay in my heart and nothing in this world would take that away. I love you all." She said wholeheartedly and all of them are in awe and have teary eyes even Ares. They cannot believe that their little sister has this kind of thinking that so amazing for a 5 year old kid.

Soon, they continue their dinner with a huge smile on their faces even they don't know what will happen with their family in the next few days.

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